diff options
author Hop311 <Hop3114@gmail.com>2023-10-29 21:14:55 +0100
committer GitHub <noreply@github.com>2023-10-29 21:14:55 +0100
commit06cc0606156d009026930c785c62434276fbe782 (patch)
parentd8ec90f07342876e9331819bd3cc372050f78248 (diff)
parent1b5e43fa7750cc4025d32f18390593cbce3ba842 (diff)
Merge pull request #67 from OpenVicProject/format
79 files changed, 3014 insertions, 2140 deletions
diff --git a/.astylesrc b/.astylesrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7891dcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.astylesrc
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+# @file Astyle code automatic formatting settings
+# @see http://astyle.sourceforge.net/astyle.html#_General_Information
+# Java style uses attached braces.
+# int Foo(bool isBar) {
+# if (isBar) {
+# bar();
+# return 1;
+# } else
+# return 0;
+# }
+# Indent using all tab characters, if possible. If a continuation line is not an even number of tabs,
+# spaces will be added at the end. Treat each tab as # spaces (e.g. -T6 / --indent=force-tab=6).
+# # must be between 2 and 20. If no # is set, treats tabs as 4 spaces.
+# Add extra indentation to namespace blocks. This option has no effect on Java files.
+# Indent multi-line preprocessor definitions ending with a backslash. Should be used with --convert-tabs for proper results.
+# Does a pretty good job, but cannot perform miracles in obfuscated preprocessor definitions.
+# Without this option the preprocessor statements remain unchanged.
+# Indent C++ comments beginning in column one. By default C++ comments beginning in column one are assumed to be
+# commented-out code and not indented. This option will allow the comments to be indented with the code.
+# Indent, instead of align, continuation lines following lines that contain an opening paren '(' or an assignment '='.
+# This includes function definitions and declarations and return statements.
+# The indentation can be modified by using the following indent-continuation option.
+# This option may be preferred for editors displaying proportional fonts.
+# Set the continuation indent for a line that ends with an opening paren '(' or an assignment '='.
+# This includes function definitions and declarations. It will also modify the previous indent-after-paren option.
+# The value for # indicates a number of indents. The valid values are the integer values from 0 thru 4.
+# If this option is not used, the default value of 1 is used.
+# Set the minimal indent that is added when a header is built of multiple lines.
+# This indent helps to easily separate the header from the command statements that follow.
+# The value for # indicates a number of indents and is a minimum value.
+# The indent may be greater to align with the data on the previous line.
+# The valid values are:
+# 0 - no minimal indent. The lines will be aligned with the paren on the preceding line.
+# 1 - indent at least one additional indent.
+# 2 - indent at least two additional indents.
+# 3 - indent at least one-half an additional indent. This is intended for large indents (e.g. 8).
+# The default value is 2, two additional indents.
+# Set the maximum of # spaces to indent a continuation line. The # indicates a number of columns and
+# must not be less than 40 or greater than 120. If no value is set, the default value of 40 will be used.
+# This option will prevent continuation lines from extending too far to the right.
+# Setting a larger value will allow the code to be extended further to the right.
+# Indent labels so that they appear one indent less than
+# the current indentation level, rather than being
+# flushed completely to the left (which is the default).
+# This option improves indentation of C++ lambda functions. As it currently does not work well with
+# complex lambda function bodies, this feature is not enabled by default.
+# Attach a pointer or reference operator (*, &, or ^) to either the variable type (left) or variable name (right), or place it between the type and name (middle).
+# This option will align references separate from pointers. Pointers are not changed by this option.
+# If pointers and references are to be aligned the same, use the previous align-pointer option.
+# Add brackets to unbracketed one line conditional statements (e.g. 'if', 'for', 'while'...).
+# The statement must be on a single line. The brackets will be added according to the currently requested predefined style or bracket type.
+# If no style or bracket type is requested the brackets will be attached.
+# If --add-one-line-brackets is also used the result will be one line brackets.
+# Don't break complex statements and multiple statements residing on a single line.
+# The option max?code?length will break a line if the code exceeds # characters.
+# The valid values are 50 thru 200. Lines without logical conditionals will break on a logical conditional (||, &&, ...), comma, paren, semicolon, or space.
+# Some code will not be broken, such as comments, quotes, and arrays. If used with keep?one?line?blocks or add-one-line-brackets the blocks will NOT be broken.
+# If used with keep?one?line?statements the statements will be broken at a semicolon if the line goes over the maximum length.
+# If there is no available break point within the max code length, the line will be broken at the first available break point after the max code length.
+# By default logical conditionals will be placed first on the new line.
+# The option break?after?logical will cause the logical conditionals to be placed last on the previous line. This option has no effect without max?code?length.
+# Indent a C type, C#, or Java file. C type files are C, C++, C++/CLI, and Objective-C. The option is usually set from the file extension for each file.
+# Verbose display mode. Display optional information, such as release number, date, option file locations, and statistical data.
+# Formatted files display mode. Display only the files that have been formatted. Do not display files that are unchanged.
+# Force use of the specified line end style. Valid options are windows (CRLF), linux (LF), and macold (CR).
+# MacOld style is the format for Mac OS 9 and earlier. OS X uses the Linux style.
+# If one of these options is not used the line ends will be determined automatically from the input file.
+# When redirection is used on Windows the output will always have Windows line ends. This option will be ignored.
+# Insert space padding around operators. This will also pad commas. Any end of line comments will remain
+# in the original column, if possible. Note that there is no option to unpad. Once padded, they stay padded.
+# Insert space padding between a header (e.g. 'if', 'for', 'while'...) and the following paren.
+# Any end of line comments will remain in the original column, if possible.
+# This can be used with unpad-paren to remove unwanted spaces.
+# Remove extra space padding around parens on the inside and outside. Any end of line comments will remain in the original
+# column, if possible. This option can be used in combination with the paren padding options pad-paren, pad-paren-out,
+# pad-paren-in, and pad-header above. Only padding that has not been requested by other options will be removed.
+# For example, if a source has parens padded on both the inside and outside, and you want inside only.
+# You need to use unpad-paren to remove the outside padding, and pad-paren-in to retain the inside padding.
+# Using only pad-paren-in> would not remove the outside padding.
+# Remove padding around square brackets on both the outside and the inside.
+# Remove superfluous empty lines exceeding the given number.
+# Remove superfluous whitespace
+# Attach the return type to the function name. The two options are for the function definitions (-xf),
+# and the function declarations or signatures (-xh). They are intended to undo the --break-return-type options.
+# If used with --break-return-type, the result will be to break the return type.
+# This option has no effect on Objective-C functions.
+# Closes whitespace between the ending angle brackets of template definitions.
+# Closing the ending angle brackets is now allowed by the C++11 standard.
+# Be sure your compiler supports this before making the changes.
+# Do not retain a backup of the original file. The original file is purged after it is formatted.
+# Preserve the original file's date and time modified.
+# The time modified will be changed a few microseconds to force the changed files to compile.
+# This option is not effective if redirection is used to rename the input file.
diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format
index d1aab5d..0712ea6 100644
--- a/.clang-format
+++ b/.clang-format
@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ Standard: c++20
UseTab: Always
TabWidth: 4
IndentWidth: 4
-ColumnLimit: 0
+ColumnLimit: 128
+PointerAlignment: Left
+DerivePointerAlignment: false
SpacesInSquareBrackets: false
SpacesInParentheses: false
SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false
@@ -14,6 +16,7 @@ SpacesInConditionalStatement: false
SpacesInAngles: false
SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false
SpaceInEmptyBlock: false
+SpacesInParens: Never
SpaceBeforeSquareBrackets: false
SpaceBeforeRangeBasedForLoopColon: true
SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements
@@ -23,13 +26,14 @@ SpaceBeforeCpp11BracedList: true
SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true
SpaceAfterTemplateKeyword: false
SpaceAfterLogicalNot: false
-PointerAlignment: Left
PackConstructorInitializers: BinPack
NamespaceIndentation: All
-LambdaBodyIndentation: Signature
+#LambdaBodyIndentation: Signature
IndentExternBlock: Indent
-IndentCaseLabels: true
+IndentCaseBlocks: false
+IndentCaseLabels: false
IndentAccessModifiers: false
+IndentRequiresClause: false
IncludeBlocks: Regroup
FixNamespaceComments: false
EmptyLineBeforeAccessModifier: LogicalBlock
@@ -38,17 +42,35 @@ CompactNamespaces: false
BreakConstructorInitializers: BeforeColon
BreakBeforeBraces: Attach
AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: Yes
-AllowShortLambdasOnASingleLine: All
-AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: AllIfsAndElse
+AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: None
+PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 10
+BreakBeforeConceptDeclarations: Always
+AllowShortLambdasOnASingleLine: Empty
+AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: Never
AllowShortEnumsOnASingleLine: true
AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: true
-AlignTrailingComments: true
+AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: Empty
+AllowShortCompoundRequirementOnASingleLine: true
+AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: Empty
+AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false
+ Kind: Never
+ OverEmptyLines: 0
AlignEscapedNewlines: DontAlign
AlignAfterOpenBracket: BlockIndent
+AlignOperands: DontAlign
+ Enabled: true
+ AcrossEmptyLines: true
+ AcrossComments: true
+ AlignCaseColons: false
BinPackArguments: true
BinPackParameters: true
-IndentRequiresClause: false
AccessModifierOffset: -4
+InsertNewlineAtEOF: true
+InsertBraces: true
+MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 2
+RequiresClausePosition: OwnLine
- Regex: <[[:alnum:]_]+>
Priority: 1
diff --git a/astyle.sh b/astyle.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7ac65e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/astyle.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+echo "\n\nFormatting openvic-simulation with astyle:\n"
+astyle --options=.astylesrc --recursive ./src/*.?pp
+exit 0
diff --git a/clang-format.sh b/clang-format.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3af256e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang-format.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#/usr/bin/env bash
+echo "\n\nFormatting openvic-simulation with clang-format:\n"
+find ./src/ -iname *.hpp -o -iname *.cpp | xargs clang-format --verbose -i
+exit 0
diff --git a/src/headless/main.cpp b/src/headless/main.cpp
index 6cb6661..36a1329 100644
--- a/src/headless/main.cpp
+++ b/src/headless/main.cpp
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
#include <openvic-simulation/GameManager.hpp>
#include <openvic-simulation/dataloader/Dataloader.hpp>
-#include <openvic-simulation/utility/Logger.hpp>
#include <openvic-simulation/testing/Testing.hpp>
+#include <openvic-simulation/utility/Logger.hpp>
using namespace OpenVic;
@@ -82,15 +82,17 @@ int main(int argc, char const* argv[]) {
/* Reads the next argument and converts it to a path via path_transform. If reading or converting fails, an error
* message and the help text are displayed, along with returning false to signify the program should exit.
- const auto _read = [&root, &argn, argc, argv, program_name](std::string_view command, std::string_view path_use, auto path_transform) -> bool {
- if (root.empty()) {
+ const auto _read = [&root, &argn, argc, argv, program_name](
+ std::string_view command, std::string_view path_use, auto path_transform) -> bool {
+ if (root.empty()) {
if (++argn < argc) {
char const* path = argv[argn];
root = path_transform(path);
if (!root.empty()) {
return true;
} else {
- std::cerr << "Empty path after giving \"" << path << "\" to " << path_use << " command line argument \"" << command << "\"." << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "Empty path after giving \"" << path << "\" to " << path_use
+ << " command line argument \"" << command << "\"." << std::endl;
} else {
std::cerr << "Missing path after " << path_use << " command line argument \"" << command << "\"." << std::endl;
@@ -110,7 +112,7 @@ int main(int argc, char const* argv[]) {
} else if (strcmp(arg, "-t") == 0) {
run_tests = true;
} else if (strcmp(arg, "-b") == 0) {
- if (!_read("-b", "base directory", std::identity{})) {
+ if (!_read("-b", "base directory", std::identity {})) {
return -1;
} else if (strcmp(arg, "-s") == 0) {
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/GameAdvancementHook.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/GameAdvancementHook.cpp
index ac16158..4a6449c 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/GameAdvancementHook.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/GameAdvancementHook.cpp
@@ -3,30 +3,26 @@
using namespace OpenVic;
const std::vector<std::chrono::milliseconds> GameAdvancementHook::GAME_SPEEDS = {
- std::chrono::milliseconds { 4000 },
- std::chrono::milliseconds { 3000 },
- std::chrono::milliseconds { 2000 },
- std::chrono::milliseconds { 1000 },
- std::chrono::milliseconds { 100 },
- std::chrono::milliseconds { 1 }
+ std::chrono::milliseconds { 4000 }, std::chrono::milliseconds { 3000 }, std::chrono::milliseconds { 2000 },
+ std::chrono::milliseconds { 1000 }, std::chrono::milliseconds { 100 }, std::chrono::milliseconds { 1 }
-GameAdvancementHook::GameAdvancementHook(AdvancementFunction tickFunction,
- RefreshFunction updateFunction, bool startPaused, speed_t startingSpeed)
- : triggerFunction { tickFunction },
- refreshFunction { updateFunction },
- isPaused { startPaused } {
+ AdvancementFunction tickFunction, RefreshFunction updateFunction, bool startPaused, speed_t startingSpeed
+ : triggerFunction { tickFunction }, refreshFunction { updateFunction }, isPaused { startPaused } {
lastPolledTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
void GameAdvancementHook::setSimulationSpeed(speed_t speed) {
- if (speed < 0)
+ if (speed < 0) {
currentSpeed = 0;
- else if (speed >= GAME_SPEEDS.size())
+ } else if (speed >= GAME_SPEEDS.size()) {
currentSpeed = GAME_SPEEDS.size() - 1;
- else
+ } else {
currentSpeed = speed;
+ }
GameAdvancementHook::speed_t GameAdvancementHook::getSimulationSpeed() const {
@@ -64,10 +60,14 @@ void GameAdvancementHook::conditionallyAdvanceGame() {
time_point_t currentTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
if (std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(currentTime - lastPolledTime) >= GAME_SPEEDS[currentSpeed]) {
lastPolledTime = currentTime;
- if (triggerFunction) triggerFunction();
+ if (triggerFunction) {
+ triggerFunction();
+ }
- if (refreshFunction) refreshFunction();
+ if (refreshFunction) {
+ refreshFunction();
+ }
void GameAdvancementHook::reset() {
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/GameAdvancementHook.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/GameAdvancementHook.hpp
index 59e43a4..2a27ff9 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/GameAdvancementHook.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/GameAdvancementHook.hpp
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ namespace OpenVic {
using time_point_t = std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock>;
time_point_t lastPolledTime;
- // A function pointer that advances the simulation, intended to be a capturing lambda or something similar. May need to be reworked later
+ // A function pointer that advances the simulation, intended to be a capturing
+ // lambda or something similar. May need to be reworked later
AdvancementFunction triggerFunction;
RefreshFunction refreshFunction;
speed_t currentSpeed;
@@ -28,7 +29,9 @@ namespace OpenVic {
bool isPaused;
- GameAdvancementHook(AdvancementFunction tickFunction, RefreshFunction updateFunction, bool startPaused = true, speed_t startingSpeed = 0);
+ GameAdvancementHook(
+ AdvancementFunction tickFunction, RefreshFunction updateFunction, bool startPaused = true, speed_t startingSpeed = 0
+ );
void setSimulationSpeed(speed_t speed);
speed_t getSimulationSpeed() const;
@@ -41,4 +44,4 @@ namespace OpenVic {
void conditionallyAdvanceGame();
void reset();
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/GameManager.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/GameManager.cpp
index 1c4efb3..261dea5 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/GameManager.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/GameManager.cpp
@@ -3,18 +3,27 @@
using namespace OpenVic;
GameManager::GameManager(state_updated_func_t state_updated_callback)
- : clock { [this]() { tick(); }, [this]() { update_state(); } },
- state_updated { state_updated_callback } {}
+ : clock {
+ [this]() {
+ tick();
+ },
+ [this]() {
+ update_state();
+ } }, state_updated { state_updated_callback } {}
void GameManager::set_needs_update() {
needs_update = true;
void GameManager::update_state() {
- if (!needs_update) return;
+ if (!needs_update) {
+ return;
+ }
Logger::info("Update: ", today);
- if (state_updated) state_updated();
+ if (state_updated) {
+ state_updated();
+ }
needs_update = false;
@@ -67,65 +76,92 @@ bool GameManager::load_hardcoded_defines() {
using mapmode_t = std::pair<std::string, Mapmode::colour_func_t>;
const std::vector<mapmode_t> mapmodes {
- { "mapmode_terrain",
+ {
+ "mapmode_terrain",
[](Map const&, Province const& province) -> colour_t {
return default_colour(province);
- } },
- { "mapmode_province",
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "mapmode_province",
[](Map const&, Province const& province) -> colour_t {
return HIGH_ALPHA_VALUE | province.get_colour();
- } },
- { "mapmode_region",
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "mapmode_region",
[](Map const&, Province const& province) -> colour_t {
Region const* region = province.get_region();
return region != nullptr ? HIGH_ALPHA_VALUE | region->get_colour() : default_colour(province);
- } },
- { "mapmode_index",
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "mapmode_index",
[](Map const& map, Province const& province) -> colour_t {
const colour_t f = fraction_to_colour_byte(province.get_index(), map.get_province_count() + 1);
return HIGH_ALPHA_VALUE | (f << 16) | (f << 8) | f;
- } },
- { "mapmode_terrain_type",
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "mapmode_terrain_type",
[](Map const& map, Province const& province) -> colour_t {
TerrainType const* terrarin_type = province.get_terrain_type();
return terrarin_type != nullptr ? HIGH_ALPHA_VALUE | terrarin_type->get_colour() : default_colour(province);
- } },
- { "mapmode_rgo",
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "mapmode_rgo",
[](Map const& map, Province const& province) -> colour_t {
Good const* rgo = province.get_rgo();
return rgo != nullptr ? HIGH_ALPHA_VALUE | rgo->get_colour() : default_colour(province);
- } },
- { "mapmode_infrastructure",
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "mapmode_infrastructure",
[](Map const& map, Province const& province) -> colour_t {
BuildingInstance const* railroad = province.get_building_by_identifier("building_railroad");
if (railroad != nullptr) {
- colour_t val = fraction_to_colour_byte(railroad->get_current_level(), railroad->get_building().get_max_level() + 1, 0.5f, 1.0f);
+ colour_t val = fraction_to_colour_byte(railroad->get_current_level(),
+ railroad->get_building().get_max_level() + 1, 0.5f, 1.0f);
switch (railroad->get_expansion_state()) {
- case ExpansionState::CannotExpand: val <<= 16; break;
- case ExpansionState::CanExpand: break;
- default: val <<= 8; break;
+ case ExpansionState::CannotExpand:
+ val <<= 16;
+ break;
+ case ExpansionState::CanExpand:
+ break;
+ default:
+ val <<= 8;
+ break;
return HIGH_ALPHA_VALUE | val;
return default_colour(province);
- } },
- { "mapmode_population",
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "mapmode_population",
[](Map const& map, Province const& province) -> colour_t {
return HIGH_ALPHA_VALUE | (fraction_to_colour_byte(province.get_total_population(), map.get_highest_province_population() + 1, 0.1f, 1.0f) << 8);
- } },
- { "mapmode_culture",
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "mapmode_culture",
[](Map const& map, Province const& province) -> colour_t {
HasIdentifierAndColour const* largest = get_largest_item(province.get_culture_distribution()).first;
return largest != nullptr ? HIGH_ALPHA_VALUE | largest->get_colour() : default_colour(province);
- } },
- { "mapmode_religion",
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "mapmode_religion",
[](Map const& map, Province const& province) -> colour_t {
HasIdentifierAndColour const* largest = get_largest_item(province.get_religion_distribution()).first;
return largest != nullptr ? HIGH_ALPHA_VALUE | largest->get_colour() : default_colour(province);
- } }
+ }
+ }
- for (mapmode_t const& mapmode : mapmodes)
+ for (mapmode_t const& mapmode : mapmodes) {
ret &= map.add_mapmode(mapmode.first, mapmode.second);
+ }
return ret;
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/Modifier.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/Modifier.cpp
index f5f7337..a42cc66 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/Modifier.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/Modifier.cpp
@@ -35,10 +35,14 @@ size_t ModifierValue::get_effect_count() const {
fixed_point_t ModifierValue::get_effect(ModifierEffect const* effect, bool* successful) {
const effect_map_t::const_iterator it = values.find(effect);
if (it != values.end()) {
- if (successful != nullptr) *successful = true;
+ if (successful != nullptr) {
+ *successful = true;
+ }
return it->second;
- if (successful != nullptr) *successful = false;
+ if (successful != nullptr) {
+ *successful = false;
+ }
return fixed_point_t::_0();
@@ -85,7 +89,8 @@ Modifier::icon_t Modifier::get_icon() const {
return icon;
-ModifierInstance::ModifierInstance(Modifier const& modifier, Date expiry_date) : modifier { modifier }, expiry_date { expiry_date } {}
+ModifierInstance::ModifierInstance(Modifier const& modifier, Date expiry_date)
+ : modifier { modifier }, expiry_date { expiry_date } {}
Modifier const& ModifierInstance::get_modifier() const {
return modifier;
@@ -95,8 +100,7 @@ Date const& ModifierInstance::get_expiry_date() const {
return expiry_date;
- : modifier_effects { "modifier effects" }, modifiers { "modifiers" } {}
+ModifierManager::ModifierManager() : modifier_effects { "modifier effects" }, modifiers { "modifiers" } {}
bool ModifierManager::add_modifier_effect(std::string_view identifier, bool positive_good, ModifierEffect::format_t format) {
if (identifier.empty()) {
@@ -146,7 +150,8 @@ bool ModifierManager::setup_modifier_effects() {
ret &= add_modifier_effect("influence_modifier", true);
ret &= add_modifier_effect("issue_change_speed", true);
ret &= add_modifier_effect("land_organisation", true);
- ret &= add_modifier_effect("land_unit_start_experience", true); // weird, land_unit_start_experience = 15 would give a 15% boost
+ // weird, land_unit_start_experience = 15 would give a 15% boost
+ ret &= add_modifier_effect("land_unit_start_experience", true);
ret &= add_modifier_effect("leadership_modifier", true);
ret &= add_modifier_effect("loan_interest", false);
ret &= add_modifier_effect("max_loan_modifier", true);
@@ -167,7 +172,8 @@ bool ModifierManager::setup_modifier_effects() {
ret &= add_modifier_effect("mobilisation_impact", false);
ret &= add_modifier_effect("mobilisation_size", true);
ret &= add_modifier_effect("naval_organisation", true);
- ret &= add_modifier_effect("naval_unit_start_experience", true); // weird, naval_unit_start_experience = 15 would give a 15% boost
+ // weird, naval_unit_start_experience = 15 would give a 15% boost
+ ret &= add_modifier_effect("naval_unit_start_experience", true);
ret &= add_modifier_effect("non_accepted_pop_consciousness_modifier", false, RAW_DECIMAL);
ret &= add_modifier_effect("non_accepted_pop_militancy_modifier", false, RAW_DECIMAL);
ret &= add_modifier_effect("org_regain", true);
@@ -191,7 +197,8 @@ bool ModifierManager::setup_modifier_effects() {
ret &= add_modifier_effect("ruling_party_support", true);
ret &= add_modifier_effect("social_reform_desire", false);
ret &= add_modifier_effect("supply_consumption", false);
- ret &= add_modifier_effect("unit_start_experience", true); // weird, naval_unit_start_experience = 15 would give a 15% boost
+ // weird, naval_unit_start_experience = 15 would give a 15% boost
+ ret &= add_modifier_effect("unit_start_experience", true);
ret &= add_modifier_effect("war_exhaustion", false);
// TODO: make technology group modifiers dynamic
ret &= add_modifier_effect("army_tech_research_bonus", true);
@@ -255,8 +262,7 @@ bool ModifierManager::setup_modifier_effects() {
key_value_callback_t ModifierManager::_modifier_effect_callback(
- ModifierValue& modifier, key_value_callback_t default_callback,
- ModifierEffectValidator auto effect_validator
+ ModifierValue& modifier, key_value_callback_t default_callback, ModifierEffectValidator auto effect_validator
) const {
return [this, &modifier, default_callback, effect_validator](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
@@ -264,9 +270,7 @@ key_value_callback_t ModifierManager::_modifier_effect_callback(
if (effect != nullptr) {
if (effect_validator(*effect)) {
if (modifier.values.find(effect) == modifier.values.end()) {
- return expect_fixed_point(
- assign_variable_callback(modifier.values[effect])
- )(value);
+ return expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(modifier.values[effect]))(value);
} else {
Logger::error("Duplicate modifier effect: ", key);
return false;
@@ -280,7 +284,10 @@ key_value_callback_t ModifierManager::_modifier_effect_callback(
-node_callback_t ModifierManager::expect_validated_modifier_value_and_default(callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, key_value_callback_t default_callback, ModifierEffectValidator auto effect_validator) const {
+node_callback_t ModifierManager::expect_validated_modifier_value_and_default(
+ callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, key_value_callback_t default_callback,
+ ModifierEffectValidator auto effect_validator
+) const {
return [this, modifier_callback, default_callback, effect_validator](ast::NodeCPtr root) -> bool {
ModifierValue modifier;
bool ret = expect_dictionary(_modifier_effect_callback(modifier, default_callback, effect_validator))(root);
@@ -288,39 +295,57 @@ node_callback_t ModifierManager::expect_validated_modifier_value_and_default(cal
return ret;
-node_callback_t ModifierManager::expect_validated_modifier_value(callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, ModifierEffectValidator auto effect_validator) const {
+node_callback_t ModifierManager::expect_validated_modifier_value(
+ callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, ModifierEffectValidator auto effect_validator
+) const {
return expect_validated_modifier_value_and_default(modifier_callback, key_value_invalid_callback, effect_validator);
-node_callback_t ModifierManager::expect_modifier_value_and_default(callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, key_value_callback_t default_callback) const {
- return expect_validated_modifier_value_and_default(modifier_callback, default_callback, [](ModifierEffect const&) -> bool { return true; });
+node_callback_t ModifierManager::expect_modifier_value_and_default(
+ callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, key_value_callback_t default_callback
+) const {
+ return expect_validated_modifier_value_and_default(modifier_callback, default_callback, [](ModifierEffect const&) -> bool {
+ return true;
+ });
node_callback_t ModifierManager::expect_modifier_value(callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback) const {
return expect_modifier_value_and_default(modifier_callback, key_value_invalid_callback);
-node_callback_t ModifierManager::expect_whitelisted_modifier_value_and_default(callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, string_set_t const& whitelist, key_value_callback_t default_callback) const {
- return expect_validated_modifier_value_and_default(modifier_callback, default_callback, [&whitelist](ModifierEffect const& effect) -> bool {
- return whitelist.contains(effect.get_identifier());
- });
+node_callback_t ModifierManager::expect_whitelisted_modifier_value_and_default(
+ callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, string_set_t const& whitelist, key_value_callback_t default_callback
+) const {
+ return expect_validated_modifier_value_and_default(
+ modifier_callback, default_callback,
+ [&whitelist](ModifierEffect const& effect) -> bool {
+ return whitelist.contains(effect.get_identifier());
+ }
+ );
-node_callback_t ModifierManager::expect_whitelisted_modifier_value(callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, string_set_t const& whitelist) const {
+node_callback_t ModifierManager::expect_whitelisted_modifier_value(
+ callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, string_set_t const& whitelist
+) const {
return expect_whitelisted_modifier_value_and_default(modifier_callback, whitelist, key_value_invalid_callback);
-node_callback_t ModifierManager::expect_modifier_value_and_key_map_and_default(callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, key_value_callback_t default_callback, key_map_t&& key_map) const {
+node_callback_t ModifierManager::expect_modifier_value_and_key_map_and_default(
+ callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, key_value_callback_t default_callback, key_map_t&& key_map
+) const {
return [this, modifier_callback, key_map = std::move(key_map)](ast::NodeCPtr node) mutable -> bool {
bool ret = expect_modifier_value_and_default(
- modifier_callback, dictionary_keys_callback(key_map, key_value_invalid_callback)
+ modifier_callback,
+ dictionary_keys_callback(key_map, key_value_invalid_callback)
ret &= check_key_map_counts(key_map);
return ret;
-node_callback_t ModifierManager::expect_modifier_value_and_key_map(callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, key_map_t&& key_map) const {
+node_callback_t ModifierManager::expect_modifier_value_and_key_map(
+ callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, key_map_t&& key_map
+) const {
return expect_modifier_value_and_key_map_and_default(modifier_callback, key_value_invalid_callback, std::move(key_map));
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/Modifier.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/Modifier.hpp
index f936e5d..2a98782 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/Modifier.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/Modifier.hpp
@@ -8,11 +8,7 @@ namespace OpenVic {
struct ModifierEffect : HasIdentifier {
friend struct ModifierManager;
- enum class format_t {
- };
+ enum class format_t { RAW_DECIMAL, PERCENTAGE_DECIMAL, INT };
/* If true, positive values will be green and negative values will be red.
@@ -105,12 +101,18 @@ namespace OpenVic {
IdentifierRegistry<Modifier> modifiers;
/* effect_validator takes in ModifierEffect const& */
- NodeTools::key_value_callback_t _modifier_effect_callback(ModifierValue& modifier, NodeTools::key_value_callback_t default_callback, ModifierEffectValidator auto effect_validator) const;
+ NodeTools::key_value_callback_t _modifier_effect_callback(
+ ModifierValue& modifier, NodeTools::key_value_callback_t default_callback,
+ ModifierEffectValidator auto effect_validator
+ ) const;
- bool add_modifier_effect(std::string_view identifier, bool province_good, ModifierEffect::format_t format = ModifierEffect::format_t::PERCENTAGE_DECIMAL);
+ bool add_modifier_effect(
+ std::string_view identifier, bool province_good,
+ ModifierEffect::format_t format = ModifierEffect::format_t::PERCENTAGE_DECIMAL
+ );
bool add_modifier(std::string_view identifier, ModifierValue&& values, Modifier::icon_t icon);
@@ -118,31 +120,58 @@ namespace OpenVic {
bool setup_modifier_effects();
- NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_validated_modifier_value_and_default(NodeTools::callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, NodeTools::key_value_callback_t default_callback, ModifierEffectValidator auto effect_validator) const;
- NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_validated_modifier_value(NodeTools::callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, ModifierEffectValidator auto effect_validator) const;
- NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_modifier_value_and_default(NodeTools::callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, NodeTools::key_value_callback_t default_callback) const;
+ NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_validated_modifier_value_and_default(
+ NodeTools::callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, NodeTools::key_value_callback_t default_callback,
+ ModifierEffectValidator auto effect_validator
+ ) const;
+ NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_validated_modifier_value(
+ NodeTools::callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, ModifierEffectValidator auto effect_validator
+ ) const;
+ NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_modifier_value_and_default(
+ NodeTools::callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, NodeTools::key_value_callback_t default_callback
+ ) const;
NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_modifier_value(NodeTools::callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback) const;
- NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_whitelisted_modifier_value_and_default(NodeTools::callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, string_set_t const& whitelist, NodeTools::key_value_callback_t default_callback) const;
- NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_whitelisted_modifier_value(NodeTools::callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, string_set_t const& whitelist) const;
- NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_modifier_value_and_key_map_and_default(NodeTools::callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, NodeTools::key_value_callback_t default_callback, NodeTools::key_map_t&& key_map) const;
- NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_modifier_value_and_key_map(NodeTools::callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, NodeTools::key_map_t&& key_map) const;
+ NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_whitelisted_modifier_value_and_default(
+ NodeTools::callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, string_set_t const& whitelist,
+ NodeTools::key_value_callback_t default_callback
+ ) const;
+ NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_whitelisted_modifier_value(
+ NodeTools::callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, string_set_t const& whitelist
+ ) const;
+ NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_modifier_value_and_key_map_and_default(
+ NodeTools::callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, NodeTools::key_value_callback_t default_callback,
+ NodeTools::key_map_t&& key_map
+ ) const;
+ NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_modifier_value_and_key_map(
+ NodeTools::callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, NodeTools::key_map_t&& key_map
+ ) const;
template<typename... Args>
- NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_modifier_value_and_key_map_and_default(NodeTools::callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, NodeTools::key_value_callback_t default_callback, NodeTools::key_map_t&& key_map, Args... args) const {
+ NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_modifier_value_and_key_map_and_default(
+ NodeTools::callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, NodeTools::key_value_callback_t default_callback,
+ NodeTools::key_map_t&& key_map, Args... args
+ ) const {
NodeTools::add_key_map_entries(key_map, args...);
return expect_modifier_value_and_key_map_and_default(modifier_callback, default_callback, std::move(key_map));
template<typename... Args>
- NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_modifier_value_and_keys_and_default(NodeTools::callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, NodeTools::key_value_callback_t default_callback, Args... args) const {
+ NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_modifier_value_and_keys_and_default(
+ NodeTools::callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, NodeTools::key_value_callback_t default_callback,
+ Args... args
+ ) const {
return expect_modifier_value_and_key_map_and_default(modifier_callback, default_callback, {}, args...);
template<typename... Args>
- NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_modifier_value_and_keys(NodeTools::callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, Args... args) const {
- return expect_modifier_value_and_key_map_and_default(modifier_callback, NodeTools::key_value_invalid_callback, {}, args...);
+ NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_modifier_value_and_keys(
+ NodeTools::callback_t<ModifierValue&&> modifier_callback, Args... args
+ ) const {
+ return expect_modifier_value_and_key_map_and_default(
+ modifier_callback, NodeTools::key_value_invalid_callback, {}, args...
+ );
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/country/Country.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/country/Country.cpp
index ed8c3cb..fc867d3 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/country/Country.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/country/Country.cpp
@@ -42,17 +42,10 @@ const std::vector<const Issue*>& CountryParty::get_policies() const {
- std::string_view new_name,
- Date new_start_date,
- Date new_end_date,
- const Ideology& new_ideology,
+ std::string_view new_name, Date new_start_date, Date new_end_date, const Ideology& new_ideology,
std::vector<const Issue*>&& new_policies
-) : name { new_name },
- start_date { new_start_date },
- end_date { new_end_date },
- ideology { new_ideology },
- policies { std::move(new_policies) } {
+) : name { new_name }, start_date { new_start_date }, end_date { new_end_date }, ideology { new_ideology },
+ policies { std::move(new_policies) } {}
std::string_view UnitNames::get_identifier() const {
return identifier;
@@ -62,12 +55,8 @@ const std::vector<std::string>& UnitNames::get_names() const {
return names;
- std::string_view new_identifier,
- std::vector<std::string>&& new_names
-) : identifier { new_identifier },
- names { std::move(new_names) } {
+UnitNames::UnitNames(std::string_view new_identifier, std::vector<std::string>&& new_names)
+ : identifier { new_identifier }, names { std::move(new_names) } {}
const GraphicalCultureType& Country::get_graphical_culture() const {
return graphical_culture;
@@ -90,42 +79,33 @@ const bool Country::is_dynamic_tag() const {
- std::string_view new_identifier,
- colour_t new_color,
- const GraphicalCultureType& new_graphical_culture,
- std::vector<CountryParty>&& new_parties,
- std::vector<UnitNames>&& new_unit_names,
- bool new_dynamic_tag,
+ std::string_view new_identifier, colour_t new_color, const GraphicalCultureType& new_graphical_culture,
+ std::vector<CountryParty>&& new_parties, std::vector<UnitNames>&& new_unit_names, bool new_dynamic_tag,
std::map<const GovernmentType*, colour_t>&& new_alternative_colours
-) : HasIdentifierAndColour(new_identifier, new_color, false, false),
- graphical_culture { new_graphical_culture },
- parties { std::move(new_parties) },
- unit_names { std::move(new_unit_names) },
- dynamic_tag { new_dynamic_tag },
- alternative_colours { std::move(new_alternative_colours) } {
+) : HasIdentifierAndColour(new_identifier, new_color, false, false), graphical_culture { new_graphical_culture },
+ parties { std::move(new_parties) }, unit_names { std::move(new_unit_names) }, dynamic_tag { new_dynamic_tag },
+ alternative_colours { std::move(new_alternative_colours) } {}
- : countries { "countries" } {
+CountryManager::CountryManager() : countries { "countries" } {}
bool CountryManager::add_country(
- std::string_view identifier,
- colour_t color,
- const GraphicalCultureType& graphical_culture,
- std::vector<CountryParty>&& parties,
- std::vector<UnitNames>&& unit_names,
- bool dynamic_tag,
+ std::string_view identifier, colour_t color, const GraphicalCultureType& graphical_culture,
+ std::vector<CountryParty>&& parties, std::vector<UnitNames>&& unit_names, bool dynamic_tag,
std::map<const GovernmentType*, colour_t>&& alternative_colours
) {
if (identifier.empty()) {
return false;
- return countries.add_item({ identifier, color, graphical_culture, std::move(parties), std::move(unit_names), dynamic_tag, std::move(alternative_colours) });
+ return countries.add_item({
+ identifier, color, graphical_culture, std::move(parties), std::move(unit_names),
+ dynamic_tag, std::move(alternative_colours)
+ });
-bool CountryManager::load_country_data_file(GameManager& game_manager, std::string_view name, bool is_dynamic, ast::NodeCPtr root) {
+bool CountryManager::load_country_data_file(
+ GameManager& game_manager, std::string_view name, bool is_dynamic, ast::NodeCPtr root
+) {
colour_t color;
const GraphicalCultureType* graphical_culture;
std::vector<CountryParty> country_parties;
@@ -135,26 +115,35 @@ bool CountryManager::load_country_data_file(GameManager& game_manager, std::stri
bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys_and_default(
[&game_manager, &alternative_colours, &name](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
const GovernmentType* colour_gov_type;
- bool ret = game_manager.get_politics_manager().get_government_type_manager().expect_government_type_str(assign_variable_callback_pointer(colour_gov_type))(key);
+ bool ret = game_manager.get_politics_manager().get_government_type_manager()
+ .expect_government_type_str(assign_variable_callback_pointer(colour_gov_type))(key);
- if (!ret) return false;
+ if (!ret) {
+ return false;
+ }
colour_t alternative_colour;
ret &= expect_colour(assign_variable_callback(alternative_colour))(value);
- if (!ret) return false;
+ if (!ret) {
+ return false;
+ }
return alternative_colours.emplace(std::move(colour_gov_type), std::move(alternative_colour)).second;
"color", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_colour(assign_variable_callback(color)),
- "graphical_culture", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_identifier_or_string([&game_manager, &graphical_culture, &name](std::string_view value) -> bool {
- graphical_culture = game_manager.get_pop_manager().get_culture_manager().get_graphical_culture_type_by_identifier(value);
- if (graphical_culture == nullptr) {
- Logger::error("When loading country ", name, ", specified graphical culture ", value, " is invalid!\nCheck that CultureManager has loaded before CountryManager.");
- }
+ "graphical_culture", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_identifier_or_string(
+ [&game_manager, &graphical_culture, &name](std::string_view value) -> bool {
+ graphical_culture = game_manager.get_pop_manager().get_culture_manager()
+ .get_graphical_culture_type_by_identifier(value);
+ if (graphical_culture == nullptr) {
+ Logger::error("When loading country ", name, ", specified graphical culture ", value,
+ " is invalid!\nCheck that CultureManager has loaded before CountryManager.");
+ }
- return graphical_culture != nullptr;
- }),
+ return graphical_culture != nullptr;
+ }
+ ),
"party", ZERO_OR_MORE, [&game_manager, &country_parties, &name](ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
std::string_view party_name;
Date start_date, end_date;
@@ -180,7 +169,8 @@ bool CountryManager::load_country_data_file(GameManager& game_manager, std::stri
"name", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_identifier_or_string(assign_variable_callback(party_name)),
"start_date", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_date(assign_variable_callback(start_date)),
"end_date", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_date(assign_variable_callback(end_date)),
- "ideology", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_identifier_or_string(game_manager.get_politics_manager().get_ideology_manager().expect_ideology_str(assign_variable_callback_pointer(ideology)))
+ "ideology", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_identifier_or_string(game_manager.get_politics_manager()
+ .get_ideology_manager().expect_ideology_str(assign_variable_callback_pointer(ideology)))
country_parties.push_back({ party_name, start_date, end_date, *ideology, std::move(policies) });
@@ -203,6 +193,9 @@ bool CountryManager::load_country_data_file(GameManager& game_manager, std::stri
- ret &= add_country(name, color, *graphical_culture, std::move(country_parties), std::move(unit_names), is_dynamic, std::move(alternative_colours));
+ ret &= add_country(
+ name, color, *graphical_culture, std::move(country_parties), std::move(unit_names), is_dynamic,
+ std::move(alternative_colours)
+ );
return ret;
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/country/Country.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/country/Country.hpp
index 8077698..66ce2e6 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/country/Country.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/country/Country.hpp
@@ -37,10 +37,7 @@ namespace OpenVic {
const std::vector<Issue const*> policies;
- std::string_view new_name,
- Date new_start_date,
- Date new_end_date,
- const Ideology& new_ideology,
+ std::string_view new_name, Date new_start_date, Date new_end_date, const Ideology& new_ideology,
std::vector<const Issue*>&& new_policies
@@ -77,12 +74,8 @@ namespace OpenVic {
const std::map<const GovernmentType*, colour_t> alternative_colours;
- std::string_view new_identifier,
- colour_t new_color,
- const GraphicalCultureType& new_graphical_culture,
- std::vector<CountryParty>&& new_parties,
- std::vector<UnitNames>&& new_unit_names,
- const bool new_dynamic_tag,
+ std::string_view new_identifier, colour_t new_color, const GraphicalCultureType& new_graphical_culture,
+ std::vector<CountryParty>&& new_parties, std::vector<UnitNames>&& new_unit_names, const bool new_dynamic_tag,
std::map<const GovernmentType*, colour_t>&& new_alternative_colours
@@ -102,16 +95,12 @@ namespace OpenVic {
bool add_country(
- std::string_view identifier,
- colour_t color,
- const GraphicalCultureType& graphical_culture,
- std::vector<CountryParty>&& parties,
- std::vector<UnitNames>&& unit_names,
- bool dynamic_tag,
+ std::string_view identifier, colour_t color, const GraphicalCultureType& graphical_culture,
+ std::vector<CountryParty>&& parties, std::vector<UnitNames>&& unit_names, bool dynamic_tag,
std::map<const GovernmentType*, colour_t>&& alternative_colours
bool load_country_data_file(GameManager& game_manager, std::string_view name, bool is_dynamic, ast::NodeCPtr root);
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/Dataloader.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/Dataloader.cpp
index ad35056..5301aa1 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/Dataloader.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/Dataloader.cpp
@@ -51,16 +51,18 @@ concept is_filename = std::same_as<T, std::filesystem::path> || std::convertible
static bool filename_equals(const is_filename auto& lhs, const is_filename auto& rhs) {
auto left = [&lhs] {
- if constexpr (std::same_as<std::decay_t<decltype(lhs)>, std::filesystem::path>)
+ if constexpr (std::same_as<std::decay_t<decltype(lhs)>, std::filesystem::path>) {
return lhs.filename().string();
- else
+ } else {
return lhs;
+ }
auto right = [&rhs] {
- if constexpr (std::same_as<std::decay_t<decltype(rhs)>, std::filesystem::path>)
+ if constexpr (std::same_as<std::decay_t<decltype(rhs)>, std::filesystem::path>) {
return rhs.filename().string();
- else
+ } else {
return rhs;
+ }
return path_equals(left, right);
@@ -79,17 +81,20 @@ static fs::path _search_for_game_path(fs::path hint_path = {}) {
// Don't waste time trying to search for Victoria 2 when supplied a valid looking Victoria 2 game directory
if (filename_equals(Victoria_2_folder, hint_path)) {
- if (fs::is_regular_file(hint_path / v2_game_exe, error_code))
+ if (fs::is_regular_file(hint_path / v2_game_exe, error_code)) {
return hint_path;
+ }
const bool hint_path_was_empty = hint_path.empty();
if (hint_path_was_empty) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
- static const fs::path registry_path = Windows::ReadRegValue<char>(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\Paradox Interactive\\Victoria 2", "path");
+ static const fs::path registry_path =
+ Windows::ReadRegValue<char>(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\Paradox Interactive\\Victoria 2", "path");
- if (!registry_path.empty())
+ if (!registry_path.empty()) {
return registry_path;
+ }
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 4996)
@@ -104,14 +109,14 @@ static fs::path _search_for_game_path(fs::path hint_path = {}) {
#pragma warning(pop)
-// Cannot support Android
-// Only FreeBSD currently unofficially supports emulating Linux
+ // Cannot support Android
+ // Only FreeBSD currently unofficially supports emulating Linux
#elif (defined(__linux__) && !defined(__ANDROID__)) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
static const fs::path home = std::getenv("HOME");
hint_path = home / ".steam" / "steam";
- if (fs::is_symlink(hint_path, error_code))
+ if (fs::is_symlink(hint_path, error_code)) {
hint_path = fs::read_symlink(hint_path, error_code);
- else if (!fs::is_directory(hint_path, error_code)) {
+ } else if (!fs::is_directory(hint_path, error_code)) {
hint_path = home / ".local" / "share" / "Steam";
if (!fs::is_directory(hint_path, error_code)) {
#ifdef __FreeBSD__
@@ -122,7 +127,7 @@ static fs::path _search_for_game_path(fs::path hint_path = {}) {
return "";
-// Support only Mac, cannot support iOS
+ // Support only Mac, cannot support iOS
#elif (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)) && TARGET_OS_MAC == 1
static const fs::path home = std::getenv("HOME");
hint_path = home / "Library" / "Application Support" / "Steam";
@@ -130,18 +135,21 @@ static fs::path _search_for_game_path(fs::path hint_path = {}) {
Logger::warning("Could not find path for Steam installation on Mac.");
return "";
-// All platforms that reach this point do not seem to even have unofficial Steam support
+ // All platforms that reach this point do not seem to even have unofficial Steam support
Logger::warning("Could not find path for Steam installation on unsupported platform.");
// Could not determine Steam install on platform
- if (hint_path.empty()) return "";
+ if (hint_path.empty()) {
+ return "";
+ }
// Supplied path was useless, ignore hint_path
- if (!hint_path_was_empty && !fs::exists(hint_path, error_code))
+ if (!hint_path_was_empty && !fs::exists(hint_path, error_code)) {
return _search_for_game_path();
+ }
// Steam Library's directory that will contain Victoria 2
fs::path vic2_steam_lib_directory;
@@ -163,7 +171,8 @@ static fs::path _search_for_game_path(fs::path hint_path = {}) {
bool vic2_install_confirmed = false;
// if current_path is not a regular file, this is a non-default Steam Library, skip this parser evaluation
- if (fs::is_regular_file(current_path, error_code) && (is_libraryfolders_vdf || filename_equals(libraryfolders, current_path))) {
+ if (fs::is_regular_file(current_path, error_code) &&
+ (is_libraryfolders_vdf || filename_equals(libraryfolders, current_path))) {
lexy_vdf::Parser parser;
std::string buffer;
@@ -184,8 +193,9 @@ static fs::path _search_for_game_path(fs::path hint_path = {}) {
if (!parser.parse()) {
// Could not find or load libraryfolders.vdf, report error as warning
- if (!buffer.empty())
+ if (!buffer.empty()) {
Logger::warning _(buffer);
+ }
return "";
std::optional current_node = *(parser.get_key_values());
@@ -305,8 +315,9 @@ static fs::path _search_for_game_path(fs::path hint_path = {}) {
// Hail Mary check ignoring the hint_path
- if (!hint_path_was_empty)
+ if (!hint_path_was_empty) {
return _search_for_game_path();
+ }
Logger::warning("Could not find Victoria 2 game path, this requires manually supplying one.");
return ""; // The supplied path fits literally none of the criteria
@@ -314,8 +325,9 @@ static fs::path _search_for_game_path(fs::path hint_path = {}) {
fs::path Dataloader::search_for_game_path(fs::path hint_path) {
auto it = _cached_paths.find(hint_path);
- if (it != _cached_paths.end())
+ if (it != _cached_paths.end()) {
return it->second;
+ }
return _cached_paths[hint_path] = _search_for_game_path(hint_path);
@@ -360,7 +372,9 @@ fs::path Dataloader::lookup_file(fs::path const& path) const {
static bool contains_file_with_name(Dataloader::path_vector_t const& paths, fs::path const& name) {
for (fs::path const& path : paths) {
- if (path.filename() == name) return true;
+ if (path.filename() == name) {
+ return true;
+ }
return false;
@@ -384,7 +398,8 @@ Dataloader::path_vector_t Dataloader::lookup_files_in_dir(fs::path const& path,
return ret;
-bool Dataloader::apply_to_files_in_dir(fs::path const& path, fs::path const& extension, callback_t<fs::path const&> callback) const {
+bool Dataloader::apply_to_files_in_dir(fs::path const& path, fs::path const& extension, callback_t<fs::path const&> callback)
+ const {
bool ret = true;
for (fs::path const& file : lookup_files_in_dir(path, extension)) {
if (!callback(file)) {
@@ -458,18 +473,27 @@ csv::Windows1252Parser Dataloader::parse_csv(fs::path const& path) {
return _run_ovdl_parser<csv::Windows1252Parser, &_csv_parse>(path);
-bool Dataloader::_load_pop_types(PopManager& pop_manager, UnitManager const& unit_manager, GoodManager const& good_manager, fs::path const& pop_type_directory) const {
- const bool ret = apply_to_files_in_dir(pop_type_directory, ".txt", [&pop_manager, &unit_manager, &good_manager](fs::path const& file) -> bool {
- return pop_manager.load_pop_type_file(file.stem().string(), unit_manager, good_manager, parse_defines(file).get_file_node());
- });
+bool Dataloader::_load_pop_types(
+ PopManager& pop_manager, UnitManager const& unit_manager, GoodManager const& good_manager
+) const {
+ static const fs::path pop_type_directory = "poptypes";
+ const bool ret = apply_to_files_in_dir(pop_type_directory, ".txt",
+ [&pop_manager, &unit_manager, &good_manager](fs::path const& file) -> bool {
+ return pop_manager.load_pop_type_file(
+ file.stem().string(), unit_manager, good_manager, parse_defines(file).get_file_node()
+ );
+ }
+ );
return ret;
-bool Dataloader::_load_units(UnitManager& unit_manager, GoodManager const& good_manager, fs::path const& units_directory) const {
- const bool ret = apply_to_files_in_dir(units_directory, ".txt", [&unit_manager, &good_manager](fs::path const& file) -> bool {
- return unit_manager.load_unit_file(good_manager, parse_defines(file).get_file_node());
- });
+bool Dataloader::_load_units(UnitManager& unit_manager, GoodManager const& good_manager) const {
+ static const fs::path units_directory = "units";
+ const bool ret = apply_to_files_in_dir(units_directory, ".txt",
+ [&unit_manager, &good_manager](fs::path const& file) -> bool {
+ return unit_manager.load_unit_file(good_manager, parse_defines(file).get_file_node());
+ });
return ret;
@@ -478,11 +502,17 @@ bool Dataloader::_load_oobs(GameManager& game_manager) const {
static const fs::path oob_directory = "history/units";
/* used for countries with no defined initial OOB */
- game_manager.get_military_manager().get_deployment_manager().add_deployment("NULL", std::vector<Army>(), std::vector<Navy>(), std::vector<Leader>());
+ game_manager.get_military_manager().get_deployment_manager().add_deployment(
+ "NULL", std::vector<Army>(), std::vector<Navy>(), std::vector<Leader>()
+ );
bool ret = apply_to_files_in_dir(oob_directory, ".txt", [&game_manager](fs::path const& file) -> bool {
- if (file.filename() == "v2dd2.txt") return true; /* dev diary just stuck in there for no reason whatsoever */
- return game_manager.get_military_manager().get_deployment_manager().load_oob_file(game_manager, file.filename().string(), parse_defines(file).get_file_node());
+ if (file.filename() == "v2dd2.txt") {
+ return true; /* dev diary just stuck in there for no reason whatsoever */
+ }
+ return game_manager.get_military_manager().get_deployment_manager().load_oob_file(
+ game_manager, file.filename().string(), parse_defines(file).get_file_node()
+ );
/* we also load OOBs in top level subdirectories, for other start dates etc */
@@ -492,7 +522,9 @@ bool Dataloader::_load_oobs(GameManager& game_manager) const {
for (fs::directory_entry const& entry : fs::directory_iterator { path, ec }) {
if (entry.is_directory()) {
ret &= apply_to_files_in_dir(entry, ".txt", [&entry, &game_manager](fs::path const& file) -> bool {
- return game_manager.get_military_manager().get_deployment_manager().load_oob_file(game_manager, (entry.path().filename() / file.filename()).string(), parse_defines(file).get_file_node());
+ return game_manager.get_military_manager().get_deployment_manager().load_oob_file(
+ game_manager, (entry.path().filename() / file.filename()).string(), parse_defines(file).get_file_node()
+ );
@@ -507,21 +539,21 @@ bool Dataloader::_load_countries(GameManager& game_manager) const {
bool is_dynamic = false;
- bool ret = expect_dictionary(
- [this, &game_manager, &is_dynamic](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
- if (key == "dynamic_tags") {
- return expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(is_dynamic))(value);
- }
- std::string_view data_path;
+ bool ret = expect_dictionary([this, &game_manager, &is_dynamic](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
+ if (key == "dynamic_tags") {
+ return expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(is_dynamic))(value);
+ }
- if (!expect_string(assign_variable_callback(data_path))(value)) {
- return false;
- }
+ std::string_view data_path;
- return game_manager.get_country_manager().load_country_data_file(game_manager, key, is_dynamic, parse_defines(lookup_file(countries_file.parent_path() / data_path)).get_file_node());
+ if (!expect_string(assign_variable_callback(data_path))(value)) {
+ return false;
- )(parse_defines(lookup_file(countries_file)).get_file_node());
+ return game_manager.get_country_manager().load_country_data_file(
+ game_manager, key, is_dynamic, parse_defines(lookup_file(countries_file.parent_path() / data_path)).get_file_node()
+ );
+ })(parse_defines(lookup_file(countries_file)).get_file_node());
return ret;
@@ -530,7 +562,7 @@ bool Dataloader::_load_countries(GameManager& game_manager) const {
bool Dataloader::_load_history(GameManager& game_manager) const {
static const fs::path country_history_directory = "history/countries";
static const fs::path province_history_directory = "history/provinces";
/* Country History */
bool ret = apply_to_files_in_dir(country_history_directory, ".txt", [this, &game_manager](fs::path const& file) -> bool {
std::string tag = file.filename().string().substr(0, 3);
@@ -539,8 +571,10 @@ bool Dataloader::_load_history(GameManager& game_manager) const {
Logger::error("Error loading history for country ", tag, ": tag not defined!");
return false;
- return game_manager.get_history_manager().get_country_manager().load_country_history_file(game_manager, tag, parse_defines(lookup_file(file)).get_file_node());
+ return game_manager.get_history_manager().get_country_manager().load_country_history_file(
+ game_manager, tag, parse_defines(lookup_file(file)).get_file_node()
+ );
@@ -559,7 +593,9 @@ bool Dataloader::_load_history(GameManager& game_manager) const {
return false;
- return game_manager.get_history_manager().get_province_manager().load_province_history_file(game_manager, province_id, parse_defines(lookup_file(file)).get_file_node());
+ return game_manager.get_history_manager().get_province_manager().load_province_history_file(
+ game_manager, province_id, parse_defines(lookup_file(file)).get_file_node()
+ );
@@ -569,7 +605,8 @@ bool Dataloader::_load_history(GameManager& game_manager) const {
return ret;
-bool Dataloader::_load_map_dir(GameManager& game_manager, fs::path const& map_directory) const {
+bool Dataloader::_load_map_dir(GameManager& game_manager) const {
+ static const fs::path map_directory = "map";
Map& map = game_manager.get_map();
static const fs::path defaults_filename = "default.map";
@@ -610,29 +647,27 @@ bool Dataloader::_load_map_dir(GameManager& game_manager, fs::path const& map_di
bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys(
"max_provinces", ONE_EXACTLY,
- expect_uint<Province::index_t>(
- std::bind(&Map::set_max_provinces, &map, std::placeholders::_1)
- ),
+ expect_uint<Province::index_t>(
+ std::bind(&Map::set_max_provinces, &map, std::placeholders::_1)
+ ),
"sea_starts", ONE_EXACTLY,
- expect_list_reserve_length(
- water_province_identifiers,
- expect_identifier(
- [&water_province_identifiers](std::string_view identifier) -> bool {
- water_province_identifiers.push_back(identifier);
- return true;
- }
- )
- ),
+ expect_list_reserve_length(
+ water_province_identifiers,
+ expect_identifier(
+ [&water_province_identifiers](std::string_view identifier) -> bool {
+ water_province_identifiers.push_back(identifier);
+ return true;
+ }
+ )
+ ),
- #X, ONE_EXACTLY, expect_string(assign_variable_callback(X)),
+#define MAP_PATH_DICT_ENTRY(X) #X, ONE_EXACTLY, expect_string(assign_variable_callback(X)),
- "border_heights",
- ZERO_OR_ONE, success_callback,
+ "border_heights", ZERO_OR_ONE, success_callback,
"terrain_sheet_heights", ZERO_OR_ONE, success_callback,
"tree", ZERO_OR_ONE, success_callback,
"border_cutoff", ZERO_OR_ONE, success_callback
@@ -642,23 +677,20 @@ bool Dataloader::_load_map_dir(GameManager& game_manager, fs::path const& map_di
Logger::error("Failed to load map default file!");
- if (!map.load_province_definitions(
- parse_csv(lookup_file(map_directory / definitions)).get_lines()
- )) {
+ if (!map.load_province_definitions(parse_csv(lookup_file(map_directory / definitions)).get_lines())) {
Logger::error("Failed to load province definitions file!");
ret = false;
if (!map.load_province_positions(
- game_manager.get_economy_manager().get_building_manager(), parse_defines(lookup_file(map_directory / positions)).get_file_node()
- )) {
+ game_manager.get_economy_manager().get_building_manager(),
+ parse_defines(lookup_file(map_directory / positions)).get_file_node()
+ )) {
Logger::error("Failed to load province positions file!");
ret = false;
- if (!map.load_region_file(
- parse_defines(lookup_file(map_directory / region)).get_file_node()
- )) {
+ if (!map.load_region_file(parse_defines(lookup_file(map_directory / region)).get_file_node())) {
Logger::error("Failed to load region file!");
ret = false;
@@ -669,24 +701,18 @@ bool Dataloader::_load_map_dir(GameManager& game_manager, fs::path const& map_di
if (!map.get_terrain_type_manager().load_terrain_types(
- game_manager.get_modifier_manager(),
- parse_defines(lookup_file(map_directory / terrain_definition)).get_file_node()
- )) {
+ game_manager.get_modifier_manager(), parse_defines(lookup_file(map_directory / terrain_definition)).get_file_node()
+ )) {
Logger::error("Failed to load terrain types!");
ret = false;
- if (!map.load_map_images(
- lookup_file(map_directory / provinces),
- lookup_file(map_directory / terrain), false
- )) {
+ if (!map.load_map_images(lookup_file(map_directory / provinces), lookup_file(map_directory / terrain), false)) {
Logger::error("Failed to load map images!");
ret = false;
- if (!map.generate_and_load_province_adjacencies(
- parse_csv(lookup_file(map_directory / adjacencies)).get_lines()
- )) {
+ if (!map.generate_and_load_province_adjacencies(parse_csv(lookup_file(map_directory / adjacencies)).get_lines())) {
Logger::error("Failed to generate and load province adjacencies!");
ret = false;
@@ -695,10 +721,6 @@ bool Dataloader::_load_map_dir(GameManager& game_manager, fs::path const& map_di
bool Dataloader::load_defines(GameManager& game_manager) const {
- static const fs::path map_directory = "map";
- static const fs::path pop_type_directory = "poptypes";
- static const fs::path units_directory = "units";
static const fs::path defines_file = "common/defines.lua";
static const fs::path buildings_file = "common/buildings.txt";
static const fs::path bookmark_file = "common/bookmarks.txt";
@@ -724,82 +746,85 @@ bool Dataloader::load_defines(GameManager& game_manager) const {
ret = false;
if (!game_manager.get_economy_manager().get_good_manager().load_goods_file(
- parse_defines(lookup_file(goods_file)).get_file_node()
- )) {
+ parse_defines(lookup_file(goods_file)).get_file_node()
+ )) {
Logger::error("Failed to load goods!");
ret = false;
- if (!_load_units(game_manager.get_military_manager().get_unit_manager(), game_manager.get_economy_manager().get_good_manager(), units_directory)) {
+ if (!_load_units(
+ game_manager.get_military_manager().get_unit_manager(), game_manager.get_economy_manager().get_good_manager()
+ )) {
Logger::error("Failed to load units!");
ret = false;
- if (!_load_pop_types(game_manager.get_pop_manager(), game_manager.get_military_manager().get_unit_manager(), game_manager.get_economy_manager().get_good_manager(), pop_type_directory)) {
+ if (!_load_pop_types(
+ game_manager.get_pop_manager(), game_manager.get_military_manager().get_unit_manager(),
+ game_manager.get_economy_manager().get_good_manager()
+ )) {
Logger::error("Failed to load pop types!");
ret = false;
if (!game_manager.get_pop_manager().get_culture_manager().load_graphical_culture_type_file(
- parse_defines(lookup_file(graphical_culture_type_file)).get_file_node()
- )) {
+ parse_defines(lookup_file(graphical_culture_type_file)).get_file_node()
+ )) {
Logger::error("Failed to load graphical culture types!");
ret = false;
if (!game_manager.get_pop_manager().get_culture_manager().load_culture_file(
- parse_defines(lookup_file(culture_file)).get_file_node()
- )) {
+ parse_defines(lookup_file(culture_file)).get_file_node()
+ )) {
Logger::error("Failed to load cultures!");
ret = false;
if (!game_manager.get_pop_manager().get_religion_manager().load_religion_file(
- parse_defines(lookup_file(religion_file)).get_file_node()
- )) {
+ parse_defines(lookup_file(religion_file)).get_file_node()
+ )) {
Logger::error("Failed to load religions!");
ret = false;
if (!game_manager.get_politics_manager().get_ideology_manager().load_ideology_file(
- parse_defines(lookup_file(ideology_file)).get_file_node()
- )) {
+ parse_defines(lookup_file(ideology_file)).get_file_node()
+ )) {
Logger::error("Failed to load ideologies!");
ret = false;
if (!game_manager.get_politics_manager().load_government_types_file(
- parse_defines(lookup_file(governments_file)).get_file_node()
- )) {
+ parse_defines(lookup_file(governments_file)).get_file_node()
+ )) {
Logger::error("Failed to load government types!");
ret = false;
if (!game_manager.get_politics_manager().get_issue_manager().load_issues_file(
- parse_defines(lookup_file(issues_file)).get_file_node()
- )) {
+ parse_defines(lookup_file(issues_file)).get_file_node()
+ )) {
Logger::error("Failed to load issues!");
ret = false;
if (!game_manager.get_politics_manager().get_national_value_manager().load_national_values_file(
- game_manager.get_modifier_manager(), parse_defines(lookup_file(national_values_file)).get_file_node()
- )) {
+ game_manager.get_modifier_manager(), parse_defines(lookup_file(national_values_file)).get_file_node()
+ )) {
Logger::error("Failed to load national values!");
ret = false;
- if (!game_manager.get_economy_manager().load_production_types_file(
- game_manager.get_pop_manager(),
- parse_defines(lookup_file(production_types_file)).get_file_node()
- )) {
+ if (!game_manager.get_economy_manager().load_production_types_file(game_manager.get_pop_manager(),
+ parse_defines(lookup_file(production_types_file)).get_file_node()
+ )) {
Logger::error("Failed to load production types!");
ret = false;
- if (!game_manager.get_economy_manager().load_buildings_file(
- game_manager.get_modifier_manager(),
- parse_defines(lookup_file(buildings_file)).get_file_node()
- )) {
+ if (!game_manager.get_economy_manager().load_buildings_file(game_manager.get_modifier_manager(),
+ parse_defines(lookup_file(buildings_file)).get_file_node()
+ )) {
Logger::error("Failed to load buildings!");
ret = false;
- if (!_load_map_dir(game_manager, map_directory)) {
+ if (!_load_map_dir(game_manager)) {
Logger::error("Failed to load map!");
ret = false;
if (!game_manager.get_military_manager().get_leader_trait_manager().load_leader_traits_file(
- game_manager.get_modifier_manager(), parse_defines(lookup_file(leader_traits_file)).get_file_node()
- )) {
+ game_manager.get_modifier_manager(), parse_defines(lookup_file(leader_traits_file)).get_file_node()
+ )) {
Logger::error("Failed to load leader traits!");
ret = false;
@@ -825,11 +850,10 @@ bool Dataloader::load_defines(GameManager& game_manager) const {
bool Dataloader::load_pop_history(GameManager& game_manager, fs::path const& path) const {
return apply_to_files_in_dir(path, ".txt", [&game_manager](fs::path const& file) -> bool {
- return game_manager.get_map().expect_province_dictionary(
- [&game_manager](Province& province, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
+ return game_manager.get_map()
+ .expect_province_dictionary([&game_manager](Province& province, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
return province.load_pop_list(game_manager.get_pop_manager(), value);
- }
- )(parse_defines(file).get_file_node());
+ })(parse_defines(file).get_file_node());
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/Dataloader.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/Dataloader.hpp
index 4a8b111..0bf3086 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/Dataloader.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/Dataloader.hpp
@@ -23,9 +23,11 @@ namespace OpenVic {
path_vector_t roots;
- bool _load_pop_types(PopManager& pop_manager, UnitManager const& unit_manager, GoodManager const& good_manager, fs::path const& pop_type_directory) const;
- bool _load_units(UnitManager& unit_manager, GoodManager const& good_manager, fs::path const& units_directory) const;
- bool _load_map_dir(GameManager& game_manager, fs::path const& map_directory) const;
+ bool _load_pop_types(
+ PopManager& pop_manager, UnitManager const& unit_manager, GoodManager const& good_manager
+ ) const;
+ bool _load_units(UnitManager& unit_manager, GoodManager const& good_manager) const;
+ bool _load_map_dir(GameManager& game_manager) const;
bool _load_oobs(GameManager& game_manager) const;
bool _load_countries(GameManager& game_manager) const;
bool _load_history(GameManager& game_manager) const;
@@ -43,15 +45,18 @@ namespace OpenVic {
/// Supports being supplied:
/// 1. A valid Victoria 2 game directory (Victoria 2 directory that contains a v2game.exe file)
/// 2. An Empty path: assumes a common Steam install structure per platform.
- /// 2b. If Windows, returns "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Paradox Interactive\Victoria 2" "path" registry value
+ /// 2b. If Windows, returns "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Paradox Interactive\Victoria 2"
+ /// "path" registry value
/// 2c. If registry value returns an empty string, performs Steam checks below
/// 3. A path to a root Steam install. (eg: C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam, ~/.steam/steam)
- /// 4. A path to a root Steam steamapps directory. (eg: C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps, ~/.steam/steam/steamapps)
+ /// 4. A path to a root Steam steamapps directory. (eg: C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps,
+ /// ~/.steam/steam/steamapps)
/// 5. A path to the root Steam libraryfolders.vdf, commonly in the root Steam steamapps directory.
/// 6. A path to the Steam library directory that contains Victoria 2.
/// 7. A path to a Steam library's steamapps directory that contains Victoria 2.
/// 8. A path to a Steam library's steamapps/common directory that contains Victoria 2.
- /// 9. If any of these checks don't resolve to a valid Victoria 2 game directory when supplied a non-empty hint_path, performs empty path behavior.
+ /// 9. If any of these checks don't resolve to a valid Victoria 2 game directory when supplied
+ /// a non-empty hint_path, performs empty path behavior.
/// @return fs::path The root directory of a valid Victoria 2 install, or an empty path.
static fs::path search_for_game_path(fs::path hint_path = {});
@@ -64,7 +69,9 @@ namespace OpenVic {
fs::path lookup_file(fs::path const& path) const;
path_vector_t lookup_files_in_dir(fs::path const& path, fs::path const& extension) const;
- bool apply_to_files_in_dir(fs::path const& path, fs::path const& extension, NodeTools::callback_t<fs::path const&> callback) const;
+ bool apply_to_files_in_dir(
+ fs::path const& path, fs::path const& extension, NodeTools::callback_t<fs::path const&> callback
+ ) const;
bool load_defines(GameManager& game_manager) const;
bool load_pop_history(GameManager& game_manager, fs::path const& path) const;
@@ -85,13 +92,15 @@ namespace OpenVic {
- static constexpr char const* locale_names[_LocaleCount] = {
- "en_GB", "fr_FR", "de_DE", "pl_PL", "es_ES", "it_IT", "sv_SE", "cs_CZ", "hu_HU", "nl_NL", "pt_PT", "ru_RU", "fi_FI"
- };
+ static constexpr char const* locale_names[_LocaleCount] = { "en_GB", "fr_FR", "de_DE", "pl_PL", "es_ES",
+ "it_IT", "sv_SE", "cs_CZ", "hu_HU", "nl_NL",
+ "pt_PT", "ru_RU", "fi_FI" };
/* Args: key, locale, localisation */
using localisation_callback_t = NodeTools::callback_t<std::string_view, locale_t, std::string_view>;
- bool load_localisation_files(localisation_callback_t callback, fs::path const& localisation_dir = "localisation") const;
+ bool load_localisation_files(
+ localisation_callback_t callback, fs::path const& localisation_dir = "localisation"
+ ) const;
struct fshash {
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/Dataloader_Windows.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/Dataloader_Windows.hpp
index f4abbb6..37991b6 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/Dataloader_Windows.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/Dataloader_Windows.hpp
@@ -11,7 +11,9 @@
namespace OpenVic::Windows {
inline std::wstring convert(std::string_view as) {
// deal with trivial case of empty string
- if (as.empty()) return std::wstring();
+ if (as.empty()) {
+ return std::wstring();
+ }
// determine required length of new string
size_t length = ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, as.data(), (int)as.length(), 0, 0);
@@ -28,7 +30,9 @@ namespace OpenVic::Windows {
inline std::string convert(std::wstring_view as) {
// deal with trivial case of empty string
- if (as.empty()) return std::string();
+ if (as.empty()) {
+ return std::string();
+ }
// determine required length of new string
size_t length = ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, as.data(), (int)as.length(), 0, 0, NULL, NULL);
@@ -56,12 +60,12 @@ namespace OpenVic::Windows {
class RegistryKey {
- RegistryKey(HKEY key_handle)
- : _key_handle(key_handle) {
- }
+ RegistryKey(HKEY key_handle) : _key_handle(key_handle) {}
template<either_char_type CHAR_T, either_char_type CHAR_T2>
- RegistryKey(HKEY parent_key_handle, std::basic_string_view<CHAR_T> child_key_name, std::basic_string_view<CHAR_T2> value_name) {
+ RegistryKey(
+ HKEY parent_key_handle, std::basic_string_view<CHAR_T> child_key_name, std::basic_string_view<CHAR_T2> value_name
+ ) {
open_key(parent_key_handle, child_key_name);
@@ -80,29 +84,28 @@ namespace OpenVic::Windows {
template<either_char_type CHAR_T>
LSTATUS open_key(HKEY parent_key_handle, std::basic_string_view<CHAR_T> key_path) {
- if (is_open())
+ if (is_open()) {
- if constexpr (std::is_same_v<CHAR_T, char>)
+ }
+ if constexpr (std::is_same_v<CHAR_T, char>) {
return RegOpenKeyExW(parent_key_handle, convert(key_path).data(), REG_NONE, KEY_READ, &_key_handle);
- else
+ } else {
return RegOpenKeyExW(parent_key_handle, key_path.data(), REG_NONE, KEY_READ, &_key_handle);
+ }
bool is_predefined() const {
- return (_key_handle == HKEY_CURRENT_USER) ||
- (_key_handle == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) ||
- (_key_handle == HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT) ||
- (_key_handle == HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG) ||
- (_key_handle == HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA) ||
- (_key_handle == HKEY_PERFORMANCE_NLSTEXT) ||
- (_key_handle == HKEY_PERFORMANCE_TEXT) ||
- (_key_handle == HKEY_USERS);
+ return (_key_handle == HKEY_CURRENT_USER) || (_key_handle == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) ||
+ (_key_handle == HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT) || (_key_handle == HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG) ||
+ (_key_handle == HKEY_CURRENT_USER_LOCAL_SETTINGS) || (_key_handle == HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA) ||
+ (_key_handle == HKEY_PERFORMANCE_NLSTEXT) || (_key_handle == HKEY_PERFORMANCE_TEXT) ||
+ (_key_handle == HKEY_USERS);
LSTATUS close_key() {
- if (!is_open() || is_predefined())
+ if (!is_open() || is_predefined()) {
+ }
auto result = RegCloseKey(_key_handle);
_key_handle = nullptr;
return result;
@@ -127,12 +130,15 @@ namespace OpenVic::Windows {
return result;
_value = std::wstring(data_size / sizeof(wchar_t), L'\0');
- result = RegQueryValueExW(_key_handle, wide_value.data(), NULL, NULL, reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(_value.data()), &data_size);
+ result = RegQueryValueExW(
+ _key_handle, wide_value.data(), NULL, NULL, reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(_value.data()), &data_size
+ );
std::size_t first_null = _value.find_first_of(L'\0');
- if (first_null != std::string::npos)
+ if (first_null != std::string::npos) {
+ }
return result;
@@ -143,7 +149,9 @@ namespace OpenVic::Windows {
template<either_char_type RCHAR_T, either_char_type CHAR_T, either_char_type CHAR_T2>
- std::basic_string<RCHAR_T> ReadRegValue(HKEY root, std::basic_string_view<CHAR_T> key, std::basic_string_view<CHAR_T2> name) {
+ std::basic_string<RCHAR_T> ReadRegValue(
+ HKEY root, std::basic_string_view<CHAR_T> key, std::basic_string_view<CHAR_T2> name
+ ) {
RegistryKey registry_key(root, key, name);
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<RCHAR_T, char>) {
return convert(registry_key.value());
@@ -159,4 +167,4 @@ namespace OpenVic::Windows {
return ReadRegValue<RCHAR_T>(root, key_sv, name_sv);
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/NodeTools.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/NodeTools.cpp
index 92080c4..2f93bc2 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/NodeTools.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/NodeTools.cpp
@@ -53,54 +53,51 @@ node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_identifier_or_string(callback_t<std::string_vi
if (cast_node != nullptr) {
return _abstract_string_node_callback<ast::AbstractStringNode>(callback, allow_empty)(*cast_node);
- Logger::error("Invalid node type ", node->get_type(), " when expecting ", ast::IdentifierNode::get_type_static(), " or ", ast::StringNode::get_type_static());
+ Logger::error(
+ "Invalid node type ", node->get_type(), " when expecting ", ast::IdentifierNode::get_type_static(), " or ",
+ ast::StringNode::get_type_static()
+ );
} else {
- Logger::error("Null node when expecting ", ast::IdentifierNode::get_type_static(), " or ", ast::StringNode::get_type_static());
+ Logger::error(
+ "Null node when expecting ", ast::IdentifierNode::get_type_static(), " or ", ast::StringNode::get_type_static()
+ );
return false;
node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_bool(callback_t<bool> callback) {
- static const string_map_t<bool> bool_map = {
- { "yes", true }, { "no", false }
- };
+ static const string_map_t<bool> bool_map = { { "yes", true }, { "no", false } };
return expect_identifier(expect_mapped_string(bool_map, callback));
node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_int_bool(callback_t<bool> callback) {
- static const string_map_t<bool> bool_map = {
- { "1", true }, { "0", false }
- };
+ static const string_map_t<bool> bool_map = { { "1", true }, { "0", false } };
return expect_identifier(expect_mapped_string(bool_map, callback));
node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_int64(callback_t<int64_t> callback) {
- return expect_identifier(
- [callback](std::string_view identifier) -> bool {
- bool successful = false;
- const int64_t val = StringUtils::string_to_int64(identifier, &successful, 10);
- if (successful) {
- return callback(val);
- }
- Logger::error("Invalid int identifier text: ", identifier);
- return false;
+ return expect_identifier([callback](std::string_view identifier) -> bool {
+ bool successful = false;
+ const int64_t val = StringUtils::string_to_int64(identifier, &successful, 10);
+ if (successful) {
+ return callback(val);
- );
+ Logger::error("Invalid int identifier text: ", identifier);
+ return false;
+ });
node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_uint64(callback_t<uint64_t> callback) {
- return expect_identifier(
- [callback](std::string_view identifier) -> bool {
- bool successful = false;
- const uint64_t val = StringUtils::string_to_uint64(identifier, &successful, 10);
- if (successful) {
- return callback(val);
- }
- Logger::error("Invalid uint identifier text: ", identifier);
- return false;
+ return expect_identifier([callback](std::string_view identifier) -> bool {
+ bool successful = false;
+ const uint64_t val = StringUtils::string_to_uint64(identifier, &successful, 10);
+ if (successful) {
+ return callback(val);
- );
+ Logger::error("Invalid uint identifier text: ", identifier);
+ return false;
+ });
callback_t<std::string_view> NodeTools::expect_fixed_point_str(callback_t<fixed_point_t> callback) {
@@ -123,18 +120,22 @@ node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_colour(callback_t<colour_t> callback) {
return [callback](ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
colour_t col = NULL_COLOUR;
uint32_t components = 0;
- bool ret = expect_list_of_length(3, expect_fixed_point([&col, &components](fixed_point_t val) -> bool {
- components++;
- col <<= 8;
- if (val < 0 || val > 255) {
- Logger::error("Invalid colour component: ", val);
- return false;
- } else {
- if (val <= 1) val *= 255;
- col |= val.to_int32_t();
- return true;
- }
- }))(node);
+ bool ret = expect_list_of_length(3, expect_fixed_point(
+ [&col, &components](fixed_point_t val) -> bool {
+ components++;
+ col <<= 8;
+ if (val < 0 || val > 255) {
+ Logger::error("Invalid colour component: ", val);
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ if (val <= 1) {
+ val *= 255;
+ }
+ col |= val.to_int32_t();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ ))(node);
ret &= callback(col << 8 * (3 - components));
return ret;
@@ -196,30 +197,26 @@ node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_fvec2(callback_t<fvec2_t> callback) {
node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_assign(key_value_callback_t callback) {
- return _expect_type<ast::AssignNode>(
- [callback](ast::AssignNode const& assign_node) -> bool {
- return callback(assign_node._name, assign_node._initializer.get());
- }
- );
+ return _expect_type<ast::AssignNode>([callback](ast::AssignNode const& assign_node) -> bool {
+ return callback(assign_node._name, assign_node._initializer.get());
+ });
node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_list_and_length(length_callback_t length_callback, node_callback_t callback) {
- return _expect_type<ast::AbstractListNode>(
- [length_callback, callback](ast::AbstractListNode const& list_node) -> bool {
- std::vector<ast::NodeUPtr> const& list = list_node._statements;
- bool ret = true;
- size_t size = length_callback(list.size());
- if (size > list.size()) {
- Logger::error("Trying to read more values than the list contains: ", size, " > ", list.size());
- size = list.size();
- ret = false;
- }
- std::for_each(list.begin(), list.begin() + size, [callback, &ret](ast::NodeUPtr const& sub_node) -> void {
- ret &= callback(sub_node.get());
- });
- return ret;
+ return _expect_type<ast::AbstractListNode>([length_callback, callback](ast::AbstractListNode const& list_node) -> bool {
+ std::vector<ast::NodeUPtr> const& list = list_node._statements;
+ bool ret = true;
+ size_t size = length_callback(list.size());
+ if (size > list.size()) {
+ Logger::error("Trying to read more values than the list contains: ", size, " > ", list.size());
+ size = list.size();
+ ret = false;
- );
+ std::for_each(list.begin(), list.begin() + size, [callback, &ret](ast::NodeUPtr const& sub_node) -> void {
+ ret &= callback(sub_node.get());
+ });
+ return ret;
+ });
node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_list_of_length(size_t length, node_callback_t callback) {
@@ -230,7 +227,9 @@ node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_list_of_length(size_t length, node_callback_t
if (size != length) {
Logger::error("List length ", size, " does not match expected length ", length);
ret = false;
- if (length < size) return length;
+ if (length < size) {
+ return length;
+ }
return size;
@@ -259,26 +258,24 @@ node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_length(callback_t<size_t> callback) {
node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_key(std::string_view key, node_callback_t callback, bool* key_found) {
- return _expect_type<ast::AbstractListNode>(
- [key, callback, key_found](ast::AbstractListNode const& list_node) -> bool {
- std::vector<ast::NodeUPtr> const& list = list_node._statements;
- for (ast::NodeUPtr const& sub_node : list_node._statements) {
- ast::AssignNode const* assign_node = sub_node->cast_to<ast::AssignNode>();
- if (assign_node != nullptr && assign_node->_name == key) {
- if (key_found != nullptr) {
- *key_found = true;
- }
- return callback(&*assign_node->_initializer);
+ return _expect_type<ast::AbstractListNode>([key, callback, key_found](ast::AbstractListNode const& list_node) -> bool {
+ std::vector<ast::NodeUPtr> const& list = list_node._statements;
+ for (ast::NodeUPtr const& sub_node : list_node._statements) {
+ ast::AssignNode const* assign_node = sub_node->cast_to<ast::AssignNode>();
+ if (assign_node != nullptr && assign_node->_name == key) {
+ if (key_found != nullptr) {
+ *key_found = true;
+ return callback(&*assign_node->_initializer);
- if (key_found != nullptr) {
- *key_found = false;
- } else {
- Logger::error("Failed to find expected key: ", key);
- }
- return false;
- );
+ if (key_found != nullptr) {
+ *key_found = false;
+ } else {
+ Logger::error("Failed to find expected key: ", key);
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_dictionary_and_length(length_callback_t length_callback, key_value_callback_t callback) {
@@ -289,7 +286,9 @@ node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_dictionary(key_value_callback_t callback) {
return expect_dictionary_and_length(default_length_callback, callback);
-bool NodeTools::add_key_map_entry(key_map_t& key_map, std::string_view key, dictionary_entry_t::expected_count_t expected_count, node_callback_t callback) {
+bool NodeTools::add_key_map_entry(
+ key_map_t& key_map, std::string_view key, dictionary_entry_t::expected_count_t expected_count, node_callback_t callback
+) {
if (key_map.find(key) == key_map.end()) {
key_map.emplace(key, dictionary_entry_t { expected_count, callback });
return true;
@@ -336,11 +335,11 @@ bool NodeTools::check_key_map_counts(key_map_t& key_map) {
return ret;
-node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_dictionary_key_map_and_length_and_default(key_map_t key_map, length_callback_t length_callback, key_value_callback_t default_callback) {
+node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_dictionary_key_map_and_length_and_default(
+ key_map_t key_map, length_callback_t length_callback, key_value_callback_t default_callback
+) {
return [length_callback, default_callback, key_map = std::move(key_map)](ast::NodeCPtr node) mutable -> bool {
- bool ret = expect_dictionary_and_length(
- length_callback, dictionary_keys_callback(key_map, default_callback)
- )(node);
+ bool ret = expect_dictionary_and_length(length_callback, dictionary_keys_callback(key_map, default_callback))(node);
ret &= check_key_map_counts(key_map);
return ret;
@@ -355,7 +354,9 @@ node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_dictionary_key_map_and_default(key_map_t key_m
node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_dictionary_key_map(key_map_t key_map) {
- return expect_dictionary_key_map_and_length_and_default(std::move(key_map), default_length_callback, key_value_invalid_callback);
+ return expect_dictionary_key_map_and_length_and_default(
+ std::move(key_map), default_length_callback, key_value_invalid_callback
+ );
node_callback_t NodeTools::name_list_callback(callback_t<std::vector<std::string>&&> callback) {
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/NodeTools.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/NodeTools.hpp
index 6469100..798976f 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/NodeTools.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/NodeTools.hpp
@@ -52,10 +52,14 @@ namespace OpenVic {
using callback_t = std::function<bool(Args...)>;
using node_callback_t = callback_t<ast::NodeCPtr>;
- constexpr bool success_callback(ast::NodeCPtr) { return true; }
+ constexpr bool success_callback(ast::NodeCPtr) {
+ return true;
+ }
using key_value_callback_t = callback_t<std::string_view, ast::NodeCPtr>;
- constexpr bool key_value_success_callback(std::string_view, ast::NodeCPtr) { return true; }
+ constexpr bool key_value_success_callback(std::string_view, ast::NodeCPtr) {
+ return true;
+ }
inline bool key_value_invalid_callback(std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr) {
Logger::error("Invalid dictionary key: ", key);
return false;
@@ -78,7 +82,10 @@ namespace OpenVic {
val <= static_cast<int64_t>(std::numeric_limits<T>::max())) {
return callback(val);
- Logger::error("Invalid int: ", val, " (valid range: [", static_cast<int64_t>(std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest()), ", ", static_cast<int64_t>(std::numeric_limits<T>::max()), "])");
+ Logger::error(
+ "Invalid int: ", val, " (valid range: [", static_cast<int64_t>(std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest()), ", ",
+ static_cast<int64_t>(std::numeric_limits<T>::max()), "])"
+ );
return false;
@@ -89,7 +96,9 @@ namespace OpenVic {
if (val <= static_cast<uint64_t>(std::numeric_limits<T>::max())) {
return callback(val);
- Logger::error("Invalid uint: ", val, " (valid range: [0, ", static_cast<uint64_t>(std::numeric_limits<T>::max()), "])");
+ Logger::error(
+ "Invalid uint: ", val, " (valid range: [0, ", static_cast<uint64_t>(std::numeric_limits<T>::max()), "])"
+ );
return false;
@@ -109,7 +118,9 @@ namespace OpenVic {
node_callback_t expect_assign(key_value_callback_t callback);
using length_callback_t = std::function<size_t(size_t)>;
- constexpr size_t default_length_callback(size_t size) { return size; };
+ constexpr size_t default_length_callback(size_t size) {
+ return size;
+ };
node_callback_t expect_list_and_length(length_callback_t length_callback, node_callback_t callback);
node_callback_t expect_list_of_length(size_t length, node_callback_t callback);
@@ -147,33 +158,47 @@ namespace OpenVic {
using enum dictionary_entry_t::expected_count_t;
using key_map_t = string_map_t<dictionary_entry_t>;
- bool add_key_map_entry(key_map_t& key_map, std::string_view key, dictionary_entry_t::expected_count_t expected_count, node_callback_t callback);
+ bool add_key_map_entry(
+ key_map_t& key_map, std::string_view key, dictionary_entry_t::expected_count_t expected_count,
+ node_callback_t callback
+ );
bool remove_key_map_entry(key_map_t& key_map, std::string_view key);
key_value_callback_t dictionary_keys_callback(key_map_t& key_map, key_value_callback_t default_callback);
bool check_key_map_counts(key_map_t& key_map);
- constexpr bool add_key_map_entries(key_map_t& key_map) { return true; }
+ constexpr bool add_key_map_entries(key_map_t& key_map) {
+ return true;
+ }
template<typename... Args>
- bool add_key_map_entries(key_map_t& key_map, std::string_view key, dictionary_entry_t::expected_count_t expected_count, NodeCallback auto callback, Args... args) {
+ bool add_key_map_entries(
+ key_map_t& key_map, std::string_view key, dictionary_entry_t::expected_count_t expected_count,
+ NodeCallback auto callback, Args... args
+ ) {
bool ret = add_key_map_entry(key_map, key, expected_count, callback);
ret &= add_key_map_entries(key_map, args...);
return ret;
- node_callback_t expect_dictionary_key_map_and_length_and_default(key_map_t key_map, length_callback_t length_callback, key_value_callback_t default_callback);
+ node_callback_t expect_dictionary_key_map_and_length_and_default(
+ key_map_t key_map, length_callback_t length_callback, key_value_callback_t default_callback
+ );
node_callback_t expect_dictionary_key_map_and_length(key_map_t key_map, length_callback_t length_callback);
node_callback_t expect_dictionary_key_map_and_default(key_map_t key_map, key_value_callback_t default_callback);
node_callback_t expect_dictionary_key_map(key_map_t key_map);
template<typename... Args>
- NodeCallback auto expect_dictionary_key_map_and_length_and_default(key_map_t key_map, length_callback_t length_callback, key_value_callback_t default_callback, Args... args) {
+ NodeCallback auto expect_dictionary_key_map_and_length_and_default(
+ key_map_t key_map, length_callback_t length_callback, key_value_callback_t default_callback, Args... args
+ ) {
// TODO - pass return value back up (part of big key_map_t rewrite?)
add_key_map_entries(key_map, args...);
return expect_dictionary_key_map_and_length_and_default(std::move(key_map), length_callback, default_callback);
template<typename... Args>
- NodeCallback auto expect_dictionary_keys_and_length_and_default(LengthCallback auto length_callback, KeyValueCallback auto default_callback, Args... args) {
+ NodeCallback auto expect_dictionary_keys_and_length_and_default(
+ LengthCallback auto length_callback, KeyValueCallback auto default_callback, Args... args
+ ) {
return expect_dictionary_key_map_and_length_and_default({}, length_callback, default_callback, args...);
@@ -189,7 +214,9 @@ namespace OpenVic {
template<typename... Args>
NodeCallback auto expect_dictionary_keys(Args... args) {
- return expect_dictionary_key_map_and_length_and_default({}, default_length_callback, key_value_invalid_callback, args...);
+ return expect_dictionary_key_map_and_length_and_default(
+ {}, default_length_callback, key_value_invalid_callback, args...
+ );
template<typename T>
@@ -266,9 +293,7 @@ namespace OpenVic {
template<typename T>
- requires requires(T& t) {
- t += T {};
- }
+ requires requires(T& t) { t += T {}; }
Callback<T> auto add_variable_callback(T& var) {
return [&var](T val) -> bool {
var += val;
@@ -277,9 +302,7 @@ namespace OpenVic {
template<typename T>
- requires requires(T& t) {
- t++;
- }
+ requires requires(T& t) { t++; }
KeyValueCallback auto increment_callback(T& var) {
return [&var](std::string_view, ast::NodeCPtr) -> bool {
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/economy/Building.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/economy/Building.cpp
index 4a99249..a79741b 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/economy/Building.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/economy/Building.cpp
@@ -5,8 +5,9 @@
using namespace OpenVic;
using namespace OpenVic::NodeTools;
-Building::Building(std::string_view identifier, BuildingType const& type, ARGS)
- : HasIdentifier { identifier }, type { type }, modifier { std::move(modifier) }, on_completion { on_completion },
+ std::string_view identifier, BuildingType const& type, ARGS
+) : HasIdentifier { identifier }, type { type }, modifier { std::move(modifier) }, on_completion { on_completion },
completion_size { completion_size }, max_level { max_level }, goods_cost { std::move(goods_cost) }, cost { cost },
build_time { build_time }, visibility { visibility }, on_map { on_map }, default_enabled { default_enabled },
production_type { production_type }, pop_build_factory { pop_build_factory }, strategic_factory { strategic_factory },
@@ -154,14 +155,14 @@ bool BuildingInstance::expand() {
void BuildingInstance::update_state(Date const& today) {
switch (expansion_state) {
- case ExpansionState::Preparing:
- start = today;
- end = start + building.get_build_time();
- break;
- case ExpansionState::Expanding:
- expansion_progress = static_cast<double>(today - start) / static_cast<double>(end - start);
- break;
- default: expansion_state = _can_expand() ? ExpansionState::CanExpand : ExpansionState::CannotExpand;
+ case ExpansionState::Preparing:
+ start = today;
+ end = start + building.get_build_time();
+ break;
+ case ExpansionState::Expanding:
+ expansion_progress = static_cast<double>(today - start) / static_cast<double>(end - start);
+ break;
+ default: expansion_state = _can_expand() ? ExpansionState::CanExpand : ExpansionState::CannotExpand;
@@ -198,13 +199,17 @@ bool BuildingManager::add_building(std::string_view identifier, BuildingType con
return buildings.add_item({
- identifier, *type, std::move(modifier), on_completion, completion_size, max_level, std::move(goods_cost), cost, build_time, visibility, on_map, default_enabled,
- production_type, pop_build_factory, strategic_factory, advanced_factory, fort_level, naval_capacity, std::move(colonial_points), in_province, one_per_state,
+ identifier, *type, std::move(modifier), on_completion, completion_size, max_level, std::move(goods_cost),
+ cost, build_time, visibility, on_map, default_enabled, production_type, pop_build_factory, strategic_factory,
+ advanced_factory, fort_level, naval_capacity, std::move(colonial_points), in_province, one_per_state,
colonial_range, infrastructure, spawn_railway_track, sail, steam, capital, port
-bool BuildingManager::load_buildings_file(GoodManager const& good_manager, ProductionTypeManager const& production_type_manager, ModifierManager const& modifier_manager, ast::NodeCPtr root) {
+bool BuildingManager::load_buildings_file(
+ GoodManager const& good_manager, ProductionTypeManager const& production_type_manager,
+ ModifierManager const& modifier_manager, ast::NodeCPtr root
+) {
bool ret = expect_dictionary_reserve_length(buildings, [this](std::string_view, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
return expect_key("type", expect_identifier(
std::bind(&BuildingManager::add_building_type, this, std::placeholders::_1)
@@ -212,62 +217,68 @@ bool BuildingManager::load_buildings_file(GoodManager const& good_manager, Produ
- ret &= expect_dictionary([this, &good_manager, &production_type_manager, &modifier_manager](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
- BuildingType const* type = nullptr;
- ProductionType const* production_type = nullptr;
- std::string_view on_completion;
- fixed_point_t completion_size = 0, cost = 0, infrastructure = 0, colonial_range = 0;
- Building::level_t max_level = 0, fort_level = 0;
- Good::good_map_t goods_cost;
- Timespan build_time;
- bool visibility = false, on_map = false, default_enabled = false, pop_build_factory = false, strategic_factory = false, advanced_factory = false;
- bool in_province = false, one_per_state = false, spawn_railway_track = false, sail = false, steam = false, capital = false, port = false;
- uint64_t naval_capacity = 0;
- std::vector<fixed_point_t> colonial_points;
- ModifierValue modifier;
- bool ret = modifier_manager.expect_modifier_value_and_keys(move_variable_callback(modifier),
- "type", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_building_type_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(type)),
- "on_completion", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_identifier(assign_variable_callback(on_completion)),
- "completion_size", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(completion_size)),
- "max_level", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_uint(assign_variable_callback(max_level)),
- "goods_cost", ONE_EXACTLY, good_manager.expect_good_decimal_map(move_variable_callback(goods_cost)),
- "cost", ZERO_OR_MORE, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(cost)),
- "time", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_days(assign_variable_callback(build_time)),
- "visibility", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(visibility)),
- "onmap", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(on_map)),
- "default_enabled", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(default_enabled)),
- "production_type", ZERO_OR_ONE, production_type_manager.expect_production_type_identifier(
- assign_variable_callback_pointer(production_type)),
- "pop_build_factory", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(pop_build_factory)),
- "strategic_factory", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(strategic_factory)),
- "advanced_factory", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(advanced_factory)),
- "fort_level", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_uint(assign_variable_callback(fort_level)),
- "naval_capacity", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_uint(assign_variable_callback(naval_capacity)),
- "colonial_points", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_list(expect_fixed_point([&colonial_points](fixed_point_t points) -> bool {
- colonial_points.push_back(points);
- return true;
- })),
- "province", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(in_province)),
- "one_per_state", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(one_per_state)),
- "colonial_range", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(colonial_range)),
- "infrastructure", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(infrastructure)),
- "spawn_railway_track", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(spawn_railway_track)),
- "sail", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(sail)),
- "steam", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(steam)),
- "capital", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(capital)),
- "port", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(port))
- )(value);
- ret &= add_building(
- key, type,std::move(modifier), on_completion, completion_size, max_level, std::move(goods_cost), cost, build_time,
- visibility, on_map, default_enabled, production_type, pop_build_factory, strategic_factory, advanced_factory,
- fort_level, naval_capacity, std::move(colonial_points), in_province, one_per_state, colonial_range, infrastructure,
- spawn_railway_track, sail, steam, capital, port
- );
- return ret;
- })(root);
+ ret &= expect_dictionary(
+ [this, &good_manager, &production_type_manager, &modifier_manager](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
+ BuildingType const* type = nullptr;
+ ProductionType const* production_type = nullptr;
+ std::string_view on_completion;
+ fixed_point_t completion_size = 0, cost = 0, infrastructure = 0, colonial_range = 0;
+ Building::level_t max_level = 0, fort_level = 0;
+ Good::good_map_t goods_cost;
+ Timespan build_time;
+ bool visibility = false, on_map = false, default_enabled = false, pop_build_factory = false;
+ bool strategic_factory = false, advanced_factory = false;
+ bool in_province = false, one_per_state = false, spawn_railway_track = false, sail = false, steam = false;
+ bool capital = false, port = false;
+ uint64_t naval_capacity = 0;
+ std::vector<fixed_point_t> colonial_points;
+ ModifierValue modifier;
+ bool ret = modifier_manager.expect_modifier_value_and_keys(move_variable_callback(modifier),
+ "type", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_building_type_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(type)),
+ "on_completion", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_identifier(assign_variable_callback(on_completion)),
+ "completion_size", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(completion_size)),
+ "max_level", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_uint(assign_variable_callback(max_level)),
+ "goods_cost", ONE_EXACTLY, good_manager.expect_good_decimal_map(move_variable_callback(goods_cost)),
+ "cost", ZERO_OR_MORE, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(cost)),
+ "time", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_days(assign_variable_callback(build_time)),
+ "visibility", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(visibility)),
+ "onmap", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(on_map)),
+ "default_enabled", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(default_enabled)),
+ "production_type", ZERO_OR_ONE, production_type_manager.expect_production_type_identifier(
+ assign_variable_callback_pointer(production_type)),
+ "pop_build_factory", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(pop_build_factory)),
+ "strategic_factory", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(strategic_factory)),
+ "advanced_factory", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(advanced_factory)),
+ "fort_level", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_uint(assign_variable_callback(fort_level)),
+ "naval_capacity", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_uint(assign_variable_callback(naval_capacity)),
+ "colonial_points", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_list(expect_fixed_point(
+ [&colonial_points](fixed_point_t points) -> bool {
+ colonial_points.push_back(points);
+ return true;
+ }
+ )),
+ "province", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(in_province)),
+ "one_per_state", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(one_per_state)),
+ "colonial_range", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(colonial_range)),
+ "infrastructure", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(infrastructure)),
+ "spawn_railway_track", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(spawn_railway_track)),
+ "sail", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(sail)),
+ "steam", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(steam)),
+ "capital", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(capital)),
+ "port", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(port))
+ )(value);
+ ret &= add_building(
+ key, type, std::move(modifier), on_completion, completion_size, max_level, std::move(goods_cost), cost,
+ build_time, visibility, on_map, default_enabled, production_type, pop_build_factory, strategic_factory,
+ advanced_factory, fort_level, naval_capacity, std::move(colonial_points), in_province, one_per_state,
+ colonial_range, infrastructure, spawn_railway_track, sail, steam, capital, port
+ );
+ return ret;
+ }
+ )(root);
return ret;
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/economy/Building.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/economy/Building.hpp
index b56c9a2..89b6db8 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/economy/Building.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/economy/Building.hpp
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
#pragma once
-#include "openvic-simulation/types/Date.hpp"
-#include "openvic-simulation/types/fixed_point/FixedPoint.hpp"
-#include "openvic-simulation/types/IdentifierRegistry.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/Modifier.hpp"
#include "openvic-simulation/economy/Good.hpp"
#include "openvic-simulation/economy/ProductionType.hpp"
-#include "openvic-simulation/Modifier.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/types/Date.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/types/IdentifierRegistry.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/types/fixed_point/FixedPoint.hpp"
#define ARGS \
ModifierValue&& modifier, std::string_view on_completion, fixed_point_t completion_size, level_t max_level, \
- Good::good_map_t&& goods_cost, fixed_point_t cost, Timespan build_time, bool visibility, bool on_map, bool default_enabled, \
- ProductionType const* production_type, bool pop_build_factory, bool strategic_factory, bool advanced_factory, level_t fort_level, \
- uint64_t naval_capacity, std::vector<fixed_point_t>&& colonial_points, bool in_province, bool one_per_state, fixed_point_t colonial_range, \
- fixed_point_t infrastructure, bool spawn_railway_track, bool sail, bool steam, \
- bool capital, bool port
+ Good::good_map_t&& goods_cost, fixed_point_t cost, Timespan build_time, bool visibility, bool on_map, \
+ bool default_enabled, ProductionType const* production_type, bool pop_build_factory, bool strategic_factory, \
+ bool advanced_factory, level_t fort_level, uint64_t naval_capacity, std::vector<fixed_point_t>&& colonial_points, \
+ bool in_province, bool one_per_state, fixed_point_t colonial_range, fixed_point_t infrastructure, \
+ bool spawn_railway_track, bool sail, bool steam, bool capital, bool port
namespace OpenVic {
@@ -33,14 +33,14 @@ namespace OpenVic {
BuildingType const& type;
const ModifierValue modifier;
- const std::string on_completion; //probably sound played on completion
+ const std::string on_completion; // probably sound played on completion
const fixed_point_t completion_size;
const level_t max_level;
const Good::good_map_t goods_cost;
const fixed_point_t cost;
- const Timespan build_time; //time
+ const Timespan build_time; // time
const bool visibility;
- const bool on_map; //onmap
+ const bool on_map; // onmap
const bool default_enabled;
ProductionType const* production_type;
@@ -48,21 +48,21 @@ namespace OpenVic {
const bool strategic_factory;
const bool advanced_factory;
- const level_t fort_level; //probably the step-per-level
+ const level_t fort_level; // probably the step-per-level
const uint64_t naval_capacity;
const std::vector<fixed_point_t> colonial_points;
- const bool in_province; //province
+ const bool in_province; // province
const bool one_per_state;
const fixed_point_t colonial_range;
const fixed_point_t infrastructure;
const bool spawn_railway_track;
- const bool sail; //only in clipper shipyard
- const bool steam; //only in steamer shipyard
- const bool capital; //only in naval base
- const bool port; //only in naval base
+ const bool sail; // only in clipper shipyard
+ const bool steam; // only in steamer shipyard
+ const bool capital; // only in naval base
+ const bool port; // only in naval base
Building(std::string_view identifier, BuildingType const& type, ARGS);
@@ -108,14 +108,9 @@ namespace OpenVic {
BuildingType(BuildingType&&) = default;
- enum class ExpansionState {
- CannotExpand,
- CanExpand,
- Preparing,
- Expanding
- };
+ enum class ExpansionState { CannotExpand, CanExpand, Preparing, Expanding };
- struct BuildingInstance : HasIdentifier { //used in the actual game
+ struct BuildingInstance : HasIdentifier { // used in the actual game
friend struct BuildingManager;
using level_t = Building::level_t;
@@ -145,13 +140,12 @@ namespace OpenVic {
bool expand();
void update_state(Date const& today);
void tick(Date const& today);
struct Province;
struct BuildingManager {
- using level_t = Building::level_t; //this is getting ridiculous
+ using level_t = Building::level_t; // this is getting ridiculous
IdentifierRegistry<BuildingType> building_types;
@@ -166,7 +160,10 @@ namespace OpenVic {
bool add_building(std::string_view identifier, BuildingType const* type, ARGS);
- bool load_buildings_file(GoodManager const& good_manager, ProductionTypeManager const& production_type_manager, ModifierManager const& modifier_manager, ast::NodeCPtr root);
+ bool load_buildings_file(
+ GoodManager const& good_manager, ProductionTypeManager const& production_type_manager,
+ ModifierManager const& modifier_manager, ast::NodeCPtr root
+ );
bool generate_province_buildings(Province& province) const;
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/economy/EconomyManager.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/economy/EconomyManager.hpp
index 05dfc91..b7d45c9 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/economy/EconomyManager.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/economy/EconomyManager.hpp
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ namespace OpenVic {
BuildingManager building_manager;
GoodManager good_manager;
ProductionTypeManager production_type_manager;
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/economy/Good.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/economy/Good.cpp
index 0fd4618..11230d2 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/economy/Good.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/economy/Good.cpp
@@ -7,15 +7,12 @@ using namespace OpenVic::NodeTools;
GoodCategory::GoodCategory(std::string_view new_identifier) : HasIdentifier { new_identifier } {}
-Good::Good(std::string_view new_identifier, colour_t new_colour, GoodCategory const& new_category, price_t new_base_price,
- bool new_available_from_start, bool new_tradeable, bool new_money, bool new_overseas_penalty)
- : HasIdentifierAndColour { new_identifier, new_colour, true, false },
- category { new_category },
- base_price { new_base_price },
- available_from_start { new_available_from_start },
- tradeable { new_tradeable },
- money { new_money },
- overseas_penalty { new_overseas_penalty } {
+ std::string_view new_identifier, colour_t new_colour, GoodCategory const& new_category, price_t new_base_price,
+ bool new_available_from_start, bool new_tradeable, bool new_money, bool new_overseas_penalty
+) : HasIdentifierAndColour { new_identifier, new_colour, true, false }, category { new_category },
+ base_price { new_base_price }, available_from_start { new_available_from_start }, tradeable { new_tradeable },
+ money { new_money }, overseas_penalty { new_overseas_penalty } {
assert(base_price > NULL_PRICE);
@@ -66,8 +63,10 @@ bool GoodManager::add_good_category(std::string_view identifier) {
return good_categories.add_item({ identifier });
-bool GoodManager::add_good(std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour, GoodCategory const* category,
- Good::price_t base_price, bool available_from_start, bool tradeable, bool money, bool overseas_penalty) {
+bool GoodManager::add_good(
+ std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour, GoodCategory const* category, Good::price_t base_price,
+ bool available_from_start, bool tradeable, bool money, bool overseas_penalty
+) {
if (identifier.empty()) {
Logger::error("Invalid good identifier - empty!");
return false;
@@ -84,12 +83,16 @@ bool GoodManager::add_good(std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour, GoodCat
Logger::error("Invalid base price for ", identifier, ": ", base_price);
return false;
- return goods.add_item({ identifier, colour, *category, base_price, available_from_start, tradeable, money, overseas_penalty });
+ return goods.add_item({
+ identifier, colour, *category, base_price, available_from_start,
+ tradeable, money, overseas_penalty
+ });
void GoodManager::reset_to_defaults() {
- for (Good& good : goods.get_items())
+ for (Good& good : goods.get_items()) {
+ }
bool GoodManager::load_goods_file(ast::NodeCPtr root) {
@@ -104,31 +107,29 @@ bool GoodManager::load_goods_file(ast::NodeCPtr root) {
goods.reserve(goods.size() + total_expected_goods);
- ret &= expect_dictionary(
- [this](std::string_view good_category_key, ast::NodeCPtr good_category_value) -> bool {
- GoodCategory const* good_category = get_good_category_by_identifier(good_category_key);
- return expect_dictionary(
- [this, good_category](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
- colour_t colour = NULL_COLOUR;
- Good::price_t base_price;
- bool available_from_start = true, tradeable = true;
- bool money = false, overseas_penalty = false;
- bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys(
- "color", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_colour(assign_variable_callback(colour)),
- "cost", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(base_price)),
- "available_from_start", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(available_from_start)),
- "tradeable", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(tradeable)),
- "money", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(money)),
- "overseas_penalty", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(overseas_penalty))
- )(value);
- ret &= add_good(key, colour, good_category, base_price, available_from_start, tradeable, money, overseas_penalty);
- return ret;
- }
- )(good_category_value);
- }
- )(root);
+ ret &= expect_dictionary([this](std::string_view good_category_key, ast::NodeCPtr good_category_value) -> bool {
+ GoodCategory const* good_category = get_good_category_by_identifier(good_category_key);
+ return expect_dictionary([this, good_category](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
+ colour_t colour = NULL_COLOUR;
+ Good::price_t base_price;
+ bool available_from_start = true, tradeable = true;
+ bool money = false, overseas_penalty = false;
+ bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys(
+ "color", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_colour(assign_variable_callback(colour)),
+ "cost", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(base_price)),
+ "available_from_start", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(available_from_start)),
+ "tradeable", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(tradeable)),
+ "money", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(money)),
+ "overseas_penalty", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(overseas_penalty))
+ )(value);
+ ret &= add_good(
+ key, colour, good_category, base_price, available_from_start, tradeable, money, overseas_penalty
+ );
+ return ret;
+ })(good_category_value);
+ })(root);
return ret;
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/economy/Good.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/economy/Good.hpp
index 2a850fa..ae2d6a9 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/economy/Good.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/economy/Good.hpp
@@ -42,8 +42,10 @@ namespace OpenVic {
const bool available_from_start, tradeable, money, overseas_penalty;
bool available;
- Good(std::string_view new_identifier, colour_t new_colour, GoodCategory const& new_category, price_t new_base_price,
- bool new_available_from_start, bool new_tradeable, bool new_money, bool new_overseas_penalty);
+ Good(
+ std::string_view new_identifier, colour_t new_colour, GoodCategory const& new_category, price_t new_base_price,
+ bool new_available_from_start, bool new_tradeable, bool new_money, bool new_overseas_penalty
+ );
Good(Good&&) = default;
@@ -70,8 +72,10 @@ namespace OpenVic {
bool add_good_category(std::string_view identifier);
- bool add_good(std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour, GoodCategory const* category, Good::price_t base_price,
- bool available_from_start, bool tradeable, bool money, bool overseas_penalty);
+ bool add_good(
+ std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour, GoodCategory const* category, Good::price_t base_price,
+ bool available_from_start, bool tradeable, bool money, bool overseas_penalty
+ );
void reset_to_defaults();
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/economy/ProductionType.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/economy/ProductionType.cpp
index f31ea59..1c65c4d 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/economy/ProductionType.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/economy/ProductionType.cpp
@@ -5,8 +5,10 @@
using namespace OpenVic;
using namespace OpenVic::NodeTools;
-EmployedPop::EmployedPop(PopType const* pop_type, bool artisan, effect_t effect, fixed_point_t effect_multiplier, fixed_point_t amount)
- : pop_type { pop_type }, artisan { artisan }, effect { effect }, effect_multiplier { effect_multiplier }, amount { amount } {}
+ PopType const* pop_type, bool artisan, effect_t effect, fixed_point_t effect_multiplier, fixed_point_t amount
+) : pop_type { pop_type }, artisan { artisan }, effect { effect }, effect_multiplier { effect_multiplier },
+ amount { amount } {}
PopType const* EmployedPop::get_pop_type() const {
return pop_type;
@@ -28,9 +30,11 @@ fixed_point_t EmployedPop::get_amount() const {
return amount;
-ProductionType::ProductionType(PRODUCTION_TYPE_ARGS) : HasIdentifier { identifier }, owner { owner }, employees { employees },
- type { type }, workforce { workforce }, input_goods { std::move(input_goods) }, output_goods { output_goods },
- value { value }, bonuses { std::move(bonuses) }, efficiency { std::move(efficiency) }, coastal { coastal }, farm { farm }, mine { mine } {}
+) : HasIdentifier { identifier }, owner { owner }, employees { employees }, type { type }, workforce { workforce },
+ input_goods { std::move(input_goods) }, output_goods { output_goods }, value { value }, bonuses { std::move(bonuses) },
+ efficiency { std::move(efficiency) }, coastal { coastal }, farm { farm }, mine { mine } {}
EmployedPop const& ProductionType::get_owner() const {
return owner;
@@ -82,8 +86,9 @@ bool ProductionType::is_mine() const {
ProductionTypeManager::ProductionTypeManager() : production_types { "production types" } {}
-node_callback_t ProductionTypeManager::_expect_employed_pop(GoodManager const& good_manager, PopManager const& pop_manager,
- callback_t<EmployedPop&&> cb) {
+node_callback_t ProductionTypeManager::_expect_employed_pop(
+ GoodManager const& good_manager, PopManager const& pop_manager, callback_t<EmployedPop&&> cb
+) {
return [this, &good_manager, &pop_manager, cb](ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
std::string_view pop_type;
@@ -117,8 +122,9 @@ node_callback_t ProductionTypeManager::_expect_employed_pop(GoodManager const& g
-node_callback_t ProductionTypeManager::_expect_employed_pop_list(GoodManager const& good_manager, PopManager const& pop_manager,
- callback_t<std::vector<EmployedPop>&&> cb) {
+node_callback_t ProductionTypeManager::_expect_employed_pop_list(
+ GoodManager const& good_manager, PopManager const& pop_manager, callback_t<std::vector<EmployedPop>&&> cb
+) {
return [this, &good_manager, &pop_manager, cb](ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
std::vector<EmployedPop> employed_pops;
@@ -133,7 +139,8 @@ node_callback_t ProductionTypeManager::_expect_employed_pop_list(GoodManager con
#define POPTYPE_CHECK(employed_pop) \
- if ((employed_pop.pop_type == nullptr && !employed_pop.artisan) || (employed_pop.pop_type != nullptr && employed_pop.artisan)) { \
+ if ((employed_pop.pop_type == nullptr && !employed_pop.artisan) || \
+ (employed_pop.pop_type != nullptr && employed_pop.artisan)) { \
Logger::error("Invalid pop type parsed for owner of production type ", identifier, "!"); \
return false; \
@@ -171,7 +178,8 @@ bool ProductionTypeManager::add_production_type(PRODUCTION_TYPE_ARGS, GoodManage
-#define PARSE_NODE expect_dictionary_keys_and_default( \
+#define PARSE_NODE \
+ expect_dictionary_keys_and_default( \
key_value_success_callback, \
"owner", ZERO_OR_ONE, _expect_employed_pop(good_manager, pop_manager, move_variable_callback(owner)), \
"employees", ZERO_OR_ONE, _expect_employed_pop_list(good_manager, pop_manager, move_variable_callback(employees)), \
@@ -186,7 +194,9 @@ bool ProductionTypeManager::add_production_type(PRODUCTION_TYPE_ARGS, GoodManage
"mine", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(mine)) \
-bool ProductionTypeManager::load_production_types_file(GoodManager const& good_manager, PopManager const& pop_manager, ast::NodeCPtr root) {
+bool ProductionTypeManager::load_production_types_file(
+ GoodManager const& good_manager, PopManager const& pop_manager, ast::NodeCPtr root
+) {
size_t expected_types = 0;
// pass 1: find and store template identifiers
@@ -198,7 +208,8 @@ bool ProductionTypeManager::load_production_types_file(GoodManager const& good_m
std::string_view template_id = "";
bool found_template = false;
- const bool ret = expect_key("template", expect_identifier(assign_variable_callback(template_id)), &found_template)(value);
+ const bool ret =
+ expect_key("template", expect_identifier(assign_variable_callback(template_id)), &found_template)(value);
if (found_template) {
if (ret) {
@@ -227,9 +238,11 @@ bool ProductionTypeManager::load_production_types_file(GoodManager const& good_m
// pass 3: actually load production types
production_types.reserve(production_types.size() + expected_types);
ret &= expect_dictionary(
- [this, &good_manager, &pop_manager, &template_target_map, &template_node_map](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
- if (template_node_map.contains(key))
+ [this, &good_manager, &pop_manager, &template_target_map, &template_node_map](
+ std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
+ if (template_node_map.contains(key)) {
return true;
+ }
EmployedPop owner;
std::vector<EmployedPop> employees;
@@ -260,8 +273,8 @@ bool ProductionTypeManager::load_production_types_file(GoodManager const& good_m
ret &= PARSE_NODE(node);
ret &= add_production_type(
- key, owner, employees, type, workforce, std::move(input_goods), output_goods, value,
- std::move(bonuses), std::move(efficiency), coastal, farm, mine, good_manager
+ key, owner, employees, type, workforce, std::move(input_goods), output_goods, value, std::move(bonuses),
+ std::move(efficiency), coastal, farm, mine, good_manager
return ret;
@@ -270,4 +283,4 @@ bool ProductionTypeManager::load_production_types_file(GoodManager const& good_m
return ret;
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/economy/ProductionType.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/economy/ProductionType.hpp
index 2deb461..802580b 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/economy/ProductionType.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/economy/ProductionType.hpp
@@ -16,11 +16,7 @@ namespace OpenVic {
struct EmployedPop {
friend struct ProductionTypeManager;
- enum struct effect_t {
- };
+ enum struct effect_t { INPUT, OUTPUT, THROUGHPUT };
PopType const* pop_type; // poptype
@@ -29,7 +25,9 @@ namespace OpenVic {
fixed_point_t effect_multiplier;
fixed_point_t amount;
- EmployedPop(PopType const* pop_type, bool artisan, effect_t effect, fixed_point_t effect_multiplier, fixed_point_t amount);
+ EmployedPop(
+ PopType const* pop_type, bool artisan, effect_t effect, fixed_point_t effect_multiplier, fixed_point_t amount
+ );
EmployedPop() = default;
@@ -52,11 +50,7 @@ namespace OpenVic {
const EmployedPop owner;
const std::vector<EmployedPop> employees;
- const enum struct type_t {
- RGO,
- } type;
+ const enum struct type_t { FACTORY, RGO, ARTISAN } type;
const Pop::pop_size_t workforce;
const Good::good_map_t input_goods;
@@ -96,10 +90,13 @@ namespace OpenVic {
IdentifierRegistry<ProductionType> production_types;
- NodeTools::node_callback_t _expect_employed_pop(GoodManager const& good_manager, PopManager const& pop_manager,
- NodeTools::callback_t<EmployedPop&&> cb);
- NodeTools::node_callback_t _expect_employed_pop_list(GoodManager const& good_manager, PopManager const& pop_manager,
- NodeTools::callback_t<std::vector<EmployedPop>&&> cb);
+ NodeTools::node_callback_t _expect_employed_pop(
+ GoodManager const& good_manager, PopManager const& pop_manager, NodeTools::callback_t<EmployedPop&&> cb
+ );
+ NodeTools::node_callback_t _expect_employed_pop_list(
+ GoodManager const& good_manager, PopManager const& pop_manager,
+ NodeTools::callback_t<std::vector<EmployedPop>&&> cb
+ );
@@ -109,4 +106,4 @@ namespace OpenVic {
bool load_production_types_file(GoodManager const& good_manager, PopManager const& pop_manager, ast::NodeCPtr root);
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/history/Bookmark.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/history/Bookmark.cpp
index 1786821..edfa064 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/history/Bookmark.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/history/Bookmark.cpp
@@ -12,20 +12,10 @@ using namespace OpenVic;
using namespace OpenVic::NodeTools;
- size_t new_index,
- std::string_view new_name,
- std::string_view new_description,
- Date new_date,
- uint32_t new_initial_camera_x,
+ size_t new_index, std::string_view new_name, std::string_view new_description, Date new_date, uint32_t new_initial_camera_x,
uint32_t new_initial_camera_y
- : HasIdentifier { std::to_string(new_index) },
- name { new_name },
- description { new_description },
- date { new_date },
- initial_camera_x { new_initial_camera_x },
- initial_camera_y { new_initial_camera_y } {
+) : HasIdentifier { std::to_string(new_index) }, name { new_name }, description { new_description }, date { new_date },
+ initial_camera_x { new_initial_camera_x }, initial_camera_y { new_initial_camera_y } {}
std::string_view Bookmark::get_name() const {
return name;
@@ -50,40 +40,34 @@ uint32_t Bookmark::get_initial_camera_y() const {
BookmarkManager::BookmarkManager() : bookmarks { "bookmarks" } {}
bool BookmarkManager::add_bookmark(
- std::string_view name,
- std::string_view description,
- Date date,
- uint32_t initial_camera_x,
- uint32_t initial_camera_y
+ std::string_view name, std::string_view description, Date date, uint32_t initial_camera_x, uint32_t initial_camera_y
) {
return bookmarks.add_item({ bookmarks.size(), name, description, date, initial_camera_x, initial_camera_y });
bool BookmarkManager::load_bookmark_file(ast::NodeCPtr root) {
- bool ret = expect_dictionary(
- [this](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
- if (key != "bookmark") {
- Logger::error("Invalid bookmark declaration ", key);
- return false;
- }
- std::string_view name, description;
- Date date;
- uint32_t initial_camera_x, initial_camera_y;
- bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys(
- "name", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_string(assign_variable_callback(name)),
- "desc", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_string(assign_variable_callback(description)),
- "date", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_date(assign_variable_callback(date)),
- "cameraX", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_uint(assign_variable_callback(initial_camera_x)),
- "cameraY", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_uint(assign_variable_callback(initial_camera_y))
- )(value);
- ret &= add_bookmark(name, description, date, initial_camera_x, initial_camera_y);
- return ret;
+ const bool ret = expect_dictionary([this](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
+ if (key != "bookmark") {
+ Logger::error("Invalid bookmark declaration ", key);
+ return false;
- )(root);
+ std::string_view name, description;
+ Date date;
+ uint32_t initial_camera_x, initial_camera_y;
+ bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys(
+ "name", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_string(assign_variable_callback(name)),
+ "desc", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_string(assign_variable_callback(description)),
+ "date", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_date(assign_variable_callback(date)),
+ "cameraX", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_uint(assign_variable_callback(initial_camera_x)),
+ "cameraY", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_uint(assign_variable_callback(initial_camera_y))
+ )(value);
+ ret &= add_bookmark(name, description, date, initial_camera_x, initial_camera_y);
+ return ret;
+ })(root);
return ret;
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/history/Bookmark.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/history/Bookmark.hpp
index 63e1b3b..8f0075f 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/history/Bookmark.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/history/Bookmark.hpp
@@ -20,12 +20,8 @@ namespace OpenVic {
const uint32_t initial_camera_y;
- size_t new_index,
- std::string_view new_name,
- std::string_view new_description,
- Date new_date,
- uint32_t new_initial_camera_x,
- uint32_t new_initial_camera_y
+ size_t new_index, std::string_view new_name, std::string_view new_description, Date new_date,
+ uint32_t new_initial_camera_x, uint32_t new_initial_camera_y
@@ -45,9 +41,11 @@ namespace OpenVic {
- bool add_bookmark(std::string_view name, std::string_view description, Date date, uint32_t initial_camera_x, uint32_t initial_camera_y);
+ bool add_bookmark(
+ std::string_view name, std::string_view description, Date date, uint32_t initial_camera_x, uint32_t initial_camera_y
+ );
bool load_bookmark_file(ast::NodeCPtr root);
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/history/CountryHistory.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/history/CountryHistory.cpp
index 5e91a85..2dfc171 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/history/CountryHistory.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/history/CountryHistory.cpp
@@ -6,21 +6,16 @@ using namespace OpenVic;
using namespace OpenVic::NodeTools;
- Culture const* new_primary_culture,
- std::vector<Culture const*>&& new_accepted_cultures,
- Religion const* new_religion,
- CountryParty const* new_ruling_party,
- Date new_last_election,
- std::map<Ideology const*, fixed_point_t>&& new_upper_house,
- Province const* new_capital,
- GovernmentType const* new_government_type,
- fixed_point_t new_plurality,
- NationalValue const* new_national_value,
- bool new_civilised,
- fixed_point_t new_prestige,
- std::vector<Reform const*>&& new_reforms,
- Deployment const* new_inital_oob
-) : primary_culture { new_primary_culture }, accepted_cultures { std::move(new_accepted_cultures) }, religion { new_religion }, ruling_party { new_ruling_party }, last_election { new_last_election }, upper_house { std::move(new_upper_house) }, capital { new_capital }, government_type { new_government_type }, plurality { new_plurality }, national_value { new_national_value }, civilised { new_civilised }, prestige { new_prestige }, reforms { std::move(new_reforms) }, inital_oob { new_inital_oob } {}
+ Culture const* new_primary_culture, std::vector<Culture const*>&& new_accepted_cultures, Religion const* new_religion,
+ CountryParty const* new_ruling_party, Date new_last_election, std::map<Ideology const*, fixed_point_t>&& new_upper_house,
+ Province const* new_capital, GovernmentType const* new_government_type, fixed_point_t new_plurality,
+ NationalValue const* new_national_value, bool new_civilised, fixed_point_t new_prestige,
+ std::vector<Reform const*>&& new_reforms, Deployment const* new_inital_oob
+) : primary_culture { new_primary_culture }, accepted_cultures { std::move(new_accepted_cultures) },
+ religion { new_religion }, ruling_party { new_ruling_party }, last_election { new_last_election },
+ upper_house { std::move(new_upper_house) }, capital { new_capital }, government_type { new_government_type },
+ plurality { new_plurality }, national_value { new_national_value }, civilised { new_civilised },
+ prestige { new_prestige }, reforms { std::move(new_reforms) }, inital_oob { new_inital_oob } {}
Culture const* CountryHistory::get_primary_culture() const {
return primary_culture;
@@ -79,25 +74,12 @@ Deployment const* CountryHistory::get_inital_oob() const {
bool CountryHistoryManager::add_country_history_entry(
- Country const* country,
- Date date,
- Culture const* primary_culture,
- std::vector<Culture const*>&& accepted_cultures,
- Religion const* religion,
- CountryParty const* ruling_party,
- Date last_election,
- std::map<Ideology const*, fixed_point_t>&& upper_house,
- Province const* capital,
- GovernmentType const* government_type,
- fixed_point_t plurality,
- NationalValue const* national_value,
- bool civilised,
- fixed_point_t prestige,
- std::vector<Reform const*>&& reforms,
- Deployment const* initial_oob,
- bool updated_accepted_cultures,
- bool updated_upper_house,
- bool updated_reforms
+ Country const* country, Date date, Culture const* primary_culture, std::vector<Culture const*>&& accepted_cultures,
+ Religion const* religion, CountryParty const* ruling_party, Date last_election,
+ std::map<Ideology const*, fixed_point_t>&& upper_house, Province const* capital, GovernmentType const* government_type,
+ fixed_point_t plurality, NationalValue const* national_value, bool civilised, fixed_point_t prestige,
+ std::vector<Reform const*>&& reforms, Deployment const* initial_oob, bool updated_accepted_cultures,
+ bool updated_upper_house, bool updated_reforms
) {
if (locked) {
Logger::error("Cannot add new history entry to country history registry: locked!");
@@ -107,39 +89,58 @@ bool CountryHistoryManager::add_country_history_entry(
/* combine duplicate histories, priority to current (defined later) */
auto& country_registry = country_histories[country];
const auto existing_entry = country_registry.find(date);
if (existing_entry != country_registry.end()) {
- if (primary_culture != nullptr) existing_entry->second.primary_culture = primary_culture;
- if (updated_accepted_cultures) existing_entry->second.accepted_cultures = std::move(accepted_cultures);
- if (religion != nullptr) existing_entry->second.religion = religion;
- if (ruling_party != nullptr) existing_entry->second.ruling_party = ruling_party;
- if (last_election != Date(0)) existing_entry->second.last_election = last_election;
- if (updated_upper_house) existing_entry->second.upper_house = std::move(upper_house);
- if (capital != nullptr) existing_entry->second.capital = capital;
- if (government_type != nullptr) existing_entry->second.government_type = government_type;
- if (plurality >= 0) existing_entry->second.plurality = plurality;
- if (national_value != nullptr) existing_entry->second.national_value = national_value;
- if (civilised) existing_entry->second.civilised = true;
- if (prestige >= 0) existing_entry->second.prestige = prestige;
- if (updated_reforms) existing_entry->second.reforms = std::move(reforms);
- if (initial_oob != nullptr) existing_entry->second.inital_oob = initial_oob;
+ if (primary_culture != nullptr) {
+ existing_entry->second.primary_culture = primary_culture;
+ }
+ if (updated_accepted_cultures) {
+ existing_entry->second.accepted_cultures = std::move(accepted_cultures);
+ }
+ if (religion != nullptr) {
+ existing_entry->second.religion = religion;
+ }
+ if (ruling_party != nullptr) {
+ existing_entry->second.ruling_party = ruling_party;
+ }
+ if (last_election != Date(0)) {
+ existing_entry->second.last_election = last_election;
+ }
+ if (updated_upper_house) {
+ existing_entry->second.upper_house = std::move(upper_house);
+ }
+ if (capital != nullptr) {
+ existing_entry->second.capital = capital;
+ }
+ if (government_type != nullptr) {
+ existing_entry->second.government_type = government_type;
+ }
+ if (plurality >= 0) {
+ existing_entry->second.plurality = plurality;
+ }
+ if (national_value != nullptr) {
+ existing_entry->second.national_value = national_value;
+ }
+ if (civilised) {
+ existing_entry->second.civilised = true;
+ }
+ if (prestige >= 0) {
+ existing_entry->second.prestige = prestige;
+ }
+ if (updated_reforms) {
+ existing_entry->second.reforms = std::move(reforms);
+ }
+ if (initial_oob != nullptr) {
+ existing_entry->second.inital_oob = initial_oob;
+ }
} else {
- country_registry.emplace(date, CountryHistory {
- primary_culture,
- std::move(accepted_cultures),
- religion,
- ruling_party,
- last_election,
- std::move(upper_house),
- capital,
- government_type,
- plurality,
- national_value,
- civilised,
- prestige,
- std::move(reforms),
- initial_oob
- });
+ country_registry.emplace( date,
+ CountryHistory {
+ primary_culture, std::move(accepted_cultures), religion, ruling_party, last_election,
+ std::move(upper_house), capital, government_type, plurality, national_value, civilised,
+ prestige, std::move(reforms), initial_oob
+ }
+ );
return true;
@@ -147,7 +148,9 @@ bool CountryHistoryManager::add_country_history_entry(
void CountryHistoryManager::lock_country_histories() {
for (const auto& entry : country_histories) {
if (entry.second.size() == 0) {
- Logger::error("Attempted to lock country histories - country ", entry.first->get_identifier(), " has no history entries!");
+ Logger::error(
+ "Attempted to lock country histories - country ", entry.first->get_identifier(), " has no history entries!"
+ );
Logger::info("Locked country history registry after registering ", country_histories.size(), " items");
@@ -166,11 +169,17 @@ CountryHistory const* CountryHistoryManager::get_country_history(Country const*
Logger::error("Attempted to access history of undefined country ", country->get_identifier());
return nullptr;
for (const auto& current : country_registry->second) {
- if (current.first == entry) return &current.second;
- if (current.first > entry) continue;
- if (current.first > closest_entry && current.first < entry) closest_entry = current.first;
+ if (current.first == entry) {
+ return &current.second;
+ }
+ if (current.first > entry) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (current.first > closest_entry && current.first < entry) {
+ closest_entry = current.first;
+ }
auto entry_registry = country_registry->second.find(closest_entry);
@@ -185,7 +194,9 @@ inline CountryHistory const* CountryHistoryManager::get_country_history(Country
return get_country_history(country, entry->get_date());
-inline bool CountryHistoryManager::_load_country_history_entry(GameManager& game_manager, std::string_view name, Date const& date, ast::NodeCPtr root) {
+inline bool CountryHistoryManager::_load_country_history_entry(
+ GameManager& game_manager, std::string_view name, Date const& date, ast::NodeCPtr root
+) {
Province const* capital = nullptr;
Culture const* primary_culture = nullptr;
Religion const* religion = nullptr;
@@ -209,7 +220,8 @@ inline bool CountryHistoryManager::_load_country_history_entry(GameManager& game
Reform const* reform;
- bool ret = game_manager.get_politics_manager().get_issue_manager().expect_reform_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(reform))(value);
+ bool ret = game_manager.get_politics_manager().get_issue_manager()
+ .expect_reform_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(reform))(value);
if (std::find(reforms.begin(), reforms.end(), reform) != reforms.end()) {
Logger::error("Redefinition of reform ", reform->get_identifier(), " in history of ", name);
return false;
@@ -221,96 +233,142 @@ inline bool CountryHistoryManager::_load_country_history_entry(GameManager& game
// TODO: technologies & inventions
return true;
- /* we have to use a lambda, assign_variable_callback_pointer apparently doesn't play nice with const & non-const accessors */
- "capital", ZERO_OR_ONE, game_manager.get_map().expect_province_identifier([&capital](Province const& province) -> bool {
- capital = &province;
- return true;
- }),
- "primary_culture", ZERO_OR_ONE, game_manager.get_pop_manager().get_culture_manager().expect_culture_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(primary_culture)),
- "culture", ZERO_OR_MORE, game_manager.get_pop_manager().get_culture_manager().expect_culture_identifier([&game_manager, &accepted_cultures, &updated_accepted_cultures](Culture const& culture) -> bool {
- updated_accepted_cultures = true;
- accepted_cultures.push_back(&culture);
- return true;
- }),
- "religion", ZERO_OR_ONE, game_manager.get_pop_manager().get_religion_manager().expect_religion_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(religion)),
- "government", ZERO_OR_ONE, game_manager.get_politics_manager().get_government_type_manager().expect_government_type_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(government_type)),
+ /* we have to use a lambda, assign_variable_callback_pointer
+ * apparently doesn't play nice with const & non-const accessors */
+ "capital", ZERO_OR_ONE,
+ game_manager.get_map().expect_province_identifier([&capital](Province const& province) -> bool {
+ capital = &province;
+ return true;
+ }),
+ "primary_culture", ZERO_OR_ONE,
+ game_manager.get_pop_manager().get_culture_manager().expect_culture_identifier(
+ assign_variable_callback_pointer(primary_culture)
+ ),
+ "culture", ZERO_OR_MORE,
+ game_manager.get_pop_manager().get_culture_manager().expect_culture_identifier(
+ [&game_manager, &accepted_cultures, &updated_accepted_cultures](Culture const& culture) -> bool {
+ updated_accepted_cultures = true;
+ accepted_cultures.push_back(&culture);
+ return true;
+ }
+ ),
+ "religion", ZERO_OR_ONE,
+ game_manager.get_pop_manager().get_religion_manager().expect_religion_identifier(
+ assign_variable_callback_pointer(religion)
+ ),
+ "government", ZERO_OR_ONE,
+ game_manager.get_politics_manager().get_government_type_manager().expect_government_type_identifier(
+ assign_variable_callback_pointer(government_type)
+ ),
"plurality", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(plurality)),
- "nationalvalue", ZERO_OR_ONE, game_manager.get_politics_manager().get_national_value_manager().expect_national_value_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(national_value)),
+ "nationalvalue", ZERO_OR_ONE,
+ game_manager.get_politics_manager().get_national_value_manager().expect_national_value_identifier(
+ assign_variable_callback_pointer(national_value)
+ ),
"civilized", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(civilised)),
"prestige", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(prestige)),
- "ruling_party", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_identifier([this, &game_manager, &ruling_party, &name, &date](std::string_view identifier) -> bool {
- const std::vector<CountryParty>* parties = &game_manager.get_country_manager().get_country_by_identifier(name)->get_parties();
- for (auto& party : *parties) {
- if (party.get_name() == identifier) {
- if (party.get_start_date() <= date && date <= party.get_end_date()) {
- ruling_party = &party;
- return true;
- } else {
- if (party.get_start_date() > date) Logger::warning("Ruling party ", identifier, " of country ", name, " has invalid start date ", party.get_start_date(), " for bookmark: ", date.to_string());
- if (party.get_end_date() < date) Logger::warning("Ruling party ", identifier, " of country ", name, " has invalid end date ", party.get_end_date(), " for bookmark: ", date.to_string());
- ruling_party = &party;
- return true;
+ "ruling_party", ZERO_OR_ONE,
+ expect_identifier([this, &game_manager, &ruling_party, &name, &date](std::string_view identifier) -> bool {
+ const std::vector<CountryParty>* parties =
+ &game_manager.get_country_manager().get_country_by_identifier(name)->get_parties();
+ for (auto& party : *parties) {
+ if (party.get_name() == identifier) {
+ if (party.get_start_date() <= date && date <= party.get_end_date()) {
+ ruling_party = &party;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ if (party.get_start_date() > date) {
+ Logger::warning(
+ "Ruling party ", identifier, " of country ", name, " has invalid start date ",
+ party.get_start_date(), " for bookmark: ", date.to_string()
+ );
+ }
+ if (party.get_end_date() < date) {
+ Logger::warning(
+ "Ruling party ", identifier, " of country ", name, " has invalid end date ",
+ party.get_end_date(), " for bookmark: ", date.to_string()
+ );
+ }
+ ruling_party = &party;
+ return true;
+ }
- }
- Logger::error("Ruling party ", identifier, " of country ", name, " is not defined!");
- return false;
- }),
+ Logger::error("Ruling party ", identifier, " of country ", name, " is not defined!");
+ return false;
+ }),
"last_election", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_date(assign_variable_callback(last_election)),
- "upper_house", ZERO_OR_ONE, game_manager.get_politics_manager().get_ideology_manager().expect_ideology_dictionary([&upper_house, &updated_upper_house](Ideology const& ideology, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
- fixed_point_t popularity;
- updated_upper_house = true;
- bool ret = expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(popularity))(value);
- upper_house.emplace(&ideology, popularity);
- return ret;
- }),
- "oob", ZERO_OR_ONE, [&game_manager, &initial_oob](ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
- std::string_view string;
- expect_string(assign_variable_callback(string))(node);
- if (string.starts_with('/')) {
- if (game_manager.get_military_manager().get_deployment_manager().has_deployment_identifier(string.substr(1))) {
- initial_oob = game_manager.get_military_manager().get_deployment_manager().get_deployment_by_identifier(string.substr(1));
- return true;
+ "upper_house", ZERO_OR_ONE,
+ game_manager.get_politics_manager().get_ideology_manager().expect_ideology_dictionary(
+ [&upper_house, &updated_upper_house](Ideology const& ideology, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
+ fixed_point_t popularity;
+ updated_upper_house = true;
+ bool ret = expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(popularity))(value);
+ upper_house.emplace(&ideology, popularity);
+ return ret;
- } else {
- if (game_manager.get_military_manager().get_deployment_manager().has_deployment_identifier(string)) {
- initial_oob = game_manager.get_military_manager().get_deployment_manager().get_deployment_by_identifier(string);
+ ),
+ "oob", ZERO_OR_ONE,
+ [&game_manager, &initial_oob](ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
+ std::string_view string;
+ expect_string(assign_variable_callback(string))(node);
+ if (string.starts_with('/')) {
+ if (game_manager.get_military_manager().get_deployment_manager()
+ .has_deployment_identifier(string.substr(1))) {
+ initial_oob = game_manager.get_military_manager().get_deployment_manager()
+ .get_deployment_by_identifier(string.substr(1));
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (game_manager.get_military_manager().get_deployment_manager().has_deployment_identifier(string)) {
+ initial_oob =
+ game_manager.get_military_manager().get_deployment_manager().get_deployment_by_identifier(string);
+ }
- }
- initial_oob = game_manager.get_military_manager().get_deployment_manager().get_deployment_by_identifier("NULL");
- return true;
- },
- "schools", ZERO_OR_ONE, success_callback, // TODO: technology school
+ initial_oob =
+ game_manager.get_military_manager().get_deployment_manager().get_deployment_by_identifier("NULL");
+ return true;
+ },
+ "schools", ZERO_OR_ONE, success_callback, // TODO: technology school
"foreign_investment", ZERO_OR_ONE, success_callback // TODO: foreign investment
- ret &= add_country_history_entry(game_manager.get_country_manager().get_country_by_identifier(name), date, primary_culture, std::move(accepted_cultures), religion, ruling_party, last_election, std::move(upper_house), capital, government_type, plurality, national_value, civilised, prestige, std::move(reforms), initial_oob, updated_accepted_cultures, updated_upper_house, updated_reforms);
+ ret &= add_country_history_entry(
+ game_manager.get_country_manager().get_country_by_identifier(name), date, primary_culture, std::move(accepted_cultures),
+ religion, ruling_party, last_election, std::move(upper_house), capital, government_type, plurality, national_value,
+ civilised, prestige, std::move(reforms), initial_oob, updated_accepted_cultures, updated_upper_house, updated_reforms
+ );
return ret;
bool CountryHistoryManager::load_country_history_file(GameManager& game_manager, std::string_view name, ast::NodeCPtr root) {
- if (game_manager.get_country_manager().get_country_by_identifier(name)->is_dynamic_tag()) return true; /* as far as I can tell dynamic countries are hardcoded, broken, and unused */
+ if (game_manager.get_country_manager().get_country_by_identifier(name)->is_dynamic_tag()) {
+ return true; /* as far as I can tell dynamic countries are hardcoded, broken, and unused */
+ }
bool ret = _load_country_history_entry(game_manager, name, game_manager.get_define_manager().get_start_date(), root);
- ret &= expect_dictionary(
- [this, &game_manager, &name](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
- bool is_date = false;
- Date entry = Date().from_string(key, &is_date, true);
- if (!is_date) return true;
+ ret &= expect_dictionary([this, &game_manager, &name](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
+ bool is_date = false;
+ Date entry = Date().from_string(key, &is_date, true);
+ if (!is_date) {
+ return true;
+ }
- Date const& end_date = game_manager.get_define_manager().get_end_date();
- if (entry > end_date) {
- Logger::error("History entry ", entry.to_string(), " of country ", name, " defined after defined end date ", end_date.to_string());
- return false;
- }
- return _load_country_history_entry(game_manager, name, entry, value);
+ Date const& end_date = game_manager.get_define_manager().get_end_date();
+ if (entry > end_date) {
+ Logger::error(
+ "History entry ", entry.to_string(), " of country ", name, " defined after defined end date ",
+ end_date.to_string()
+ );
+ return false;
- )(root);
+ return _load_country_history_entry(game_manager, name, entry, value);
+ })(root);
return ret;
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/history/CountryHistory.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/history/CountryHistory.hpp
index 56d04c6..52d99df 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/history/CountryHistory.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/history/CountryHistory.hpp
@@ -41,19 +41,11 @@ namespace OpenVic {
// TODO: starting foreign investment
- Culture const* new_primary_culture,
- std::vector<Culture const*>&& new_accepted_cultures,
- Religion const* new_religion,
- CountryParty const* new_ruling_party,
- Date new_last_election,
- std::map<Ideology const*, fixed_point_t>&& new_upper_house,
- Province const* new_capital,
- GovernmentType const* new_government_type,
- fixed_point_t new_plurality,
- NationalValue const* new_national_value,
- bool new_civilised,
- fixed_point_t new_prestige,
- std::vector<Reform const*>&& new_reforms,
+ Culture const* new_primary_culture, std::vector<Culture const*>&& new_accepted_cultures,
+ Religion const* new_religion, CountryParty const* new_ruling_party, Date new_last_election,
+ std::map<Ideology const*, fixed_point_t>&& new_upper_house, Province const* new_capital,
+ GovernmentType const* new_government_type, fixed_point_t new_plurality, NationalValue const* new_national_value,
+ bool new_civilised, fixed_point_t new_prestige, std::vector<Reform const*>&& new_reforms,
Deployment const* new_inital_oob
@@ -79,37 +71,27 @@ namespace OpenVic {
std::map<Country const*, std::map<Date, CountryHistory>> country_histories;
bool locked = false;
- inline bool _load_country_history_entry(GameManager& game_manager, std::string_view name, Date const& date, ast::NodeCPtr root);
+ inline bool _load_country_history_entry(
+ GameManager& game_manager, std::string_view name, Date const& date, ast::NodeCPtr root
+ );
CountryHistoryManager() {}
bool add_country_history_entry(
- Country const* country,
- Date date,
- Culture const* primary_culture,
- std::vector<Culture const*>&& accepted_cultures,
- Religion const* religion,
- CountryParty const* ruling_party,
- Date last_election,
- std::map<Ideology const*, fixed_point_t>&& upper_house,
- Province const* capital,
- GovernmentType const* government_type,
- fixed_point_t plurality,
- NationalValue const* national_value,
- bool civilised,
- fixed_point_t prestige,
- std::vector<Reform const*>&& reforms,
- Deployment const* initial_oob,
- bool updated_accepted_cultures,
- bool updated_upper_house,
- bool updated_reforms
+ Country const* country, Date date, Culture const* primary_culture, std::vector<Culture const*>&& accepted_cultures,
+ Religion const* religion, CountryParty const* ruling_party, Date last_election,
+ std::map<Ideology const*, fixed_point_t>&& upper_house, Province const* capital,
+ GovernmentType const* government_type, fixed_point_t plurality, NationalValue const* national_value, bool civilised,
+ fixed_point_t prestige, std::vector<Reform const*>&& reforms, Deployment const* initial_oob,
+ bool updated_accepted_cultures, bool updated_upper_house, bool updated_reforms
void lock_country_histories();
bool is_locked() const;
- /* Returns history of country at date, if date doesn't have an entry returns closest entry before date. Return can be nullptr if an error occurs. */
+ /* Returns history of country at date, if date doesn't have an entry returns
+ * closest entry before date. Return can be nullptr if an error occurs. */
CountryHistory const* get_country_history(Country const* country, Date entry) const;
/* Returns history of country at bookmark date. Return can be nullptr if an error occurs. */
inline CountryHistory const* get_country_history(Country const* country, Bookmark const* entry) const;
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/history/ProvinceHistory.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/history/ProvinceHistory.cpp
index cc6c5b8..4057bfa 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/history/ProvinceHistory.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/history/ProvinceHistory.cpp
@@ -1,323 +1,330 @@
#include "ProvinceHistory.hpp"
-#include "openvic-simulation/dataloader/NodeTools.hpp"
#include "openvic-simulation/GameManager.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/dataloader/NodeTools.hpp"
using namespace OpenVic;
using namespace OpenVic::NodeTools;
- Country const* new_owner,
- Country const* new_controller,
- uint8_t new_colonial,
- bool new_slave,
- std::vector<Country const*>&& new_cores,
- Good const* new_rgo,
- uint8_t new_life_rating,
- TerrainType const* new_terrain_type,
- std::map<Building const*, uint8_t>&& new_buildings,
- std::map<Ideology const*, uint8_t>&& new_party_loyalties
-) : owner { new_owner },
- controller { new_controller },
- colonial { new_colonial },
- slave { new_slave },
- cores { std::move(new_cores) },
- rgo { new_rgo },
- life_rating { new_life_rating },
- terrain_type { new_terrain_type },
- buildings { std::move(new_buildings) },
- party_loyalties { std::move(new_party_loyalties) } {}
+ Country const* new_owner, Country const* new_controller, uint8_t new_colonial, bool new_slave,
+ std::vector<Country const*>&& new_cores, Good const* new_rgo, uint8_t new_life_rating, TerrainType const* new_terrain_type,
+ std::map<Building const*, uint8_t>&& new_buildings, std::map<Ideology const*, uint8_t>&& new_party_loyalties
+) : owner { new_owner }, controller { new_controller }, colonial { new_colonial }, slave { new_slave },
+ cores { std::move(new_cores) }, rgo { new_rgo }, life_rating { new_life_rating }, terrain_type { new_terrain_type },
+ buildings { std::move(new_buildings) }, party_loyalties { std::move(new_party_loyalties) } {}
Country const* ProvinceHistory::get_owner() const {
- return owner;
+ return owner;
Country const* ProvinceHistory::get_controller() const {
- return controller;
+ return controller;
uint8_t ProvinceHistory::get_colony_status() const {
- return colonial;
+ return colonial;
bool ProvinceHistory::is_slave() const {
- return slave;
+ return slave;
-const std::vector<Country const*>& ProvinceHistory::get_cores() const {
- return cores;
+std::vector<Country const*> const& ProvinceHistory::get_cores() const {
+ return cores;
bool ProvinceHistory::is_core_of(Country const* country) const {
- return std::find(cores.begin(), cores.end(), country) != cores.end();
+ return std::find(cores.begin(), cores.end(), country) != cores.end();
Good const* ProvinceHistory::get_rgo() const {
- return rgo;
+ return rgo;
uint8_t ProvinceHistory::get_life_rating() const {
- return life_rating;
+ return life_rating;
TerrainType const* ProvinceHistory::get_terrain_type() const {
- return terrain_type;
+ return terrain_type;
-const std::map<Building const*, uint8_t>& ProvinceHistory::get_buildings() const {
- return buildings;
+std::map<Building const*, uint8_t> const& ProvinceHistory::get_buildings() const {
+ return buildings;
-const std::map<Ideology const*, uint8_t>& ProvinceHistory::get_party_loyalties() const {
- return party_loyalties;
+std::map<Ideology const*, uint8_t> const& ProvinceHistory::get_party_loyalties() const {
+ return party_loyalties;
bool ProvinceHistoryManager::add_province_history_entry(
- Province const* province,
- Date date,
- Country const* owner,
- Country const* controller,
- uint8_t colonial,
- bool slave,
- std::vector<Country const*>&& cores,
- std::vector<Country const*>&& remove_cores,
- Good const* rgo,
- uint8_t life_rating,
- TerrainType const* terrain_type,
- std::map<Building const*, uint8_t>&& buildings,
- std::map<Ideology const*, uint8_t>&& party_loyalties,
- std::bitset<5> updates
+ Province const* province, Date date, Country const* owner, Country const* controller, uint8_t colonial, bool slave,
+ std::vector<Country const*>&& cores, std::vector<Country const*>&& remove_cores, Good const* rgo, uint8_t life_rating,
+ TerrainType const* terrain_type, std::map<Building const*, uint8_t>&& buildings,
+ std::map<Ideology const*, uint8_t>&& party_loyalties, std::bitset<5> updates
) {
- if (locked) {
- Logger::error("Cannot add new history entry to province history registry: locked!");
- return false;
- }
- /* combine duplicate histories, priority to current (defined later) */
- auto& province_registry = province_histories[province];
- const auto existing_entry = province_registry.find(date);
- if (existing_entry != province_registry.end()) {
- if (owner != nullptr) existing_entry->second.owner = owner;
- if (controller != nullptr) existing_entry->second.controller = controller;
- if (rgo != nullptr) existing_entry->second.rgo = rgo;
- if (terrain_type != nullptr) existing_entry->second.terrain_type = terrain_type;
- if (updates[0]) existing_entry->second.colonial = colonial;
- if (updates[1]) existing_entry->second.slave = slave;
- if (updates[2]) existing_entry->second.life_rating = life_rating;
- if (updates[3]) existing_entry->second.buildings = std::move(buildings);
- if (updates[4]) existing_entry->second.party_loyalties = std::move(party_loyalties);
- // province history cores are additive
- existing_entry->second.cores.insert(existing_entry->second.cores.end(), cores.begin(), cores.end());
- for (const auto which : remove_cores) {
- const auto core = std::find(cores.begin(), cores.end(), which);
- if (core == cores.end()) {
- Logger::error("In history of province ", province->get_identifier(), " tried to remove nonexistant core of country: ", which->get_identifier(), " at date ", date.to_string());
- return false;
- }
- existing_entry->second.cores.erase(core);
- }
- } else {
- province_registry.emplace(date, ProvinceHistory {
- owner,
- controller,
- colonial,
- slave,
- std::move(cores),
- rgo,
- life_rating,
- terrain_type,
- std::move(buildings),
- std::move(party_loyalties)
- });
- }
- return true;
+ if (locked) {
+ Logger::error("Cannot add new history entry to province history registry: locked!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* combine duplicate histories, priority to current (defined later) */
+ auto& province_registry = province_histories[province];
+ const auto existing_entry = province_registry.find(date);
+ if (existing_entry != province_registry.end()) {
+ if (owner != nullptr) {
+ existing_entry->second.owner = owner;
+ }
+ if (controller != nullptr) {
+ existing_entry->second.controller = controller;
+ }
+ if (rgo != nullptr) {
+ existing_entry->second.rgo = rgo;
+ }
+ if (terrain_type != nullptr) {
+ existing_entry->second.terrain_type = terrain_type;
+ }
+ if (updates[0]) {
+ existing_entry->second.colonial = colonial;
+ }
+ if (updates[1]) {
+ existing_entry->second.slave = slave;
+ }
+ if (updates[2]) {
+ existing_entry->second.life_rating = life_rating;
+ }
+ if (updates[3]) {
+ existing_entry->second.buildings = std::move(buildings);
+ }
+ if (updates[4]) {
+ existing_entry->second.party_loyalties = std::move(party_loyalties);
+ }
+ // province history cores are additive
+ existing_entry->second.cores.insert(existing_entry->second.cores.end(), cores.begin(), cores.end());
+ for (const auto which : remove_cores) {
+ const auto core = std::find(cores.begin(), cores.end(), which);
+ if (core == cores.end()) {
+ Logger::error(
+ "In history of province ", province->get_identifier(), " tried to remove nonexistant core of country: ",
+ which->get_identifier(), " at date ", date.to_string()
+ );
+ return false;
+ }
+ existing_entry->second.cores.erase(core);
+ }
+ } else {
+ province_registry.emplace(date, ProvinceHistory {
+ owner, controller, colonial, slave, std::move(cores), rgo, life_rating, terrain_type, std::move(buildings),
+ std::move(party_loyalties)
+ });
+ }
+ return true;
void ProvinceHistoryManager::lock_province_histories() {
- for (const auto& entry : province_histories) {
- if (entry.second.size() == 0) {
- Logger::error("Attempted to lock province histories - province ", entry.first->get_identifier(), " has no history entries!");
- }
- }
- Logger::info("Locked province history registry after registering ", province_histories.size(), " items");
- locked = true;
+ for (auto const& entry : province_histories) {
+ if (entry.second.size() == 0) {
+ Logger::error(
+ "Attempted to lock province histories - province ", entry.first->get_identifier(), " has no history entries!"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ Logger::info("Locked province history registry after registering ", province_histories.size(), " items");
+ locked = true;
bool ProvinceHistoryManager::is_locked() const {
- return locked;
+ return locked;
ProvinceHistory const* ProvinceHistoryManager::get_province_history(Province const* province, Date entry) const {
- Date closest_entry;
- auto province_registry = province_histories.find(province);
- if (province_registry == province_histories.end()) {
- Logger::error("Attempted to access history of undefined province ", province->get_identifier());
- return nullptr;
- }
- for (const auto& current : province_registry->second) {
- if (current.first == entry) return &current.second;
- if (current.first > entry) continue;
- if (current.first > closest_entry && current.first < entry) closest_entry = current.first;
- }
- auto entry_registry = province_registry->second.find(closest_entry);
- if (entry_registry != province_registry->second.end()) return &entry_registry->second;
+ Date closest_entry;
+ auto province_registry = province_histories.find(province);
+ if (province_registry == province_histories.end()) {
+ Logger::error("Attempted to access history of undefined province ", province->get_identifier());
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ for (auto const& current : province_registry->second) {
+ if (current.first == entry) {
+ return &current.second;
+ }
+ if (current.first > entry) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (current.first > closest_entry && current.first < entry) {
+ closest_entry = current.first;
+ }
+ }
+ auto entry_registry = province_registry->second.find(closest_entry);
+ if (entry_registry != province_registry->second.end()) {
+ return &entry_registry->second;
+ }
/* warned about lack of entries earlier, return nullptr */
return nullptr;
-inline ProvinceHistory const* ProvinceHistoryManager::get_province_history(Province const* province, Bookmark const* bookmark) const {
- return get_province_history(province, bookmark->get_date());
+inline ProvinceHistory const* ProvinceHistoryManager::get_province_history(
+ Province const* province, Bookmark const* bookmark
+) const {
+ return get_province_history(province, bookmark->get_date());
-inline bool ProvinceHistoryManager::_load_province_history_entry(GameManager& game_manager, std::string_view province, Date const& date, ast::NodeCPtr root) {
- Country const* owner = nullptr;
- Country const* controller = nullptr;
- std::vector<Country const*> cores;
- std::vector<Country const*> remove_cores;
- Good const* rgo;
- uint8_t life_rating, colonial;
- bool slave;
- TerrainType const* terrain_type;
- std::map<Building const*, uint8_t> buildings;
- std::map<Ideology const*, uint8_t> party_loyalties;
- std::bitset<5> updates;
- bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys_and_default(
- [&game_manager, &buildings, &updates](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
- // used for province buildings like forts or railroads
- if (game_manager.get_economy_manager().get_building_manager().has_building_identifier(key)) {
- Building const* building;
- uint8_t level;
- bool ret = game_manager.get_economy_manager().get_building_manager().expect_building_str(assign_variable_callback_pointer(building))(key);
- ret &= expect_uint(assign_variable_callback(level))(value);
- buildings.emplace(building, level);
- updates[3] = true;
- return ret;
- }
- bool is_date;
- Date().from_string(key, &is_date, true);
- if (is_date) return true;
- return key_value_invalid_callback(key, value);
- },
- "owner", ZERO_OR_ONE, game_manager.get_country_manager().expect_country_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(owner)),
- "controller", ZERO_OR_ONE, game_manager.get_country_manager().expect_country_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(controller)),
- "add_core", ZERO_OR_MORE, [&game_manager, &cores](ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
- Country const* core;
- bool ret = game_manager.get_country_manager().expect_country_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(core))(node);
- cores.push_back(core);
- return ret;
- },
- "remove_core", ZERO_OR_MORE, [&game_manager, &remove_cores](ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
- Country const* remove;
- bool ret = game_manager.get_country_manager().expect_country_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(remove))(node);
- remove_cores.push_back(remove);
- return ret;
- },
- "colonial", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_uint<uint8_t>([&colonial, &updates](uint8_t colony_level) -> bool {
- colonial = colony_level;
- updates[0] = true;
- return true;
- }),
- "colony", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_uint<uint8_t>([&colonial, &updates](uint8_t colony_level) -> bool {
- colonial = colony_level;
- updates[0] = true;
- return true;
- }),
- "is_slave", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool([&slave, &updates](bool is_slave) -> bool {
- if (is_slave) {
- slave = true;
- } else {
- slave = false;
- }
- updates[1] = true;
- return true;
- }),
- "trade_goods", ZERO_OR_ONE, game_manager.get_economy_manager().get_good_manager().expect_good_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(rgo)),
- "life_rating", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_uint<uint8_t>([&life_rating, &updates](uint8_t rating) -> bool {
- life_rating = rating;
- updates[2] = true;
- return true;
- }),
- "terrain", ZERO_OR_ONE, game_manager.get_map().get_terrain_type_manager().expect_terrain_type_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(terrain_type)),
- "party_loyalty", ZERO_OR_MORE, [&game_manager, &party_loyalties, &updates](ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
- Ideology const* ideology;
- uint8_t amount; // percent I do believe
- bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys(
- "ideology", ONE_EXACTLY, game_manager.get_politics_manager().get_ideology_manager().expect_ideology_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(ideology)),
- "loyalty_value", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_uint(assign_variable_callback(amount))
- )(node);
- party_loyalties.emplace(ideology, amount);
- updates[4] = true;
- return ret;
- },
- "state_building", ZERO_OR_MORE, [&game_manager, &buildings, &updates](ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
- Building const* building;
- uint8_t level;
- bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys(
- "level", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_uint(assign_variable_callback(level)),
- "building", ONE_EXACTLY, game_manager.get_economy_manager().get_building_manager().expect_building_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(building)),
- "upgrade", ZERO_OR_ONE, success_callback // doesn't appear to have an effect
- )(node);
- buildings.emplace(building, level);
- updates[3] = true;
- return ret;
- }
- )(root);
- ret &= add_province_history_entry(
- game_manager.get_map().get_province_by_identifier(province),
- date,
- owner,
- controller,
- colonial,
- slave,
- std::move(cores),
- std::move(remove_cores),
- rgo,
- life_rating,
- terrain_type,
- std::move(buildings),
- std::move(party_loyalties),
- updates
- );
- return ret;
+inline bool ProvinceHistoryManager::_load_province_history_entry(
+ GameManager& game_manager, std::string_view province, Date const& date, ast::NodeCPtr root
+) {
+ Country const* owner = nullptr;
+ Country const* controller = nullptr;
+ std::vector<Country const*> cores;
+ std::vector<Country const*> remove_cores;
+ Good const* rgo;
+ uint8_t life_rating, colonial;
+ bool slave;
+ TerrainType const* terrain_type;
+ std::map<Building const*, uint8_t> buildings;
+ std::map<Ideology const*, uint8_t> party_loyalties;
+ std::bitset<5> updates;
+ bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys_and_default(
+ [&game_manager, &buildings, &updates](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
+ // used for province buildings like forts or railroads
+ if (game_manager.get_economy_manager().get_building_manager().has_building_identifier(key)) {
+ Building const* building;
+ uint8_t level;
+ bool ret = game_manager.get_economy_manager().get_building_manager()
+ .expect_building_str(assign_variable_callback_pointer(building))(key);
+ ret &= expect_uint(assign_variable_callback(level))(value);
+ buildings.emplace(building, level);
+ updates[3] = true;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ bool is_date;
+ Date().from_string(key, &is_date, true);
+ if (is_date) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return key_value_invalid_callback(key, value);
+ },
+ "owner", ZERO_OR_ONE, game_manager.get_country_manager()
+ .expect_country_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(owner)),
+ "controller", ZERO_OR_ONE, game_manager.get_country_manager()
+ .expect_country_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(controller)),
+ "add_core", ZERO_OR_MORE, [&game_manager, &cores](ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
+ Country const* core;
+ bool ret = game_manager.get_country_manager()
+ .expect_country_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(core))(node);
+ cores.push_back(core);
+ return ret;
+ },
+ "remove_core", ZERO_OR_MORE, [&game_manager, &remove_cores](ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
+ Country const* remove;
+ bool ret = game_manager.get_country_manager()
+ .expect_country_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(remove))(node);
+ remove_cores.push_back(remove);
+ return ret;
+ },
+ "colonial", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_uint<uint8_t>([&colonial, &updates](uint8_t colony_level) -> bool {
+ colonial = colony_level;
+ updates[0] = true;
+ return true;
+ }),
+ "colony", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_uint<uint8_t>([&colonial, &updates](uint8_t colony_level) -> bool {
+ colonial = colony_level;
+ updates[0] = true;
+ return true;
+ }),
+ "is_slave", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool([&slave, &updates](bool is_slave) -> bool {
+ if (is_slave) {
+ slave = true;
+ } else {
+ slave = false;
+ }
+ updates[1] = true;
+ return true;
+ }),
+ "trade_goods", ZERO_OR_ONE, game_manager.get_economy_manager().get_good_manager()
+ .expect_good_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(rgo)),
+ "life_rating", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_uint<uint8_t>([&life_rating, &updates](uint8_t rating) -> bool {
+ life_rating = rating;
+ updates[2] = true;
+ return true;
+ }),
+ "terrain", ZERO_OR_ONE, game_manager.get_map().get_terrain_type_manager()
+ .expect_terrain_type_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(terrain_type)),
+ "party_loyalty", ZERO_OR_MORE, [&game_manager, &party_loyalties, &updates](ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
+ Ideology const* ideology;
+ uint8_t amount; // percent I do believe
+ bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys(
+ "ideology", ONE_EXACTLY, game_manager.get_politics_manager().get_ideology_manager()
+ .expect_ideology_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(ideology)),
+ "loyalty_value", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_uint(assign_variable_callback(amount))
+ )(node);
+ party_loyalties.emplace(ideology, amount);
+ updates[4] = true;
+ return ret;
+ },
+ "state_building", ZERO_OR_MORE, [&game_manager, &buildings, &updates](ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
+ Building const* building;
+ uint8_t level;
+ bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys(
+ "level", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_uint(assign_variable_callback(level)),
+ "building", ONE_EXACTLY, game_manager.get_economy_manager().get_building_manager()
+ .expect_building_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(building)),
+ "upgrade", ZERO_OR_ONE, success_callback // doesn't appear to have an effect
+ )(node);
+ buildings.emplace(building, level);
+ updates[3] = true;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ )(root);
+ ret &= add_province_history_entry(
+ game_manager.get_map().get_province_by_identifier(province), date, owner, controller, colonial, slave,
+ std::move(cores), std::move(remove_cores), rgo, life_rating, terrain_type, std::move(buildings),
+ std::move(party_loyalties), updates
+ );
+ return ret;
bool ProvinceHistoryManager::load_province_history_file(GameManager& game_manager, std::string_view name, ast::NodeCPtr root) {
- bool ret = _load_province_history_entry(game_manager, name, game_manager.get_define_manager().get_start_date(), root);
- ret &= expect_dictionary(
- [this, &game_manager, &name](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
- bool is_date = false;
- Date entry = Date().from_string(key, &is_date, true);
- if (!is_date) return true;
- Date const& end_date = game_manager.get_define_manager().get_end_date();
- if (entry > end_date) {
- Logger::error("History entry ", entry.to_string(), " of province ", name, " defined after defined end date ", end_date.to_string());
- return false;
- }
- return _load_province_history_entry(game_manager, name, entry, value);
- }
- )(root);
- return ret;
+ bool ret = _load_province_history_entry(game_manager, name, game_manager.get_define_manager().get_start_date(), root);
+ ret &= expect_dictionary(
+ [this, &game_manager, &name](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
+ bool is_date = false;
+ Date entry = Date().from_string(key, &is_date, true);
+ if (!is_date) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ Date const& end_date = game_manager.get_define_manager().get_end_date();
+ if (entry > end_date) {
+ Logger::error(
+ "History entry ", entry.to_string(), " of province ", name, " defined after defined end date ",
+ end_date.to_string()
+ );
+ return false;
+ }
+ return _load_province_history_entry(game_manager, name, entry, value);
+ }
+ )(root);
+ return ret;
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/history/ProvinceHistory.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/history/ProvinceHistory.hpp
index 0304b2a..00ce212 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/history/ProvinceHistory.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/history/ProvinceHistory.hpp
@@ -1,96 +1,85 @@
#pragma once
+#include <bitset>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
-#include <bitset>
-#include "openvic-simulation/map/Province.hpp"
-#include "openvic-simulation/map/TerrainType.hpp"
#include "openvic-simulation/country/Country.hpp"
-#include "openvic-simulation/economy/Good.hpp"
#include "openvic-simulation/economy/Building.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/economy/Good.hpp"
#include "openvic-simulation/history/Bookmark.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/map/Province.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/map/TerrainType.hpp"
namespace OpenVic {
- struct ProvinceHistoryManager;
+ struct ProvinceHistoryManager;
+ struct ProvinceHistory {
+ friend struct ProvinceHistoryManager;
- struct ProvinceHistory {
- friend struct ProvinceHistoryManager;
+ private:
+ Country const* owner;
+ Country const* controller;
+ uint8_t colonial;
+ bool slave;
+ std::vector<Country const*> cores; // non-standard, maintains cores between entries
+ Good const* rgo;
+ uint8_t life_rating;
+ TerrainType const* terrain_type;
+ std::map<Building const*, uint8_t> buildings;
+ std::map<Ideology const*, uint8_t> party_loyalties;
- private:
- Country const* owner;
- Country const* controller;
- uint8_t colonial;
- bool slave;
- std::vector<Country const*> cores; // non-standard, maintains cores between entries
- Good const* rgo;
- uint8_t life_rating;
- TerrainType const* terrain_type;
- std::map<Building const*, uint8_t> buildings;
- std::map<Ideology const*, uint8_t> party_loyalties;
+ ProvinceHistory(
+ Country const* new_owner, Country const* new_controller, uint8_t new_colonial, bool new_slave,
+ std::vector<Country const*>&& new_cores, Good const* new_rgo, uint8_t new_life_rating,
+ TerrainType const* new_terrain_type, std::map<Building const*, uint8_t>&& new_buildings,
+ std::map<Ideology const*, uint8_t>&& new_party_loyalties
+ );
- ProvinceHistory(
- Country const* new_owner,
- Country const* new_controller,
- uint8_t new_colonial,
- bool new_slave,
- std::vector<Country const*>&& new_cores,
- Good const* new_rgo,
- uint8_t new_life_rating,
- TerrainType const* new_terrain_type,
- std::map<Building const*, uint8_t>&& new_buildings,
- std::map<Ideology const*, uint8_t>&& new_party_loyalties
- );
+ public:
+ Country const* get_owner() const;
+ Country const* get_controller() const;
+ uint8_t get_colony_status() const; // 0 = state, 1 = protectorate, 2 = colony
+ bool is_slave() const;
+ std::vector<Country const*> const& get_cores() const;
+ bool is_core_of(Country const* country) const;
+ Good const* get_rgo() const;
+ uint8_t get_life_rating() const;
+ TerrainType const* get_terrain_type() const;
+ std::map<Building const*, uint8_t> const& get_buildings() const;
+ std::map<Ideology const*, uint8_t> const& get_party_loyalties() const;
+ };
- public:
- Country const* get_owner() const;
- Country const* get_controller() const;
- uint8_t get_colony_status() const; // 0 = state, 1 = protectorate, 2 = colony
- bool is_slave() const;
- const std::vector<Country const*>& get_cores() const;
- bool is_core_of(Country const* country) const;
- Good const* get_rgo() const;
- uint8_t get_life_rating() const;
- TerrainType const* get_terrain_type() const;
- const std::map<Building const*, uint8_t>& get_buildings() const;
- const std::map<Ideology const*, uint8_t>& get_party_loyalties() const;
- };
+ struct ProvinceHistoryManager {
+ private:
+ std::map<Province const*, std::map<Date, ProvinceHistory>> province_histories;
+ bool locked = false;
- struct ProvinceHistoryManager {
- private:
- std::map<Province const*, std::map<Date, ProvinceHistory>> province_histories;
- bool locked = false;
+ inline bool _load_province_history_entry(
+ GameManager& game_manager, std::string_view province, Date const& date, ast::NodeCPtr root
+ );
- inline bool _load_province_history_entry(GameManager& game_manager, std::string_view province, Date const& date, ast::NodeCPtr root);
- public:
- ProvinceHistoryManager() {}
+ public:
+ ProvinceHistoryManager() {}
- bool add_province_history_entry(
- Province const* province,
- Date date,
- Country const* owner,
- Country const* controller,
- uint8_t colonial,
- bool slave,
- std::vector<Country const*>&& cores, // additive to existing entries
- std::vector<Country const*>&& remove_cores, // existing cores that need to be removed
- Good const* rgo,
- uint8_t life_rating,
- TerrainType const* terrain_type,
- std::map<Building const*, uint8_t>&& buildings,
- std::map<Ideology const*, uint8_t>&& party_loyalties,
- std::bitset<5> updates // bitmap of updated non-pointer values, top to bottom
- );
+ bool add_province_history_entry(
+ Province const* province, Date date, Country const* owner, Country const* controller, uint8_t colonial, bool slave,
+ std::vector<Country const*>&& cores, // additive to existing entries
+ std::vector<Country const*>&& remove_cores, // existing cores that need to be removed
+ Good const* rgo, uint8_t life_rating, TerrainType const* terrain_type,
+ std::map<Building const*, uint8_t>&& buildings, std::map<Ideology const*, uint8_t>&& party_loyalties,
+ std::bitset<5> updates // bitmap of updated non-pointer values, top to bottom
+ );
- void lock_province_histories();
- bool is_locked() const;
+ void lock_province_histories();
+ bool is_locked() const;
- /* Returns history of province at date, if date doesn't have an entry returns closest entry before date. Return can be nullptr if an error occurs. */
- ProvinceHistory const* get_province_history(Province const* province, Date entry) const;
- /* Returns history of province at bookmark date. Return can be nullptr if an error occurs. */
- inline ProvinceHistory const* get_province_history(Province const* province, Bookmark const* bookmark) const;
+ /* Returns history of province at date, if date doesn't have an entry returns closest entry before date.
+ * Return can be nullptr if an error occurs. */
+ ProvinceHistory const* get_province_history(Province const* province, Date entry) const;
+ /* Returns history of province at bookmark date. Return can be nullptr if an error occurs. */
+ inline ProvinceHistory const* get_province_history(Province const* province, Bookmark const* bookmark) const;
- bool load_province_history_file(GameManager& game_manager, std::string_view name, ast::NodeCPtr root);
- };
+ bool load_province_history_file(GameManager& game_manager, std::string_view name, ast::NodeCPtr root);
+ };
} // namespace OpenVic
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/map/Map.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/map/Map.cpp
index 13d0933..4df17bf 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/map/Map.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/map/Map.cpp
@@ -10,15 +10,15 @@
using namespace OpenVic;
using namespace OpenVic::NodeTools;
-Mapmode::Mapmode(std::string_view new_identifier, index_t new_index, colour_func_t new_colour_func)
- : HasIdentifier { new_identifier },
- index { new_index },
- colour_func { new_colour_func } {
+ std::string_view new_identifier, index_t new_index, colour_func_t new_colour_func
+) : HasIdentifier { new_identifier }, index { new_index }, colour_func { new_colour_func } {
assert(colour_func != nullptr);
-const Mapmode Mapmode::ERROR_MAPMODE { "mapmode_error", 0,
- [](Map const& map, Province const& province) -> colour_t { return 0xFFFF0000; } };
+const Mapmode Mapmode::ERROR_MAPMODE {
+ "mapmode_error", 0, [](Map const& map, Province const& province) -> colour_t { return 0xFFFF0000; }
Mapmode::index_t Mapmode::get_index() const {
return index;
@@ -28,13 +28,14 @@ colour_t Mapmode::get_colour(Map const& map, Province const& province) const {
return colour_func ? colour_func(map, province) : NULL_COLOUR;
-Map::Map() : provinces { "provinces" },
- regions { "regions" },
- mapmodes { "mapmodes" } {}
+Map::Map() : provinces { "provinces" }, regions { "regions" }, mapmodes { "mapmodes" } {}
bool Map::add_province(std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour) {
if (provinces.size() >= max_provinces) {
- Logger::error("The map's province list is full - maximum number of provinces is ", max_provinces, " (this can be at most ", Province::MAX_INDEX, ")");
+ Logger::error(
+ "The map's province list is full - maximum number of provinces is ", max_provinces, " (this can be at most ",
+ Province::MAX_INDEX, ")"
+ );
return false;
if (identifier.empty()) {
@@ -48,7 +49,9 @@ bool Map::add_province(std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour) {
Province new_province { identifier, colour, static_cast<Province::index_t>(provinces.size() + 1) };
const Province::index_t index = get_index_from_colour(colour);
if (index != Province::NULL_INDEX) {
- Logger::error("Duplicate province colours: ", get_province_by_index(index)->to_string(), " and ", new_province.to_string());
+ Logger::error(
+ "Duplicate province colours: ", get_province_by_index(index)->to_string(), " and ", new_province.to_string()
+ );
return false;
colour_index_map[new_province.get_colour()] = new_province.get_index();
@@ -145,22 +148,31 @@ Province const* Map::get_province_by_index(Province::index_t index) const {
Province::index_t Map::get_index_from_colour(colour_t colour) const {
const colour_index_map_t::const_iterator it = colour_index_map.find(colour);
- if (it != colour_index_map.end()) return it->second;
+ if (it != colour_index_map.end()) {
+ return it->second;
+ }
return Province::NULL_INDEX;
Province::index_t Map::get_province_index_at(size_t x, size_t y) const {
- if (x < width && y < height) return province_shape_image[x + y * width].index;
+ if (x < width && y < height) {
+ return province_shape_image[x + y * width].index;
+ }
return Province::NULL_INDEX;
bool Map::set_max_provinces(Province::index_t new_max_provinces) {
if (new_max_provinces <= Province::NULL_INDEX) {
- Logger::error("Trying to set max province count to an invalid value ", new_max_provinces, " (must be greater than ", Province::NULL_INDEX, ")");
+ Logger::error(
+ "Trying to set max province count to an invalid value ", new_max_provinces, " (must be greater than ",
+ Province::NULL_INDEX, ")"
+ );
return false;
if (!provinces.empty() || provinces.is_locked()) {
- Logger::error("Trying to set max province count to ", new_max_provinces, " after provinces have already been added and/or locked");
+ Logger::error(
+ "Trying to set max province count to ", new_max_provinces, " after provinces have already been added and/or locked"
+ );
return false;
max_provinces = new_max_provinces;
@@ -173,7 +185,9 @@ Province::index_t Map::get_max_provinces() const {
void Map::set_selected_province(Province::index_t index) {
if (index > get_province_count()) {
- Logger::error("Trying to set selected province to an invalid index ", index, " (max index is ", get_province_count(), ")");
+ Logger::error(
+ "Trying to set selected province to an invalid index ", index, " (max index is ", get_province_count(), ")"
+ );
selected_province = Province::NULL_INDEX;
} else {
selected_province = index;
@@ -234,8 +248,9 @@ bool Map::generate_mapmode_colours(Mapmode::index_t index, uint8_t* target) cons
mapmode = &Mapmode::ERROR_MAPMODE;
// Skip past Province::NULL_INDEX
- for (size_t i = 0; i < MAPMODE_COLOUR_SIZE; ++i)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < MAPMODE_COLOUR_SIZE; ++i) {
*target++ = 0;
+ }
for (Province const& province : provinces.get_items()) {
const colour_t colour = mapmode->get_colour(*this, province);
*target++ = (colour >> 16) & FULL_COLOUR;
@@ -278,15 +293,17 @@ bool Map::setup(BuildingManager const& building_manager, PopManager const& pop_m
void Map::update_state(Date const& today) {
- for (Province& province : provinces.get_items())
+ for (Province& province : provinces.get_items()) {
+ }
void Map::tick(Date const& today) {
- for (Province& province : provinces.get_items())
+ for (Province& province : provinces.get_items()) {
+ }
using namespace ovdl::csv;
@@ -295,8 +312,12 @@ static bool validate_province_definitions_header(LineObject const& header) {
static const std::vector<std::string> standard_header { "province", "red", "green", "blue" };
for (size_t i = 0; i < standard_header.size(); ++i) {
const std::string_view val = header.get_value_for(i);
- if (i == 0 && val.empty()) break;
- if (val != standard_header[i]) return false;
+ if (i == 0 && val.empty()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (val != standard_header[i]) {
+ return false;
+ }
return true;
@@ -306,7 +327,9 @@ static bool parse_province_colour(colour_t& colour, std::array<std::string_view,
colour = NULL_COLOUR;
for (std::string_view& c : components) {
colour <<= 8;
- if (c.ends_with('.')) c.remove_suffix(1);
+ if (c.ends_with('.')) {
+ c.remove_suffix(1);
+ }
bool successful = false;
uint64_t val = StringUtils::string_to_uint64(c, &successful, 10);
if (successful && val <= 255) {
@@ -326,7 +349,9 @@ bool Map::load_province_definitions(std::vector<LineObject> const& lines) {
LineObject const& header = lines.front();
if (!validate_province_definitions_header(header)) {
- Logger::error("Non-standard province definition file header - make sure this is not a province definition: ", header);
+ Logger::error(
+ "Non-standard province definition file header - make sure this is not a province definition: ", header
+ );
if (lines.size() <= 1) {
@@ -335,36 +360,29 @@ bool Map::load_province_definitions(std::vector<LineObject> const& lines) {
provinces.reserve(lines.size() - 1);
bool ret = true;
- std::for_each(lines.begin() + 1, lines.end(),
- [this, &ret](LineObject const& line) -> void {
- const std::string_view identifier = line.get_value_for(0);
- if (!identifier.empty()) {
- colour_t colour = NULL_COLOUR;
- if (!parse_province_colour(colour,
- { line.get_value_for(1), line.get_value_for(2), line.get_value_for(3) }
- )) {
- Logger::error("Error reading colour in province definition: ", line);
- ret = false;
- }
- ret &= add_province(identifier, colour);
+ std::for_each(lines.begin() + 1, lines.end(), [this, &ret](LineObject const& line) -> void {
+ const std::string_view identifier = line.get_value_for(0);
+ if (!identifier.empty()) {
+ colour_t colour = NULL_COLOUR;
+ if (!parse_province_colour(colour, { line.get_value_for(1), line.get_value_for(2), line.get_value_for(3) })) {
+ Logger::error("Error reading colour in province definition: ", line);
+ ret = false;
+ ret &= add_province(identifier, colour);
- );
+ });
return ret;
bool Map::load_province_positions(BuildingManager const& building_manager, ast::NodeCPtr root) {
- return expect_province_dictionary(
- [&building_manager](Province& province, ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
- return province.load_positions(building_manager, node);
- }
- )(root);
+ return expect_province_dictionary([&building_manager](Province& province, ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
+ return province.load_positions(building_manager, node);
+ })(root);
bool Map::load_region_file(ast::NodeCPtr root) {
- const bool ret = expect_dictionary_reserve_length(
- regions,
+ const bool ret = expect_dictionary_reserve_length(regions,
[this](std::string_view region_identifier, ast::NodeCPtr region_node) -> bool {
std::vector<std::string_view> province_identifiers;
bool ret = expect_list_reserve_length(
@@ -393,7 +411,10 @@ bool Map::load_region_file(ast::NodeCPtr root) {
for (Province& province : provinces.get_items()) {
const bool region_null = province.get_region() == nullptr;
if (province.get_has_region() == region_null) {
- Logger::error("Province has_region / region mismatch: has_region = ", province.get_has_region(), ", region = ", province.get_region());
+ Logger::error(
+ "Province has_region / region mismatch: has_region = ", province.get_has_region(),
+ ", region = ", province.get_region()
+ );
province.has_region = !region_null;
@@ -426,7 +447,10 @@ bool Map::load_map_images(fs::path const& province_path, fs::path const& terrain
static constexpr uint16_t expected_province_bpp = 24;
if (province_bmp.get_bits_per_pixel() != expected_province_bpp) {
- Logger::error("Invalid province BMP bits per pixel: ", province_bmp.get_bits_per_pixel(), " (expected ", expected_province_bpp, ")");
+ Logger::error(
+ "Invalid province BMP bits per pixel: ", province_bmp.get_bits_per_pixel(), " (expected ", expected_province_bpp,
+ ")"
+ );
return false;
@@ -437,12 +461,17 @@ bool Map::load_map_images(fs::path const& province_path, fs::path const& terrain
static constexpr uint16_t expected_terrain_bpp = 8;
if (terrain_bmp.get_bits_per_pixel() != expected_terrain_bpp) {
- Logger::error("Invalid terrain BMP bits per pixel: ", terrain_bmp.get_bits_per_pixel(), " (expected ", expected_terrain_bpp, ")");
+ Logger::error(
+ "Invalid terrain BMP bits per pixel: ", terrain_bmp.get_bits_per_pixel(), " (expected ", expected_terrain_bpp, ")"
+ );
return false;
if (province_bmp.get_width() != terrain_bmp.get_width() || province_bmp.get_height() != terrain_bmp.get_height()) {
- Logger::error("Mismatched province and terrain BMP dims: ", province_bmp.get_width(), "x", province_bmp.get_height(), " vs ", terrain_bmp.get_width(), "x", terrain_bmp.get_height());
+ Logger::error(
+ "Mismatched province and terrain BMP dims: ", province_bmp.get_width(), "x", province_bmp.get_height(), " vs ",
+ terrain_bmp.get_width(), "x", terrain_bmp.get_height()
+ );
return false;
@@ -488,8 +517,9 @@ bool Map::load_map_images(fs::path const& province_path, fs::path const& terrain
if (unrecognised_province_colours.find(province_colour) == unrecognised_province_colours.end()) {
if (detailed_errors) {
- Logger::warning("Unrecognised province colour ", colour_to_hex_string(province_colour),
- " at (", x, ", ", y, ")");
+ Logger::warning(
+ "Unrecognised province colour ", colour_to_hex_string(province_colour), " at (", x, ", ", y, ")"
+ );
province_shape_image[idx].index = Province::NULL_INDEX;
@@ -502,7 +532,8 @@ bool Map::load_map_images(fs::path const& province_path, fs::path const& terrain
terrain_type_pixels_list[province_shape_image[idx].index - 1][&mapping->get_type()]++;
- province_shape_image[idx].terrain = mapping->get_has_texture() && terrain < terrain_type_manager.get_terrain_texture_limit() ? terrain + 1 : 0;
+ province_shape_image[idx].terrain =
+ mapping->get_has_texture() && terrain < terrain_type_manager.get_terrain_texture_limit() ? terrain + 1 : 0;
} else {
province_shape_image[idx].terrain = 0;
@@ -516,7 +547,9 @@ bool Map::load_map_images(fs::path const& province_path, fs::path const& terrain
size_t missing = 0;
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < province_checklist.size(); ++idx) {
Province* province = provinces.get_item_by_index(idx);
- province->_set_terrain_type(reinterpret_cast<TerrainType const*>(get_largest_item(terrain_type_pixels_list[idx]).first));
+ province->_set_terrain_type(
+ reinterpret_cast<TerrainType const*>(get_largest_item(terrain_type_pixels_list[idx]).first)
+ );
province->on_map = province_checklist[idx];
if (!province->on_map) {
if (detailed_errors) {
@@ -551,8 +584,9 @@ bool Map::_generate_province_adjacencies() {
Province* cur = get_province_by_index(province_shape_image[x + y * width].index);
if (cur != nullptr) {
changed |= generate_adjacency(cur, (x + 1) % width, y);
- if (y + 1 < height)
+ if (y + 1 < height) {
changed |= generate_adjacency(cur, x, y + 1);
+ }
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/map/Province.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/map/Province.cpp
index 45b3987..225d4c0 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/map/Province.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/map/Province.cpp
@@ -3,9 +3,10 @@
using namespace OpenVic;
using namespace OpenVic::NodeTools;
-Province::Province(std::string_view new_identifier, colour_t new_colour, index_t new_index)
- : HasIdentifierAndColour { new_identifier, new_colour, false, false },
- index { new_index }, buildings { "buildings", false } {
+ std::string_view new_identifier, colour_t new_colour, index_t new_index
+) : HasIdentifierAndColour { new_identifier, new_colour, false, false }, index { new_index },
+ buildings { "buildings", false } {
assert(index != NULL_INDEX);
@@ -76,7 +77,9 @@ void Province::reset_buildings() {
bool Province::expand_building(std::string_view building_type_identifier) {
BuildingInstance* building = buildings.get_item_by_identifier(building_type_identifier);
- if (building == nullptr) return false;
+ if (building == nullptr) {
+ return false;
+ }
return building->expand();
@@ -91,8 +94,7 @@ std::string Province::to_string() const {
bool Province::load_pop_list(PopManager const& pop_manager, ast::NodeCPtr root) {
- return expect_dictionary_reserve_length(
- pops,
+ return expect_dictionary_reserve_length(pops,
[this, &pop_manager](std::string_view pop_type_identifier, ast::NodeCPtr pop_node) -> bool {
return pop_manager.load_pop_into_province(*this, pop_type_identifier, pop_node);
@@ -154,14 +156,16 @@ void Province::update_pops() {
void Province::update_state(Date const& today) {
- for (BuildingInstance& building : buildings.get_items())
+ for (BuildingInstance& building : buildings.get_items()) {
+ }
void Province::tick(Date const& today) {
- for (BuildingInstance& building : buildings.get_items())
+ for (BuildingInstance& building : buildings.get_items()) {
+ }
Province::adjacency_t::adjacency_t(Province const* province, distance_t distance, flags_t flags)
@@ -178,9 +182,11 @@ Province::flags_t Province::adjacency_t::get_flags() const {
bool Province::is_adjacent_to(Province const* province) {
- for (adjacency_t adj : adjacencies)
- if (adj.province == province)
+ for (adjacency_t adj : adjacencies) {
+ if (adj.province == province) {
return true;
+ }
+ }
return false;
@@ -190,8 +196,9 @@ bool Province::add_adjacency(Province const* province, distance_t distance, flag
return false;
- if (is_adjacent_to(province))
+ if (is_adjacent_to(province)) {
return false;
+ }
adjacencies.push_back({ province, distance, flags });
return true;
@@ -201,5 +208,5 @@ std::vector<Province::adjacency_t> const& Province::get_adjacencies() const {
void Province::_set_terrain_type(TerrainType const* type) {
- terrain_type = type;
+ terrain_type = type;
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/map/Region.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/map/Region.cpp
index 477dc9e..ac232df 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/map/Region.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/map/Region.cpp
@@ -26,7 +26,9 @@ void ProvinceSet::lock(bool log) {
Logger::error("Failed to lock province set - already locked!");
} else {
locked = true;
- if (log) Logger::info("Locked province set with ", size(), " provinces");
+ if (log) {
+ Logger::info("Locked province set with ", size(), " provinces");
+ }
@@ -73,6 +75,8 @@ bool Region::get_meta() const {
colour_t Region::get_colour() const {
- if (empty()) return FULL_COLOUR << 16;
+ if (empty()) {
+ return FULL_COLOUR << 16;
+ }
return get_provinces().front()->get_colour();
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/map/TerrainType.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/map/TerrainType.cpp
index db910ce..1753246 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/map/TerrainType.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/map/TerrainType.cpp
@@ -5,8 +5,10 @@
using namespace OpenVic;
using namespace OpenVic::NodeTools;
-TerrainType::TerrainType(std::string_view new_identifier, colour_t new_colour, ModifierValue&& new_modifier, bool new_is_water)
- : HasIdentifierAndColour { new_identifier, new_colour, true, false }, modifier { std::move(new_modifier) }, is_water { new_is_water } {}
+ std::string_view new_identifier, colour_t new_colour, ModifierValue&& new_modifier, bool new_is_water
+) : HasIdentifierAndColour { new_identifier, new_colour, true, false }, modifier { std::move(new_modifier) },
+ is_water { new_is_water } {}
ModifierValue const& TerrainType::get_modifier() const {
return modifier;
@@ -16,10 +18,11 @@ bool TerrainType::get_is_water() const {
return is_water;
-TerrainTypeMapping::TerrainTypeMapping(std::string_view new_identifier, TerrainType const& new_type,
- std::vector<index_t>&& new_terrain_indicies, index_t new_priority, bool new_has_texture)
- : HasIdentifier { new_identifier }, type { new_type }, terrain_indicies { std::move(new_terrain_indicies) },
- priority { new_priority }, has_texture { new_has_texture } {}
+ std::string_view new_identifier, TerrainType const& new_type, std::vector<index_t>&& new_terrain_indicies,
+ index_t new_priority, bool new_has_texture
+) : HasIdentifier { new_identifier }, type { new_type }, terrain_indicies { std::move(new_terrain_indicies) },
+ priority { new_priority }, has_texture { new_has_texture } {}
TerrainType const& TerrainTypeMapping::get_type() const {
return type;
@@ -37,7 +40,8 @@ bool TerrainTypeMapping::get_has_texture() const {
return has_texture;
-TerrainTypeManager::TerrainTypeManager() : terrain_types { "terrain types" }, terrain_type_mappings { "terrain type mappings" } {}
+ : terrain_types { "terrain types" }, terrain_type_mappings { "terrain type mappings" } {}
bool TerrainTypeManager::add_terrain_type(std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour, ModifierValue&& values, bool is_water) {
if (identifier.empty()) {
@@ -51,8 +55,10 @@ bool TerrainTypeManager::add_terrain_type(std::string_view identifier, colour_t
return terrain_types.add_item({ identifier, colour, std::move(values), is_water });
-bool TerrainTypeManager::add_terrain_type_mapping(std::string_view identifier, TerrainType const* type,
- std::vector<TerrainTypeMapping::index_t>&& terrain_indicies, TerrainTypeMapping::index_t priority, bool has_texture) {
+bool TerrainTypeManager::add_terrain_type_mapping(
+ std::string_view identifier, TerrainType const* type, std::vector<TerrainTypeMapping::index_t>&& terrain_indicies,
+ TerrainTypeMapping::index_t priority, bool has_texture
+) {
if (!terrain_types_are_locked()) {
Logger::error("Cannot register terrain type mappings until terrain types are locked!");
return false;
@@ -71,8 +77,10 @@ bool TerrainTypeManager::add_terrain_type_mapping(std::string_view identifier, T
if (it == terrain_type_mappings_map.end()) {
terrain_type_mappings_map.emplace(idx, terrain_type_mappings.size());
} else {
- Logger::error("Terrain index ", static_cast<size_t>(idx), " cannot map to ", identifier,
- " as it already maps to ", terrain_type_mappings.get_item_by_index(it->second));
+ Logger::error(
+ "Terrain index ", static_cast<size_t>(idx), " cannot map to ", identifier, " as it already maps to ",
+ terrain_type_mappings.get_item_by_index(it->second)
+ );
ret = false;
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/map/TerrainType.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/map/TerrainType.hpp
index edda0a9..656c938 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/map/TerrainType.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/map/TerrainType.hpp
@@ -32,7 +32,10 @@ namespace OpenVic {
const index_t priority;
const bool has_texture;
- TerrainTypeMapping(std::string_view new_identifier, TerrainType const& new_type, std::vector<index_t>&& new_terrain_indicies, index_t new_priority, bool new_has_texture);
+ TerrainTypeMapping(
+ std::string_view new_identifier, TerrainType const& new_type, std::vector<index_t>&& new_terrain_indicies,
+ index_t new_priority, bool new_has_texture
+ );
TerrainTypeMapping(TerrainTypeMapping&&) = default;
@@ -61,8 +64,10 @@ namespace OpenVic {
bool add_terrain_type(std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour, ModifierValue&& values, bool is_water);
- bool add_terrain_type_mapping(std::string_view identifier, TerrainType const* type,
- std::vector<TerrainTypeMapping::index_t>&& terrain_indicies, TerrainTypeMapping::index_t priority, bool has_texture);
+ bool add_terrain_type_mapping(
+ std::string_view identifier, TerrainType const* type, std::vector<TerrainTypeMapping::index_t>&& terrain_indicies,
+ TerrainTypeMapping::index_t priority, bool has_texture
+ );
TerrainTypeMapping const* get_terrain_type_mapping_for(TerrainTypeMapping::index_t idx) const;
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/military/Deployment.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/military/Deployment.cpp
index d2637b1..5b3aa77 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/military/Deployment.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/military/Deployment.cpp
@@ -5,8 +5,10 @@
using namespace OpenVic;
using namespace OpenVic::NodeTools;
-Deployment::Deployment(std::string_view new_path, std::vector<Army>&& new_armies, std::vector<Navy>&& new_navies, std::vector<Leader>&& new_leaders)
- : HasIdentifier { new_path }, armies { std::move(new_armies) }, navies { std::move(new_navies) }, leaders { std::move(new_leaders) } {}
+ std::string_view new_path, std::vector<Army>&& new_armies, std::vector<Navy>&& new_navies, std::vector<Leader>&& new_leaders
+) : HasIdentifier { new_path }, armies { std::move(new_armies) }, navies { std::move(new_navies) },
+ leaders { std::move(new_leaders) } {}
const std::vector<Army>& Deployment::get_armies() const {
return armies;
@@ -22,7 +24,9 @@ const std::vector<Leader>& Deployment::get_leaders() const {
DeploymentManager::DeploymentManager() : deployments { "deployments" } {}
-bool DeploymentManager::add_deployment(std::string_view path, std::vector<Army>&& armies, std::vector<Navy>&& navies, std::vector<Leader>&& leaders) {
+bool DeploymentManager::add_deployment(
+ std::string_view path, std::vector<Army>&& armies, std::vector<Navy>&& navies, std::vector<Leader>&& leaders
+) {
if (path.empty()) {
Logger::error("Attemped to load order of battle with no path! Something is very wrong!");
return false;
@@ -42,84 +46,97 @@ bool DeploymentManager::load_oob_file(GameManager& game_manager, std::string_vie
bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys_and_default(
key_value_success_callback, // TODO: load SOI information
"leader", ZERO_OR_MORE, [&leaders, &game_manager](ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
- std::string_view name;
- Unit::type_t type;
- Date date;
- LeaderTrait const* personality;
- LeaderTrait const* background;
- fixed_point_t prestige = 0;
- bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys(
- "name", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_string(assign_variable_callback(name), false),
- "date", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_identifier_or_string(expect_date_str(assign_variable_callback(date))),
- "type", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_identifier([&type](std::string_view leader_type) -> bool {
- if (leader_type == "land") {
- type = Unit::type_t::LAND;
- } else {
- type = Unit::type_t::NAVAL;
- }
- return true;
- }),
- "personality", ONE_EXACTLY, game_manager.get_military_manager().get_leader_trait_manager().expect_leader_trait_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(personality)),
- "background", ONE_EXACTLY, game_manager.get_military_manager().get_leader_trait_manager().expect_leader_trait_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(background)),
- "prestige", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(prestige)),
- "picture", ZERO_OR_ONE, success_callback
- )(node);
- if (!personality->is_personality_trait()) {
- Logger::error("Leader ", name, " has personality ", personality->get_identifier(), " which is not a personality trait!");
- return false;
- }
- if (!background->is_background_trait()) {
- Logger::error("Leader ", name, " has background ", background->get_identifier(), " which is not a background trait!");
- return false;
- }
- leaders.push_back(Leader{ std::string(name), type, date, personality, background, prestige });
- return ret; },
+ std::string_view name;
+ Unit::type_t type;
+ Date date;
+ LeaderTrait const* personality = nullptr;
+ LeaderTrait const* background = nullptr;
+ fixed_point_t prestige = 0;
+ bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys(
+ "name", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_string(assign_variable_callback(name), false),
+ "date", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_identifier_or_string(expect_date_str(assign_variable_callback(date))),
+ "type", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_identifier([&type](std::string_view leader_type) -> bool {
+ if (leader_type == "land") {
+ type = Unit::type_t::LAND;
+ } else {
+ type = Unit::type_t::NAVAL;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }),
+ "personality", ONE_EXACTLY, game_manager.get_military_manager().get_leader_trait_manager()
+ .expect_leader_trait_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(personality)),
+ "background", ONE_EXACTLY, game_manager.get_military_manager().get_leader_trait_manager()
+ .expect_leader_trait_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(background)),
+ "prestige", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(prestige)),
+ "picture", ZERO_OR_ONE, success_callback
+ )(node);
+ if (!personality->is_personality_trait()) {
+ Logger::error("Leader ", name, " has personality ", personality->get_identifier(),
+ " which is not a personality trait!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!background->is_background_trait()) {
+ Logger::error("Leader ", name, " has background ", background->get_identifier(),
+ " which is not a background trait!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ leaders.push_back(Leader{ std::string(name), type, date, personality, background, prestige });
+ return ret;
+ },
"army", ZERO_OR_MORE, [&armies, &game_manager](ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
- std::string_view name;
- Province const* location;
- std::vector<Regiment> regiments;
- bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys(
- "leader", ZERO_OR_MORE, success_callback, /* another paradox gem, tested in game and they don't lead the army or even show up */
- "name", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_string(assign_variable_callback(name), false),
- "location", ONE_EXACTLY, game_manager.get_map().expect_province_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(location)),
- "regiment", ONE_OR_MORE, [&game_manager, &regiments](ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
- Regiment regiment;
- bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys(
- "name", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_string(assign_variable_callback_string(regiment.name), false),
- "type", ONE_EXACTLY, game_manager.get_military_manager().get_unit_manager().expect_unit_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(regiment.type)),
- "home", ONE_EXACTLY, game_manager.get_map().expect_province_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(regiment.home))
- )(node);
- regiments.push_back(regiment);
- return ret;
- }
- )(node);
- armies.push_back(Army{ std::string(name), location, std::move(regiments) });
- return ret; },
+ std::string_view name;
+ Province const* location = nullptr;
+ std::vector<Regiment> regiments;
+ bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys(
+ /* another paradox gem, tested in game and they don't lead the army or even show up */
+ "leader", ZERO_OR_MORE, success_callback,
+ "name", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_string(assign_variable_callback(name), false),
+ "location", ONE_EXACTLY,
+ game_manager.get_map().expect_province_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(location)),
+ "regiment", ONE_OR_MORE, [&game_manager, &regiments](ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
+ Regiment regiment;
+ bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys(
+ "name", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_string(assign_variable_callback_string(regiment.name), false),
+ "type", ONE_EXACTLY, game_manager.get_military_manager().get_unit_manager()
+ .expect_unit_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(regiment.type)),
+ "home", ONE_EXACTLY, game_manager.get_map()
+ .expect_province_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(regiment.home))
+ )(node);
+ regiments.push_back(regiment);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ )(node);
+ armies.push_back(Army{ std::string(name), location, std::move(regiments) });
+ return ret;
+ },
"navy", ZERO_OR_MORE, [&navies, &game_manager](ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
- std::string_view name;
- Province const* location;
- std::vector<Ship> ships;
- bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys(
- "name", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_string(assign_variable_callback(name), false),
- "location", ONE_EXACTLY, game_manager.get_map().expect_province_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(location)),
- "ship", ONE_OR_MORE, [&game_manager, &ships](ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
- Ship ship;
- bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys(
- "name", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_string(assign_variable_callback_string(ship.name), false),
- "type", ONE_EXACTLY, game_manager.get_military_manager().get_unit_manager().expect_unit_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(ship.type))
- )(node);
- ships.push_back(ship);
- return ret;
- },
- "leader", ZERO_OR_MORE, success_callback
- )(node);
- navies.push_back(Navy{ std::string(name), location, std::move(ships) });
- return ret; }
+ std::string_view name;
+ Province const* location = nullptr;
+ std::vector<Ship> ships;
+ bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys(
+ "name", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_string(assign_variable_callback(name), false),
+ "location", ONE_EXACTLY,
+ game_manager.get_map().expect_province_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(location)),
+ "ship", ONE_OR_MORE, [&game_manager, &ships](ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
+ Ship ship;
+ bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys(
+ "name", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_string(assign_variable_callback_string(ship.name), false),
+ "type", ONE_EXACTLY, game_manager.get_military_manager().get_unit_manager()
+ .expect_unit_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(ship.type))
+ )(node);
+ ships.push_back(ship);
+ return ret;
+ },
+ "leader", ZERO_OR_MORE, success_callback
+ )(node);
+ navies.push_back(Navy{ std::string(name), location, std::move(ships) });
+ return ret;
+ }
/* need to do this for platform compatibility of identifiers */
std::string identifier = std::string { path };
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/military/Deployment.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/military/Deployment.hpp
index 8ec0e49..34cf82a 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/military/Deployment.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/military/Deployment.hpp
@@ -56,7 +56,10 @@ namespace OpenVic {
const std::vector<Navy> navies;
const std::vector<Leader> leaders;
- Deployment(std::string_view new_path, std::vector<Army>&& new_armies, std::vector<Navy>&& new_navies, std::vector<Leader>&& new_leaders);
+ Deployment(
+ std::string_view new_path, std::vector<Army>&& new_armies, std::vector<Navy>&& new_navies,
+ std::vector<Leader>&& new_leaders
+ );
const std::vector<Army>& get_armies() const;
@@ -71,7 +74,9 @@ namespace OpenVic {
- bool add_deployment(std::string_view path, std::vector<Army>&& armies, std::vector<Navy>&& navies, std::vector<Leader>&& leaders);
+ bool add_deployment(
+ std::string_view path, std::vector<Army>&& armies, std::vector<Navy>&& navies, std::vector<Leader>&& leaders
+ );
bool load_oob_file(GameManager& game_manager, std::string_view path, ast::NodeCPtr root);
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/military/LeaderTrait.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/military/LeaderTrait.cpp
index ed21c1f..df87e4e 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/military/LeaderTrait.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/military/LeaderTrait.cpp
@@ -24,7 +24,9 @@ ModifierValue const& LeaderTrait::get_modifiers() const {
LeaderTraitManager::LeaderTraitManager() : leader_traits { "leader trait" } {}
-bool LeaderTraitManager::add_leader_trait(std::string_view identifier, LeaderTrait::trait_type_t type, ModifierValue&& modifiers) {
+bool LeaderTraitManager::add_leader_trait(
+ std::string_view identifier, LeaderTrait::trait_type_t type, ModifierValue&& modifiers
+) {
if (identifier.empty()) {
Logger::error("Invalid leader trait identifier - empty!");
return false;
@@ -38,7 +40,8 @@ bool LeaderTraitManager::load_leader_traits_file(ModifierManager const& modifier
const auto trait_callback = [this, &modifier_manager](LeaderTrait::trait_type_t type) -> key_value_callback_t {
return [this, &modifier_manager, type](std::string_view trait_identifier, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
ModifierValue modifiers;
- bool ret = modifier_manager.expect_whitelisted_modifier_value(move_variable_callback(modifiers), allowed_modifiers)(value);
+ bool ret =
+ modifier_manager.expect_whitelisted_modifier_value(move_variable_callback(modifiers), allowed_modifiers)(value);
ret &= add_leader_trait(trait_identifier, type, std::move(modifiers));
return ret;
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/military/LeaderTrait.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/military/LeaderTrait.hpp
index d885057..e61a1fc 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/military/LeaderTrait.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/military/LeaderTrait.hpp
@@ -14,13 +14,9 @@ namespace OpenVic {
struct LeaderTrait : HasIdentifier {
friend struct LeaderTraitManager;
- enum class trait_type_t {
- };
+ enum class trait_type_t { PERSONALITY, BACKGROUND };
const trait_type_t type;
* Allowed modifiers for leaders:
@@ -51,15 +47,7 @@ namespace OpenVic {
IdentifierRegistry<LeaderTrait> leader_traits;
inline static const string_set_t allowed_modifiers = {
- "attack",
- "defence",
- "morale",
- "organisation",
- "reconnaissance",
- "speed",
- "attrition",
- "experience",
- "reliability"
+ "attack", "defence", "morale", "organisation", "reconnaissance", "speed", "attrition", "experience", "reliability"
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/military/MilitaryManager.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/military/MilitaryManager.hpp
index 57ba8d1..0e7e1b1 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/military/MilitaryManager.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/military/MilitaryManager.hpp
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
-#include "openvic-simulation/military/LeaderTrait.hpp"
#include "openvic-simulation/military/Deployment.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/military/LeaderTrait.hpp"
#include "openvic-simulation/military/Unit.hpp"
namespace OpenVic {
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/military/Unit.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/military/Unit.cpp
index 294c77f..1b5f2d2 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/military/Unit.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/military/Unit.cpp
@@ -2,22 +2,24 @@
#define UNIT_ARGS \
icon, sprite, active, unit_type, floating_flag, priority, max_strength, default_organisation, maximum_speed, \
- weighted_value, move_sound, select_sound, build_time, std::move(build_cost), supply_consumption, std::move(supply_cost)
+ weighted_value, move_sound, select_sound, build_time, std::move(build_cost), supply_consumption, \
+ std::move(supply_cost)
#define LAND_ARGS \
- primary_culture, sprite_override, sprite_mount, sprite_mount_attach_node, \
- reconnaissance, attack, defence, discipline, support, maneuver, siege
+ primary_culture, sprite_override, sprite_mount, sprite_mount_attach_node, reconnaissance, attack, defence, discipline, \
+ support, maneuver, siege
#define NAVY_ARGS \
- naval_icon, sail, transport, capital, colonial_points, build_overseas, min_port_level, \
- limit_per_port, supply_consumption_score, hull, gun_power, fire_range, evasion, torpedo_attack
+ naval_icon, sail, transport, capital, colonial_points, build_overseas, min_port_level, limit_per_port, \
+ supply_consumption_score, hull, gun_power, fire_range, evasion, torpedo_attack
using namespace OpenVic;
using namespace OpenVic::NodeTools;
-Unit::Unit(std::string_view identifier, type_t type, UNIT_PARAMS)
- : HasIdentifier { identifier }, icon { icon }, type { type }, sprite { sprite }, active { active },
- unit_type { unit_type }, floating_flag { floating_flag }, priority { priority }, max_strength { max_strength },
+ std::string_view identifier, type_t type, UNIT_PARAMS
+) : HasIdentifier { identifier }, icon { icon }, type { type }, sprite { sprite }, active { active }, unit_type { unit_type },
+ floating_flag { floating_flag }, priority { priority }, max_strength { max_strength },
default_organisation { default_organisation }, maximum_speed { maximum_speed }, weighted_value { weighted_value },
move_sound { move_sound }, select_sound { select_sound }, build_time { build_time }, build_cost { std::move(build_cost) },
supply_consumption { supply_consumption }, supply_cost { std::move(supply_cost) } {}
@@ -90,11 +92,12 @@ Good::good_map_t const& Unit::get_supply_cost() const {
return supply_cost;
-LandUnit::LandUnit(std::string_view identifier, UNIT_PARAMS, LAND_PARAMS)
- : Unit { identifier, type_t::LAND, UNIT_ARGS }, primary_culture { primary_culture },
- sprite_override { sprite_override }, sprite_mount { sprite_mount }, sprite_mount_attach_node { sprite_mount_attach_node },
- reconnaissance { reconnaissance }, attack { attack }, defence { defence }, discipline { discipline }, support { support },
- maneuver { maneuver }, siege { siege } {}
+ std::string_view identifier, UNIT_PARAMS, LAND_PARAMS
+) : Unit { identifier, type_t::LAND, UNIT_ARGS }, primary_culture { primary_culture }, sprite_override { sprite_override },
+ sprite_mount { sprite_mount }, sprite_mount_attach_node { sprite_mount_attach_node }, reconnaissance { reconnaissance },
+ attack { attack }, defence { defence }, discipline { discipline }, support { support }, maneuver { maneuver },
+ siege { siege } {}
bool LandUnit::get_primary_culture() const {
return primary_culture;
@@ -140,12 +143,13 @@ fixed_point_t LandUnit::get_siege() const {
return siege;
-NavalUnit::NavalUnit(std::string_view identifier, UNIT_PARAMS, NAVY_PARAMS)
- : Unit { identifier, type_t::NAVAL, UNIT_ARGS }, naval_icon { naval_icon }, sail { sail },
- transport { transport }, capital { capital }, colonial_points { colonial_points },
- build_overseas { build_overseas }, min_port_level { min_port_level },limit_per_port { limit_per_port },
- supply_consumption_score { supply_consumption_score }, hull { hull }, gun_power { gun_power },
- fire_range { fire_range }, evasion { evasion }, torpedo_attack { torpedo_attack } {};
+ std::string_view identifier, UNIT_PARAMS, NAVY_PARAMS
+) : Unit { identifier, type_t::NAVAL, UNIT_ARGS }, naval_icon { naval_icon }, sail { sail }, transport { transport },
+ capital { capital }, colonial_points { colonial_points }, build_overseas { build_overseas },
+ min_port_level { min_port_level }, limit_per_port { limit_per_port },
+ supply_consumption_score { supply_consumption_score }, hull { hull }, gun_power { gun_power }, fire_range { fire_range },
+ evasion { evasion }, torpedo_attack { torpedo_attack } {};
NavalUnit::icon_t NavalUnit::get_naval_icon() const {
return naval_icon;
@@ -217,7 +221,7 @@ bool UnitManager::_check_shared_parameters(std::string_view identifier, UNIT_PAR
return false;
- //TODO check that icon and sprite exist
+ // TODO check that icon and sprite exist
return true;
@@ -235,7 +239,7 @@ bool UnitManager::add_naval_unit(std::string_view identifier, UNIT_PARAMS, NAVY_
return false;
- //TODO: check that icon and sounds exist
+ // TODO: check that icon and sounds exist
return units.add_item(NavalUnit { identifier, UNIT_ARGS, NAVY_ARGS });
@@ -248,13 +252,12 @@ bool UnitManager::load_unit_file(GoodManager const& good_manager, ast::NodeCPtr
bool active = true, floating_flag = false;
uint32_t priority = 0;
Timespan build_time;
- fixed_point_t maximum_speed = 0, max_strength = 0, default_organisation = 0, weighted_value = 0, supply_consumption = 0;
+ fixed_point_t maximum_speed = 0, max_strength = 0, default_organisation = 0;
+ fixed_point_t weighted_value = 0, supply_consumption = 0;
Good::good_map_t build_cost, supply_cost;
using enum Unit::type_t;
- static const string_map_t<Unit::type_t> type_map = {
- { "land", LAND }, { "naval", NAVAL }
- };
+ static const string_map_t<Unit::type_t> type_map = { { "land", LAND }, { "naval", NAVAL } };
bool ret = expect_key("type", expect_identifier(expect_mapped_string(type_map, assign_variable_callback(type))))(value);
if (!ret) {
@@ -263,7 +266,7 @@ bool UnitManager::load_unit_file(GoodManager const& good_manager, ast::NodeCPtr
key_map_t key_map;
- //shared
+ // shared
ret &= add_key_map_entries(key_map,
"icon", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_uint(assign_variable_callback(icon)),
"type", ONE_EXACTLY, success_callback,
@@ -285,68 +288,64 @@ bool UnitManager::load_unit_file(GoodManager const& good_manager, ast::NodeCPtr
switch (type) {
- case LAND:
- {
- bool primary_culture = false;
- std::string_view sprite_override, sprite_mount, sprite_mount_attach_node;
- fixed_point_t reconnaissance = 0, attack = 0, defence = 0, discipline = 0, support = 0, maneuver = 0, siege = 0;
- ret &= add_key_map_entries(key_map,
- "primary_culture", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(primary_culture)),
- "sprite_override", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_identifier(assign_variable_callback(sprite_override)),
- "sprite_mount", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_identifier(assign_variable_callback(sprite_mount)),
- "sprite_mount_attach_node", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_identifier(assign_variable_callback(sprite_mount_attach_node)),
- "reconnaissance", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(reconnaissance)),
- "attack", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(attack)),
- "defence", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(defence)),
- "discipline", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(discipline)),
- "support", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(support)),
- "maneuver", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(maneuver)),
- "siege", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(siege))
- );
- ret &= expect_dictionary_key_map(key_map)(value);
- ret &= add_land_unit(key, UNIT_ARGS, LAND_ARGS);
- return ret;
- }
- break;
- case NAVAL:
- {
- Unit::icon_t naval_icon = 0;
- bool sail = false, transport = false, capital = false, build_overseas = false;
- uint32_t min_port_level = 0;
- int32_t limit_per_port = 0;
- fixed_point_t fire_range = 0, evasion = 0, supply_consumption_score = 0, hull = 0, gun_power = 0, colonial_points = 0, torpedo_attack = 0;
- ret &= add_key_map_entries(key_map,
- "naval_icon", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_uint(assign_variable_callback(naval_icon)),
- "sail", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(sail)),
- "transport", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(transport)),
- "capital", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(capital)),
- "colonial_points", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(colonial_points)),
- "can_build_overseas", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(build_overseas)),
- "min_port_level", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_uint(assign_variable_callback(min_port_level)),
- "limit_per_port", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_int(assign_variable_callback(limit_per_port)),
- "supply_consumption_score", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(supply_consumption_score)),
- "hull", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(hull)),
- "gun_power", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(gun_power)),
- "fire_range", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(fire_range)),
- "evasion", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(evasion)),
- "torpedo_attack", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(torpedo_attack))
- );
- ret &= expect_dictionary_key_map(key_map)(value);
- ret &= add_naval_unit(key, UNIT_ARGS, NAVY_ARGS);
- return ret;
- }
- break;
- default:
- Logger::error("Unknown unit type for ", key, ": ", static_cast<int>(type));
- return false;
+ case LAND: {
+ bool primary_culture = false;
+ std::string_view sprite_override, sprite_mount, sprite_mount_attach_node;
+ fixed_point_t reconnaissance = 0, attack = 0, defence = 0, discipline = 0, support = 0, maneuver = 0, siege = 0;
+ ret &= add_key_map_entries(key_map,
+ "primary_culture", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(primary_culture)),
+ "sprite_override", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_identifier(assign_variable_callback(sprite_override)),
+ "sprite_mount", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_identifier(assign_variable_callback(sprite_mount)),
+ "sprite_mount_attach_node", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_identifier(assign_variable_callback(sprite_mount_attach_node)),
+ "reconnaissance", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(reconnaissance)),
+ "attack", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(attack)),
+ "defence", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(defence)),
+ "discipline", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(discipline)),
+ "support", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(support)),
+ "maneuver", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(maneuver)),
+ "siege", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(siege))
+ );
+ ret &= expect_dictionary_key_map(key_map)(value);
+ ret &= add_land_unit(key, UNIT_ARGS, LAND_ARGS);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ case NAVAL: {
+ Unit::icon_t naval_icon = 0;
+ bool sail = false, transport = false, capital = false, build_overseas = false;
+ uint32_t min_port_level = 0;
+ int32_t limit_per_port = 0;
+ fixed_point_t fire_range = 0, evasion = 0, supply_consumption_score = 0, hull = 0;
+ fixed_point_t gun_power = 0, colonial_points = 0, torpedo_attack = 0;
+ ret &= add_key_map_entries(key_map,
+ "naval_icon", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_uint(assign_variable_callback(naval_icon)),
+ "sail", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(sail)),
+ "transport", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(transport)),
+ "capital", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(capital)),
+ "colonial_points", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(colonial_points)),
+ "can_build_overseas", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(build_overseas)),
+ "min_port_level", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_uint(assign_variable_callback(min_port_level)),
+ "limit_per_port", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_int(assign_variable_callback(limit_per_port)),
+ "supply_consumption_score", ONE_EXACTLY,
+ expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(supply_consumption_score)),
+ "hull", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(hull)),
+ "gun_power", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(gun_power)),
+ "fire_range", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(fire_range)),
+ "evasion", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(evasion)),
+ "torpedo_attack", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(torpedo_attack))
+ );
+ ret &= expect_dictionary_key_map(key_map)(value);
+ ret &= add_naval_unit(key, UNIT_ARGS, NAVY_ARGS);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ default: Logger::error("Unknown unit type for ", key, ": ", static_cast<int>(type)); return false;
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/military/Unit.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/military/Unit.hpp
index ea28511..acfc8b8 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/military/Unit.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/military/Unit.hpp
@@ -10,30 +10,26 @@
#include "openvic-simulation/types/fixed_point/FixedPoint.hpp"
#define UNIT_PARAMS \
- Unit::icon_t icon, std::string_view sprite, bool active, std::string_view unit_type, \
- bool floating_flag, uint32_t priority, fixed_point_t max_strength, fixed_point_t default_organisation, \
- fixed_point_t maximum_speed, fixed_point_t weighted_value, std::string_view move_sound, \
- std::string_view select_sound, Timespan build_time, Good::good_map_t &&build_cost, \
- fixed_point_t supply_consumption, Good::good_map_t &&supply_cost
+ Unit::icon_t icon, std::string_view sprite, bool active, std::string_view unit_type, bool floating_flag, \
+ uint32_t priority, fixed_point_t max_strength, fixed_point_t default_organisation, fixed_point_t maximum_speed, \
+ fixed_point_t weighted_value, std::string_view move_sound, std::string_view select_sound, Timespan build_time, \
+ Good::good_map_t&& build_cost, fixed_point_t supply_consumption, Good::good_map_t&& supply_cost
#define LAND_PARAMS \
bool primary_culture, std::string_view sprite_override, std::string_view sprite_mount, \
- std::string_view sprite_mount_attach_node, fixed_point_t reconnaissance, fixed_point_t attack, fixed_point_t defence, \
- fixed_point_t discipline, fixed_point_t support, fixed_point_t maneuver, fixed_point_t siege
+ std::string_view sprite_mount_attach_node, fixed_point_t reconnaissance, fixed_point_t attack, fixed_point_t defence, \
+ fixed_point_t discipline, fixed_point_t support, fixed_point_t maneuver, fixed_point_t siege
#define NAVY_PARAMS \
Unit::icon_t naval_icon, bool sail, bool transport, bool capital, fixed_point_t colonial_points, bool build_overseas, \
- uint32_t min_port_level, int32_t limit_per_port, fixed_point_t supply_consumption_score, fixed_point_t hull, \
- fixed_point_t gun_power, fixed_point_t fire_range, fixed_point_t evasion, fixed_point_t torpedo_attack
+ uint32_t min_port_level, int32_t limit_per_port, fixed_point_t supply_consumption_score, fixed_point_t hull, \
+ fixed_point_t gun_power, fixed_point_t fire_range, fixed_point_t evasion, fixed_point_t torpedo_attack
namespace OpenVic {
struct Unit : HasIdentifier {
using icon_t = uint32_t;
- enum struct type_t {
- };
+ enum struct type_t { LAND, NAVAL };
const type_t type;
@@ -175,4 +171,4 @@ namespace OpenVic {
bool load_unit_file(GoodManager const& good_manager, ast::NodeCPtr root);
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/misc/Define.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/misc/Define.cpp
index 509b0a5..5e6a3cb 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/misc/Define.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/misc/Define.cpp
@@ -15,14 +15,8 @@
using namespace OpenVic;
using namespace OpenVic::NodeTools;
- std::string_view new_identifier,
- std::string&& new_value,
- Type new_type
-) : HasIdentifier { new_identifier },
- value { std::move(new_value) },
- type { new_type } {
+Define::Define(std::string_view new_identifier, std::string&& new_value, Type new_type)
+ : HasIdentifier { new_identifier }, value { std::move(new_value) }, type { new_type } {}
fixed_point_t Define::get_value_as_fp() const {
return fixed_point_t::parse(value);
@@ -36,8 +30,7 @@ uint64_t Define::get_value_as_uint() const {
return std::strtoull(value.data(), nullptr, 10);
-DefineManager::DefineManager() : defines { "defines" } {
+DefineManager::DefineManager() : defines { "defines" } {}
bool DefineManager::add_define(std::string_view name, std::string&& value, Define::Type type) {
return defines.add_item({ name, std::move(value), type }, duplicate_warning_callback);
@@ -52,14 +45,17 @@ const Date& DefineManager::get_end_date() const {
bool DefineManager::add_date_define(std::string_view name, Date date) {
- if (name != "start_date" && name != "end_date") return false;
+ if (name != "start_date" && name != "end_date") {
+ return false;
+ }
bool ret = defines.add_item({ name, date.to_string(), Define::Type::None });
- if (name == "start_date")
+ if (name == "start_date") {
start_date.reset(new Date(date));
- else if (name == "end_date")
+ } else if (name == "end_date") {
end_date.reset(new Date(date));
+ }
return ret;
@@ -67,7 +63,8 @@ bool DefineManager::add_date_define(std::string_view name, Date date) {
bool DefineManager::load_defines_file(ast::NodeCPtr root) {
bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys(
"defines", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_dictionary([this](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
- if (key == "country" || key == "economy" || key == "military" || key == "diplomacy" || key == "pops" || key == "ai" || key == "graphics") {
+ if (key == "country" || key == "economy" || key == "military" || key == "diplomacy" ||
+ key == "pops" || key == "ai" || key == "graphics") {
return expect_dictionary([this, &key](std::string_view inner_key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
std::string str_val;
@@ -76,30 +73,30 @@ bool DefineManager::load_defines_file(ast::NodeCPtr root) {
Define::Type type;
switch (key[0]) {
using enum Define::Type;
- case 'c': // country
- type = Country;
- break;
- case 'e': // economy
- type = Economy;
- break;
- case 'm': // military
- type = Military;
- break;
- case 'd': // diplomacy
- type = Diplomacy;
- break;
- case 'p': // pops
- type = Pops;
- break;
- case 'a': // ai
- type = Ai;
- break;
- case 'g': // graphics
- type = Graphics;
- break;
- default:
- Logger::error("Unknown define type ", key, " found in defines!");
- return false;
+ case 'c': // country
+ type = Country;
+ break;
+ case 'e': // economy
+ type = Economy;
+ break;
+ case 'm': // military
+ type = Military;
+ break;
+ case 'd': // diplomacy
+ type = Diplomacy;
+ break;
+ case 'p': // pops
+ type = Pops;
+ break;
+ case 'a': // ai
+ type = Ai;
+ break;
+ case 'g': // graphics
+ type = Graphics;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Logger::error("Unknown define type ", key, " found in defines!");
+ return false;
ret &= add_define(inner_key, std::move(str_val), type);
@@ -118,4 +115,4 @@ bool DefineManager::load_defines_file(ast::NodeCPtr root) {
return ret;
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/misc/Define.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/misc/Define.hpp
index 9b768b7..0db9716 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/misc/Define.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/misc/Define.hpp
@@ -12,26 +12,13 @@ namespace OpenVic {
struct Define : HasIdentifier {
friend struct DefineManager;
- enum class Type : unsigned char {
- None,
- Country,
- Economy,
- Military,
- Diplomacy,
- Pops,
- Ai,
- Graphics
- };
+ enum class Type : unsigned char { None, Country, Economy, Military, Diplomacy, Pops, Ai, Graphics };
std::string HASID_PROPERTY(value);
- Define(
- std::string_view new_identifier,
- std::string&& new_value,
- Type new_type
- );
+ Define(std::string_view new_identifier, std::string&& new_value, Type new_type);
Define(Define&&) = default;
@@ -60,4 +47,4 @@ namespace OpenVic {
bool load_defines_file(ast::NodeCPtr root);
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/politics/Government.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/politics/Government.cpp
index 927c773..823284a 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/politics/Government.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/politics/Government.cpp
@@ -5,8 +5,12 @@
using namespace OpenVic;
using namespace OpenVic::NodeTools;
-GovernmentType::GovernmentType(std::string_view new_identifier, std::vector<Ideology const*>&& new_ideologies, bool new_elections, bool new_appoint_ruling_party, Timespan new_term_duration, std::string_view new_flag_type_identifier)
- : HasIdentifier { new_identifier }, ideologies { std::move(new_ideologies) }, elections { new_elections }, appoint_ruling_party { new_appoint_ruling_party }, term_duration { new_term_duration }, flag_type_identifier { new_flag_type_identifier } {}
+ std::string_view new_identifier, std::vector<Ideology const*>&& new_ideologies, bool new_elections,
+ bool new_appoint_ruling_party, Timespan new_term_duration, std::string_view new_flag_type_identifier
+) : HasIdentifier { new_identifier }, ideologies { std::move(new_ideologies) }, elections { new_elections },
+ appoint_ruling_party { new_appoint_ruling_party }, term_duration { new_term_duration },
+ flag_type_identifier { new_flag_type_identifier } {}
bool GovernmentType::is_ideology_compatible(Ideology const* ideology) const {
return std::find(ideologies.begin(), ideologies.end(), ideology) != ideologies.end();
@@ -34,7 +38,10 @@ std::string_view GovernmentType::get_flag_type() const {
GovernmentTypeManager::GovernmentTypeManager() : government_types { "government types" } {}
-bool GovernmentTypeManager::add_government_type(std::string_view identifier, std::vector<Ideology const*>&& ideologies, bool elections, bool appoint_ruling_party, Timespan term_duration, std::string_view flag_type) {
+bool GovernmentTypeManager::add_government_type(
+ std::string_view identifier, std::vector<Ideology const*>&& ideologies, bool elections, bool appoint_ruling_party,
+ Timespan term_duration, std::string_view flag_type
+) {
if (identifier.empty()) {
Logger::error("Invalid government type identifier - empty!");
return false;
@@ -50,13 +57,14 @@ bool GovernmentTypeManager::add_government_type(std::string_view identifier, std
return false;
- return government_types.add_item({ identifier, std::move(ideologies), elections, appoint_ruling_party, term_duration, flag_type });
+ return government_types.add_item({
+ identifier, std::move(ideologies), elections, appoint_ruling_party, term_duration, flag_type
+ });
/* REQUIREMENTS: FS-525, SIM-27 */
bool GovernmentTypeManager::load_government_types_file(IdeologyManager const& ideology_manager, ast::NodeCPtr root) {
- bool ret = expect_dictionary_reserve_length(
- government_types,
+ bool ret = expect_dictionary_reserve_length(government_types,
[this, &ideology_manager](std::string_view government_type_identifier, ast::NodeCPtr government_type_value) -> bool {
std::vector<Ideology const*> ideologies;
bool elections = false, appoint_ruling_party = false;
@@ -74,14 +82,18 @@ bool GovernmentTypeManager::load_government_types_file(IdeologyManager const& id
ret &= expect_dictionary(
- [this, &ideology_manager, &ideologies, government_type_identifier](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
- static const string_set_t reserved_keys = {
- "election", "duration", "appoint_ruling_party", "flagType"
- };
- if (reserved_keys.find(key) != reserved_keys.end()) return true;
+ [this, &ideology_manager, &ideologies, government_type_identifier](
+ std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
+ static const string_set_t reserved_keys = { "election", "duration", "appoint_ruling_party", "flagType" };
+ if (reserved_keys.find(key) != reserved_keys.end()) {
+ return true;
+ }
Ideology const* ideology = ideology_manager.get_ideology_by_identifier(key);
if (ideology == nullptr) {
- Logger::error("When loading government type ", government_type_identifier, ", specified ideology ", key, " is invalid!");
+ Logger::error(
+ "When loading government type ", government_type_identifier, ", specified ideology ", key,
+ " is invalid!"
+ );
return false;
return expect_bool([&ideologies, ideology, government_type_identifier](bool val) -> bool {
@@ -90,20 +102,29 @@ bool GovernmentTypeManager::load_government_types_file(IdeologyManager const& id
return true;
- Logger::error("Government type ", government_type_identifier, " marked as supporting ideology ", ideology->get_identifier());
+ Logger::error(
+ "Government type ", government_type_identifier, " marked as supporting ideology ",
+ ideology->get_identifier()
+ );
return false;
- Logger::error("Government type ", government_type_identifier, " redundantly marked as not supporting ideology ", ideology->get_identifier(), " multiple times");
+ Logger::error(
+ "Government type ", government_type_identifier, " redundantly marked as not supporting ideology ",
+ ideology->get_identifier(), " multiple times"
+ );
return false;
- ret &= add_government_type(government_type_identifier, std::move(ideologies), elections, appoint_ruling_party, term_duration, flag_type_identifier);
+ ret &= add_government_type(
+ government_type_identifier, std::move(ideologies), elections, appoint_ruling_party, term_duration,
+ flag_type_identifier
+ );
return ret;
return ret;
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/politics/Government.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/politics/Government.hpp
index 8cdee48..9fff111 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/politics/Government.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/politics/Government.hpp
@@ -14,7 +14,10 @@ namespace OpenVic {
const Timespan term_duration;
const std::string flag_type_identifier;
- GovernmentType(std::string_view new_identifier, std::vector<Ideology const*>&& new_ideologies, bool new_elections, bool new_appoint_ruling_party, Timespan new_term_duration, std::string_view new_flag_type_identifier);
+ GovernmentType(
+ std::string_view new_identifier, std::vector<Ideology const*>&& new_ideologies, bool new_elections,
+ bool new_appoint_ruling_party, Timespan new_term_duration, std::string_view new_flag_type_identifier
+ );
GovernmentType(GovernmentType&&) = default;
@@ -34,7 +37,10 @@ namespace OpenVic {
- bool add_government_type(std::string_view identifier, std::vector<Ideology const*>&& ideologies, bool elections, bool appoint_ruling_party, Timespan term_duration, std::string_view flag_type);
+ bool add_government_type(
+ std::string_view identifier, std::vector<Ideology const*>&& ideologies, bool elections, bool appoint_ruling_party,
+ Timespan term_duration, std::string_view flag_type
+ );
bool load_government_types_file(IdeologyManager const& ideology_manager, ast::NodeCPtr root);
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/politics/Ideology.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/politics/Ideology.cpp
index 5b2c0ef..acbd82f 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/politics/Ideology.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/politics/Ideology.cpp
@@ -5,8 +5,10 @@ using namespace OpenVic::NodeTools;
IdeologyGroup::IdeologyGroup(std::string_view new_identifier) : HasIdentifier { new_identifier } {}
-Ideology::Ideology(std::string_view new_identifier, colour_t new_colour, IdeologyGroup const& new_group, bool new_uncivilised, bool new_can_reduce_militancy, Date new_spawn_date)
- : HasIdentifierAndColour { new_identifier, new_colour, true, false }, group { new_group }, uncivilised { new_uncivilised },
+ std::string_view new_identifier, colour_t new_colour, IdeologyGroup const& new_group, bool new_uncivilised,
+ bool new_can_reduce_militancy, Date new_spawn_date
+) : HasIdentifierAndColour { new_identifier, new_colour, true, false }, group { new_group }, uncivilised { new_uncivilised },
can_reduce_militancy { new_can_reduce_militancy }, spawn_date { new_spawn_date } {}
IdeologyGroup const& Ideology::get_group() const {
@@ -36,7 +38,10 @@ bool IdeologyManager::add_ideology_group(std::string_view identifier) {
return ideology_groups.add_item({ identifier });
-bool IdeologyManager::add_ideology(std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour, IdeologyGroup const* group, bool uncivilised, bool can_reduce_militancy, Date spawn_date) {
+bool IdeologyManager::add_ideology(
+ std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour, IdeologyGroup const* group, bool uncivilised, bool can_reduce_militancy,
+ Date spawn_date
+) {
if (identifier.empty()) {
Logger::error("Invalid ideology identifier - empty!");
return false;
@@ -57,11 +62,10 @@ bool IdeologyManager::add_ideology(std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour,
* POL-9, POL-10, POL-11, POL-12, POL-13, POL-14, POL-15
+ */
bool IdeologyManager::load_ideology_file(ast::NodeCPtr root) {
size_t expected_ideologies = 0;
- bool ret = expect_dictionary_reserve_length(
- ideology_groups,
+ bool ret = expect_dictionary_reserve_length(ideology_groups,
[this, &expected_ideologies](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
bool ret = expect_length(add_variable_callback(expected_ideologies))(value);
ret &= add_ideology_group(key);
@@ -71,35 +75,31 @@ bool IdeologyManager::load_ideology_file(ast::NodeCPtr root) {
ideologies.reserve(ideologies.size() + expected_ideologies);
- ret &= expect_dictionary(
- [this](std::string_view ideology_group_key, ast::NodeCPtr ideology_group_value) -> bool {
- IdeologyGroup const* ideology_group = get_ideology_group_by_identifier(ideology_group_key);
- return expect_dictionary(
- [this, ideology_group](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
- colour_t colour = NULL_COLOUR;
- bool uncivilised = true, can_reduce_militancy = false;
- Date spawn_date;
- bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys(
- "uncivilized", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(uncivilised)),
- "color", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_colour(assign_variable_callback(colour)),
- "date", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_date(assign_variable_callback(spawn_date)),
- "can_reduce_militancy", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(can_reduce_militancy)),
- "add_political_reform", ONE_EXACTLY, success_callback,
- "remove_political_reform", ONE_EXACTLY, success_callback,
- "add_social_reform", ONE_EXACTLY, success_callback,
- "remove_social_reform", ONE_EXACTLY, success_callback,
- "add_military_reform", ZERO_OR_ONE, success_callback,
- "add_economic_reform", ZERO_OR_ONE, success_callback
- )(value);
- ret &= add_ideology(key, colour, ideology_group, uncivilised, can_reduce_militancy, spawn_date);
- return ret;
- }
- )(ideology_group_value);
- }
- )(root);
+ ret &= expect_dictionary([this](std::string_view ideology_group_key, ast::NodeCPtr ideology_group_value) -> bool {
+ IdeologyGroup const* ideology_group = get_ideology_group_by_identifier(ideology_group_key);
+ return expect_dictionary([this, ideology_group](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
+ colour_t colour = NULL_COLOUR;
+ bool uncivilised = true, can_reduce_militancy = false;
+ Date spawn_date;
+ bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys(
+ "uncivilized", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(uncivilised)),
+ "color", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_colour(assign_variable_callback(colour)),
+ "date", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_date(assign_variable_callback(spawn_date)),
+ "can_reduce_militancy", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(can_reduce_militancy)),
+ "add_political_reform", ONE_EXACTLY, success_callback,
+ "remove_political_reform", ONE_EXACTLY, success_callback,
+ "add_social_reform", ONE_EXACTLY, success_callback,
+ "remove_social_reform", ONE_EXACTLY, success_callback,
+ "add_military_reform", ZERO_OR_ONE, success_callback,
+ "add_economic_reform", ZERO_OR_ONE, success_callback
+ )(value);
+ ret &= add_ideology(key, colour, ideology_group, uncivilised, can_reduce_militancy, spawn_date);
+ return ret;
+ })(ideology_group_value);
+ })(root);
return ret;
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/politics/Ideology.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/politics/Ideology.hpp
index 557333e..046dbc9 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/politics/Ideology.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/politics/Ideology.hpp
@@ -23,9 +23,12 @@ namespace OpenVic {
const bool uncivilised, can_reduce_militancy;
const Date spawn_date;
- //TODO - willingness to repeal/pass reforms (and its modifiers)
+ // TODO - willingness to repeal/pass reforms (and its modifiers)
- Ideology(std::string_view new_identifier, colour_t new_colour, IdeologyGroup const& new_group, bool new_uncivilised, bool new_can_reduce_militancy, Date new_spawn_date);
+ Ideology(
+ std::string_view new_identifier, colour_t new_colour, IdeologyGroup const& new_group, bool new_uncivilised,
+ bool new_can_reduce_militancy, Date new_spawn_date
+ );
Ideology(Ideology&&) = default;
@@ -47,9 +50,12 @@ namespace OpenVic {
bool add_ideology_group(std::string_view identifier);
- bool add_ideology(std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour, IdeologyGroup const* group, bool uncivilised, bool can_reduce_militancy, Date spawn_date);
+ bool add_ideology(
+ std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour, IdeologyGroup const* group, bool uncivilised,
+ bool can_reduce_militancy, Date spawn_date
+ );
bool load_ideology_file(ast::NodeCPtr root);
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/politics/Issue.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/politics/Issue.cpp
index 3f2fd10..cc3c12b 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/politics/Issue.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/politics/Issue.cpp
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ using namespace OpenVic::NodeTools;
IssueGroup::IssueGroup(std::string_view new_identifier) : HasIdentifier { new_identifier } {}
-Issue::Issue(std::string_view identifier, IssueGroup const& group)
- : HasIdentifier { identifier }, group { group } {}
+Issue::Issue(std::string_view identifier, IssueGroup const& group) : HasIdentifier { identifier }, group { group } {}
IssueGroup const& Issue::get_group() const {
return group;
@@ -45,8 +44,9 @@ size_t Reform::get_ordinal() const {
return ordinal;
-IssueManager::IssueManager() : issue_groups { "issue groups" }, issues { "issues" },
- reform_types { "reform types" }, reform_groups { "reform groups" }, reforms { "reforms" } {}
+ : issue_groups { "issue groups" }, issues { "issues" }, reform_types { "reform types" }, reform_groups { "reform groups" },
+ reforms { "reforms" } {}
bool IssueManager::add_issue_group(std::string_view identifier) {
if (identifier.empty()) {
@@ -116,11 +116,13 @@ bool IssueManager::_load_issue_group(size_t& expected_issues, std::string_view i
bool IssueManager::_load_issue(std::string_view identifier, IssueGroup const* group, ast::NodeCPtr node) {
- //TODO: policy modifiers, policy rule changes
+ // TODO: policy modifiers, policy rule changes
return add_issue(identifier, group);
-bool IssueManager::_load_reform_group(size_t& expected_reforms, std::string_view identifier, ReformType const* type, ast::NodeCPtr node) {
+bool IssueManager::_load_reform_group(
+ size_t& expected_reforms, std::string_view identifier, ReformType const* type, ast::NodeCPtr node
+) {
bool ordered = false, administrative = false;
bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys_and_default(
@@ -132,7 +134,7 @@ bool IssueManager::_load_reform_group(size_t& expected_reforms, std::string_view
bool IssueManager::_load_reform(size_t& ordinal, std::string_view identifier, ReformGroup const* group, ast::NodeCPtr node) {
- //TODO: conditions to allow, policy modifiers, policy rule changes
+ // TODO: conditions to allow, policy modifiers, policy rule changes
return add_reform(identifier, group, ordinal);
@@ -144,16 +146,18 @@ bool IssueManager::_load_reform(size_t& ordinal, std::string_view identifier, Re
* POL-84, POL-85, POL-86, POL-87, POL-89, POL-90, POL-91, POL-92, POL-93, POL-95, POL-96, POL-97, POL-98,
* POL-99, POL-101, POL-102, POL-103, POL-104, POL-105, POL-107, POL-108, POL-109, POL-110, POL-111, POL-113,
* POL-113, POL-114, POL-115, POL-116
+ */
bool IssueManager::load_issues_file(ast::NodeCPtr root) {
size_t expected_issue_groups = 0;
size_t expected_reform_groups = 0;
bool ret = expect_dictionary_reserve_length(reform_types,
[this, &expected_issue_groups, &expected_reform_groups](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
- if (key == "party_issues")
+ if (key == "party_issues") {
return expect_length(add_variable_callback(expected_issue_groups))(value);
- else return expect_length(add_variable_callback(expected_reform_groups))(value) & add_reform_type(
- key, key == "economic_reforms" || "education_reforms" || "military_reforms");
+ } else {
+ return expect_length(add_variable_callback(expected_reform_groups))(value) &
+ add_reform_type(key, key == "economic_reforms" || "education_reforms" || "military_reforms");
+ }
@@ -197,7 +201,9 @@ bool IssueManager::load_issues_file(ast::NodeCPtr root) {
ReformGroup const* reform_group = get_reform_group_by_identifier(group_key);
size_t ordinal = 0;
return expect_dictionary([this, reform_group, &ordinal](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
- if (key == "next_step_only" || key == "administrative") return true;
+ if (key == "next_step_only" || key == "administrative") {
+ return true;
+ }
bool ret = _load_reform(ordinal, key, reform_group, value);
return ret;
@@ -209,4 +215,4 @@ bool IssueManager::load_issues_file(ast::NodeCPtr root) {
return ret;
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/politics/Issue.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/politics/Issue.hpp
index 9d72334..84aa886 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/politics/Issue.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/politics/Issue.hpp
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
#include <cstddef>
#include <string_view>
-#include "openvic-simulation/types/IdentifierRegistry.hpp"
#include "openvic-simulation/dataloader/NodeTools.hpp"
-#include "openvic-dataloader/v2script/AbstractSyntaxTree.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/types/IdentifierRegistry.hpp"
namespace OpenVic {
struct IssueManager;
- //Issue group (i.e. trade_policy)
+ // Issue group (i.e. trade_policy)
struct IssueGroup : HasIdentifier {
friend struct IssueManager;
@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@ namespace OpenVic {
IssueGroup(IssueGroup&&) = default;
- //Issue (i.e. protectionism)
+ // Issue (i.e. protectionism)
struct Issue : HasIdentifier {
friend struct IssueManager;
IssueGroup const& group;
- //TODO: policy modifiers, policy rule changes
+ // TODO: policy modifiers, policy rule changes
Issue(std::string_view identifier, IssueGroup const& group);
@@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ namespace OpenVic {
IssueGroup const& get_group() const;
- //Reform type (i.e. political_issues)
+ // Reform type (i.e. political_issues)
struct ReformType : HasIdentifier {
friend struct IssueManager;
- bool uncivilised; //whether this group is available to non-westernised countries
- //in vanilla education, military and economic reforms are hardcoded to true and the rest to false
+ bool uncivilised; // whether this group is available to non-westernised countries
+ // in vanilla education, military and economic reforms are hardcoded to true and the rest to false
ReformType(std::string_view new_identifier, bool uncivilised);
@@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ namespace OpenVic {
ReformType(ReformType&&) = default;
- //Reform group (i.e. slavery)
+ // Reform group (i.e. slavery)
struct ReformGroup : IssueGroup {
friend struct IssueManager;
ReformType const& type;
- const bool ordered; //next_step_only
+ const bool ordered; // next_step_only
const bool administrative;
ReformGroup(std::string_view identifier, ReformType const& type, bool ordered, bool administrative);
@@ -69,17 +69,17 @@ namespace OpenVic {
bool is_administrative() const;
- //Reform (i.e. yes_slavery)
+ // Reform (i.e. yes_slavery)
struct Reform : Issue {
friend struct IssueManager;
- ReformGroup const& reform_group; //stores an already casted reference
- const size_t ordinal; //assigned by the parser to allow policy sorting
+ ReformGroup const& reform_group; // stores an already casted reference
+ const size_t ordinal; // assigned by the parser to allow policy sorting
Reform(std::string_view new_identifier, ReformGroup const& group, size_t ordinal);
- //TODO: conditions to allow,
+ // TODO: conditions to allow,
Reform(Reform&&) = default;
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ namespace OpenVic {
size_t get_ordinal() const;
- //Issue manager - holds the registries
+ // Issue manager - holds the registries
struct IssueManager {
IdentifierRegistry<IssueGroup> issue_groups;
@@ -99,8 +99,9 @@ namespace OpenVic {
bool _load_issue_group(size_t& expected_issues, std::string_view identifier, ast::NodeCPtr node);
bool _load_issue(std::string_view identifier, IssueGroup const* group, ast::NodeCPtr node);
- bool _load_reform_group(size_t& expected_reforms, std::string_view identifier, ReformType const* type,
- ast::NodeCPtr node);
+ bool _load_reform_group(
+ size_t& expected_reforms, std::string_view identifier, ReformType const* type, ast::NodeCPtr node
+ );
bool _load_reform(size_t& ordinal, std::string_view identifier, ReformGroup const* group, ast::NodeCPtr node);
@@ -123,4 +124,4 @@ namespace OpenVic {
bool load_issues_file(ast::NodeCPtr root);
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/pop/Culture.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/pop/Culture.cpp
index 85c96a0..e386930 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/pop/Culture.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/pop/Culture.cpp
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ using namespace OpenVic::NodeTools;
GraphicalCultureType::GraphicalCultureType(std::string_view new_identifier) : HasIdentifier { new_identifier } {}
-CultureGroup::CultureGroup(std::string_view new_identifier, std::string_view new_leader,
- GraphicalCultureType const& new_unit_graphical_culture_type, bool new_is_overseas)
- : HasIdentifier { new_identifier }, leader { new_leader },
- unit_graphical_culture_type { new_unit_graphical_culture_type },
- is_overseas { new_is_overseas } {}
+ std::string_view new_identifier, std::string_view new_leader, GraphicalCultureType const& new_unit_graphical_culture_type,
+ bool new_is_overseas
+) : HasIdentifier { new_identifier }, leader { new_leader }, unit_graphical_culture_type { new_unit_graphical_culture_type },
+ is_overseas { new_is_overseas } {}
std::string_view CultureGroup::get_leader() const {
return leader;
@@ -25,12 +25,11 @@ bool CultureGroup::get_is_overseas() const {
return is_overseas;
-Culture::Culture(std::string_view new_identifier, colour_t new_colour, CultureGroup const& new_group,
- std::vector<std::string>&& new_first_names, std::vector<std::string>&& new_last_names)
- : HasIdentifierAndColour { new_identifier, new_colour, true, false },
- group { new_group },
- first_names { std::move(new_first_names) },
- last_names { std::move(new_last_names) } {}
+ std::string_view new_identifier, colour_t new_colour, CultureGroup const& new_group,
+ std::vector<std::string>&& new_first_names, std::vector<std::string>&& new_last_names
+) : HasIdentifierAndColour { new_identifier, new_colour, true, false }, group { new_group },
+ first_names { std::move(new_first_names) }, last_names { std::move(new_last_names) } {}
CultureGroup const& Culture::get_group() const {
return group;
@@ -45,9 +44,7 @@ std::vector<std::string> const& Culture::get_last_names() const {
- : graphical_culture_types { "graphical culture types" },
- culture_groups { "culture groups" },
- cultures { "cultures" } {}
+ : graphical_culture_types { "graphical culture types" }, culture_groups { "culture groups" }, cultures { "cultures" } {}
bool CultureManager::add_graphical_culture_type(std::string_view identifier) {
if (identifier.empty()) {
@@ -57,7 +54,9 @@ bool CultureManager::add_graphical_culture_type(std::string_view identifier) {
return graphical_culture_types.add_item({ identifier });
-bool CultureManager::add_culture_group(std::string_view identifier, std::string_view leader, GraphicalCultureType const* graphical_culture_type, bool is_overseas) {
+bool CultureManager::add_culture_group(
+ std::string_view identifier, std::string_view leader, GraphicalCultureType const* graphical_culture_type, bool is_overseas
+) {
if (!graphical_culture_types.is_locked()) {
Logger::error("Cannot register culture groups until graphical culture types are locked!");
return false;
@@ -77,7 +76,10 @@ bool CultureManager::add_culture_group(std::string_view identifier, std::string_
return culture_groups.add_item({ identifier, leader, *graphical_culture_type, is_overseas });
-bool CultureManager::add_culture(std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour, CultureGroup const* group, std::vector<std::string>&& first_names, std::vector<std::string>&& last_names) {
+bool CultureManager::add_culture(
+ std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour, CultureGroup const* group, std::vector<std::string>&& first_names,
+ std::vector<std::string>&& last_names
+) {
if (!culture_groups.is_locked()) {
Logger::error("Cannot register cultures until culture groups are locked!");
return false;
@@ -98,8 +100,7 @@ bool CultureManager::add_culture(std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour, C
bool CultureManager::load_graphical_culture_type_file(ast::NodeCPtr root) {
- const bool ret = expect_list_reserve_length(
- graphical_culture_types,
+ const bool ret = expect_list_reserve_length(graphical_culture_types,
std::bind(&CultureManager::add_graphical_culture_type, this, std::placeholders::_1)
@@ -108,9 +109,10 @@ bool CultureManager::load_graphical_culture_type_file(ast::NodeCPtr root) {
return ret;
-bool CultureManager::_load_culture_group(size_t& total_expected_cultures,
- GraphicalCultureType const* default_unit_graphical_culture_type,
- std::string_view culture_group_key, ast::NodeCPtr culture_group_node) {
+bool CultureManager::_load_culture_group(
+ size_t& total_expected_cultures, GraphicalCultureType const* default_unit_graphical_culture_type,
+ std::string_view culture_group_key, ast::NodeCPtr culture_group_node
+) {
std::string_view leader;
GraphicalCultureType const* unit_graphical_culture_type = default_unit_graphical_culture_type;
@@ -119,7 +121,8 @@ bool CultureManager::_load_culture_group(size_t& total_expected_cultures,
bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys_and_default(
"leader", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_identifier(assign_variable_callback(leader)),
- "unit", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_graphical_culture_type_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(unit_graphical_culture_type)),
+ "unit", ZERO_OR_ONE,
+ expect_graphical_culture_type_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer(unit_graphical_culture_type)),
"union", ZERO_OR_ONE, success_callback,
"is_overseas", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(is_overseas))
@@ -127,8 +130,9 @@ bool CultureManager::_load_culture_group(size_t& total_expected_cultures,
return ret;
-bool CultureManager::_load_culture(CultureGroup const* culture_group,
- std::string_view culture_key, ast::NodeCPtr culture_node) {
+bool CultureManager::_load_culture(
+ CultureGroup const* culture_group, std::string_view culture_key, ast::NodeCPtr culture_node
+) {
colour_t colour = NULL_COLOUR;
std::vector<std::string> first_names, last_names;
@@ -171,35 +175,32 @@ bool CultureManager::load_culture_file(ast::NodeCPtr root) {
static const std::string default_unit_graphical_culture_type_identifier = "Generic";
- GraphicalCultureType const* const default_unit_graphical_culture_type = get_graphical_culture_type_by_identifier(default_unit_graphical_culture_type_identifier);
+ GraphicalCultureType const* const default_unit_graphical_culture_type =
+ get_graphical_culture_type_by_identifier(default_unit_graphical_culture_type_identifier);
if (default_unit_graphical_culture_type == nullptr) {
Logger::error("Failed to find default unit graphical culture type: ", default_unit_graphical_culture_type_identifier);
size_t total_expected_cultures = 0;
- bool ret = expect_dictionary_reserve_length(
- culture_groups,
- [this, default_unit_graphical_culture_type, &total_expected_cultures](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
+ bool ret = expect_dictionary_reserve_length(culture_groups,
+ [this, default_unit_graphical_culture_type, &total_expected_cultures](
+ std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
return _load_culture_group(total_expected_cultures, default_unit_graphical_culture_type, key, value);
cultures.reserve(cultures.size() + total_expected_cultures);
- ret &= expect_dictionary(
- [this](std::string_view culture_group_key, ast::NodeCPtr culture_group_value) -> bool {
- CultureGroup const* culture_group = get_culture_group_by_identifier(culture_group_key);
- return expect_dictionary(
- [this, culture_group](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
- static const string_set_t reserved_keys = {
- "leader", "unit", "union", "is_overseas"
- };
- if (reserved_keys.find(key) != reserved_keys.end()) return true;
- return _load_culture(culture_group, key, value);
- }
- )(culture_group_value);
- }
- )(root);
+ ret &= expect_dictionary([this](std::string_view culture_group_key, ast::NodeCPtr culture_group_value) -> bool {
+ CultureGroup const* culture_group = get_culture_group_by_identifier(culture_group_key);
+ return expect_dictionary([this, culture_group](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
+ static const string_set_t reserved_keys = { "leader", "unit", "union", "is_overseas" };
+ if (reserved_keys.find(key) != reserved_keys.end()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return _load_culture(culture_group, key, value);
+ })(culture_group_value);
+ })(root);
return ret;
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/pop/Culture.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/pop/Culture.hpp
index 688733e..402af0c 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/pop/Culture.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/pop/Culture.hpp
@@ -26,7 +26,10 @@ namespace OpenVic {
// TODO - union tag
- CultureGroup(std::string_view new_identifier, std::string_view new_leader, GraphicalCultureType const& new_unit_graphical_culture_type, bool new_is_overseas);
+ CultureGroup(
+ std::string_view new_identifier, std::string_view new_leader,
+ GraphicalCultureType const& new_unit_graphical_culture_type, bool new_is_overseas
+ );
CultureGroup(CultureGroup&&) = default;
@@ -45,7 +48,10 @@ namespace OpenVic {
// TODO - radicalism, primary tag
- Culture(std::string_view new_identifier, colour_t new_colour, CultureGroup const& new_group, std::vector<std::string>&& new_first_names, std::vector<std::string>&& new_last_names);
+ Culture(
+ std::string_view new_identifier, colour_t new_colour, CultureGroup const& new_group,
+ std::vector<std::string>&& new_first_names, std::vector<std::string>&& new_last_names
+ );
Culture(Culture&&) = default;
@@ -61,8 +67,10 @@ namespace OpenVic {
IdentifierRegistry<CultureGroup> culture_groups;
IdentifierRegistry<Culture> cultures;
- bool _load_culture_group(size_t& total_expected_cultures, GraphicalCultureType const* default_unit_graphical_culture_type,
- std::string_view culture_group_key, ast::NodeCPtr culture_group_node);
+ bool _load_culture_group(
+ size_t& total_expected_cultures, GraphicalCultureType const* default_unit_graphical_culture_type,
+ std::string_view culture_group_key, ast::NodeCPtr culture_group_node
+ );
bool _load_culture(CultureGroup const* culture_group, std::string_view culture_key, ast::NodeCPtr node);
@@ -71,10 +79,16 @@ namespace OpenVic {
bool add_graphical_culture_type(std::string_view identifier);
- bool add_culture_group(std::string_view identifier, std::string_view leader, GraphicalCultureType const* new_graphical_culture_type, bool is_overseas);
+ bool add_culture_group(
+ std::string_view identifier, std::string_view leader, GraphicalCultureType const* new_graphical_culture_type,
+ bool is_overseas
+ );
- bool add_culture(std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour, CultureGroup const* group, std::vector<std::string>&& first_names, std::vector<std::string>&& last_names);
+ bool add_culture(
+ std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour, CultureGroup const* group, std::vector<std::string>&& first_names,
+ std::vector<std::string>&& last_names
+ );
bool load_graphical_culture_type_file(ast::NodeCPtr root);
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/pop/Pop.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/pop/Pop.cpp
index 5286393..f63a704 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/pop/Pop.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/pop/Pop.cpp
@@ -9,11 +9,9 @@
using namespace OpenVic;
using namespace OpenVic::NodeTools;
-Pop::Pop(PopType const& new_type, Culture const& new_culture, Religion const& new_religion, pop_size_t new_size)
- : type { new_type },
- culture { new_culture },
- religion { new_religion },
- size { new_size } {
+ PopType const& new_type, Culture const& new_culture, Religion const& new_religion, pop_size_t new_size
+) : type { new_type }, culture { new_culture }, religion { new_religion }, size { new_size } {
assert(size > 0);
@@ -49,25 +47,16 @@ Pop::pop_size_t Pop::get_pop_daily_change() const {
return Pop::get_num_promoted() - (Pop::get_num_demoted() + Pop::get_num_migrated());
-PopType::PopType(std::string_view new_identifier, colour_t new_colour,
- strata_t new_strata, sprite_t new_sprite,
- Good::good_map_t&& new_life_needs, Good::good_map_t&& new_everyday_needs,
- Good::good_map_t&& new_luxury_needs, rebel_units_t&& new_rebel_units,
- Pop::pop_size_t new_max_size, Pop::pop_size_t new_merge_max_size,
- bool new_state_capital_only, bool new_demote_migrant, bool new_is_artisan, bool new_is_slave)
- : HasIdentifierAndColour { new_identifier, new_colour, true, false },
- strata { new_strata },
- sprite { new_sprite },
- life_needs { std::move(new_life_needs) },
- everyday_needs { std::move(new_everyday_needs) },
- luxury_needs { std::move(new_luxury_needs) },
- rebel_units { std::move(new_rebel_units) },
- max_size { new_max_size },
- merge_max_size { new_merge_max_size },
- state_capital_only { new_state_capital_only },
- demote_migrant { new_demote_migrant },
- is_artisan { new_is_artisan },
- is_slave { new_is_slave } {
+ std::string_view new_identifier, colour_t new_colour, strata_t new_strata, sprite_t new_sprite,
+ Good::good_map_t&& new_life_needs, Good::good_map_t&& new_everyday_needs, Good::good_map_t&& new_luxury_needs,
+ rebel_units_t&& new_rebel_units, Pop::pop_size_t new_max_size, Pop::pop_size_t new_merge_max_size,
+ bool new_state_capital_only, bool new_demote_migrant, bool new_is_artisan, bool new_is_slave
+) : HasIdentifierAndColour { new_identifier, new_colour, true, false }, strata { new_strata }, sprite { new_sprite },
+ life_needs { std::move(new_life_needs) }, everyday_needs { std::move(new_everyday_needs) },
+ luxury_needs { std::move(new_luxury_needs) }, rebel_units { std::move(new_rebel_units) }, max_size { new_max_size },
+ merge_max_size { new_merge_max_size }, state_capital_only { new_state_capital_only },
+ demote_migrant { new_demote_migrant }, is_artisan { new_is_artisan }, is_slave { new_is_slave } {
assert(sprite > 0);
assert(max_size >= 0);
assert(merge_max_size >= 0);
@@ -123,10 +112,12 @@ bool PopType::get_is_slave() const {
PopManager::PopManager() : pop_types { "pop types" } {}
-bool PopManager::add_pop_type(std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour, PopType::strata_t strata,
- PopType::sprite_t sprite, Good::good_map_t&& life_needs, Good::good_map_t&& everyday_needs,
- Good::good_map_t&& luxury_needs, PopType::rebel_units_t&& rebel_units, Pop::pop_size_t max_size,
- Pop::pop_size_t merge_max_size, bool state_capital_only, bool demote_migrant, bool is_artisan, bool is_slave) {
+bool PopManager::add_pop_type(
+ std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour, PopType::strata_t strata, PopType::sprite_t sprite,
+ Good::good_map_t&& life_needs, Good::good_map_t&& everyday_needs, Good::good_map_t&& luxury_needs,
+ PopType::rebel_units_t&& rebel_units, Pop::pop_size_t max_size, Pop::pop_size_t merge_max_size, bool state_capital_only,
+ bool demote_migrant, bool is_artisan, bool is_slave
+) {
if (identifier.empty()) {
Logger::error("Invalid pop type identifier - empty!");
return false;
@@ -147,15 +138,19 @@ bool PopManager::add_pop_type(std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour, PopT
Logger::error("Invalid pop type merge max size for ", identifier, ": ", merge_max_size);
return false;
- return pop_types.add_item({ identifier, colour, strata, sprite, std::move(life_needs), std::move(everyday_needs),
- std::move(luxury_needs), std::move(rebel_units), max_size, merge_max_size, state_capital_only, demote_migrant,
- is_artisan, is_slave });
+ return pop_types.add_item({
+ identifier, colour, strata, sprite, std::move(life_needs), std::move(everyday_needs),
+ std::move(luxury_needs), std::move(rebel_units), max_size, merge_max_size, state_capital_only,
+ demote_migrant, is_artisan, is_slave
+ });
* POP-3, POP-4, POP-5, POP-6, POP-7, POP-8, POP-9, POP-10, POP-11, POP-12, POP-13, POP-14
-bool PopManager::load_pop_type_file(std::string_view filestem, UnitManager const& unit_manager, GoodManager const& good_manager, ast::NodeCPtr root) {
+bool PopManager::load_pop_type_file(
+ std::string_view filestem, UnitManager const& unit_manager, GoodManager const& good_manager, ast::NodeCPtr root
+) {
static const string_map_t<PopType::strata_t> strata_map = {
{ "poor", PopType::strata_t::POOR },
{ "middle", PopType::strata_t::MIDDLE },
@@ -209,13 +204,15 @@ bool PopManager::load_pop_type_file(std::string_view filestem, UnitManager const
"unemployment", ZERO_OR_ONE, success_callback
- ret &= add_pop_type(filestem, colour, strata, sprite, std::move(life_needs), std::move(everyday_needs),
- std::move(luxury_needs), std::move(rebel_units), max_size, merge_max_size, state_capital_only, demote_migrant,
- is_artisan, is_slave);
+ ret &= add_pop_type(
+ filestem, colour, strata, sprite, std::move(life_needs), std::move(everyday_needs), std::move(luxury_needs),
+ std::move(rebel_units), max_size, merge_max_size, state_capital_only, demote_migrant, is_artisan, is_slave
+ );
return ret;
-bool PopManager::load_pop_into_province(Province& province, std::string_view pop_type_identifier, ast::NodeCPtr pop_node) const {
+bool PopManager::load_pop_into_province(Province& province, std::string_view pop_type_identifier, ast::NodeCPtr pop_node)
+ const {
PopType const* type = get_pop_type_by_identifier(pop_type_identifier);
Culture const* culture = nullptr;
Religion const* religion = nullptr;
@@ -231,7 +228,10 @@ bool PopManager::load_pop_into_province(Province& province, std::string_view pop
if (type != nullptr && culture != nullptr && religion != nullptr && size > 0) {
ret &= province.add_pop({ *type, *culture, *religion, size });
} else {
- Logger::warning("Some pop arguments are invalid: province = ", province, ", type = ", type, ", culture = ", culture, ", religion = ", religion, ", size = ", size);
+ Logger::warning(
+ "Some pop arguments are invalid: province = ", province, ", type = ", type, ", culture = ", culture,
+ ", religion = ", religion, ", size = ", size
+ );
return ret;
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/pop/Pop.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/pop/Pop.hpp
index 7261831..4abb2a9 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/pop/Pop.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/pop/Pop.hpp
@@ -52,11 +52,7 @@ namespace OpenVic {
using rebel_units_t = decimal_map_t<Unit const*>;
- const enum class strata_t {
- } strata;
+ const enum class strata_t { POOR, MIDDLE, RICH } strata;
const sprite_t sprite;
const Good::good_map_t life_needs, everyday_needs, luxury_needs;
const rebel_units_t rebel_units;
@@ -65,10 +61,12 @@ namespace OpenVic {
// TODO - country and province migration targets, promote_to targets, ideologies and issues
- PopType(std::string_view new_identifier, colour_t new_colour, strata_t new_strata, sprite_t new_sprite,
+ PopType(
+ std::string_view new_identifier, colour_t new_colour, strata_t new_strata, sprite_t new_sprite,
Good::good_map_t&& new_life_needs, Good::good_map_t&& new_everyday_needs, Good::good_map_t&& new_luxury_needs,
rebel_units_t&& new_rebel_units, Pop::pop_size_t new_max_size, Pop::pop_size_t new_merge_max_size,
- bool new_state_capital_only, bool new_demote_migrant, bool new_is_artisan, bool new_is_slave);
+ bool new_state_capital_only, bool new_demote_migrant, bool new_is_artisan, bool new_is_slave
+ );
PopType(PopType&&) = default;
@@ -102,13 +100,17 @@ namespace OpenVic {
- bool add_pop_type(std::string_view identifier, colour_t new_colour, PopType::strata_t strata, PopType::sprite_t sprite,
+ bool add_pop_type(
+ std::string_view identifier, colour_t new_colour, PopType::strata_t strata, PopType::sprite_t sprite,
Good::good_map_t&& life_needs, Good::good_map_t&& everyday_needs, Good::good_map_t&& luxury_needs,
PopType::rebel_units_t&& rebel_units, Pop::pop_size_t max_size, Pop::pop_size_t merge_max_size,
- bool state_capital_only, bool demote_migrant, bool is_artisan, bool is_slave);
+ bool state_capital_only, bool demote_migrant, bool is_artisan, bool is_slave
+ );
- bool load_pop_type_file(std::string_view filestem, UnitManager const& unit_manager, GoodManager const& good_manager, ast::NodeCPtr root);
+ bool load_pop_type_file(
+ std::string_view filestem, UnitManager const& unit_manager, GoodManager const& good_manager, ast::NodeCPtr root
+ );
bool load_pop_into_province(Province& province, std::string_view pop_type_identifier, ast::NodeCPtr pop_node) const;
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/pop/Religion.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/pop/Religion.cpp
index 1152ae5..489984d 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/pop/Religion.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/pop/Religion.cpp
@@ -7,12 +7,10 @@ using namespace OpenVic::NodeTools;
ReligionGroup::ReligionGroup(std::string_view new_identifier) : HasIdentifier { new_identifier } {}
-Religion::Religion(std::string_view new_identifier, colour_t new_colour,
- ReligionGroup const& new_group, icon_t new_icon, bool new_pagan)
- : HasIdentifierAndColour { new_identifier, new_colour, true, false },
- group { new_group },
- icon { new_icon },
- pagan { new_pagan } {
+ std::string_view new_identifier, colour_t new_colour, ReligionGroup const& new_group, icon_t new_icon, bool new_pagan
+) : HasIdentifierAndColour { new_identifier, new_colour, true, false }, group { new_group }, icon { new_icon },
+ pagan { new_pagan } {
assert(icon > 0);
@@ -28,9 +26,7 @@ bool Religion::get_pagan() const {
return pagan;
- : religion_groups { "religion groups" },
- religions { "religions" } {}
+ReligionManager::ReligionManager() : religion_groups { "religion groups" }, religions { "religions" } {}
bool ReligionManager::add_religion_group(std::string_view identifier) {
if (identifier.empty()) {
@@ -40,7 +36,9 @@ bool ReligionManager::add_religion_group(std::string_view identifier) {
return religion_groups.add_item({ identifier });
-bool ReligionManager::add_religion(std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour, ReligionGroup const* group, Religion::icon_t icon, bool pagan) {
+bool ReligionManager::add_religion(
+ std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour, ReligionGroup const* group, Religion::icon_t icon, bool pagan
+) {
if (!religion_groups.is_locked()) {
Logger::error("Cannot register religions until religion groups are locked!");
return false;
@@ -70,8 +68,7 @@ bool ReligionManager::add_religion(std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour,
bool ReligionManager::load_religion_file(ast::NodeCPtr root) {
size_t total_expected_religions = 0;
- bool ret = expect_dictionary_reserve_length(
- religion_groups,
+ bool ret = expect_dictionary_reserve_length(religion_groups,
[this, &total_expected_religions](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
bool ret = expect_length(add_variable_callback(total_expected_religions))(value);
ret &= add_religion_group(key);
@@ -80,27 +77,23 @@ bool ReligionManager::load_religion_file(ast::NodeCPtr root) {
religions.reserve(religions.size() + total_expected_religions);
- ret &= expect_dictionary(
- [this](std::string_view religion_group_key, ast::NodeCPtr religion_group_value) -> bool {
- ReligionGroup const* religion_group = get_religion_group_by_identifier(religion_group_key);
+ ret &= expect_dictionary([this](std::string_view religion_group_key, ast::NodeCPtr religion_group_value) -> bool {
+ ReligionGroup const* religion_group = get_religion_group_by_identifier(religion_group_key);
- return expect_dictionary(
- [this, religion_group](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
- colour_t colour = NULL_COLOUR;
- Religion::icon_t icon = 0;
- bool pagan = false;
+ return expect_dictionary([this, religion_group](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
+ colour_t colour = NULL_COLOUR;
+ Religion::icon_t icon = 0;
+ bool pagan = false;
- bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys(
- "icon", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_uint(assign_variable_callback(icon)),
- "color", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_colour(assign_variable_callback(colour)),
- "pagan", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(pagan))
- )(value);
- ret &= add_religion(key, colour, religion_group, icon, pagan);
- return ret;
- }
- )(religion_group_value);
- }
- )(root);
+ bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys(
+ "icon", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_uint(assign_variable_callback(icon)),
+ "color", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_colour(assign_variable_callback(colour)),
+ "pagan", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(pagan))
+ )(value);
+ ret &= add_religion(key, colour, religion_group, icon, pagan);
+ return ret;
+ })(religion_group_value);
+ })(root);
return ret;
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/pop/Religion.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/pop/Religion.hpp
index 6b17266..a47754d 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/pop/Religion.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/pop/Religion.hpp
@@ -27,7 +27,10 @@ namespace OpenVic {
const icon_t icon;
const bool pagan;
- Religion(std::string_view new_identifier, colour_t new_colour, ReligionGroup const& new_group, icon_t new_icon, bool new_pagan);
+ Religion(
+ std::string_view new_identifier, colour_t new_colour, ReligionGroup const& new_group, icon_t new_icon,
+ bool new_pagan
+ );
Religion(Religion&&) = default;
@@ -48,7 +51,9 @@ namespace OpenVic {
bool add_religion_group(std::string_view identifier);
- bool add_religion(std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour, ReligionGroup const* group, Religion::icon_t icon, bool pagan);
+ bool add_religion(
+ std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour, ReligionGroup const* group, Religion::icon_t icon, bool pagan
+ );
bool load_religion_file(ast::NodeCPtr root);
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/testing/Requirement.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/testing/Requirement.cpp
index d99153a..99a29de 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/testing/Requirement.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/testing/Requirement.cpp
@@ -3,22 +3,48 @@
using namespace OpenVic;
// Getters
-std::string Requirement::get_id() { return id; }
-std::string Requirement::get_text() { return text; }
-std::string Requirement::get_acceptance_criteria() { return acceptance_criteria; }
-bool Requirement::get_pass() { return pass; }
-bool Requirement::get_tested() { return tested; }
-std::string Requirement::get_target_value() { return target_value; }
-std::string Requirement::get_actual_value() { return actual_value; }
+std::string Requirement::get_id() {
+ return id;
+std::string Requirement::get_text() {
+ return text;
+std::string Requirement::get_acceptance_criteria() {
+ return acceptance_criteria;
+bool Requirement::get_pass() {
+ return pass;
+bool Requirement::get_tested() {
+ return tested;
+std::string Requirement::get_target_value() {
+ return target_value;
+std::string Requirement::get_actual_value() {
+ return actual_value;
// Setters
-void Requirement::set_id(std::string in_id) { id = in_id; }
-void Requirement::set_text(std::string in_text) { text = in_text; }
-void Requirement::set_acceptance_criteria(std::string in_acceptance_criteria) { acceptance_criteria = in_acceptance_criteria; }
+void Requirement::set_id(std::string in_id) {
+ id = in_id;
+void Requirement::set_text(std::string in_text) {
+ text = in_text;
+void Requirement::set_acceptance_criteria(std::string in_acceptance_criteria) {
+ acceptance_criteria = in_acceptance_criteria;
void Requirement::set_pass(bool in_pass) {
pass = in_pass;
- set_tested(true); // Ever setting a pass condition implies it has been tested
+ set_tested(true); // Ever setting a pass condition implies it has been tested
+void Requirement::set_tested(bool in_tested) {
+ tested = in_tested;
+void Requirement::set_target_value(std::string in_target_value) {
+ target_value = in_target_value;
+void Requirement::set_actual_value(std::string in_actual_value) {
+ actual_value = in_actual_value;
-void Requirement::set_tested(bool in_tested) { tested = in_tested; }
-void Requirement::set_target_value(std::string in_target_value) { target_value = in_target_value; }
-void Requirement::set_actual_value(std::string in_actual_value) { actual_value = in_actual_value; }
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/testing/Requirement.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/testing/Requirement.hpp
index caea5c6..20dad3d 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/testing/Requirement.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/testing/Requirement.hpp
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ namespace OpenVic {
std::string id;
std::string text;
std::string acceptance_criteria;
- bool pass = false; // Explicitly false to begin
+ bool pass = false; // Explicitly false to begin
bool tested = false;
// Initialised and used during script execution
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ namespace OpenVic {
std::string actual_value;
Requirement(std::string in_id, std::string in_text, std::string in_acceptance_criteria) {
id = in_id;
text = in_text;
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/testing/TestScript.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/testing/TestScript.cpp
index 0a9ce6f..a238fb5 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/testing/TestScript.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/testing/TestScript.cpp
@@ -3,49 +3,78 @@
using namespace OpenVic;
// Getters
-std::vector<Requirement*> TestScript::get_requirements() { return requirements; }
-Requirement* TestScript::get_requirement_at_index(int index) { return requirements[index]; }
+std::vector<Requirement*> TestScript::get_requirements() {
+ return requirements;
+Requirement* TestScript::get_requirement_at_index(int index) {
+ return requirements[index];
Requirement* TestScript::get_requirement_by_id(std::string id) {
for (auto req : requirements) {
- if (req->get_id() == id) return req;
+ if (req->get_id() == id) {
+ return req;
+ }
- return new Requirement("NULL", "NULL", "NULL"); // edge case of failing to find
+ return new Requirement("NULL", "NULL", "NULL"); // edge case of failing to find
std::vector<Requirement*> TestScript::get_passed_requirements() {
std::vector<Requirement*> passed_requirements = std::vector<Requirement*>();
for (auto req : requirements) {
- if (req->get_pass()) passed_requirements.push_back(req);
+ if (req->get_pass()) {
+ passed_requirements.push_back(req);
+ }
return passed_requirements;
std::vector<Requirement*> TestScript::get_failed_requirements() {
std::vector<Requirement*> failed_requirements = std::vector<Requirement*>();
for (auto req : requirements) {
- if (!req->get_pass() && req->get_tested()) failed_requirements.push_back(req);
+ if (!req->get_pass() && req->get_tested()) {
+ failed_requirements.push_back(req);
+ }
return failed_requirements;
std::vector<Requirement*> TestScript::get_untested_requirements() {
std::vector<Requirement*> untested_requirements = std::vector<Requirement*>();
- for (auto req : requirements) {
- if (!req->get_tested()) untested_requirements.push_back(req);
+ for (auto req : requirements) {
+ if (!req->get_tested()) {
+ untested_requirements.push_back(req);
+ }
return untested_requirements;
-GameManager* TestScript::get_game_manager() { return game_manager; }
-std::string TestScript::get_script_name() { return script_name; }
+GameManager* TestScript::get_game_manager() {
+ return game_manager;
+std::string TestScript::get_script_name() {
+ return script_name;
// Setters
-void TestScript::set_requirements(std::vector<Requirement*> in_requirements) { requirements = in_requirements; }
-void TestScript::add_requirement(Requirement* req) { requirements.push_back(req); }
-void TestScript::set_game_manager(GameManager* in_game_manager) { game_manager = in_game_manager; }
-void TestScript::set_script_name(std::string in_script_name) { script_name = in_script_name; }
+void TestScript::set_requirements(std::vector<Requirement*> in_requirements) {
+ requirements = in_requirements;
+void TestScript::add_requirement(Requirement* req) {
+ requirements.push_back(req);
+void TestScript::set_game_manager(GameManager* in_game_manager) {
+ game_manager = in_game_manager;
+void TestScript::set_script_name(std::string in_script_name) {
+ script_name = in_script_name;
// Methods
-void TestScript::pass_or_fail_req_with_actual_and_target_values(std::string req_name, std::string target_value, std::string actual_value) {
+void TestScript::pass_or_fail_req_with_actual_and_target_values(
+ std::string req_name, std::string target_value, std::string actual_value
+) {
Requirement* req = get_requirement_by_id(req_name);
- if (target_value == actual_value) req->set_pass(true);
- else req->set_pass(false);
+ if (target_value == actual_value) {
+ req->set_pass(true);
+ } else {
+ req->set_pass(false);
+ }
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/testing/TestScript.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/testing/TestScript.hpp
index c278323..bfc2e95 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/testing/TestScript.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/testing/TestScript.hpp
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
#pragma once
-#include <testing/Requirement.hpp>
#include <vector>
-#include <GameManager.hpp>
+#include "openvic-simulation/GameManager.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/testing/Requirement.hpp"
namespace OpenVic {
@@ -12,7 +13,6 @@ namespace OpenVic {
std::string script_name;
// expects an overriden method that performs arbitrary code execution
// so that each script uniquely performs tests
// for both requirement adding to script and to execute code
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ namespace OpenVic {
void set_script_name(std::string in_script_name);
// Methods
- void pass_or_fail_req_with_actual_and_target_values(std::string req_name, std::string target_value, std::string actual_value);
+ void pass_or_fail_req_with_actual_and_target_values(
+ std::string req_name, std::string target_value, std::string actual_value
+ );
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/testing/Testing.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/testing/Testing.cpp
index 42df80c..da9dccf 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/testing/Testing.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/testing/Testing.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-#include <testing/Testing.hpp>
-#include <testing/TestScript.hpp>
+#include "Testing.hpp"
#include <fstream>
+#include "openvic-simulation/testing/TestScript.hpp"
using namespace OpenVic;
Testing::Testing(GameManager* game_manager) {
@@ -54,7 +56,7 @@ void Testing::report_results() {
report_result("Failed Requirements", test_results, failed_reqs);
report_result("Untested Requirements", test_results, untested_reqs);
- test_results << std::endl<< std::endl;
+ test_results << std::endl << std::endl;
@@ -65,6 +67,8 @@ void Testing::report_result(std::string req_title, std::ofstream& outfile, std::
for (auto req : reqs) {
outfile << req->get_id() << " ";
- if (reqs.size() < 1) outfile << "None";
+ if (reqs.size() < 1) {
+ outfile << "None";
+ }
outfile << std::endl << std::endl;
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/testing/Testing.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/testing/Testing.hpp
index 670c95a..18ade0a 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/testing/Testing.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/testing/Testing.hpp
@@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
#pragma once
-#include <testing/TestScript.hpp>
-#include <GameManager.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
-#include <testing/test_scripts/A_001_file_tests.cpp>
-#include <testing/test_scripts/A_002_economy_tests.cpp>
-#include <testing/test_scripts/A_003_military_unit_tests.cpp>
-#include <testing/test_scripts/A_004_networking_tests.cpp>
-#include <testing/test_scripts/A_005_nation_tests.cpp>
-#include <testing/test_scripts/A_006_politics_tests.cpp>
+#include "openvic-simulation/GameManager.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/testing/TestScript.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_001_file_tests.cpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_002_economy_tests.cpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_003_military_unit_tests.cpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_004_networking_tests.cpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_005_nation_tests.cpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_006_politics_tests.cpp"
namespace OpenVic {
class Testing {
Testing(GameManager* game_manager);
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_001_file_tests.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_001_file_tests.cpp
index 4a16c31..e24d44c 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_001_file_tests.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_001_file_tests.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# include <testing/TestScript.hpp>
-# include <GameManager.hpp>
+#include "openvic-simulation/GameManager.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/testing/TestScript.hpp"
namespace OpenVic {
class A_001_file_tests : public TestScript {
@@ -11,92 +11,121 @@ namespace OpenVic {
void add_requirements() {
- Requirement* FS_44 = new Requirement("FS_44",
- "The icon for the Canned Food good shall be loaded from the R/art/economy/goods folder with the filename Canned Food.png",
- "The icon for the Canned Food good has been loaded into the program");
+ Requirement* FS_44 = new Requirement(
+ "FS_44",
+ "The icon for the Canned Food good shall be loaded from the R/art/economy/goods folder with the filename "
+ "Canned Food.png",
+ "The icon for the Canned Food good has been loaded into the program"
+ );
- Requirement* FS_48 = new Requirement("FS_48",
- "The icon for the Coal good shall be loaded from the R/art/economy/goods folder with the filename Coal.png",
- "The icon for the Coal good has been loaded into the program");
+ Requirement* FS_48 = new Requirement(
+ "FS_48",
+ "The icon for the Coal good shall be loaded from the R/art/economy/goods folder with the filename Coal.png",
+ "The icon for the Coal good has been loaded into the program"
+ );
- Requirement* FS_61 = new Requirement("FS_61",
- "The icon for the Grain good shall be loaded from the R/art/economy/goods folder with the filename Grain.png",
- "The icon for the Grain good has been loaded into the program");
+ Requirement* FS_61 = new Requirement(
+ "FS_61",
+ "The icon for the Grain good shall be loaded from the R/art/economy/goods folder with the filename Grain.png",
+ "The icon for the Grain good has been loaded into the program"
+ );
- Requirement* FS_62 = new Requirement("FS_62",
- "The icon for the Iron good shall be loaded from the R/art/economy/goods folder with the filename Iron.png",
- "The icon for the Iron good has been loaded into the program");
+ Requirement* FS_62 = new Requirement(
+ "FS_62",
+ "The icon for the Iron good shall be loaded from the R/art/economy/goods folder with the filename Iron.png",
+ "The icon for the Iron good has been loaded into the program"
+ );
- Requirement* FS_63 = new Requirement("FS_63",
- "The icon for the Liquor good shall be loaded from the R/art/economy/goods folder with the filename Liquor.png",
- "The icon for the Liquor good has been loaded into the program");
+ Requirement* FS_63 = new Requirement(
+ "FS_63",
+ "The icon for the Liquor good shall be loaded from the R/art/economy/goods folder with the filename Liquor.png",
+ "The icon for the Liquor good has been loaded into the program"
+ );
- Requirement* FS_67 = new Requirement("FS_67",
- "The icon for the Machine Parts good shall be loaded from the R/art/economy/goods folder with the filename Machine Parts.png",
- "The icon for the Machine Parts good has been loaded into the program");
+ Requirement* FS_67 = new Requirement(
+ "FS_67",
+ "The icon for the Machine Parts good shall be loaded from the R/art/economy/goods folder with the filename "
+ "Machine Parts.png",
+ "The icon for the Machine Parts good has been loaded into the program"
+ );
- Requirement* FS_86 = new Requirement("FS_86",
- "The icon for the Wool good shall be loaded from the R/art/economy/goods folder with the filename Wool.png",
- "The icon for the Wool good has been loaded into the program");
+ Requirement* FS_86 = new Requirement(
+ "FS_86",
+ "The icon for the Wool good shall be loaded from the R/art/economy/goods folder with the filename Wool.png",
+ "The icon for the Wool good has been loaded into the program"
+ );
- Requirement* FS_2 = new Requirement("FS_2",
- "User provided data shall be saved to an 'OpenVic' folder, located following platform convention",
- "User data is saved to the correct place");
+ Requirement* FS_2 = new Requirement(
+ "FS_2", "User provided data shall be saved to an 'OpenVic' folder, located following platform convention",
+ "User data is saved to the correct place"
+ );
- Requirement* FS_20 = new Requirement("FS_20",
- "On Windows, user provided data shall be saved by default to '%APPDATA%/OpenVic/'",
- "User data is saved to the correct place");
+ Requirement* FS_20 = new Requirement(
+ "FS_20", "On Windows, user provided data shall be saved by default to '%APPDATA%/OpenVic/'",
+ "User data is saved to the correct place"
+ );
- Requirement* FS_21 = new Requirement("FS_21",
- "On Linux, user provided data shall be saved by default to '~/.local/share/OpenVic/'",
- "User data is saved to the correct place");
+ Requirement* FS_21 = new Requirement(
+ "FS_21", "On Linux, user provided data shall be saved by default to '~/.local/share/OpenVic/'",
+ "User data is saved to the correct place"
+ );
- Requirement* FS_22 = new Requirement("FS_22",
- "On macOS, user provided data shall be saved by default to '~/Library/Application Support/OpenVic/'",
- "User data is saved to the correct place");
+ Requirement* FS_22 = new Requirement(
+ "FS_22", "On macOS, user provided data shall be saved by default to '~/Library/Application Support/OpenVic/'",
+ "User data is saved to the correct place"
+ );
- Requirement* FS_24 = new Requirement("FS_24",
- "All .csv files in the locale folder shall contain translation keys and translations",
- "No errant files in locale directory");
+ Requirement* FS_24 = new Requirement(
+ "FS_24", "All .csv files in the locale folder shall contain translation keys and translations",
+ "No errant files in locale directory"
+ );
- Requirement* FS_17 = new Requirement("FS_17",
- "List of available locales are loaded from R/localisation/ directory",
- "Locales loaded correctly");
+ Requirement* FS_17 = new Requirement(
+ "FS_17", "List of available locales are loaded from R/localisation/ directory", "Locales loaded correctly"
+ );
- Requirement* FS_333 = new Requirement("FS_333",
- "The map's provinces shall be defined by unique colours in 'R/map/provinces.bmp'",
- "The unique colours of 'R/map/provinces.bmp' define provinces");
+ Requirement* FS_333 = new Requirement(
+ "FS_333", "The map's provinces shall be defined by unique colours in 'R/map/provinces.bmp'",
+ "The unique colours of 'R/map/provinces.bmp' define provinces"
+ );
- Requirement* FS_335 = new Requirement("FS_335",
- "Unique province IDs shall be associated with their unique colours in 'R/map/definition.csv'",
- "'R/map/definition.csv' associates every unique colour used to define a province with a unique ID");
+ Requirement* FS_335 = new Requirement(
+ "FS_335", "Unique province IDs shall be associated with their unique colours in 'R/map/definition.csv'",
+ "'R/map/definition.csv' associates every unique colour used to define a province with a unique ID"
+ );
- Requirement* FS_334 = new Requirement("FS_334",
- "Water provinces shall be defined by a list of their IDs in 'R/map/default.map'",
- "'R/map/default.map' contains a list of province IDs which are used to define water provinces");
+ Requirement* FS_334 = new Requirement(
+ "FS_334", "Water provinces shall be defined by a list of their IDs in 'R/map/default.map'",
+ "'R/map/default.map' contains a list of province IDs which are used to define water provinces"
+ );
- Requirement* FS_338 = new Requirement("FS_338",
- "The image for the minimap background shall be loaded from the R/art/ui folder with the filename minimap.png",
- "The image for the minimap background has been loaded into the program");
+ Requirement* FS_338 = new Requirement(
+ "FS_338",
+ "The image for the minimap background shall be loaded from the R/art/ui folder with the filename minimap.png",
+ "The image for the minimap background has been loaded into the program"
+ );
- Requirement* FS_343 = new Requirement("FS_343",
- "The textures making up the cosmetic terrain map shall be loaded from the R/art/terrain folder",
- "The textures making up the cosmetic terrain map have been loaded into the program");
+ Requirement* FS_343 = new Requirement(
+ "FS_343", "The textures making up the cosmetic terrain map shall be loaded from the R/art/terrain folder",
+ "The textures making up the cosmetic terrain map have been loaded into the program"
+ );
- Requirement* FS_341 = new Requirement("FS_341",
- "State areas shall be defined by lists of province IDs in 'R/map/region.txt'",
- "'R/map/region.txt' defines state areas with lists of province IDs");
+ Requirement* FS_341 = new Requirement(
+ "FS_341", "State areas shall be defined by lists of province IDs in 'R/map/region.txt'",
+ "'R/map/region.txt' defines state areas with lists of province IDs"
+ );
- Requirement* SND_10 = new Requirement("SND_10",
- "SFX shall be refered to by their filename, without the extension",
- "Sound effects are identified by their filename without extension");
+ Requirement* SND_10 = new Requirement(
+ "SND_10", "SFX shall be refered to by their filename, without the extension",
+ "Sound effects are identified by their filename without extension"
+ );
void execute_script() {
// FS_44
- // The icon for the Canned Food good shall be loaded from the R/art/economy/goods folder with the filename Canned Food.png
- // The icon for the Canned Food good has been loaded into the program
+ // The icon for the Canned Food good shall be loaded from the R/art/economy/goods folder with the filename Canned
+ // Food.png The icon for the Canned Food good has been loaded into the program
// TODO: Write test steps for FS_44...
@@ -125,8 +154,8 @@ namespace OpenVic {
// TODO: Write test steps for FS_63...
// FS_67
- // The icon for the Machine Parts good shall be loaded from the R/art/economy/goods folder with the filename Machine Parts.png
- // The icon for the Machine Parts good has been loaded into the program
+ // The icon for the Machine Parts good shall be loaded from the R/art/economy/goods folder with the filename
+ // Machine Parts.png The icon for the Machine Parts good has been loaded into the program
// TODO: Write test steps for FS_67...
@@ -213,7 +242,6 @@ namespace OpenVic {
// Sound effects are identified by their filename without extension
// TODO: Write test steps for SND_10...
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_002_economy_tests.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_002_economy_tests.cpp
index d1a857f..ffe1ee9 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_002_economy_tests.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_002_economy_tests.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# include <testing/TestScript.hpp>
-# include <GameManager.hpp>
+#include "openvic-simulation/GameManager.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/testing/TestScript.hpp"
namespace OpenVic {
class A_002_economy_tests : public TestScript {
@@ -11,197 +11,245 @@ namespace OpenVic {
void add_requirements() {
- Requirement* ECON_123 = new Requirement("ECON_123",
- "The base price for Aeroplanes shall be 110",
- "The base price of 110 for Aeroplanes can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_123 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_123", "The base price for Aeroplanes shall be 110",
+ "The base price of 110 for Aeroplanes can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_124 = new Requirement("ECON_124",
- "The base price for Ammunition shall be 17.5",
- "The base price of 17.5 for Ammunition can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_124 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_124", "The base price for Ammunition shall be 17.5",
+ "The base price of 17.5 for Ammunition can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_125 = new Requirement("ECON_125",
- "The base price for Artillery shall be 60",
- "The base price of 60 for Artillery can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_125 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_125", "The base price for Artillery shall be 60",
+ "The base price of 60 for Artillery can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_126 = new Requirement("ECON_126",
- "The base price for Automobiles shall be 70",
- "The base price of 70 for Automobiles can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_126 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_126", "The base price for Automobiles shall be 70",
+ "The base price of 70 for Automobiles can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_127 = new Requirement("ECON_127",
- "The base price for Canned Food shall be 16",
- "The base price of 16 for Canned Food can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_127 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_127", "The base price for Canned Food shall be 16",
+ "The base price of 16 for Canned Food can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_128 = new Requirement("ECON_128",
- "The base price for Cattle shall be 2",
- "The base price of 2 for Cattle can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_128 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_128", "The base price for Cattle shall be 2",
+ "The base price of 2 for Cattle can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_129 = new Requirement("ECON_129",
- "The base price for Cement shall be 16",
- "The base price of 16 for Cement can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_129 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_129", "The base price for Cement shall be 16",
+ "The base price of 16 for Cement can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_130 = new Requirement("ECON_130",
- "The base price for Clipper Convoys shall be 42",
- "The base price of 42 for Clipper Convoys can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_130 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_130", "The base price for Clipper Convoys shall be 42",
+ "The base price of 42 for Clipper Convoys can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_131 = new Requirement("ECON_131",
- "The base price for Coal shall be 2.3",
- "The base price of 2.3 for Coal can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_131 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_131", "The base price for Coal shall be 2.3",
+ "The base price of 2.3 for Coal can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_132 = new Requirement("ECON_132",
- "The base price for Coffee shall be 2.1",
- "The base price of 2.1 for Coffee can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_132 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_132", "The base price for Coffee shall be 2.1",
+ "The base price of 2.1 for Coffee can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_133 = new Requirement("ECON_133",
- "The base price for Cotton shall be 2",
- "The base price of 2 for Cotton can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_133 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_133", "The base price for Cotton shall be 2",
+ "The base price of 2 for Cotton can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_134 = new Requirement("ECON_134",
- "The base price for Dye shall be 12",
- "The base price of 12 for Dye can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_134 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_134", "The base price for Dye shall be 12",
+ "The base price of 12 for Dye can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_135 = new Requirement("ECON_135",
- "The base price for Electric Gear shall be 16",
- "The base price of 16 for Electric Gear can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_135 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_135", "The base price for Electric Gear shall be 16",
+ "The base price of 16 for Electric Gear can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_136 = new Requirement("ECON_136",
- "The base price for Explosives shall be 20",
- "The base price of 20 for Explosives can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_136 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_136", "The base price for Explosives shall be 20",
+ "The base price of 20 for Explosives can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_137 = new Requirement("ECON_137",
- "The base price for Fabric shall be 1.8",
- "The base price of 1.8 for Fabric can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_137 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_137", "The base price for Fabric shall be 1.8",
+ "The base price of 1.8 for Fabric can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_138 = new Requirement("ECON_138",
- "The base price for Fertilizer shall be 10",
- "The base price of 10 for Fertilizer can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_138 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_138", "The base price for Fertilizer shall be 10",
+ "The base price of 10 for Fertilizer can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_139 = new Requirement("ECON_139",
- "The base price for Fish shall be 1.5",
- "The base price of 1.5 for Fish can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_139 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_139", "The base price for Fish shall be 1.5",
+ "The base price of 1.5 for Fish can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_140 = new Requirement("ECON_140",
- "The base price for Fruit shall be 1.8",
- "The base price of 1.8 for Fruit can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_140 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_140", "The base price for Fruit shall be 1.8",
+ "The base price of 1.8 for Fruit can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_141 = new Requirement("ECON_141",
- "The base price for Fuel shall be 25",
- "The base price of 25 for Fuel can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_141 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_141", "The base price for Fuel shall be 25",
+ "The base price of 25 for Fuel can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_142 = new Requirement("ECON_142",
- "The base price for Furniture shall be 4.9",
- "The base price of 4.9 for Furniture can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_142 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_142", "The base price for Furniture shall be 4.9",
+ "The base price of 4.9 for Furniture can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_234 = new Requirement("ECON_234",
- "The base price for Glass shall be 2.9",
- "The base price of 2.9 for Glass can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_234 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_234", "The base price for Glass shall be 2.9",
+ "The base price of 2.9 for Glass can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_235 = new Requirement("ECON_235",
- "The base price for Grain shall be 2.2",
- "The base price of 2.2 for Grain can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_235 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_235", "The base price for Grain shall be 2.2",
+ "The base price of 2.2 for Grain can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_236 = new Requirement("ECON_236",
- "The base price for Iron shall be 3.5",
- "The base price of 3.5 for Iron can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_236 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_236", "The base price for Iron shall be 3.5",
+ "The base price of 3.5 for Iron can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_237 = new Requirement("ECON_237",
- "The base price for Liquor shall be 6.4",
- "The base price of 6.4 for Liquor can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_237 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_237", "The base price for Liquor shall be 6.4",
+ "The base price of 6.4 for Liquor can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_238 = new Requirement("ECON_238",
- "The base price for Lumber shall be 1",
- "The base price of 1 for Lumber can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_238 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_238", "The base price for Lumber shall be 1",
+ "The base price of 1 for Lumber can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_239 = new Requirement("ECON_239",
- "The base price for Luxury Clothes shall be 65",
- "The base price of 65 for Luxury Clothes can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_239 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_239", "The base price for Luxury Clothes shall be 65",
+ "The base price of 65 for Luxury Clothes can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_240 = new Requirement("ECON_240",
- "The base price for Luxury Furniture shall be 59",
- "The base price of 59 for Luxury Furniture can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_240 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_240", "The base price for Luxury Furniture shall be 59",
+ "The base price of 59 for Luxury Furniture can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_241 = new Requirement("ECON_241",
- "The base price for Machine Parts shall be 36.5",
- "The base price of 36.5 for Machine Parts can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_241 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_241", "The base price for Machine Parts shall be 36.5",
+ "The base price of 36.5 for Machine Parts can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_242 = new Requirement("ECON_242",
- "The base price for Oil shall be 12",
- "The base price of 12 for Oil can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_242 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_242", "The base price for Oil shall be 12",
+ "The base price of 12 for Oil can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_243 = new Requirement("ECON_243",
- "The base price for Opium shall be 3.2",
- "The base price of 3.2 for Opium can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_243 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_243", "The base price for Opium shall be 3.2",
+ "The base price of 3.2 for Opium can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_244 = new Requirement("ECON_244",
- "The base price for Paper shall be 3.4",
- "The base price of 3.4 for Paper can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_244 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_244", "The base price for Paper shall be 3.4",
+ "The base price of 3.4 for Paper can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_245 = new Requirement("ECON_245",
- "The base price for Precious Metal shall be 8",
- "The base price of 8 for Precious Metal can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_245 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_245", "The base price for Precious Metal shall be 8",
+ "The base price of 8 for Precious Metal can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_246 = new Requirement("ECON_246",
- "The base price for Radios shall be 16",
- "The base price of 16 for Radios can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_246 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_246", "The base price for Radios shall be 16",
+ "The base price of 16 for Radios can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_247 = new Requirement("ECON_247",
- "The base price for Regular Clothes shall be 5.8",
- "The base price of 5.8 for Regular Clothes can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_247 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_247", "The base price for Regular Clothes shall be 5.8",
+ "The base price of 5.8 for Regular Clothes can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_248 = new Requirement("ECON_248",
- "The base price for Rubber shall be 7",
- "The base price of 7 for Rubber can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_248 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_248", "The base price for Rubber shall be 7",
+ "The base price of 7 for Rubber can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_249 = new Requirement("ECON_249",
- "The base price for Silk shall be 10",
- "The base price of 10 for Silk can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_249 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_249", "The base price for Silk shall be 10",
+ "The base price of 10 for Silk can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_250 = new Requirement("ECON_250",
- "The base price for Small Arms shall be 37",
- "The base price of 37 for Small Arms can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_250 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_250", "The base price for Small Arms shall be 37",
+ "The base price of 37 for Small Arms can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_251 = new Requirement("ECON_251",
- "The base price for Steamer Convoys shall be 65",
- "The base price of 65 for Steamer Convoys can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_251 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_251", "The base price for Steamer Convoys shall be 65",
+ "The base price of 65 for Steamer Convoys can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_252 = new Requirement("ECON_252",
- "The base price for Steel shall be 4.7",
- "The base price of 4.7 for Steel can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_252 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_252", "The base price for Steel shall be 4.7",
+ "The base price of 4.7 for Steel can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_253 = new Requirement("ECON_253",
- "The base price for Sulphur shall be 6",
- "The base price of 6 for Sulphur can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_253 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_253", "The base price for Sulphur shall be 6",
+ "The base price of 6 for Sulphur can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_254 = new Requirement("ECON_254",
- "The base price for Tanks shall be 98",
- "The base price of 98 for Tanks can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_254 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_254", "The base price for Tanks shall be 98",
+ "The base price of 98 for Tanks can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_255 = new Requirement("ECON_255",
- "The base price for Tea shall be 2.6",
- "The base price of 2.6 for Tea can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_255 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_255", "The base price for Tea shall be 2.6",
+ "The base price of 2.6 for Tea can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_256 = new Requirement("ECON_256",
- "The base price for Telephones shall be 16",
- "The base price of 16 for Telephones can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_256 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_256", "The base price for Telephones shall be 16",
+ "The base price of 16 for Telephones can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_257 = new Requirement("ECON_257",
- "The base price for Timber shall be 0.9",
- "The base price of 0.9 for Timber can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_257 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_257", "The base price for Timber shall be 0.9",
+ "The base price of 0.9 for Timber can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_258 = new Requirement("ECON_258",
- "The base price for Tobacco shall be 1.1",
- "The base price of 1.1 for Tobacco can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_258 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_258", "The base price for Tobacco shall be 1.1",
+ "The base price of 1.1 for Tobacco can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_259 = new Requirement("ECON_259",
- "The base price for Tropical Wood shall be 5.4",
- "The base price of 5.4 for Tropical Wood can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_259 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_259", "The base price for Tropical Wood shall be 5.4",
+ "The base price of 5.4 for Tropical Wood can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_260 = new Requirement("ECON_260",
- "The base price for Wine shall be 9.7",
- "The base price of 9.7 for Wine can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_260 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_260", "The base price for Wine shall be 9.7",
+ "The base price of 9.7 for Wine can be seen in program output data"
+ );
- Requirement* ECON_261 = new Requirement("ECON_261",
- "The base price for Wool shall be 0.7",
- "The base price of 0.7 for Wool can be seen in program output data");
+ Requirement* ECON_261 = new Requirement(
+ "ECON_261", "The base price for Wool shall be 0.7",
+ "The base price of 0.7 for Wool can be seen in program output data"
+ );
@@ -505,9 +553,11 @@ namespace OpenVic {
void check_base_price(std::string identifier, std::string target_value, std::string req_name) {
// Get string of base_price from goods manager
- fixed_point_t base_price_fp = get_game_manager()->get_economy_manager().get_good_manager().get_good_by_identifier(identifier)->get_base_price();
+ fixed_point_t base_price_fp = get_game_manager()->get_economy_manager().get_good_manager()
+ .get_good_by_identifier(identifier)->get_base_price();
std::stringstream ss;
- ss << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << base_price_fp.to_double(); // Use a single digit floating point of the value
+ // Use a single digit floating point of the value
+ ss << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << base_price_fp.to_double();
std::string base_price = ss.str();
// Perform req checks
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_003_military_unit_tests.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_003_military_unit_tests.cpp
index 7fd2184..cf572d0 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_003_military_unit_tests.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_003_military_unit_tests.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# include <testing/TestScript.hpp>
-# include <GameManager.hpp>
+#include "openvic-simulation/GameManager.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/testing/TestScript.hpp"
namespace OpenVic {
class A_003_military_unit_tests : public TestScript {
@@ -10,10 +10,8 @@ namespace OpenVic {
- void add_requirements() {
- }
+ void add_requirements() {}
- void execute_script() {
- }
+ void execute_script() {}
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_004_networking_tests.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_004_networking_tests.cpp
index 5cdc86e..0e05540 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_004_networking_tests.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_004_networking_tests.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# include <testing/TestScript.hpp>
-# include <GameManager.hpp>
+#include "openvic-simulation/GameManager.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/testing/TestScript.hpp"
namespace OpenVic {
class A_004_networking_tests : public TestScript {
@@ -10,10 +10,8 @@ namespace OpenVic {
- void add_requirements() {
- }
+ void add_requirements() {}
- void execute_script() {
- }
+ void execute_script() {}
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_005_nation_tests.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_005_nation_tests.cpp
index 494604f..6f91ac2 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_005_nation_tests.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_005_nation_tests.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# include <testing/TestScript.hpp>
-# include <GameManager.hpp>
+#include "openvic-simulation/GameManager.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/testing/TestScript.hpp"
namespace OpenVic {
class A_005_nation_tests : public TestScript {
@@ -10,10 +10,8 @@ namespace OpenVic {
- void add_requirements() {
- }
+ void add_requirements() {}
- void execute_script() {
- }
+ void execute_script() {}
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_006_politics_tests.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_006_politics_tests.cpp
index 6fe9ca9..091075c 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_006_politics_tests.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/testing/test_scripts/A_006_politics_tests.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# include <testing/TestScript.hpp>
-# include <GameManager.hpp>
+#include "openvic-simulation/GameManager.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/testing/TestScript.hpp"
namespace OpenVic {
class A_006_politics_tests : public TestScript {
@@ -10,10 +10,8 @@ namespace OpenVic {
- void add_requirements() {
- }
+ void add_requirements() {}
- void execute_script() {
- }
+ void execute_script() {}
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/types/Colour.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/types/Colour.hpp
index 15c574f..e516d5b 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/types/Colour.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/types/Colour.hpp
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ namespace OpenVic {
* When colour_t is used in a purely graphical context, NULL_COLOUR
* should be allowed.
- static constexpr colour_t NULL_COLOUR = 0, FULL_COLOUR = 0xFF,
+ static constexpr colour_t NULL_COLOUR = 0, FULL_COLOUR = 0xFF;
+ static constexpr colour_t MAX_COLOUR_RGB = 0xFFFFFF, MAX_COLOUR_ARGB = 0xFFFFFFFF;
constexpr colour_t float_to_colour_byte(float f, float min = 0.0f, float max = 1.0f) {
return static_cast<colour_t>(std::clamp(min + f * (max - min), min, max) * 255.0f);
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/types/Date.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/types/Date.cpp
index 6e21dfc..8fbb859 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/types/Date.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/types/Date.cpp
@@ -12,20 +12,40 @@ using namespace OpenVic;
Timespan::Timespan(day_t value) : days { value } {}
-bool Timespan::operator<(Timespan other) const { return days < other.days; };
-bool Timespan::operator>(Timespan other) const { return days > other.days; };
-bool Timespan::operator<=(Timespan other) const { return days <= other.days; };
-bool Timespan::operator>=(Timespan other) const { return days >= other.days; };
-bool Timespan::operator==(Timespan other) const { return days == other.days; };
-bool Timespan::operator!=(Timespan other) const { return days != other.days; };
+bool Timespan::operator<(Timespan other) const {
+ return days < other.days;
+bool Timespan::operator>(Timespan other) const {
+ return days > other.days;
+bool Timespan::operator<=(Timespan other) const {
+ return days <= other.days;
+bool Timespan::operator>=(Timespan other) const {
+ return days >= other.days;
+bool Timespan::operator==(Timespan other) const {
+ return days == other.days;
+bool Timespan::operator!=(Timespan other) const {
+ return days != other.days;
-Timespan Timespan::operator+(Timespan other) const { return days + other.days; }
+Timespan Timespan::operator+(Timespan other) const {
+ return days + other.days;
-Timespan Timespan::operator-(Timespan other) const { return days - other.days; }
+Timespan Timespan::operator-(Timespan other) const {
+ return days - other.days;
-Timespan Timespan::operator*(day_t factor) const { return days * factor; }
+Timespan Timespan::operator*(day_t factor) const {
+ return days * factor;
-Timespan Timespan::operator/(day_t factor) const { return days / factor; }
+Timespan Timespan::operator/(day_t factor) const {
+ return days / factor;
Timespan& Timespan::operator+=(Timespan other) {
days += other.days;
@@ -65,16 +85,15 @@ Timespan::operator std::string() const {
Timespan Timespan::fromYears(day_t num) {
- return num * Date::DAYS_IN_YEAR;
+ return num * Date::DAYS_IN_YEAR;
Timespan Timespan::fromMonths(day_t num) {
- return (num / Date::MONTHS_IN_YEAR) * Date::DAYS_IN_YEAR +
+ return (num / Date::MONTHS_IN_YEAR) * Date::DAYS_IN_YEAR + Date::DAYS_UP_TO_MONTH[num % Date::MONTHS_IN_YEAR];
Timespan Timespan::fromDays(day_t num) {
- return num;
+ return num;
std::ostream& OpenVic::operator<<(std::ostream& out, Timespan const& timespan) {
@@ -92,8 +111,11 @@ Timespan::day_t const* Date::DAYS_UP_TO_MONTH = generate_days_up_to_month();
Timespan::day_t const* Date::generate_days_up_to_month() {
static Timespan::day_t days_up_to_month[MONTHS_IN_YEAR];
Timespan::day_t days = 0;
- for (int month = 0; month < MONTHS_IN_YEAR;
- days_up_to_month[month] = days, days += DAYS_IN_MONTH[month++]);
+ int month = 0;
+ while (month < MONTHS_IN_YEAR) {
+ days_up_to_month[month] = days;
+ days += DAYS_IN_MONTH[month++];
+ }
assert(days == DAYS_IN_YEAR);
return days_up_to_month;
@@ -103,9 +125,11 @@ Date::month_t const* Date::MONTH_FROM_DAY_IN_YEAR = generate_month_from_day_in_y
Date::month_t const* Date::generate_month_from_day_in_year() {
static month_t month_from_day_in_year[DAYS_IN_YEAR];
Timespan::day_t days_left = 0;
- for (int day = 0, month = 0; day < DAYS_IN_YEAR;
- days_left = (days_left > 0 ? days_left : DAYS_IN_MONTH[month++]) - 1,
- month_from_day_in_year[day++] = month);
+ int day = 0, month = 0;
+ while (day < DAYS_IN_YEAR) {
+ days_left = (days_left > 0 ? days_left : DAYS_IN_MONTH[month++]) - 1;
+ month_from_day_in_year[day++] = month;
+ }
assert(days_left == 0);
assert(month_from_day_in_year[DAYS_IN_YEAR - 1] == MONTHS_IN_YEAR);
return month_from_day_in_year;
@@ -132,16 +156,32 @@ Date::day_t Date::getDay() const {
return (static_cast<Timespan::day_t>(timespan) % DAYS_IN_YEAR) - DAYS_UP_TO_MONTH[getMonth() - 1] + 1;
-bool Date::operator<(Date other) const { return timespan < other.timespan; };
-bool Date::operator>(Date other) const { return timespan > other.timespan; };
-bool Date::operator<=(Date other) const { return timespan <= other.timespan; };
-bool Date::operator>=(Date other) const { return timespan >= other.timespan; };
-bool Date::operator==(Date other) const { return timespan == other.timespan; };
-bool Date::operator!=(Date other) const { return timespan != other.timespan; };
+bool Date::operator<(Date other) const {
+ return timespan < other.timespan;
+bool Date::operator>(Date other) const {
+ return timespan > other.timespan;
+bool Date::operator<=(Date other) const {
+ return timespan <= other.timespan;
+bool Date::operator>=(Date other) const {
+ return timespan >= other.timespan;
+bool Date::operator==(Date other) const {
+ return timespan == other.timespan;
+bool Date::operator!=(Date other) const {
+ return timespan != other.timespan;
-Date Date::operator+(Timespan other) const { return timespan + other; }
+Date Date::operator+(Timespan other) const {
+ return timespan + other;
-Timespan Date::operator-(Date other) const { return timespan - other.timespan; }
+Timespan Date::operator-(Date other) const {
+ return timespan - other.timespan;
Date& Date::operator+=(Timespan other) {
timespan += other;
@@ -175,37 +215,54 @@ Date::operator std::string() const {
std::ostream& OpenVic::operator<<(std::ostream& out, Date const& date) {
- return out << static_cast<int>(date.getYear()) << Date::SEPARATOR_CHARACTER << static_cast<int>(date.getMonth()) << Date::SEPARATOR_CHARACTER << static_cast<int>(date.getDay());
+ return out << static_cast<int>(date.getYear()) << Date::SEPARATOR_CHARACTER << static_cast<int>(date.getMonth())
+ << Date::SEPARATOR_CHARACTER << static_cast<int>(date.getDay());
// Parsed from string of the form YYYY.MM.DD
Date Date::from_string(char const* const str, char const* const end, bool* successful, bool quiet) {
- if (successful != nullptr) *successful = true;
+ if (successful != nullptr) {
+ *successful = true;
+ }
year_t year = 0;
month_t month = 1;
day_t day = 1;
if (str == nullptr || end <= str) {
- if (!quiet) Logger::error("Invalid string start/end pointers: ", static_cast<void const*>(str), " - ", static_cast<void const*>(end));
- if (successful != nullptr) *successful = false;
+ if (!quiet) {
+ Logger::error(
+ "Invalid string start/end pointers: ", static_cast<void const*>(str), " - ", static_cast<void const*>(end)
+ );
+ }
+ if (successful != nullptr) {
+ *successful = false;
+ }
return { year, month, day };
char const* year_end = str;
- while (std::isdigit(*year_end) && ++year_end < end);
+ while (std::isdigit(*year_end) && ++year_end < end) {}
if (year_end <= str) {
- if (!quiet) Logger::error("Failed to find year digits in date: ", std::string_view { str, static_cast<size_t>(end - str) });
- if (successful != nullptr) *successful = false;
+ if (!quiet) {
+ Logger::error("Failed to find year digits in date: ", std::string_view { str, static_cast<size_t>(end - str) });
+ }
+ if (successful != nullptr) {
+ *successful = false;
+ }
return { year, month, day };
bool sub_successful = false;
uint64_t val = StringUtils::string_to_uint64(str, year_end, &sub_successful, 10);
if (!sub_successful || val > std::numeric_limits<year_t>::max()) {
- if (!quiet) Logger::error("Failed to read year: ", std::string_view { str, static_cast<size_t>(end - str) });
- if (successful != nullptr) *successful = false;
+ if (!quiet) {
+ Logger::error("Failed to read year: ", std::string_view { str, static_cast<size_t>(end - str) });
+ }
+ if (successful != nullptr) {
+ *successful = false;
+ }
return { year, month, day };
year = val;
@@ -214,17 +271,27 @@ Date Date::from_string(char const* const str, char const* const end, bool* succe
char const* const month_start = year_end + 1;
char const* month_end = month_start;
if (month_start < end) {
- while (std::isdigit(*month_end) && ++month_end < end);
+ while (std::isdigit(*month_end) && ++month_end < end) {}
if (month_start >= month_end) {
- if (!quiet) Logger::error("Failed to find month digits in date: ", std::string_view { str, static_cast<size_t>(end - str) });
- if (successful != nullptr) *successful = false;
+ if (!quiet) {
+ Logger::error(
+ "Failed to find month digits in date: ", std::string_view { str, static_cast<size_t>(end - str) }
+ );
+ }
+ if (successful != nullptr) {
+ *successful = false;
+ }
} else {
sub_successful = false;
val = StringUtils::string_to_uint64(month_start, month_end, &sub_successful, 10);
if (!sub_successful || val < 1 || val > MONTHS_IN_YEAR) {
- if (!quiet) Logger::error("Failed to read month: ", std::string_view { str, static_cast<size_t>(end - str) });
- if (successful != nullptr) *successful = false;
+ if (!quiet) {
+ Logger::error("Failed to read month: ", std::string_view { str, static_cast<size_t>(end - str) });
+ }
+ if (successful != nullptr) {
+ *successful = false;
+ }
} else {
month = val;
if (month_end < end) {
@@ -232,35 +299,71 @@ Date Date::from_string(char const* const str, char const* const end, bool* succe
char const* const day_start = month_end + 1;
char const* day_end = day_start;
if (day_start < end) {
- while (std::isdigit(*day_end) && ++day_end < end);
+ while (std::isdigit(*day_end) && ++day_end < end) {}
if (day_start >= day_end) {
- if (!quiet) Logger::error("Failed to find day digits in date: ", std::string_view { str, static_cast<size_t>(end - str) });
- if (successful != nullptr) *successful = false;
+ if (!quiet) {
+ Logger::error(
+ "Failed to find day digits in date: ",
+ std::string_view { str, static_cast<size_t>(end - str) }
+ );
+ }
+ if (successful != nullptr) {
+ *successful = false;
+ }
} else {
sub_successful = false;
val = StringUtils::string_to_uint64(day_start, day_end, &sub_successful);
if (!sub_successful || val < 1 || val > DAYS_IN_MONTH[month - 1]) {
- if (!quiet) Logger::error("Failed to read day: ", std::string_view { str, static_cast<size_t>(end - str) });
- if (successful != nullptr) *successful = false;
+ if (!quiet) {
+ Logger::error(
+ "Failed to read day: ", std::string_view { str, static_cast<size_t>(end - str) }
+ );
+ }
+ if (successful != nullptr) {
+ *successful = false;
+ }
} else {
day = val;
if (day_end < end) {
- if (!quiet) Logger::error("Unexpected string \"", std::string_view { day_end, static_cast<size_t>(end - day_end) }, "\" at the end of date ", std::string_view { str, static_cast<size_t>(end - str) });
- if (successful != nullptr) *successful = false;
+ if (!quiet) {
+ Logger::error(
+ "Unexpected string \"",
+ std::string_view { day_end, static_cast<size_t>(end - day_end) },
+ "\" at the end of date ",
+ std::string_view { str, static_cast<size_t>(end - str) }
+ );
+ }
+ if (successful != nullptr) {
+ *successful = false;
+ }
} else {
- if (!quiet) Logger::error("Unexpected character \"", *month_end, "\" in month of date ", std::string_view { str, static_cast<size_t>(end - str) });
- if (successful != nullptr) *successful = false;
+ if (!quiet) {
+ Logger::error(
+ "Unexpected character \"", *month_end, "\" in month of date ",
+ std::string_view { str, static_cast<size_t>(end - str) }
+ );
+ }
+ if (successful != nullptr) {
+ *successful = false;
+ }
} else {
- if (!quiet) Logger::error("Unexpected character \"", *year_end, "\" in year of date ", std::string_view { str, static_cast<size_t>(end - str) });
- if (successful != nullptr) *successful = false;
+ if (!quiet) {
+ Logger::error(
+ "Unexpected character \"", *year_end, "\" in year of date ",
+ std::string_view { str, static_cast<size_t>(end - str) }
+ );
+ }
+ if (successful != nullptr) {
+ *successful = false;
+ }
return { year, month, day };
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/types/IdentifierRegistry.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/types/IdentifierRegistry.cpp
index f92750b..faddd75 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/types/IdentifierRegistry.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/types/IdentifierRegistry.cpp
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
using namespace OpenVic;
-HasIdentifier::HasIdentifier(std::string_view new_identifier)
- : identifier { new_identifier } {
+HasIdentifier::HasIdentifier(std::string_view new_identifier) : identifier { new_identifier } {
@@ -25,13 +24,14 @@ HasColour::HasColour(colour_t const new_colour, bool can_be_null, bool can_have_
assert((can_be_null || colour != NULL_COLOUR) && colour <= (!can_have_alpha ? MAX_COLOUR_RGB : MAX_COLOUR_ARGB));
-colour_t HasColour::get_colour() const { return colour; }
+colour_t HasColour::get_colour() const {
+ return colour;
std::string HasColour::colour_to_hex_string() const {
return OpenVic::colour_to_hex_string(colour);
-HasIdentifierAndColour::HasIdentifierAndColour(std::string_view new_identifier,
- const colour_t new_colour, bool can_be_null, bool can_have_alpha)
- : HasIdentifier { new_identifier },
- HasColour { new_colour, can_be_null, can_have_alpha } {}
+ std::string_view new_identifier, const colour_t new_colour, bool can_be_null, bool can_have_alpha
+) : HasIdentifier { new_identifier }, HasColour { new_colour, can_be_null, can_have_alpha } {}
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/types/IdentifierRegistry.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/types/IdentifierRegistry.hpp
index f53d78b..bcb8e33 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/types/IdentifierRegistry.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/types/IdentifierRegistry.hpp
@@ -9,8 +9,12 @@
#include "openvic-simulation/utility/Logger.hpp"
#define REF_GETTERS(var) \
- constexpr decltype(var)& get_##var() { return var; } \
- constexpr decltype(var) const& get_##var() const { return var; }
+ constexpr decltype(var)& get_##var() { \
+ return var; \
+ } \
+ constexpr decltype(var) const& get_##var() const { \
+ return var; \
+ }
namespace OpenVic {
@@ -45,10 +49,10 @@ namespace OpenVic {
const NAME; \
public: \
- auto get_##NAME() const->decltype(get_property(NAME)) { return get_property(NAME); } \
+ auto get_##NAME() const->decltype(get_property(NAME)) { \
+ return get_property(NAME); \
+ } \
@@ -80,7 +84,9 @@ private:
class HasIdentifierAndColour : public HasIdentifier, public HasColour {
- HasIdentifierAndColour(std::string_view new_identifier, const colour_t new_colour, bool can_be_null, bool can_have_alpha);
+ HasIdentifierAndColour(
+ std::string_view new_identifier, const colour_t new_colour, bool can_be_null, bool can_have_alpha
+ );
HasIdentifierAndColour(HasIdentifierAndColour const&) = delete;
@@ -97,9 +103,7 @@ private:
constexpr auto pred = [](typename decimal_map_t<T>::value_type a, typename decimal_map_t<T>::value_type b) -> bool {
return a.second < b.second;
- const typename decimal_map_t<T>::const_iterator result = std::max_element(
- map.begin(), map.end(), pred
- );
+ const typename decimal_map_t<T>::const_iterator result = std::max_element(map.begin(), map.end(), pred);
if (result != map.end()) {
return *result;
} else {
@@ -111,11 +115,17 @@ private:
/* Callbacks for trying to add duplicate keys via UniqueKeyRegistry::add_item */
static bool duplicate_fail_callback(std::string_view registry_name, std::string_view duplicate_identifier) {
- Logger::error("Failure adding item to the ", registry_name, " registry - an item with the identifier \"", duplicate_identifier, "\" already exists!");
+ Logger::error(
+ "Failure adding item to the ", registry_name, " registry - an item with the identifier \"", duplicate_identifier,
+ "\" already exists!"
+ );
return false;
static bool duplicate_warning_callback(std::string_view registry_name, std::string_view duplicate_identifier) {
- Logger::warning("Warning adding item to the ", registry_name, " registry - an item with the identifier \"", duplicate_identifier, "\" already exists!");
+ Logger::warning(
+ "Warning adding item to the ", registry_name, " registry - an item with the identifier \"", duplicate_identifier,
+ "\" already exists!"
+ );
return true;
static bool duplicate_ignore_callback(std::string_view registry_name, std::string_view duplicate_identifier) {
@@ -141,14 +151,19 @@ private:
using value_type = _Type;
using storage_type = _Storage;
- UniqueKeyRegistry(std::string_view new_name, bool new_log_lock = true, _GetIdentifier new_GetIdentifier = {}, _GetPointer new_GetPointer = {})
- : name { new_name }, log_lock { new_log_lock }, GetIdentifier { new_GetIdentifier }, GetPointer { new_GetPointer } {}
+ UniqueKeyRegistry(
+ std::string_view new_name, bool new_log_lock = true, _GetIdentifier new_GetIdentifier = {},
+ _GetPointer new_GetPointer = {}
+ ) : name { new_name }, log_lock { new_log_lock }, GetIdentifier { new_GetIdentifier }, GetPointer { new_GetPointer } {}
std::string_view get_name() const {
return name;
- bool add_item(storage_type&& item, NodeTools::callback_t<std::string_view, std::string_view> duplicate_callback = duplicate_fail_callback) {
+ bool add_item(
+ storage_type&& item,
+ NodeTools::callback_t<std::string_view, std::string_view> duplicate_callback = duplicate_fail_callback
+ ) {
if (locked) {
Logger::error("Cannot add item to the ", name, " registry - locked!");
return false;
@@ -156,7 +171,9 @@ private:
const std::string_view new_identifier = GetIdentifier(GetPointer(item));
if (duplicate_callback &&
duplicate_callback.target<bool(std::string_view, std::string_view)>() == duplicate_ignore_callback) {
- if (has_identifier(new_identifier)) return true;
+ if (has_identifier(new_identifier)) {
+ return true;
+ }
} else {
value_type const* old_item = get_item_by_identifier(new_identifier);
if (old_item != nullptr) {
@@ -173,7 +190,9 @@ private:
Logger::error("Failed to lock ", name, " registry - already locked!");
} else {
locked = true;
- if (log_lock) Logger::info("Locked ", name, " registry after registering ", size(), " items");
+ if (log_lock) {
+ Logger::info("Locked ", name, " registry after registering ", size(), " items");
+ }
@@ -206,7 +225,9 @@ private:
#define GETTERS \
value_type _const* get_item_by_identifier(std::string_view identifier) _const { \
const typename decltype(identifier_index_map)::const_iterator it = identifier_index_map.find(identifier); \
- if (it != identifier_index_map.end()) return GetPointer(items[it->second]); \
+ if (it != identifier_index_map.end()) { \
+ return GetPointer(items[it->second]); \
+ } \
return nullptr; \
} \
value_type _const* get_item_by_index(size_t index) _const { \
@@ -215,7 +236,9 @@ private:
NodeTools::callback_t<std::string_view> expect_item_str(NodeTools::callback_t<value_type _const&> callback) _const { \
return [this, callback](std::string_view identifier) -> bool { \
value_type _const* item = get_item_by_identifier(identifier); \
- if (item != nullptr) return callback(*item); \
+ if (item != nullptr) { \
+ return callback(*item); \
+ } \
Logger::error("Invalid ", name, ": ", identifier); \
return false; \
}; \
@@ -223,7 +246,8 @@ private:
NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_item_identifier(NodeTools::callback_t<value_type _const&> callback) _const { \
return NodeTools::expect_identifier(expect_item_str(callback)); \
} \
- NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_item_dictionary(NodeTools::callback_t<value_type _const&, ast::NodeCPtr> callback) _const { \
+ NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_item_dictionary(NodeTools::callback_t<value_type _const&, ast::NodeCPtr> callback) \
+ _const { \
return NodeTools::expect_dictionary([this, callback](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool { \
return expect_item_str(std::bind(callback, std::placeholders::_1, value))(key); \
}); \
@@ -256,7 +280,8 @@ private:
return identifiers;
- NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_item_decimal_map(NodeTools::callback_t<decimal_map_t<value_type const*>&&> callback) const {
+ NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_item_decimal_map(NodeTools::callback_t<decimal_map_t<value_type const*>&&> callback)
+ const {
return [this, callback](ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
decimal_map_t<value_type const*> map;
bool ret = expect_item_dictionary([&map](value_type const& key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
@@ -314,8 +339,12 @@ private:
using IdentifierInstanceRegistry = InstanceRegistry<_Type, _get_identifier<_Type>>;
- void lock_##plural() { plural.lock(); } \
- bool plural##_are_locked() const { return plural.is_locked(); } \
+ void lock_##plural() { \
+ plural.lock(); \
+ } \
+ bool plural##_are_locked() const { \
+ return plural.is_locked(); \
+ } \
decltype(plural)::value_type const* get_##singular##_by_identifier(std::string_view identifier) const { \
return plural.get_item_by_identifier(identifier); \
} \
@@ -331,16 +360,24 @@ private:
std::vector<std::string_view> get_##singular##_identifiers() const { \
return plural.get_item_identifiers(); \
} \
- NodeTools::callback_t<std::string_view> expect_##singular##_str(NodeTools::callback_t<decltype(plural)::value_type const&> callback) const { \
+ NodeTools::callback_t<std::string_view> expect_##singular##_str( \
+ NodeTools::callback_t<decltype(plural)::value_type const&> callback \
+ ) const { \
return plural.expect_item_str(callback); \
} \
- NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_##singular##_identifier(NodeTools::callback_t<decltype(plural)::value_type const&> callback) const { \
+ NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_##singular##_identifier( \
+ NodeTools::callback_t<decltype(plural)::value_type const&> callback \
+ ) const { \
return plural.expect_item_identifier(callback); \
} \
- NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_##singular##_dictionary(NodeTools::callback_t<decltype(plural)::value_type const&, ast::NodeCPtr> callback) const { \
+ NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_##singular##_dictionary( \
+ NodeTools::callback_t<decltype(plural)::value_type const&, ast::NodeCPtr> callback \
+ ) const { \
return plural.expect_item_dictionary(callback); \
} \
- NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_##singular##_decimal_map(NodeTools::callback_t<decimal_map_t<decltype(plural)::value_type const*>&&> callback) const { \
+ NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_##singular##_decimal_map( \
+ NodeTools::callback_t<decimal_map_t<decltype(plural)::value_type const*>&&> callback \
+ ) const { \
return plural.expect_item_decimal_map(callback); \
@@ -348,13 +385,17 @@ private:
decltype(plural)::value_type* get_##singular##_by_identifier(std::string_view identifier) { \
return plural.get_item_by_identifier(identifier); \
} \
- NodeTools::callback_t<std::string_view> expect_##singular##_str(NodeTools::callback_t<decltype(plural)::value_type&> callback) { \
+ NodeTools::callback_t<std::string_view> expect_##singular##_str( \
+ NodeTools::callback_t<decltype(plural)::value_type&> callback \
+ ) { \
return plural.expect_item_str(callback); \
} \
NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_##singular##_identifier(NodeTools::callback_t<decltype(plural)::value_type&> callback) { \
return plural.expect_item_identifier(callback); \
} \
- NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_##singular##_dictionary(NodeTools::callback_t<decltype(plural)::value_type&, ast::NodeCPtr> callback) { \
+ NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_##singular##_dictionary( \
+ NodeTools::callback_t<decltype(plural)::value_type&, ast::NodeCPtr> callback \
+ ) { \
return plural.expect_item_dictionary(callback); \
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/types/Vector.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/types/Vector.cpp
index 10d2dd2..28f30bf 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/types/Vector.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/types/Vector.cpp
@@ -8,10 +8,9 @@ constexpr vec2_t<T>::vec2_t(T new_val) : x { new_val }, y { new_val } {}
template<typename T>
constexpr vec2_t<T>::vec2_t(T new_x, T new_y) : x { new_x }, y { new_y } {}
template<typename T>
constexpr vec2_t<T> vec2_t<T>::abs() const {
- return { };
+ return {};
template<typename T>
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/types/fixed_point/FixedPoint.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/types/fixed_point/FixedPoint.hpp
index 649d3f6..4bf5716 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/types/fixed_point/FixedPoint.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/types/fixed_point/FixedPoint.hpp
@@ -253,7 +253,9 @@ namespace OpenVic {
val += err;
- if (val.is_negative()) stream << "-";
+ if (val.is_negative()) {
+ stream << "-";
+ }
val = val.abs();
stream << val.to_int64_t() << ".";
val = val.get_frac();
@@ -283,7 +285,9 @@ namespace OpenVic {
// Deterministic
static constexpr fixed_point_t parse(char const* str, char const* const end, bool* successful = nullptr) {
- if (successful != nullptr) *successful = false;
+ if (successful != nullptr) {
+ *successful = false;
+ }
if (str == nullptr || str >= end) {
return _0();
@@ -294,11 +298,13 @@ namespace OpenVic {
if (*str == '-') {
negative = true;
- if (str == end) return _0();
+ if (str == end) {
+ return _0();
+ }
char const* dot_pointer = str;
- while (*dot_pointer != '.' && ++dot_pointer != end);
+ while (*dot_pointer != '.' && ++dot_pointer != end) {}
if (dot_pointer == str && dot_pointer + 1 == end) {
// Invalid: ".", "+." or "-."
@@ -306,20 +312,26 @@ namespace OpenVic {
fixed_point_t result = _0();
- if (successful != nullptr) *successful = true;
+ if (successful != nullptr) {
+ *successful = true;
+ }
if (dot_pointer != str) {
// Non-empty integer part
bool int_successful = false;
result += parse_integer(str, dot_pointer, &int_successful);
- if (!int_successful && successful != nullptr) *successful = false;
+ if (!int_successful && successful != nullptr) {
+ *successful = false;
+ }
if (dot_pointer + 1 < end) {
// Non-empty fractional part
bool frac_successful = false;
result += parse_fraction(dot_pointer + 1, end, &frac_successful);
- if (!frac_successful && successful != nullptr) *successful = false;
+ if (!frac_successful && successful != nullptr) {
+ *successful = false;
+ }
return negative ? -result : result;
@@ -599,7 +611,9 @@ namespace OpenVic {
static constexpr fixed_point_t parse_fraction(char const* str, char const* end, bool* successful) {
char const* const read_end = str + PRECISION;
- if (read_end < end) end = read_end;
+ if (read_end < end) {
+ end = read_end;
+ }
uint64_t parsed_value = StringUtils::string_to_uint64(str, end, successful, 10);
while (end++ < read_end) {
parsed_value *= 10;
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/utility/BMP.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/utility/BMP.cpp
index 2fa9417..d4e7cf7 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/utility/BMP.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/utility/BMP.cpp
@@ -69,8 +69,10 @@ bool BMP::read_header() {
// Validate sizes and dimensions
// TODO - image_size_bytes can be 0 for non-compressed BMPs
if (header.file_size != header.offset + header.image_size_bytes) {
- Logger::error("Invalid BMP memory sizes: file size = ", header.file_size, " != ", header.offset + header.image_size_bytes,
- " = ", header.offset, " + ", header.image_size_bytes, " = image data offset + image data size");
+ Logger::error(
+ "Invalid BMP memory sizes: file size = ", header.file_size, " != ", header.offset + header.image_size_bytes, " = ",
+ header.offset, " + ", header.image_size_bytes, " = image data offset + image data size"
+ );
header_validated = false;
// TODO - support negative widths (i.e. horizontal flip)
@@ -98,15 +100,18 @@ bool BMP::read_header() {
#undef STR
static constexpr uint16_t PALETTE_BITS_PER_PIXEL_LIMIT = 8;
if (header.num_colours != 0 && header.bits_per_pixel > PALETTE_BITS_PER_PIXEL_LIMIT) {
- Logger::error("Invalid BMP palette size: ", header.num_colours, " (should be 0 as bits per pixel is ", header.bits_per_pixel, " > 8)");
+ Logger::error(
+ "Invalid BMP palette size: ", header.num_colours, " (should be 0 as bits per pixel is ", header.bits_per_pixel,
+ " > 8)"
+ );
header_validated = false;
// TODO - validate important_colours
palette_size = header.bits_per_pixel > PALETTE_BITS_PER_PIXEL_LIMIT ? 0
// Use header.num_colours if it's greater than 0 and at most 1 << header.bits_per_pixel
- : 0 < header.num_colours && header.num_colours - 1 >> header.bits_per_pixel == 0 ? header.num_colours
- : 1 << header.bits_per_pixel;
+ : (0 < header.num_colours && header.num_colours - 1 >> header.bits_per_pixel == 0
+ ? header.num_colours : 1 << header.bits_per_pixel);
const uint32_t expected_offset = palette_size * PALETTE_COLOUR_SIZE + sizeof(header);
if (header.offset != expected_offset) {
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/utility/ConstexprIntToStr.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/utility/ConstexprIntToStr.hpp
index e383365..e346ebe 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/utility/ConstexprIntToStr.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/utility/ConstexprIntToStr.hpp
@@ -33,7 +33,9 @@ namespace OpenVic::ConstexprIntToStr {
constexpr std::size_t next_value = value / 10;
if constexpr (next_value != 0) {
- return append_sequence(integer_to_string_sequence<next_value>(), std::integer_sequence<char, digits()[remainder]> {});
+ return append_sequence(
+ integer_to_string_sequence<next_value>(), std::integer_sequence<char, digits()[remainder]> {}
+ );
} else {
return std::integer_sequence<char, digits()[remainder]> {};
@@ -53,4 +55,4 @@ namespace OpenVic::ConstexprIntToStr {
constexpr auto make_itosv_array() {
return generate_itosv_array(std::make_integer_sequence<std::size_t, N>());
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/utility/Logger.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/utility/Logger.cpp
index 68c43dd..5e25c98 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/utility/Logger.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/utility/Logger.cpp
@@ -5,18 +5,30 @@
using namespace OpenVic;
void Logger::set_logger_funcs() {
- Logger::set_info_func([](std::string&& str) { std::cout << str; });
- Logger::set_warning_func([](std::string&& str) { std::cerr << str; });
- Logger::set_error_func([](std::string&& str) { std::cerr << str; });
+ Logger::set_info_func([](std::string&& str) {
+ std::cout << str;
+ });
+ Logger::set_warning_func([](std::string&& str) {
+ std::cerr << str;
+ });
+ Logger::set_error_func([](std::string&& str) {
+ std::cerr << str;
+ });
char const* Logger::get_filename(char const* filepath, char const* default_path) {
- if (filepath == nullptr) return default_path;
+ if (filepath == nullptr) {
+ return default_path;
+ }
char const* last_slash = filepath;
while (*filepath != '\0') {
- if (*filepath == '\\' || *filepath == '/') last_slash = filepath + 1;
+ if (*filepath == '\\' || *filepath == '/') {
+ last_slash = filepath + 1;
+ }
- if (*last_slash == '\0') return default_path;
+ if (*last_slash == '\0') {
+ return default_path;
+ }
return last_slash;
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/utility/Logger.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/utility/Logger.hpp
index d60e59e..a1c599d 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/utility/Logger.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/utility/Logger.hpp
@@ -20,15 +20,24 @@ namespace OpenVic {
int _line;
std::string _function;
- public:
source_location(std::string f, int l, std::string n) : _file(f), _line(l), _function(n) {}
- static source_location current(std::string f = __builtin_FILE(), int l = __builtin_LINE(), std::string n = __builtin_FUNCTION()) {
+ public:
+ static source_location current(
+ std::string f = __builtin_FILE(), int l = __builtin_LINE(), std::string n = __builtin_FUNCTION()
+ ) {
return source_location(f, l, n);
- inline char const* file_name() const { return _file.c_str(); }
- inline int line() const { return _line; }
- inline char const* function_name() const { return _function.c_str(); }
+ inline char const* file_name() const {
+ return _file.c_str();
+ }
+ inline int line() const {
+ return _line;
+ }
+ inline char const* function_name() const {
+ return _function.c_str();
+ }
@@ -57,8 +66,10 @@ namespace OpenVic {
log(log_channel_t& log_channel, Ts&&... ts, source_location const& location) {
std::stringstream stream;
stream << "\n" << get_filename(location.file_name()) << "("
- //<< location.line() << ") `" << location.function_name() << "`: ";
- << location.line() << "): ";
+ /* Function name removed to reduce clutter. It is already included
+ * in Godot's print functions, so this was repeating it. */
+ //<< location.line() << ") `" << location.function_name() << "`: ";
+ << location.line() << "): ";
((stream << std::forward<Ts>(ts)), ...);
stream << std::endl;
@@ -73,7 +84,7 @@ namespace OpenVic {
#define LOG_FUNC(name) \
private: \
- static inline log_channel_t name##_channel{}; \
+ static inline log_channel_t name##_channel {}; \
public: \
static inline void set_##name##_func(log_func_t log_func) { \
name##_channel.func = log_func; \
@@ -81,7 +92,7 @@ namespace OpenVic {
template<typename... Ts> \
struct name { \
name(Ts&&... ts, source_location const& location = source_location::current()) { \
- log<Ts...>{ name##_channel, std::forward<Ts>(ts)..., location }; \
+ log<Ts...> { name##_channel, std::forward<Ts>(ts)..., location }; \
} \
}; \
template<typename... Ts> \
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/utility/StringUtils.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/utility/StringUtils.hpp
index 5784208..d968bf6 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/utility/StringUtils.hpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/utility/StringUtils.hpp
@@ -12,11 +12,14 @@ namespace OpenVic::StringUtils {
* or not conversion was successful. It can be nullptr if this information is not needed.
constexpr uint64_t string_to_uint64(char const* str, const char* const end, bool* successful = nullptr, int base = 10) {
- if (successful != nullptr) *successful = false;
+ if (successful != nullptr) {
+ *successful = false;
+ }
// Base value should be between 2 and 36. If it's not, return 0 as an invalid case.
- if (str == nullptr || end <= str || base < 0 || base == 1 || base > 36)
+ if (str == nullptr || end <= str || base < 0 || base == 1 || base > 36) {
return 0;
+ }
// The result of the conversion will be stored in this variable.
uint64_t result = 0;
@@ -26,8 +29,10 @@ namespace OpenVic::StringUtils {
if (*str == '0') {
if (str + 1 != end && (str[1] == 'x' || str[1] == 'X')) {
base = 16; // Hexadecimal.
- str += 2; // Skip '0x' or '0X'
- if (str == end) return 0;
+ str += 2; // Skip '0x' or '0X'
+ if (str == end) {
+ return 0;
+ }
} else {
base = 8; // Octal.
@@ -38,7 +43,9 @@ namespace OpenVic::StringUtils {
// If base is 16 and string starts with '0x' or '0X', skip these characters.
if (*str == '0' && str + 1 != end && (str[1] == 'x' || str[1] == 'X')) {
str += 2;
- if (str == end) return 0;
+ if (str == end) {
+ return 0;
+ }
@@ -76,7 +83,9 @@ namespace OpenVic::StringUtils {
// If successful is not null and the entire string was parsed,
// set *successful to true (if not it is already false).
- if (successful != nullptr && str == end) *successful = true;
+ if (successful != nullptr && str == end) {
+ *successful = true;
+ }
return result;
@@ -90,29 +99,38 @@ namespace OpenVic::StringUtils {
constexpr int64_t string_to_int64(char const* str, const char* const end, bool* successful = nullptr, int base = 10) {
- if (successful != nullptr) *successful = false;
+ if (successful != nullptr) {
+ *successful = false;
+ }
- if (str == nullptr || end <= str) return 0;
+ if (str == nullptr || end <= str) {
+ return 0;
+ }
// This flag will be set if the number is negative.
bool is_negative = false;
// Check if there is a sign character.
if (*str == '+' || *str == '-') {
- if (*str == '-')
+ if (*str == '-') {
is_negative = true;
+ }
- if (str == end) return 0;
+ if (str == end) {
+ return 0;
+ }
const uint64_t result = string_to_uint64(str, end, successful, base);
if (!is_negative) {
- if (result >= std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max())
+ if (result >= std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()) {
return std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
+ }
return result;
} else {
- if (result > std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max())
+ if (result > std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()) {
return std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min();
+ }
return -result;