path: root/tests/src/Error.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/src/Error.cpp')
1 files changed, 230 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/src/Error.cpp b/tests/src/Error.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..136b650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/Error.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+#include <openvic-dataloader/Error.hpp>
+#include <openvic-dataloader/NodeLocation.hpp>
+#include <openvic-dataloader/detail/ErrorRange.hpp>
+#include <openvic-dataloader/detail/SymbolIntern.hpp>
+#include <dryad/node_map.hpp>
+#include <dryad/tree.hpp>
+#include "Helper.hpp"
+#include <range/v3/view/enumerate.hpp>
+#include <snitch/snitch.hpp>
+using namespace ovdl;
+using namespace ovdl::error;
+using namespace std::string_view_literals;
+struct ErrorTree : SymbolIntern {
+ using error_range = detail::error_range<error::Root>;
+ dryad::node_map<const error::Error, NodeLocation> map;
+ dryad::tree<error::Root> tree;
+ symbol_interner_type symbol_interner;
+ NodeLocation location_of(const error::Error* error) const {
+ auto result = map.lookup(error);
+ return result ? *result : NodeLocation {};
+ }
+ template<typename T, typename LocCharT, typename... Args>
+ T* create(BasicNodeLocation<LocCharT> loc, Args&&... args) {
+ using node_creator = dryad::node_creator<decltype(DRYAD_DECLVAL(T).kind()), void>;
+ T* result = tree.create<T>(DRYAD_FWD(args)...);
+ map.insert(result, loc);
+ return result;
+ }
+ template<typename T, typename... Args>
+ T* create(Args&&... args) {
+ using node_creator = dryad::node_creator<decltype(DRYAD_DECLVAL(T).kind()), void>;
+ T* result = tree.create<T>(DRYAD_FWD(args)...);
+ return result;
+ }
+ error_range get_errors() const {
+ return tree.root()->errors();
+ }
+ void insert(error::Error* root) {
+ tree.root()->insert_back(root);
+ }
+TEST_CASE("Error Nodes", "[error-nodes]") {
+ ErrorTree errors;
+ auto* buffer_error = errors.create<BufferError>("error");
+ CHECK_IF(buffer_error) {
+ CHECK(buffer_error->kind() == ErrorKind::BufferError);
+ CHECK(buffer_error->message() == "error"sv);
+ }
+ auto* expect_lit = errors.create<ExpectedLiteral>("expected lit", "production");
+ CHECK_IF(expect_lit) {
+ CHECK(expect_lit->kind() == ErrorKind::ExpectedLiteral);
+ CHECK(expect_lit->message() == "expected lit"sv);
+ CHECK(expect_lit->production_name() == "production"sv);
+ CHECK(expect_lit->annotations().empty());
+ }
+ auto* expect_kw = errors.create<ExpectedKeyword>("expected keyword", "production2");
+ CHECK_IF(expect_kw) {
+ CHECK(expect_kw->kind() == ErrorKind::ExpectedKeyword);
+ CHECK(expect_kw->message() == "expected keyword"sv);
+ CHECK(expect_kw->production_name() == "production2"sv);
+ CHECK(expect_kw->annotations().empty());
+ }
+ auto* expect_char_c = errors.create<ExpectedCharClass>("expected char", "production3");
+ CHECK_IF(expect_char_c) {
+ CHECK(expect_char_c->kind() == ErrorKind::ExpectedCharClass);
+ CHECK(expect_char_c->message() == "expected char"sv);
+ CHECK(expect_char_c->production_name() == "production3"sv);
+ CHECK(expect_char_c->annotations().empty());
+ }
+ auto* generic_error = errors.create<GenericParseError>("generic error", "production 4");
+ CHECK_IF(generic_error) {
+ CHECK(generic_error->kind() == ErrorKind::GenericParseError);
+ CHECK(generic_error->message() == "generic error"sv);
+ CHECK(generic_error->production_name() == "production 4"sv);
+ CHECK(generic_error->annotations().empty());
+ }
+ auto* sem_error = errors.create<SemanticError>("sem error");
+ CHECK_IF(sem_error) {
+ CHECK(sem_error->kind() == ErrorKind::SemanticError);
+ CHECK(sem_error->message() == "sem error"sv);
+ CHECK(sem_error->annotations().empty());
+ }
+ auto* sem_warn = errors.create<SemanticWarning>("sem warn");
+ CHECK_IF(sem_warn) {
+ CHECK(sem_warn->kind() == ErrorKind::SemanticWarning);
+ CHECK(sem_warn->message() == "sem warn"sv);
+ CHECK(sem_warn->annotations().empty());
+ }
+ auto* sem_info = errors.create<SemanticInfo>("sem info");
+ CHECK_IF(sem_info) {
+ CHECK(sem_info->kind() == ErrorKind::SemanticInfo);
+ CHECK(sem_info->message() == "sem info"sv);
+ CHECK(sem_info->annotations().empty());
+ }
+ auto* sem_debug = errors.create<SemanticDebug>("sem debug");
+ CHECK_IF(sem_debug) {
+ CHECK(sem_debug->kind() == ErrorKind::SemanticDebug);
+ CHECK(sem_debug->message() == "sem debug"sv);
+ CHECK(sem_debug->annotations().empty());
+ }
+ auto* sem_fixit = errors.create<SemanticFixit>("sem fixit");
+ CHECK_IF(sem_fixit) {
+ CHECK(sem_fixit->kind() == ErrorKind::SemanticFixit);
+ CHECK(sem_fixit->message() == "sem fixit"sv);
+ CHECK(sem_fixit->annotations().empty());
+ }
+ auto* sem_help = errors.create<SemanticHelp>("sem help");
+ CHECK_IF(sem_help) {
+ CHECK(sem_help->kind() == ErrorKind::SemanticHelp);
+ CHECK(sem_help->message() == "sem help"sv);
+ CHECK(sem_help->annotations().empty());
+ }
+ auto* prim_annotation = errors.create<PrimaryAnnotation>("primary annotation");
+ CHECK_IF(prim_annotation) {
+ CHECK(prim_annotation->kind() == ErrorKind::PrimaryAnnotation);
+ CHECK(prim_annotation->message() == "primary annotation"sv);
+ }
+ auto* sec_annotation = errors.create<SecondaryAnnotation>("secondary annotation");
+ CHECK_IF(sec_annotation) {
+ CHECK(sec_annotation->kind() == ErrorKind::SecondaryAnnotation);
+ CHECK(sec_annotation->message() == "secondary annotation"sv);
+ }
+ AnnotationList annotation_list {};
+ annotation_list.push_back(prim_annotation);
+ annotation_list.push_back(sec_annotation);
+ CHECK_FALSE(annotation_list.empty());
+ auto* annotated_error = errors.create<SemanticError>("annotated error", annotation_list);
+ CHECK_IF(annotated_error) {
+ CHECK(annotated_error->kind() == ErrorKind::SemanticError);
+ CHECK(annotated_error->message() == "annotated error"sv);
+ auto annotations = annotated_error->annotations();
+ CHECK_FALSE(annotations.empty());
+ for (const auto [annotation, list_val] : ranges::views::zip(annotations, annotation_list)) {
+ CHECK_OR_CONTINUE(annotation);
+ CHECK_OR_CONTINUE(annotation == list_val);
+ }
+ }
+ auto* root = errors.create<Root>();
+ CHECK_IF(root) {
+ CHECK(root->kind() == ErrorKind::Root);
+ root->insert_back(annotated_error);
+ root->insert_back(sem_help);
+ root->insert_back(sem_fixit);
+ root->insert_back(sem_debug);
+ root->insert_back(sem_info);
+ root->insert_back(sem_warn);
+ root->insert_back(sem_error);
+ root->insert_back(generic_error);
+ root->insert_back(expect_char_c);
+ root->insert_back(expect_kw);
+ root->insert_back(expect_lit);
+ root->insert_back(buffer_error);
+ auto errors = root->errors();
+ CHECK_FALSE(errors.empty());
+ for (const auto [root_index, error] : errors | ranges::views::enumerate) {
+ CAPTURE(root_index);
+ switch (root_index) {
+ case 0: CHECK_OR_CONTINUE(error == annotated_error); break;
+ case 1: CHECK_OR_CONTINUE(error == sem_help); break;
+ case 2: CHECK_OR_CONTINUE(error == sem_fixit); break;
+ case 3: CHECK_OR_CONTINUE(error == sem_debug); break;
+ case 4: CHECK_OR_CONTINUE(error == sem_info); break;
+ case 5: CHECK_OR_CONTINUE(error == sem_warn); break;
+ case 6: CHECK_OR_CONTINUE(error == sem_error); break;
+ case 7: CHECK_OR_CONTINUE(error == generic_error); break;
+ case 8: CHECK_OR_CONTINUE(error == expect_char_c); break;
+ case 9: CHECK_OR_CONTINUE(error == expect_kw); break;
+ case 10: CHECK_OR_CONTINUE(error == expect_lit); break;
+ case 11: CHECK_OR_CONTINUE(error == buffer_error); break;
+ default: CHECK_OR_CONTINUE(false); break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ errors.tree.set_root(root);
+ CHECK(errors.tree.has_root());
+ CHECK(errors.tree.root() == root);
+ errors.tree.clear();
+ CHECK_FALSE(errors.tree.has_root());
+ CHECK(errors.tree.root() != root);
+TEST_CASE("Error Nodes Location", "[error-nodes-location]") {
+ ErrorTree errors;
+ constexpr auto fake_buffer = "id"sv;
+ auto* expected_lit = errors.create<ExpectedLiteral>(NodeLocation::make_from(&fake_buffer[0], &fake_buffer[1]), "expected lit", "production");
+ CHECK_IF(expected_lit) {
+ CHECK(expected_lit->message() == "expected lit"sv);
+ CHECK(expected_lit->production_name() == "production"sv);
+ auto location = errors.location_of(expected_lit);
+ CHECK_FALSE(location.is_synthesized());
+ CHECK(location.begin() == &fake_buffer[0]);
+ CHECK(location.end() - 1 == &fake_buffer[1]);
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file