

Repo for the OpenVic-Dataloader for OpenVic

Quickstart Guide

For detailed instructions, view the OpenVic Contributor Quickstart Guide here


Build Instructions

  1. Install scons for your system.
  2. Run the command git submodule update --init --recursive to retrieve all related submodules.
  3. Run scons build_ovdl_library=yes in the project root, you should see a libopenvic-dataloader file in bin.

Link Instructions

  1. Call ovdl_env = SConscript("openvic-dataloader/SConstruct")
  2. Use the values stored in the ovdl_env.openvic_dataloader to link and compile against:
Variable Name Description Correlated ENV variable
LIBPATH Library path list env["LIBPATH"]
LIBS Library files names in the library paths env["LIBS"]
INCPATH Library include files env["CPPPATH"]