path: root/src/openvic-dataloader/csv
diff options
author Spartan322 <Megacake1234@gmail.com>2023-07-28 06:52:00 +0200
committer Spartan322 <Megacake1234@gmail.com>2023-09-02 14:28:21 +0200
commit7440a5d1433eec4bf87e3723022db187e7f61b1a (patch)
tree2bb062c320fa2227b18956617b94d0e8800420d8 /src/openvic-dataloader/csv
parente941573f47fb867ff75c8a2cf78302b754ffbeee (diff)
Rework Grammar and Parser
Add proper headless binary construction: Includes basic validation Add Error and Warning structs to Parser Add FileNode pointer getter to Parser Change all `char8_t*` and `const char8_t` to `const char*` in Parser Add Parser move operators and Parser deconstructor Add BufferHandler PIMPL object to Parser Add UTF-8 file Warning to v2script Add proper Grammar value retrieval Add AbstractSyntaxTree for v2script data parser: Has compile-time embedded type information accessible at compile-time and runtime Has Tab-based print functionality Fix wrong environment reference for headless construction in SConstruct Add error retrieval Add BasicCallbackOStreamBuffer for callback streaming Add CallbackStreamBuffer for char Add CallbackWStreamBuffer for wchar_t Add BasicCallbackStream Add CallbackStream for char Add CallbackWStream for wchar_t Add grammar for events and decisions Add event_parse to Parser Add decision_parse to Parser Add .clang-format Ignore dirty lexy module Add CSV parser and grammar: Creates std::vector<csv::LineObject> for a list of lines Add BasicParser and BasicBufferHandler to reduce code reduplication
Diffstat (limited to 'src/openvic-dataloader/csv')
2 files changed, 280 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/openvic-dataloader/csv/CsvGrammar.hpp b/src/openvic-dataloader/csv/CsvGrammar.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edce97b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/openvic-dataloader/csv/CsvGrammar.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <initializer_list>
+#include <string>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <vector>
+#include <openvic-dataloader/csv/LineObject.hpp>
+#include <lexy/callback.hpp>
+#include <lexy/dsl.hpp>
+// Grammar Definitions //
+namespace ovdl::csv::grammar {
+ struct StringValue {
+ static constexpr auto escaped_symbols = lexy::symbol_table<char> //
+ .map<'"'>('"')
+ .map<'\''>('\'')
+ .map<'\\'>('\\')
+ .map<'/'>('/')
+ .map<'b'>('\b')
+ .map<'f'>('\f')
+ .map<'n'>('\n')
+ .map<'r'>('\r')
+ .map<'t'>('\t');
+ /// This doesn't actually do anything, so this might to be manually parsed if vic2's CSV parser creates a " from ""
+ static constexpr auto escaped_quote = lexy::symbol_table<char> //
+ .map<'"'>('"');
+ static constexpr auto rule = [] {
+ // Arbitrary code points
+ auto c = -lexy::dsl::lit_c<'"'>;
+ auto back_escape = lexy::dsl::backslash_escape //
+ .symbol<escaped_symbols>();
+ auto quote_escape = lexy::dsl::escape(lexy::dsl::lit_c<'"'>) //
+ .symbol<escaped_quote>();
+ return lexy::dsl::quoted(c, back_escape, quote_escape);
+ }();
+ static constexpr auto value = lexy::as_string<std::string>;
+ };
+ template<auto Sep>
+ struct PlainValue {
+ static constexpr auto rule = lexy::dsl::identifier(-(Sep / lexy::dsl::lit_c<'\n'>));
+ static constexpr auto value = lexy::as_string<std::string>;
+ };
+ template<auto Sep>
+ struct Value {
+ static constexpr auto rule = lexy::dsl::p<StringValue> | lexy::dsl::p<PlainValue<Sep>>;
+ static constexpr auto value = lexy::forward<std::string>;
+ };
+ template<auto Sep>
+ struct SeperatorCount {
+ static constexpr auto rule = lexy::dsl::list(Sep);
+ static constexpr auto value = lexy::count;
+ };
+ template<auto Sep>
+ struct LineEnd {
+ static constexpr auto rule = lexy::dsl::list(lexy::dsl::p<Value<Sep>>, lexy::dsl::trailing_sep(lexy::dsl::p<SeperatorCount<Sep>>));
+ static constexpr auto value = lexy::fold_inplace<csv::LineObject>(
+ std::initializer_list<csv::LineObject::value_type> {},
+ [](csv::LineObject& result, auto&& arg) {
+ if constexpr (std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<decltype(arg)>, std::size_t>) {
+ // Count seperators, adds to previous value, making it a position
+ using position_type = csv::LineObject::position_type;
+ result.emplace_back(static_cast<position_type>(arg + std::get<0>(result.back())), "");
+ } else {
+ if (result.empty()) result.emplace_back(0u, LEXY_MOV(arg));
+ else {
+ auto& [pos, value] = result.back();
+ value = arg;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ template<auto Sep>
+ struct Line {
+ static constexpr auto suffix_setter(csv::LineObject& line) {
+ auto& [position, value] = line.back();
+ if (value.empty()) {
+ line.set_suffix_end(position);
+ line.pop_back();
+ } else {
+ line.set_suffix_end(position + 1);
+ }
+ };
+ static constexpr auto rule = lexy::dsl::p<LineEnd<Sep>> | lexy::dsl::p<SeperatorCount<Sep>> >> lexy::dsl::p<LineEnd<Sep>>;
+ static constexpr auto value =
+ lexy::callback<csv::LineObject>(
+ [](csv::LineObject&& line) {
+ suffix_setter(line);
+ return LEXY_MOV(line);
+ },
+ [](std::size_t prefix_count, csv::LineObject&& line) {
+ line.set_prefix_end(prefix_count);
+ // position needs to be adjusted to prefix
+ for (auto& [position, value] : line) {
+ position += prefix_count;
+ }
+ suffix_setter(line);
+ return LEXY_MOV(line);
+ });
+ };
+ template<auto Sep>
+ struct File {
+ static constexpr auto rule =
+ lexy::dsl::whitespace(lexy::dsl::newline) +
+ lexy::dsl::opt(lexy::dsl::list(lexy::dsl::p<Line<Sep>>, lexy::dsl::trailing_sep(lexy::dsl::eol)));
+ static constexpr auto value = lexy::as_list<std::vector<csv::LineObject>>;
+ };
+ using CommaFile = File<lexy::dsl::lit_c<','>>;
+ using ColonFile = File<lexy::dsl::lit_c<':'>>;
+ using SemiColonFile = File<lexy::dsl::lit_c<';'>>;
+ using TabFile = File<lexy::dsl::lit_c<'\t'>>;
+ using BarFile = File<lexy::dsl::lit_c<'|'>>;
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/openvic-dataloader/csv/Parser.cpp b/src/openvic-dataloader/csv/Parser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a99085
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/openvic-dataloader/csv/Parser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+#include <openvic-dataloader/csv/LineObject.hpp>
+#include <openvic-dataloader/csv/Parser.hpp>
+#include <lexy/action/parse.hpp>
+#include <lexy/encoding.hpp>
+#include <lexy/input/buffer.hpp>
+#include <lexy/input/file.hpp>
+#include "csv/CsvGrammar.hpp"
+#include "detail/BasicBufferHandler.hpp"
+#include "detail/Errors.hpp"
+#include "detail/LexyReportError.hpp"
+#include "detail/OStreamOutputIterator.hpp"
+using namespace ovdl;
+using namespace ovdl::csv;
+/// BufferHandler ///
+class Parser::BufferHandler final : public detail::BasicBufferHandler<lexy::utf8_char_encoding> {
+ template<typename Node, typename ErrorCallback>
+ std::optional<std::vector<ParseError>> parse(const ErrorCallback& callback) {
+ auto result = lexy::parse<Node>(_buffer, callback);
+ if (!result) {
+ return result.errors();
+ }
+ _lines = std::move(result.value());
+ return std::nullopt;
+ }
+ std::vector<csv::LineObject>& get_lines() {
+ return _lines;
+ }
+ std::vector<csv::LineObject> _lines;
+/// BufferHandler ///
+ : _buffer_handler(std::make_unique<BufferHandler>()) {
+ set_error_log_to_stderr();
+Parser::Parser(Parser&&) = default;
+Parser& Parser::operator=(Parser&&) = default;
+Parser::~Parser() = default;
+Parser Parser::from_buffer(const char* data, std::size_t size) {
+ Parser result;
+ return std::move(result.load_from_buffer(data, size));
+Parser Parser::from_buffer(const char* start, const char* end) {
+ Parser result;
+ return std::move(result.load_from_buffer(start, end));
+Parser Parser::from_string(const std::string_view string) {
+ Parser result;
+ return std::move(result.load_from_string(string));
+Parser Parser::from_file(const char* path) {
+ Parser result;
+ return std::move(result.load_from_file(path));
+Parser Parser::from_file(const std::filesystem::path& path) {
+ Parser result;
+ return std::move(result.load_from_file(path));
+/// @brief Executes a function on _buffer_handler that is expected to load a buffer
+/// Expected Use:
+/// @code {.cpp}
+/// _run_load_func(&BufferHandler::<load_function>, <arguments>);
+/// @endcode
+/// @tparam Type
+/// @tparam Args
+/// @param func
+/// @param args
+template<typename... Args>
+constexpr void Parser::_run_load_func(detail::LoadCallback<BufferHandler, Args...> auto func, Args... args) {
+ _warnings.clear();
+ _errors.clear();
+ _has_fatal_error = false;
+ if (auto error = func(_buffer_handler.get(), std::forward<Args>(args)...); error) {
+ _has_fatal_error = error.value().type == ParseError::Type::Fatal;
+ _errors.push_back(error.value());
+ _error_stream.get() << "Error: " << _errors.back().message << '\n';
+ }
+constexpr Parser& Parser::load_from_buffer(const char* data, std::size_t size) {
+ // Type can't be deduced?
+ _run_load_func(std::mem_fn(&BufferHandler::load_buffer_size), data, size);
+ return *this;
+constexpr Parser& Parser::load_from_buffer(const char* start, const char* end) {
+ // Type can't be deduced?
+ _run_load_func(std::mem_fn(&BufferHandler::load_buffer), start, end);
+ return *this;
+constexpr Parser& Parser::load_from_string(const std::string_view string) {
+ return load_from_buffer(string.data(), string.size());
+constexpr Parser& Parser::load_from_file(const char* path) {
+ _file_path = path;
+ // Type can be deduced??
+ _run_load_func(std::mem_fn(&BufferHandler::load_file), path);
+ return *this;
+Parser& Parser::load_from_file(const std::filesystem::path& path) {
+ return load_from_file(path.string().c_str());
+constexpr Parser& Parser::load_from_file(const detail::Has_c_str auto& path) {
+ return load_from_file(path.c_str());
+bool Parser::parse_csv() {
+ if (!_buffer_handler->is_valid()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ auto errors = _buffer_handler->parse<csv::grammar::SemiColonFile>(ovdl::detail::ReporError.path(_file_path).to(detail::OStreamOutputIterator { _error_stream }));
+ if (errors) {
+ _errors.reserve(errors->size());
+ for (auto& err : errors.value()) {
+ _has_fatal_error |= err.type == ParseError::Type::Fatal;
+ _errors.push_back(err);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ _lines = std::move(_buffer_handler->get_lines());
+ return true;
+} \ No newline at end of file