path: root/src/openvic-dataloader/csv/Grammar.inc
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/openvic-dataloader/csv/Grammar.inc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 171 deletions
diff --git a/src/openvic-dataloader/csv/Grammar.inc b/src/openvic-dataloader/csv/Grammar.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index ed7f455..0000000
--- a/src/openvic-dataloader/csv/Grammar.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-// This is designed to be reused in CsvGrammar.hpp multiple times
-// Please ignore undeclared variable use for character and control, this is intended
-// Sorry was the cleanest way I could think of to prevent code duplication
-// Includes to keep file errors small
-#include <initializer_list>
-#include <string>
-#include <tuple>
-#include <type_traits>
-#include <vector>
-#include <openvic-dataloader/csv/LineObject.hpp>
-#include <lexy/callback.hpp>
-#include <lexy/dsl.hpp>
-#include "detail/LexyLitRange.hpp"
-struct ParseOptions {
- /// @brief Seperator character
- char SepChar;
- /// @brief Determines whether StringValue is supported
- bool SupportStrings;
-struct StringValue {
- static constexpr auto escaped_symbols = lexy::symbol_table<char> //
- .map<'"'>('"')
- .map<'\''>('\'')
- .map<'\\'>('\\')
- .map<'/'>('/')
- .map<'b'>('\b')
- .map<'f'>('\f')
- .map<'n'>('\n')
- .map<'r'>('\r')
- .map<'t'>('\t');
- /// This doesn't actually do anything, so this might to be manually parsed if vic2's CSV parser creates a " from ""
- static constexpr auto escaped_quote = lexy::symbol_table<char> //
- .map<'"'>('"');
- static constexpr auto rule = [] {
- // Arbitrary code points
- auto c = character - control;
- auto back_escape = lexy::dsl::backslash_escape //
- .symbol<escaped_symbols>();
- auto quote_escape = lexy::dsl::escape(lexy::dsl::lit_c<'"'>) //
- .symbol<escaped_quote>();
- return lexy::dsl::delimited(lexy::dsl::lit_c<'"'>, lexy::dsl::not_followed_by(lexy::dsl::lit_c<'"'>, lexy::dsl::lit_c<'"'>))(c, back_escape, quote_escape);
- }();
- static constexpr auto value = lexy::as_string<std::string>;
-template<ParseOptions Options>
-struct PlainValue {
- static constexpr auto rule = [] {
- if constexpr (Options.SupportStrings) {
- return lexy::dsl::identifier(character - (lexy::dsl::lit_b<Options.SepChar> / lexy::dsl::ascii::newline));
- } else {
- auto escape_check_char = character - (lexy::dsl::lit_b<Options.SepChar> / lexy::dsl::ascii::newline);
- auto id_check_char = escape_check_char - lexy::dsl::lit_b<'\\'>;
- auto id_segment = lexy::dsl::identifier(id_check_char);
- auto escape_segement = lexy::dsl::token(escape_check_char);
- auto escape_sym = lexy::dsl::symbol<StringValue::escaped_symbols>(escape_segement);
- auto escape_rule = lexy::dsl::lit_b<'\\'> >> escape_sym;
- return lexy::dsl::list(id_segment | escape_rule);
- }
- }();
- static constexpr auto value = lexy::as_string<std::string>;
-template<ParseOptions Options>
-struct Value {
- static constexpr auto rule = [] {
- if constexpr (Options.SupportStrings) {
- return lexy::dsl::p<StringValue> | lexy::dsl::p<PlainValue<Options>>;
- } else {
- return lexy::dsl::p<PlainValue<Options>>;
- }
- }();
- static constexpr auto value = lexy::forward<std::string>;
-template<ParseOptions Options>
-struct SepConst {
- static constexpr auto rule = lexy::dsl::lit_b<Options.SepChar>;
- static constexpr auto value = lexy::constant(1);
-template<ParseOptions Options>
-struct Seperator {
- static constexpr auto rule = lexy::dsl::list(lexy::dsl::p<SepConst<Options>>);
- static constexpr auto value = lexy::count;
-template<ParseOptions Options>
-struct LineEnd {
- static constexpr auto rule = lexy::dsl::list(lexy::dsl::p<Value<Options>>, lexy::dsl::trailing_sep(lexy::dsl::p<Seperator<Options>>));
- static constexpr auto value = lexy::fold_inplace<ovdl::csv::LineObject>(
- std::initializer_list<ovdl::csv::LineObject::value_type> {},
- [](ovdl::csv::LineObject& result, auto&& arg) {
- if constexpr (std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<decltype(arg)>, std::size_t>) {
- // Count seperators, adds to previous value, making it a position
- using position_type = ovdl::csv::LineObject::position_type;
- result.emplace_back(static_cast<position_type>(arg + result.back().first), "");
- } else {
- if (result.empty()) result.emplace_back(0u, LEXY_MOV(arg));
- else {
- auto& [pos, value] = result.back();
- value = arg;
- }
- }
- });
-template<ParseOptions Options>
-struct Line {
- static constexpr auto suffix_setter(ovdl::csv::LineObject& line) {
- auto& [position, value] = line.back();
- if (value.empty()) {
- line.set_suffix_end(position);
- line.pop_back();
- } else {
- line.set_suffix_end(position + 1);
- }
- };
- static constexpr auto rule = lexy::dsl::p<LineEnd<Options>> | lexy::dsl::p<Seperator<Options>> >> lexy::dsl::p<LineEnd<Options>>;
- static constexpr auto value =
- lexy::callback<ovdl::csv::LineObject>(
- [](ovdl::csv::LineObject&& line) {
- suffix_setter(line);
- return LEXY_MOV(line);
- },
- [](std::size_t prefix_count, ovdl::csv::LineObject&& line) {
- line.set_prefix_end(prefix_count);
- // position needs to be adjusted to prefix
- for (auto& [position, value] : line) {
- position += prefix_count;
- }
- suffix_setter(line);
- return LEXY_MOV(line);
- });
-template<ParseOptions Options>
-struct File {
- static constexpr auto rule =
- lexy::dsl::whitespace(lexy::dsl::newline) +
- lexy::dsl::opt(lexy::dsl::list(lexy::dsl::p<Line<Options>>, lexy::dsl::trailing_sep(lexy::dsl::eol)));
- static constexpr auto value = lexy::as_list<std::vector<ovdl::csv::LineObject>>;
-using CommaFile = File<ParseOptions { ',' }>;
-using ColonFile = File<ParseOptions { ':' }>;
-using SemiColonFile = File<ParseOptions { ';' }>;
-using TabFile = File<ParseOptions { '\t' }>;
-using BarFile = File<ParseOptions { '|' }>;
-namespace strings {
- using CommaFile = File<ParseOptions { ',', true }>;
- using ColonFile = File<ParseOptions { ':', true }>;
- using SemiColonFile = File<ParseOptions { ';', true }>;
- using TabFile = File<ParseOptions { '\t', true }>;
- using BarFile = File<ParseOptions { '|', true }>;
-} \ No newline at end of file