path: root/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/openvic-simulation/dataloader')
4 files changed, 743 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/Dataloader.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/Dataloader.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..334d5b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/Dataloader.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+#include "Dataloader.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/GameManager.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/utility/Logger.hpp"
+#include <openvic-dataloader/csv/Parser.hpp>
+#include <openvic-dataloader/detail/CallbackOStream.hpp>
+#include <openvic-dataloader/v2script/Parser.hpp>
+using namespace OpenVic;
+using namespace OpenVic::NodeTools;
+using namespace ovdl;
+bool Dataloader::set_roots(std::vector<std::filesystem::path> new_roots) {
+ if (!roots.empty()) {
+ Logger::error("Overriding existing dataloader roots!");
+ roots.clear();
+ }
+ bool ret = true;
+ for (std::reverse_iterator<std::vector<std::filesystem::path>::const_iterator> it = new_roots.crbegin(); it != new_roots.crend(); ++it) {
+ if (std::find(roots.begin(), roots.end(), *it) == roots.end()) {
+ if (std::filesystem::is_directory(*it)) {
+ Logger::info("Adding dataloader root: ", *it);
+ roots.push_back(*it);
+ } else {
+ Logger::error("Invalid dataloader root (must be an existing directory): ", *it);
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ Logger::error("Duplicate dataloader root: ", *it);
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (roots.empty()) {
+ Logger::error("Dataloader has no roots after attempting to add ", new_roots.size());
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ return ret;
+std::filesystem::path Dataloader::lookup_file(std::filesystem::path const& path) const {
+ for (std::filesystem::path const& root : roots) {
+ const std::filesystem::path composed = root / path;
+ if (std::filesystem::is_regular_file(composed)) {
+ return composed;
+ }
+ }
+ Logger::error("Lookup for ", path, " failed!");
+ return {};
+const std::filesystem::path Dataloader::TXT = ".txt";
+static bool contains_file_with_name(std::vector<std::filesystem::path> const& paths,
+ std::filesystem::path const& name) {
+ for (std::filesystem::path const& path : paths) {
+ if (path.filename() == name) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+std::vector<std::filesystem::path> Dataloader::lookup_files_in_dir(std::filesystem::path const& path,
+ std::filesystem::path const* extension) const {
+ std::vector<std::filesystem::path> ret;
+ for (std::filesystem::path const& root : roots) {
+ const std::filesystem::path composed = root / path;
+ std::error_code ec;
+ for (std::filesystem::directory_entry const& entry : std::filesystem::directory_iterator { composed, ec }) {
+ if (entry.is_regular_file()) {
+ const std::filesystem::path file = entry;
+ if (extension == nullptr || file.extension() == *extension) {
+ if (!contains_file_with_name(ret, file.filename())) {
+ ret.push_back(file);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+bool Dataloader::apply_to_files_in_dir(std::filesystem::path const& path,
+ std::function<bool(std::filesystem::path const&)> callback,
+ std::filesystem::path const* extension) const {
+ bool ret = true;
+ for (std::filesystem::path const& file : lookup_files_in_dir(path, extension)) {
+ ret &= callback(file);
+ }
+ return ret;
+template<std::derived_from<detail::BasicParser> Parser, bool(Parser::*parse_func)()>
+static Parser _run_ovdl_parser(std::filesystem::path const& path) {
+ Parser parser;
+ std::string buffer;
+ auto error_log_stream = ovdl::detail::CallbackStream {
+ [](void const* s, std::streamsize n, void* user_data) -> std::streamsize {
+ if (s != nullptr && n > 0 && user_data != nullptr) {
+ static_cast<std::string*>(user_data)->append(static_cast<char const*>(s), n);
+ return n;
+ } else {
+ Logger::error("Invalid input to parser error log callback: ", s, " / ", n, " / ", user_data);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }, &buffer
+ };
+ parser.set_error_log_to(error_log_stream);
+ parser.load_from_file(path);
+ if (!buffer.empty()) {
+ Logger::error("Parser load errors:\n\n", buffer, "\n");
+ buffer.clear();
+ }
+ if (parser.has_fatal_error() || parser.has_error()) {
+ Logger::error("Parser errors while loading ", path);
+ return parser;
+ }
+ if (!(parser.*parse_func)()) {
+ Logger::error("Parse function returned false!");
+ }
+ if (!buffer.empty()) {
+ Logger::error("Parser parse errors:\n\n", buffer, "\n");
+ buffer.clear();
+ }
+ if (parser.has_fatal_error() || parser.has_error()) {
+ Logger::error("Parser errors while parsing ", path);
+ }
+ return parser;
+static v2script::Parser _parse_defines(std::filesystem::path const& path) {
+ return _run_ovdl_parser<v2script::Parser, &v2script::Parser::simple_parse>(path);
+static csv::Windows1252Parser _parse_csv(std::filesystem::path const& path) {
+ return _run_ovdl_parser<csv::Windows1252Parser, &csv::Windows1252Parser::parse_csv>(path);
+bool Dataloader::_load_pop_types(PopManager& pop_manager, std::filesystem::path const& pop_type_directory) const {
+ const bool ret = apply_to_files_in_dir(pop_type_directory,
+ [&pop_manager](std::filesystem::path const& file) -> bool {
+ return pop_manager.load_pop_type_file(file, _parse_defines(file).get_file_node());
+ }
+ );
+ if (!ret) {
+ Logger::error("Failed to load pop types!");
+ }
+ pop_manager.lock_pop_types();
+ return ret;
+bool Dataloader::_load_map_dir(Map& map, std::filesystem::path const& map_directory) const {
+ static const std::filesystem::path defaults_filename = "default.map";
+ static const std::string default_definitions = "definition.csv";
+ static const std::string default_provinces = "provinces.bmp";
+ static const std::string default_positions = "positions.txt";
+ static const std::string default_terrain = "terrain.bmp";
+ static const std::string default_rivers = "rivers.bmp";
+ static const std::string default_terrain_definition = "terrain.txt";
+ static const std::string default_tree_definition = "trees.txt";
+ static const std::string default_continent = "continent.txt";
+ static const std::string default_adjacencies = "adjacencies.csv";
+ static const std::string default_region = "region.txt";
+ static const std::string default_region_sea = "region_sea.txt";
+ static const std::string default_province_flag_sprite = "province_flag_sprites";
+ const v2script::Parser parser = _parse_defines(lookup_file(map_directory / defaults_filename));
+ std::vector<std::string_view> water_province_identifiers;
+#define APPLY_TO_MAP_PATHS(F) \
+ F(definitions) F(provinces) F(positions) F(terrain) F(rivers) \
+ F(terrain_definition) F(tree_definition) F(continent) F(adjacencies) \
+ F(region) F(region_sea) F(province_flag_sprite)
+#define MAP_PATH_VAR(X) std::string_view X = default_##X;
+#undef MAP_PATH_VAR
+ bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys(
+ "max_provinces", ONE_EXACTLY,
+ expect_uint(
+ [&map](uint64_t val) -> bool {
+ if (Province::NULL_INDEX < val && val <= Province::MAX_INDEX) {
+ return map.set_max_provinces(val);
+ }
+ Logger::error("Invalid max province count ", val, " (out of valid range ", Province::NULL_INDEX, " < max_provinces <= ", Province::MAX_INDEX, ")");
+ return false;
+ }
+ ),
+ "sea_starts", ONE_EXACTLY,
+ expect_list_reserve_length(
+ water_province_identifiers,
+ expect_identifier(
+ [&water_province_identifiers](std::string_view identifier) -> bool {
+ water_province_identifiers.push_back(identifier);
+ return true;
+ }
+ )
+ ),
+ #X, ONE_EXACTLY, expect_string(assign_variable_callback(X)),
+ "border_heights", ZERO_OR_ONE, success_callback,
+ "terrain_sheet_heights", ZERO_OR_ONE, success_callback,
+ "tree", ZERO_OR_ONE, success_callback,
+ "border_cutoff", ZERO_OR_ONE, success_callback
+ )(parser.get_file_node());
+ if (!ret) {
+ Logger::error("Failed to load map default file!");
+ }
+ if (!map.load_province_definitions(_parse_csv(lookup_file(map_directory / definitions)).get_lines())) {
+ Logger::error("Failed to load province definitions file!");
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ if (!map.set_water_province_list(water_province_identifiers)) {
+ Logger::error("Failed to set water provinces!");
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ map.lock_water_provinces();
+ return ret;
+bool Dataloader::load_defines(GameManager& game_manager) const {
+ static const std::filesystem::path good_file = "common/goods.txt";
+ static const std::filesystem::path pop_type_directory = "poptypes";
+ static const std::filesystem::path graphical_culture_type_file = "common/graphicalculturetype.txt";
+ static const std::filesystem::path culture_file = "common/cultures.txt";
+ static const std::filesystem::path religion_file = "common/religion.txt";
+ static const std::filesystem::path map_directory = "map";
+ bool ret = true;
+ if (!game_manager.good_manager.load_good_file(_parse_defines(lookup_file(good_file)).get_file_node())) {
+ Logger::error("Failed to load goods!");
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ if (!_load_pop_types(game_manager.pop_manager, pop_type_directory)) {
+ Logger::error("Failed to load pop types!");
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ if (!game_manager.pop_manager.culture_manager.load_graphical_culture_type_file(_parse_defines(lookup_file(graphical_culture_type_file)).get_file_node())) {
+ Logger::error("Failed to load graphical culture types!");
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ if (!game_manager.pop_manager.culture_manager.load_culture_file(_parse_defines(lookup_file(culture_file)).get_file_node())) {
+ Logger::error("Failed to load cultures!");
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ if (!game_manager.pop_manager.religion_manager.load_religion_file(_parse_defines(lookup_file(religion_file)).get_file_node())) {
+ Logger::error("Failed to load religions!");
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ if (!_load_map_dir(game_manager.map, map_directory)) {
+ Logger::error("Failed to load map!");
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ return ret;
+bool Dataloader::load_pop_history(GameManager& game_manager, std::filesystem::path const& path) const {
+ return apply_to_files_in_dir(path,
+ [&game_manager](std::filesystem::path const& file) -> bool {
+ return expect_dictionary(
+ [&game_manager](std::string_view province_key, ast::NodeCPtr province_node) -> bool {
+ Province* province = game_manager.map.get_province_by_identifier(province_key);
+ if (province == nullptr) {
+ Logger::error("Invalid province id: ", province_key);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return province->load_pop_list(game_manager.pop_manager, province_node);
+ }
+ )(_parse_defines(file).get_file_node());
+ }
+ );
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/Dataloader.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/Dataloader.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f723803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/Dataloader.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <filesystem>
+#include <functional>
+#include <vector>
+namespace OpenVic {
+ struct GameManager;
+ struct PopManager;
+ struct Map;
+ class Dataloader {
+ std::vector<std::filesystem::path> roots;
+ bool _load_pop_types(PopManager& pop_manager, std::filesystem::path const& pop_type_directory) const;
+ bool _load_map_dir(Map& map, std::filesystem::path const& map_directory) const;
+ public:
+ Dataloader() = default;
+ /* In reverse-load order, so base defines first and final loaded mod last */
+ bool set_roots(std::vector<std::filesystem::path> new_roots);
+ std::filesystem::path lookup_file(std::filesystem::path const& path) const;
+ static const std::filesystem::path TXT;
+ std::vector<std::filesystem::path> lookup_files_in_dir(std::filesystem::path const& path,
+ std::filesystem::path const* extension = &TXT) const;
+ bool apply_to_files_in_dir(std::filesystem::path const& path,
+ std::function<bool(std::filesystem::path const&)> callback,
+ std::filesystem::path const* extension = &TXT) const;
+ bool load_defines(GameManager& game_manager) const;
+ bool load_pop_history(GameManager& game_manager, std::filesystem::path const& path) const;
+ };
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/NodeTools.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/NodeTools.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b05d04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/NodeTools.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+#include "NodeTools.hpp"
+#include <charconv>
+using namespace OpenVic;
+using namespace OpenVic::NodeTools;
+template<typename T>
+static node_callback_t _expect_type(callback_t<T const&> callback) {
+ return [callback](ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
+ if (node != nullptr) {
+ T const* cast_node = node->cast_to<T>();
+ if (cast_node != nullptr) {
+ return callback(*cast_node);
+ }
+ Logger::error("Invalid node type ", node->get_type(), " when expecting ", T::get_type_static());
+ } else {
+ Logger::error("Null node when expecting ", T::get_type_static());
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+template<typename T = ast::AbstractStringNode>
+requires(std::derived_from<T, ast::AbstractStringNode>)
+static callback_t<T const&> abstract_string_node_callback(callback_t<std::string_view> callback) {
+ return [callback](T const& node) -> bool {
+ return callback(node._name);
+ };
+node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_identifier(callback_t<std::string_view> callback) {
+ return _expect_type<ast::IdentifierNode>(abstract_string_node_callback<ast::IdentifierNode>(callback));
+node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_string(callback_t<std::string_view> callback) {
+ return _expect_type<ast::StringNode>(abstract_string_node_callback<ast::StringNode>(callback));
+node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_identifier_or_string(callback_t<std::string_view> callback) {
+ return [callback](ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
+ if (node != nullptr) {
+ ast::AbstractStringNode const* cast_node = node->cast_to<ast::IdentifierNode>();
+ if (cast_node == nullptr) {
+ cast_node = node->cast_to<ast::StringNode>();
+ }
+ if (cast_node != nullptr) {
+ return abstract_string_node_callback(callback)(*cast_node);
+ }
+ Logger::error("Invalid node type ", node->get_type(), " when expecting ", ast::IdentifierNode::get_type_static(), " or ", ast::StringNode::get_type_static());
+ } else {
+ Logger::error("Null node when expecting ", ast::IdentifierNode::get_type_static(), " or ", ast::StringNode::get_type_static());
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_bool(callback_t<bool> callback) {
+ return expect_identifier(
+ [callback](std::string_view identifier) -> bool {
+ if (identifier == "yes") {
+ return callback(true);
+ } else if (identifier == "no") {
+ return callback(false);
+ }
+ Logger::error("Invalid bool identifier text: ", identifier);
+ return false;
+ }
+ );
+node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_int(callback_t<int64_t> callback) {
+ return expect_identifier(
+ [callback](std::string_view identifier) -> bool {
+ bool successful = false;
+ const int64_t val = StringUtils::string_to_int64(identifier, &successful, 10);
+ if (successful) {
+ return callback(val);
+ }
+ Logger::error("Invalid int identifier text: ", identifier);
+ return false;
+ }
+ );
+node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_uint(callback_t<uint64_t> callback) {
+ return expect_identifier(
+ [callback](std::string_view identifier) -> bool {
+ bool successful = false;
+ const uint64_t val = StringUtils::string_to_uint64(identifier, &successful, 10);
+ if (successful) {
+ return callback(val);
+ }
+ Logger::error("Invalid uint identifier text: ", identifier);
+ return false;
+ }
+ );
+node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_fixed_point(callback_t<fixed_point_t> callback) {
+ return expect_identifier(
+ [callback](std::string_view identifier) -> bool {
+ bool successful = false;
+ const fixed_point_t val = fixed_point_t::parse(identifier.data(), identifier.length(), &successful);
+ if (successful) {
+ return callback(val);
+ }
+ Logger::error("Invalid fixed point identifier text: ", identifier);
+ return false;
+ }
+ );
+node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_colour(callback_t<colour_t> callback) {
+ return [callback](ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
+ colour_t col = NULL_COLOUR;
+ uint32_t components = 0;
+ bool ret = expect_list_of_length(3,
+ expect_fixed_point(
+ [&col, &components](fixed_point_t val) -> bool {
+ components++;
+ col <<= 8;
+ if (val < 0 || val > 255) {
+ Logger::error("Invalid colour component: ", val);
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ if (val <= 1) val *= 255;
+ col |= val.to_int32_t();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ )(node);
+ ret &= callback(col << 8 * (3 - components));
+ return ret;
+ };
+node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_date(callback_t<Date> callback) {
+ return expect_identifier(
+ [callback](std::string_view identifier) -> bool {
+ bool successful = false;
+ const Date date = Date::from_string(identifier, &successful);
+ if (successful) {
+ return callback(date);
+ }
+ Logger::error("Invalid date identifier text: ", identifier);
+ return false;
+ }
+ );
+node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_assign(key_value_callback_t callback) {
+ return _expect_type<ast::AssignNode>(
+ [callback](ast::AssignNode const& assign_node) -> bool {
+ return callback(assign_node._name, assign_node._initializer.get());
+ }
+ );
+node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_list_and_length(length_callback_t length_callback, node_callback_t callback) {
+ return _expect_type<ast::AbstractListNode>(
+ [length_callback, callback](ast::AbstractListNode const& list_node) -> bool {
+ std::vector<ast::NodeUPtr> const& list = list_node._statements;
+ bool ret = true;
+ size_t size = length_callback(list.size());
+ if (size > list.size()) {
+ Logger::error("Trying to read more values than the list contains: ", size, " > ", list.size());
+ size = list.size();
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ std::for_each(list.begin(), list.begin() + size,
+ [callback, &ret](ast::NodeUPtr const& sub_node) -> void {
+ ret &= callback(sub_node.get());
+ }
+ );
+ return ret;
+ }
+ );
+node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_list_of_length(size_t length, node_callback_t callback) {
+ return [length, callback](ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
+ bool ret = true;
+ ret &= expect_list_and_length(
+ [length, &ret](size_t size) -> size_t {
+ if (size != length) {
+ Logger::error("List length ", size, " does not match expected length ", length);
+ ret = false;
+ if (length < size) return length;
+ }
+ return size;
+ },
+ callback
+ )(node);
+ return ret;
+ };
+node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_list(node_callback_t callback) {
+ return expect_list_and_length(default_length_callback, callback);
+node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_dictionary_and_length(length_callback_t length_callback, key_value_callback_t callback) {
+ return expect_list_and_length(length_callback, expect_assign(callback));
+node_callback_t NodeTools::expect_dictionary(key_value_callback_t callback) {
+ return expect_dictionary_and_length(default_length_callback, callback);
+node_callback_t NodeTools::_expect_dictionary_keys_and_length(length_callback_t length_callback, bool allow_other_keys, key_map_t&& key_map) {
+ return [length_callback, allow_other_keys, key_map = std::move(key_map)](ast::NodeCPtr node) mutable -> bool {
+ bool ret = expect_dictionary_and_length(
+ length_callback,
+ [&key_map, allow_other_keys](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
+ const key_map_t::iterator it = key_map.find(key);
+ if (it == key_map.end()) {
+ if (allow_other_keys) return true;
+ Logger::error("Invalid dictionary key: ", key);
+ return false;
+ }
+ dictionary_entry_t& entry = it->second;
+ if (++entry.count > 1 && !entry.can_repeat()) {
+ Logger::error("Invalid repeat of dictionary key: ", key);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return entry.callback(value);
+ }
+ )(node);
+ for (key_map_t::value_type const& key_entry : key_map) {
+ dictionary_entry_t const& entry = key_entry.second;
+ if (entry.must_appear() && entry.count < 1) {
+ Logger::error("Mandatory dictionary key not present: ", key_entry.first);
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+node_callback_t NodeTools::name_list_callback(std::vector<std::string>& list) {
+ return expect_list_reserve_length(
+ list,
+ expect_identifier_or_string(
+ [&list](std::string_view str) -> bool {
+ if (!str.empty()) {
+ list.push_back(std::string { str });
+ return true;
+ }
+ Logger::error("Empty identifier or string");
+ return false;
+ }
+ )
+ );
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/NodeTools.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/NodeTools.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..805de94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/NodeTools.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <map>
+#include "openvic-simulation/types/Colour.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/types/Date.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/types/fixed_point/FixedPoint.hpp"
+#include <openvic-dataloader/v2script/AbstractSyntaxTree.hpp>
+namespace OpenVic {
+ namespace ast = ovdl::v2script::ast;
+ namespace NodeTools {
+ template<typename... Args>
+ using callback_t = std::function<bool(Args...)>;
+ using node_callback_t = callback_t<ast::NodeCPtr>;
+ constexpr bool success_callback(ast::NodeCPtr) { return true; }
+ using key_value_callback_t = callback_t<std::string_view, ast::NodeCPtr>;
+ node_callback_t expect_identifier(callback_t<std::string_view> callback);
+ node_callback_t expect_string(callback_t<std::string_view> callback);
+ node_callback_t expect_identifier_or_string(callback_t<std::string_view> callback);
+ node_callback_t expect_bool(callback_t<bool> callback);
+ node_callback_t expect_int(callback_t<int64_t> callback);
+ node_callback_t expect_uint(callback_t<uint64_t> callback);
+ node_callback_t expect_fixed_point(callback_t<fixed_point_t> callback);
+ node_callback_t expect_colour(callback_t<colour_t> callback);
+ node_callback_t expect_date(callback_t<Date> callback);
+ node_callback_t expect_assign(key_value_callback_t callback);
+ using length_callback_t = std::function<size_t(size_t)>;
+ constexpr size_t default_length_callback(size_t size) { return size; };
+ node_callback_t expect_list_and_length(length_callback_t length_callback, node_callback_t callback);
+ node_callback_t expect_list_of_length(size_t length, node_callback_t callback);
+ node_callback_t expect_list(node_callback_t callback);
+ node_callback_t expect_dictionary_and_length(length_callback_t length_callback, key_value_callback_t callback);
+ node_callback_t expect_dictionary(key_value_callback_t callback);
+ struct dictionary_entry_t {
+ const enum class expected_count_t : uint8_t {
+ _MUST_APPEAR = 0b01,
+ _CAN_REPEAT = 0b10,
+ ZERO_OR_ONE = 0,
+ } expected_count;
+ const node_callback_t callback;
+ size_t count;
+ dictionary_entry_t(expected_count_t new_expected_count, node_callback_t new_callback)
+ : expected_count { new_expected_count }, callback { new_callback }, count { 0 } {}
+ constexpr bool must_appear() const {
+ return static_cast<uint8_t>(expected_count) & static_cast<uint8_t>(expected_count_t::_MUST_APPEAR);
+ }
+ constexpr bool can_repeat() const {
+ return static_cast<uint8_t>(expected_count) & static_cast<uint8_t>(expected_count_t::_CAN_REPEAT);
+ }
+ };
+ using enum dictionary_entry_t::expected_count_t;
+ using key_map_t = std::map<std::string, dictionary_entry_t, std::less<void>>;
+ constexpr struct allow_other_keys_t {} ALLOW_OTHER_KEYS;
+ node_callback_t _expect_dictionary_keys_and_length(length_callback_t length_callback, bool allow_other_keys, key_map_t&& key_map);
+ template<typename... Args>
+ node_callback_t _expect_dictionary_keys_and_length(length_callback_t length_callback,
+ bool allow_other_keys, key_map_t&& key_map,
+ const std::string_view key, dictionary_entry_t::expected_count_t expected_count, node_callback_t callback,
+ Args... args) {
+ if (key_map.find(key) == key_map.end()) {
+ key_map.emplace(key, dictionary_entry_t { expected_count, callback });
+ } else {
+ Logger::error("Duplicate expected dictionary key: ", key);
+ }
+ return _expect_dictionary_keys_and_length(length_callback, allow_other_keys, std::move(key_map), args...);
+ }
+ template<typename... Args>
+ node_callback_t expect_dictionary_keys_and_length(length_callback_t length_callback,
+ const std::string_view key, dictionary_entry_t::expected_count_t expected_count, node_callback_t callback,
+ Args... args) {
+ return _expect_dictionary_keys_and_length(length_callback, false, {}, key, expected_count, callback, args...);
+ }
+ template<typename... Args>
+ node_callback_t expect_dictionary_keys_and_length(length_callback_t length_callback,
+ allow_other_keys_t, Args... args) {
+ return _expect_dictionary_keys_and_length(length_callback, true, {}, args...);
+ }
+ template<typename... Args>
+ node_callback_t expect_dictionary_keys(Args... args) {
+ return expect_dictionary_keys_and_length(default_length_callback, args...);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ concept Reservable = requires(T& t) {
+ { t.size() } -> std::same_as<size_t>;
+ t.reserve( size_t {} );
+ };
+ template<Reservable T>
+ node_callback_t expect_list_reserve_length(T& t, node_callback_t callback) {
+ return expect_list_and_length(
+ [&t](size_t size) -> size_t {
+ t.reserve(t.size() + size);
+ return size;
+ },
+ callback
+ );
+ }
+ template<Reservable T>
+ node_callback_t expect_dictionary_reserve_length(T& t, key_value_callback_t callback) {
+ return expect_list_reserve_length(t, expect_assign(callback));
+ }
+ node_callback_t name_list_callback(std::vector<std::string>& list);
+ template<typename T>
+ callback_t<T> assign_variable_callback(T& var) {
+ return [&var](T val) -> bool {
+ var = val;
+ return true;
+ };
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ requires(std::integral<T>)
+ callback_t<uint64_t> assign_variable_callback_uint(const std::string_view name, T& var) {
+ return [&var, name](uint64_t val) -> bool {
+ if (val <= std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) {
+ var = val;
+ return true;
+ }
+ Logger::error("Invalid ", name, ": ", val, " (valid range: [0, ", static_cast<uint64_t>(std::numeric_limits<T>::max()), "])");
+ return false;
+ };
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ requires(std::integral<T>)
+ callback_t<int64_t> assign_variable_callback_int(const std::string_view name, T& var) {
+ return [&var, name](int64_t val) -> bool {
+ if (std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest() <= val && val <= std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) {
+ var = val;
+ return true;
+ }
+ Logger::error("Invalid ", name, ": ", val, " (valid range: [",
+ static_cast<int64_t>(std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest()), ", ",
+ static_cast<uint64_t>(std::numeric_limits<T>::max()), "])");
+ return false;
+ };
+ }
+ }