path: root/src/openvic-simulation/map/MapDefinition.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/openvic-simulation/map/MapDefinition.cpp')
1 files changed, 830 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/map/MapDefinition.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/map/MapDefinition.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3bb619
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/map/MapDefinition.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,830 @@
+#include "MapDefinition.hpp"
+#include <vector>
+#include "openvic-simulation/types/Colour.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/types/OrderedContainers.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/utility/BMP.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/utility/Logger.hpp"
+using namespace OpenVic;
+using namespace OpenVic::NodeTools;
+MapDefinition::MapDefinition() : dims { 0, 0 }, max_provinces { ProvinceDefinition::MAX_INDEX } {}
+bool MapDefinition::add_province_definition(std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour) {
+ if (province_definitions.size() >= max_provinces) {
+ Logger::error(
+ "The map's province list is full - maximum number of provinces is ", max_provinces, " (this can be at most ",
+ ProvinceDefinition::MAX_INDEX, ")"
+ );
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (identifier.empty()) {
+ Logger::error("Invalid province identifier - empty!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!valid_basic_identifier(identifier)) {
+ Logger::error(
+ "Invalid province identifier: ", identifier, " (can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores)"
+ );
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (colour.is_null()) {
+ Logger::error("Invalid province colour for ", identifier, " - null! (", colour, ")");
+ return false;
+ }
+ ProvinceDefinition new_province {
+ identifier, colour, static_cast<ProvinceDefinition::index_t>(province_definitions.size() + 1)
+ };
+ const ProvinceDefinition::index_t index = get_index_from_colour(colour);
+ if (index != ProvinceDefinition::NULL_INDEX) {
+ Logger::error(
+ "Duplicate province colours: ", get_province_definition_by_index(index)->to_string(), " and ",
+ new_province.to_string()
+ );
+ return false;
+ }
+ colour_index_map[new_province.get_colour()] = new_province.get_index();
+ return province_definitions.add_item(std::move(new_province));
+ProvinceDefinition::distance_t MapDefinition::calculate_distance_between(
+ ProvinceDefinition const& from, ProvinceDefinition const& to
+) const {
+ const fvec2_t to_pos = to.get_unit_position();
+ const fvec2_t from_pos = from.get_unit_position();
+ const fixed_point_t min_x = std::min(
+ (to_pos.x - from_pos.x).abs(),
+ std::min(
+ (to_pos.x - from_pos.x + get_width()).abs(),
+ (to_pos.x - from_pos.x - get_width()).abs()
+ )
+ );
+ return fvec2_t { min_x, to_pos.y - from_pos.y }.length_squared().sqrt();
+using adjacency_t = ProvinceDefinition::adjacency_t;
+/* This is called for all adjacent pixel pairs and returns whether or not a new adjacency was add,
+ * hence the lack of error messages in the false return cases. */
+bool MapDefinition::add_standard_adjacency(ProvinceDefinition& from, ProvinceDefinition& to) const {
+ if (from == to) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const bool from_needs_adjacency = !from.is_adjacent_to(&to);
+ const bool to_needs_adjacency = !to.is_adjacent_to(&from);
+ if (!from_needs_adjacency && !to_needs_adjacency) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const ProvinceDefinition::distance_t distance = calculate_distance_between(from, to);
+ using enum adjacency_t::type_t;
+ /* Default land-to-land adjacency */
+ adjacency_t::type_t type = LAND;
+ if (from.is_water() != to.is_water()) {
+ /* Land-to-water adjacency */
+ type = COASTAL;
+ /* Mark the land province as coastal */
+ from.coastal = !from.is_water();
+ to.coastal = !to.is_water();
+ } else if (from.is_water()) {
+ /* Water-to-water adjacency */
+ type = WATER;
+ }
+ if (from_needs_adjacency) {
+ from.adjacencies.emplace_back(&to, distance, type, nullptr, 0);
+ }
+ if (to_needs_adjacency) {
+ to.adjacencies.emplace_back(&from, distance, type, nullptr, 0);
+ }
+ return true;
+bool MapDefinition::add_special_adjacency(
+ ProvinceDefinition& from, ProvinceDefinition& to, adjacency_t::type_t type, ProvinceDefinition const* through,
+ adjacency_t::data_t data
+) const {
+ if (from == to) {
+ Logger::error("Trying to add ", adjacency_t::get_type_name(type), " adjacency from province ", from, " to itself!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ using enum adjacency_t::type_t;
+ /* Check end points */
+ switch (type) {
+ case LAND:
+ case STRAIT:
+ if (from.is_water() || to.is_water()) {
+ Logger::error(adjacency_t::get_type_name(type), " adjacency from ", from, " to ", to, " has water endpoint(s)!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case WATER:
+ case CANAL:
+ if (!from.is_water() || !to.is_water()) {
+ Logger::error(adjacency_t::get_type_name(type), " adjacency from ", from, " to ", to, " has land endpoint(s)!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case COASTAL:
+ if (from.is_water() == to.is_water()) {
+ Logger::error("Coastal adjacency from ", from, " to ", to, " has both land or water endpoints!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ /* Impassable is valid for all combinations of land and water:
+ * - land-land = replace existing land adjacency with impassable adjacency (blue borders)
+ * - land-water = delete existing coastal adjacency, preventing armies and navies from moving between the provinces
+ * - water-water = delete existing water adjacency, preventing navies from moving between the provinces */
+ break;
+ default:
+ Logger::error("Invalid adjacency type ", static_cast<uint32_t>(type));
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* Check through province */
+ if (type == STRAIT || type == CANAL) {
+ const bool water_expected = type == STRAIT;
+ if (through == nullptr || through->is_water() != water_expected) {
+ Logger::error(
+ adjacency_t::get_type_name(type), " adjacency from ", from, " to ", to, " has a ",
+ (through == nullptr ? "null" : water_expected ? "land" : "water"), " through province ", through
+ );
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (through != nullptr) {
+ Logger::warning(
+ adjacency_t::get_type_name(type), " adjacency from ", from, " to ", to, " has a non-null through province ",
+ through
+ );
+ through = nullptr;
+ }
+ /* Check canal data */
+ if (data != adjacency_t::NO_CANAL && type != CANAL) {
+ Logger::warning(
+ adjacency_t::get_type_name(type), " adjacency from ", from, " to ", to, " has invalid data ",
+ static_cast<uint32_t>(data)
+ );
+ data = adjacency_t::NO_CANAL;
+ }
+ const ProvinceDefinition::distance_t distance = calculate_distance_between(from, to);
+ const auto add_adjacency = [distance, type, through, data](
+ ProvinceDefinition& from, ProvinceDefinition const& to
+ ) -> bool {
+ const std::vector<adjacency_t>::iterator existing_adjacency = std::find_if(
+ from.adjacencies.begin(), from.adjacencies.end(),
+ [&to](adjacency_t const& adj) -> bool { return adj.get_to() == &to; }
+ );
+ if (existing_adjacency != from.adjacencies.end()) {
+ if (type == existing_adjacency->get_type()) {
+ Logger::warning(
+ "Adjacency from ", from, " to ", to, " already has type ", adjacency_t::get_type_name(type), "!"
+ );
+ if (type != STRAIT && type != CANAL) {
+ /* Straits and canals might change through or data, otherwise we can exit early */
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (type == IMPASSABLE) {
+ if (existing_adjacency->get_type() == WATER || existing_adjacency->get_type() == COASTAL) {
+ from.adjacencies.erase(existing_adjacency);
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (type != STRAIT && type != CANAL) {
+ Logger::error(
+ "Provinces ", from, " and ", to, " already have an existing ",
+ adjacency_t::get_type_name(existing_adjacency->get_type()), " adjacency, cannot create a ",
+ adjacency_t::get_type_name(type), " adjacency!"
+ );
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (type != existing_adjacency->get_type() && existing_adjacency->get_type() != (type == CANAL ? WATER : LAND)) {
+ Logger::error(
+ "Cannot convert ", adjacency_t::get_type_name(existing_adjacency->get_type()), " adjacency from ", from,
+ " to ", to, " to type ", adjacency_t::get_type_name(type), "!"
+ );
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ *existing_adjacency = { &to, distance, type, through, data };
+ return true;
+ } else if (type == IMPASSABLE) {
+ Logger::warning(
+ "Provinces ", from, " and ", to, " do not have an existing adjacency to make impassable!"
+ );
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ from.adjacencies.emplace_back(&to, distance, type, through, data);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ return add_adjacency(from, to) & add_adjacency(to, from);
+bool MapDefinition::set_water_province(std::string_view identifier) {
+ if (water_provinces.is_locked()) {
+ Logger::error("The map's water provinces have already been locked!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ ProvinceDefinition* province = get_province_definition_by_identifier(identifier);
+ if (province == nullptr) {
+ Logger::error("Unrecognised water province identifier: ", identifier);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (province->has_region()) {
+ Logger::error("Province ", identifier, " cannot be water as it belongs to region \"", province->get_region(), "\"");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (province->is_water()) {
+ Logger::warning("Province ", identifier, " is already a water province!");
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!water_provinces.add_province(province)) {
+ Logger::error("Failed to add province ", identifier, " to water province set!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ province->water = true;
+ return true;
+bool MapDefinition::set_water_province_list(std::vector<std::string_view> const& list) {
+ if (water_provinces.is_locked()) {
+ Logger::error("The map's water provinces have already been locked!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool ret = true;
+ water_provinces.reserve_more(list.size());
+ for (std::string_view const& identifier : list) {
+ ret &= set_water_province(identifier);
+ }
+ lock_water_provinces();
+ return ret;
+void MapDefinition::lock_water_provinces() {
+ water_provinces.lock();
+ Logger::info("Locked water provinces after registering ", water_provinces.size());
+bool MapDefinition::add_region(std::string_view identifier, std::vector<ProvinceDefinition const*>&& provinces, colour_t colour) {
+ if (identifier.empty()) {
+ Logger::error("Invalid region identifier - empty!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool ret = true;
+ std::erase_if(provinces, [identifier, &ret](ProvinceDefinition const* province) -> bool {
+ if (province->is_water()) {
+ Logger::error(
+ "Province ", province->get_identifier(), " cannot be added to region \"", identifier,
+ "\" as it is a water province!"
+ );
+ ret = false;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ const bool meta = provinces.empty() || std::any_of(
+ provinces.begin(), provinces.end(), std::bind_front(&ProvinceDefinition::has_region)
+ );
+ Region region { identifier, colour, meta };
+ ret &= region.add_provinces(provinces);
+ region.lock();
+ if (regions.add_item(std::move(region))) {
+ if (!meta) {
+ Region const& last_region = regions.get_items().back();
+ for (ProvinceDefinition const* province : last_region.get_provinces()) {
+ remove_province_definition_const(province)->region = &last_region;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ProvinceDefinition::index_t MapDefinition::get_index_from_colour(colour_t colour) const {
+ const colour_index_map_t::const_iterator it = colour_index_map.find(colour);
+ if (it != colour_index_map.end()) {
+ return it->second;
+ }
+ return ProvinceDefinition::NULL_INDEX;
+ProvinceDefinition::index_t MapDefinition::get_province_index_at(ivec2_t pos) const {
+ if (pos.nonnegative() && pos.less_than(dims)) {
+ return province_shape_image[get_pixel_index_from_pos(pos)].index;
+ }
+ return ProvinceDefinition::NULL_INDEX;
+ProvinceDefinition* MapDefinition::get_province_definition_at(ivec2_t pos) {
+ return get_province_definition_by_index(get_province_index_at(pos));
+ProvinceDefinition const* MapDefinition::get_province_definition_at(ivec2_t pos) const {
+ return get_province_definition_by_index(get_province_index_at(pos));
+bool MapDefinition::set_max_provinces(ProvinceDefinition::index_t new_max_provinces) {
+ if (new_max_provinces <= ProvinceDefinition::NULL_INDEX) {
+ Logger::error(
+ "Trying to set max province count to an invalid value ", new_max_provinces, " (must be greater than ",
+ ProvinceDefinition::NULL_INDEX, ")"
+ );
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!province_definitions.empty() || province_definitions.is_locked()) {
+ Logger::error(
+ "Trying to set max province count to ", new_max_provinces, " after provinces have already been added and/or locked"
+ );
+ return false;
+ }
+ max_provinces = new_max_provinces;
+ return true;
+using namespace ovdl::csv;
+static bool _validate_province_definitions_header(LineObject const& header) {
+ static const std::vector<std::string> standard_header { "province", "red", "green", "blue" };
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < standard_header.size(); ++i) {
+ const std::string_view val = header.get_value_for(i);
+ if (i == 0 && val.empty()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (val != standard_header[i]) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+static bool _parse_province_colour(colour_t& colour, std::array<std::string_view, 3> components) {
+ bool ret = true;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+ std::string_view& component = components[i];
+ if (component.ends_with('.')) {
+ component.remove_suffix(1);
+ }
+ bool successful = false;
+ const uint64_t val = StringUtils::string_to_uint64(component, &successful, 10);
+ if (successful && val <= colour_t::max_value) {
+ colour[i] = val;
+ } else {
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+bool MapDefinition::load_province_definitions(std::vector<LineObject> const& lines) {
+ if (lines.empty()) {
+ Logger::error("No header or entries in province definition file!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ {
+ LineObject const& header = lines.front();
+ if (!_validate_province_definitions_header(header)) {
+ Logger::error(
+ "Non-standard province definition file header - make sure this is not a province definition: ", header
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if (lines.size() <= 1) {
+ Logger::error("No entries in province definition file!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ reserve_more_province_definitions(lines.size() - 1);
+ bool ret = true;
+ std::for_each(lines.begin() + 1, lines.end(), [this, &ret](LineObject const& line) -> void {
+ const std::string_view identifier = line.get_value_for(0);
+ if (!identifier.empty()) {
+ colour_t colour = colour_t::null();
+ if (!_parse_province_colour(colour, { line.get_value_for(1), line.get_value_for(2), line.get_value_for(3) })) {
+ Logger::error("Error reading colour in province definition: ", line);
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ ret &= add_province_definition(identifier, colour);
+ }
+ });
+ lock_province_definitions();
+ return ret;
+bool MapDefinition::load_province_positions(BuildingTypeManager const& building_type_manager, ast::NodeCPtr root) {
+ return expect_province_definition_dictionary(
+ [this, &building_type_manager](ProvinceDefinition& province, ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
+ return province.load_positions(*this, building_type_manager, node);
+ }
+ )(root);
+bool MapDefinition::load_region_colours(ast::NodeCPtr root, std::vector<colour_t>& colours) {
+ return expect_dictionary_reserve_length(
+ colours,
+ [&colours](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
+ if (key != "color") {
+ Logger::error("Invalid key in region colours: \"", key, "\"");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return expect_colour(vector_callback(colours))(value);
+ })(root);
+bool MapDefinition::load_region_file(ast::NodeCPtr root, std::vector<colour_t> const& colours) {
+ const bool ret = expect_dictionary_reserve_length(
+ regions,
+ [this, &colours](std::string_view region_identifier, ast::NodeCPtr region_node) -> bool {
+ std::vector<ProvinceDefinition const*> provinces;
+ bool ret = expect_list_reserve_length(
+ provinces, expect_province_definition_identifier(vector_callback_pointer(provinces))
+ )(region_node);
+ ret &= add_region(region_identifier, std::move(provinces), colours[regions.size() % colours.size()]);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ )(root);
+ lock_regions();
+ return ret;
+static constexpr colour_t colour_at(uint8_t const* colour_data, int32_t idx) {
+ /* colour_data is filled with BGR byte triplets - to get pixel idx as a
+ * single RGB value, multiply idx by 3 to get the index of the corresponding
+ * triplet, then combine the bytes in reverse order.
+ */
+ idx *= 3;
+ return { colour_data[idx + 2], colour_data[idx + 1], colour_data[idx] };
+bool MapDefinition::load_map_images(fs::path const& province_path, fs::path const& terrain_path, bool detailed_errors) {
+ if (!province_definitions_are_locked()) {
+ Logger::error("Province index image cannot be generated until after provinces are locked!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!terrain_type_manager.terrain_type_mappings_are_locked()) {
+ Logger::error("Province index image cannot be generated until after terrain type mappings are locked!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ BMP province_bmp;
+ if (!(province_bmp.open(province_path) && province_bmp.read_header() && province_bmp.read_pixel_data())) {
+ Logger::error("Failed to read BMP for compatibility mode province image: ", province_path);
+ return false;
+ }
+ static constexpr uint16_t expected_province_bpp = 24;
+ if (province_bmp.get_bits_per_pixel() != expected_province_bpp) {
+ Logger::error(
+ "Invalid province BMP bits per pixel: ", province_bmp.get_bits_per_pixel(), " (expected ", expected_province_bpp,
+ ")"
+ );
+ return false;
+ }
+ BMP terrain_bmp;
+ if (!(terrain_bmp.open(terrain_path) && terrain_bmp.read_header() && terrain_bmp.read_pixel_data())) {
+ Logger::error("Failed to read BMP for compatibility mode terrain image: ", terrain_path);
+ return false;
+ }
+ static constexpr uint16_t expected_terrain_bpp = 8;
+ if (terrain_bmp.get_bits_per_pixel() != expected_terrain_bpp) {
+ Logger::error(
+ "Invalid terrain BMP bits per pixel: ", terrain_bmp.get_bits_per_pixel(), " (expected ", expected_terrain_bpp, ")"
+ );
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (province_bmp.get_width() != terrain_bmp.get_width() || province_bmp.get_height() != terrain_bmp.get_height()) {
+ Logger::error(
+ "Mismatched province and terrain BMP dims: ", province_bmp.get_width(), "x", province_bmp.get_height(), " vs ",
+ terrain_bmp.get_width(), "x", terrain_bmp.get_height()
+ );
+ return false;
+ }
+ dims.x = province_bmp.get_width();
+ dims.y = province_bmp.get_height();
+ province_shape_image.resize(dims.x * dims.y);
+ uint8_t const* province_data = province_bmp.get_pixel_data().data();
+ uint8_t const* terrain_data = terrain_bmp.get_pixel_data().data();
+ std::vector<fixed_point_map_t<TerrainType const*>> terrain_type_pixels_list(province_definitions.size());
+ bool ret = true;
+ ordered_set<colour_t> unrecognised_province_colours;
+ std::vector<fixed_point_t> pixels_per_province(province_definitions.size());
+ std::vector<fvec2_t> pixel_position_sum_per_province(province_definitions.size());
+ for (ivec2_t pos {}; pos.y < get_height(); ++pos.y) {
+ for (pos.x = 0; pos.x < get_width(); ++pos.x) {
+ const size_t pixel_index = get_pixel_index_from_pos(pos);
+ const colour_t province_colour = colour_at(province_data, pixel_index);
+ ProvinceDefinition::index_t province_index = ProvinceDefinition::NULL_INDEX;
+ if (pos.x > 0) {
+ const size_t jdx = pixel_index - 1;
+ if (colour_at(province_data, jdx) == province_colour) {
+ province_index = province_shape_image[jdx].index;
+ goto index_found;
+ }
+ }
+ if (pos.y > 0) {
+ const size_t jdx = pixel_index - get_width();
+ if (colour_at(province_data, jdx) == province_colour) {
+ province_index = province_shape_image[jdx].index;
+ goto index_found;
+ }
+ }
+ province_index = get_index_from_colour(province_colour);
+ if (province_index == ProvinceDefinition::NULL_INDEX && !unrecognised_province_colours.contains(province_colour)) {
+ unrecognised_province_colours.insert(province_colour);
+ if (detailed_errors) {
+ Logger::warning(
+ "Unrecognised province colour ", province_colour, " at ", pos
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ index_found:
+ province_shape_image[pixel_index].index = province_index;
+ if (province_index != ProvinceDefinition::NULL_INDEX) {
+ const ProvinceDefinition::index_t array_index = province_index - 1;
+ pixels_per_province[array_index]++;
+ pixel_position_sum_per_province[array_index] += static_cast<fvec2_t>(pos);
+ }
+ const TerrainTypeMapping::index_t terrain = terrain_data[pixel_index];
+ TerrainTypeMapping const* mapping = terrain_type_manager.get_terrain_type_mapping_for(terrain);
+ if (mapping != nullptr) {
+ if (province_index != ProvinceDefinition::NULL_INDEX) {
+ terrain_type_pixels_list[province_index - 1][&mapping->get_type()]++;
+ }
+ if (mapping->get_has_texture() && terrain < terrain_type_manager.get_terrain_texture_limit()) {
+ province_shape_image[pixel_index].terrain = terrain + 1;
+ } else {
+ province_shape_image[pixel_index].terrain = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ province_shape_image[pixel_index].terrain = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!unrecognised_province_colours.empty()) {
+ Logger::warning("Province image contains ", unrecognised_province_colours.size(), " unrecognised province colours");
+ }
+ size_t missing = 0;
+ for (size_t array_index = 0; array_index < province_definitions.size(); ++array_index) {
+ ProvinceDefinition* province = province_definitions.get_item_by_index(array_index);
+ fixed_point_map_t<TerrainType const*> const& terrain_type_pixels = terrain_type_pixels_list[array_index];
+ const fixed_point_map_const_iterator_t<TerrainType const*> largest = get_largest_item(terrain_type_pixels);
+ province->default_terrain_type = largest != terrain_type_pixels.end() ? largest->first : nullptr;
+ const fixed_point_t pixel_count = pixels_per_province[array_index];
+ province->on_map = pixel_count > 0;
+ if (province->on_map) {
+ province->centre = pixel_position_sum_per_province[array_index] / pixel_count;
+ } else {
+ if (detailed_errors) {
+ Logger::warning("Province missing from shape image: ", province->to_string());
+ }
+ missing++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (missing > 0) {
+ Logger::warning("Province image is missing ", missing, " province colours");
+ }
+ return ret;
+ * MAP-19, MAP-84
+ */
+bool MapDefinition::_generate_standard_province_adjacencies() {
+ bool changed = false;
+ const auto generate_adjacency = [this](ProvinceDefinition* current, ivec2_t pos) -> bool {
+ ProvinceDefinition* neighbour = get_province_definition_at(pos);
+ if (neighbour != nullptr) {
+ return add_standard_adjacency(*current, *neighbour);
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ for (ivec2_t pos {}; pos.y < get_height(); ++pos.y) {
+ for (pos.x = 0; pos.x < get_width(); ++pos.x) {
+ ProvinceDefinition* cur = get_province_definition_at(pos);
+ if (cur != nullptr) {
+ changed |= generate_adjacency(cur, { (pos.x + 1) % get_width(), pos.y });
+ changed |= generate_adjacency(cur, { pos.x, pos.y + 1 });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return changed;
+bool MapDefinition::generate_and_load_province_adjacencies(std::vector<LineObject> const& additional_adjacencies) {
+ bool ret = _generate_standard_province_adjacencies();
+ if (!ret) {
+ Logger::error("Failed to generate standard province adjacencies!");
+ }
+ /* Skip first line containing column headers */
+ if (additional_adjacencies.size() <= 1) {
+ Logger::error("No entries in province adjacencies file!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::for_each(
+ additional_adjacencies.begin() + 1, additional_adjacencies.end(), [this, &ret](LineObject const& adjacency) -> void {
+ const std::string_view from_str = adjacency.get_value_for(0);
+ if (from_str.empty() || from_str.front() == '#') {
+ return;
+ }
+ ProvinceDefinition* const from = get_province_definition_by_identifier(from_str);
+ if (from == nullptr) {
+ Logger::error("Unrecognised adjacency from province identifier: \"", from_str, "\"");
+ ret = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ const std::string_view to_str = adjacency.get_value_for(1);
+ ProvinceDefinition* const to = get_province_definition_by_identifier(to_str);
+ if (to == nullptr) {
+ Logger::error("Unrecognised adjacency to province identifier: \"", to_str, "\"");
+ ret = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ using enum adjacency_t::type_t;
+ static const string_map_t<adjacency_t::type_t> type_map {
+ { "land", LAND }, { "sea", STRAIT }, { "impassable", IMPASSABLE }, { "canal", CANAL }
+ };
+ const std::string_view type_str = adjacency.get_value_for(2);
+ const string_map_t<adjacency_t::type_t>::const_iterator it = type_map.find(type_str);
+ if (it == type_map.end()) {
+ Logger::error("Invalid adjacency type: \"", type_str, "\"");
+ ret = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ const adjacency_t::type_t type = it->second;
+ ProvinceDefinition const* const through = get_province_definition_by_identifier(adjacency.get_value_for(3));
+ const std::string_view data_str = adjacency.get_value_for(4);
+ bool successful = false;
+ const uint64_t data_uint = StringUtils::string_to_uint64(data_str, &successful);
+ if (!successful || data_uint > std::numeric_limits<adjacency_t::data_t>::max()) {
+ Logger::error("Invalid adjacency data: \"", data_str, "\"");
+ ret = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ const adjacency_t::data_t data = data_uint;
+ ret &= add_special_adjacency(*from, *to, type, through, data);
+ }
+ );
+ return ret;
+bool MapDefinition::load_climate_file(ModifierManager const& modifier_manager, ast::NodeCPtr root) {
+ bool ret = expect_dictionary_reserve_length(
+ climates,
+ [this, &modifier_manager](std::string_view identifier, ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
+ if (identifier.empty()) {
+ Logger::error("Invalid climate identifier - empty!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool ret = true;
+ Climate* cur_climate = climates.get_item_by_identifier(identifier);
+ if (cur_climate == nullptr) {
+ ModifierValue values;
+ ret &= modifier_manager.expect_modifier_value(move_variable_callback(values))(node);
+ ret &= climates.add_item({ identifier, std::move(values) });
+ } else {
+ ret &= expect_list_reserve_length(*cur_climate, expect_province_definition_identifier(
+ [cur_climate, &identifier](ProvinceDefinition& province) {
+ if (province.climate != cur_climate) {
+ cur_climate->add_province(&province);
+ if (province.climate != nullptr) {
+ Climate* old_climate = const_cast<Climate*>(province.climate);
+ old_climate->remove_province(&province);
+ Logger::warning(
+ "Province with id ", province.get_identifier(),
+ " found in multiple climates: ", identifier,
+ " and ", old_climate->get_identifier()
+ );
+ }
+ province.climate = cur_climate;
+ } else {
+ Logger::warning(
+ "Province with id ", province.get_identifier(),
+ " defined twice in climate ", identifier
+ );
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ ))(node);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ )(root);
+ for (Climate& climate : climates.get_items()) {
+ climate.lock();
+ }
+ lock_climates();
+ return ret;
+bool MapDefinition::load_continent_file(ModifierManager const& modifier_manager, ast::NodeCPtr root) {
+ bool ret = expect_dictionary_reserve_length(
+ continents,
+ [this, &modifier_manager](std::string_view identifier, ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
+ if (identifier.empty()) {
+ Logger::error("Invalid continent identifier - empty!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ ModifierValue values;
+ std::vector<ProvinceDefinition const*> prov_list;
+ bool ret = modifier_manager.expect_modifier_value_and_keys(move_variable_callback(values),
+ "provinces", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_list_reserve_length(prov_list, expect_province_definition_identifier(
+ [&prov_list](ProvinceDefinition const& province) -> bool {
+ if (province.continent == nullptr) {
+ prov_list.emplace_back(&province);
+ } else {
+ Logger::warning("Province ", province, " found in multiple continents");
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ ))
+ )(node);
+ Continent continent = { identifier, std::move(values) };
+ continent.add_provinces(prov_list);
+ continent.lock();
+ if (continents.add_item(std::move(continent))) {
+ Continent const& moved_continent = continents.get_items().back();
+ for (ProvinceDefinition const* prov : moved_continent.get_provinces()) {
+ remove_province_definition_const(prov)->continent = &moved_continent;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ )(root);
+ lock_continents();
+ return ret;