path: root/src/openvic-simulation/map
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/openvic-simulation/map')
8 files changed, 1136 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/map/Building.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/map/Building.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e5cf18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/map/Building.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+#include "Building.hpp"
+#include <cassert>
+#include "openvic-simulation/map/Province.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/utility/Logger.hpp"
+using namespace OpenVic;
+Building::Building(BuildingType const& new_type)
+ : HasIdentifier { new_type.get_identifier() },
+ type { new_type } {}
+bool Building::_can_expand() const {
+ return level < type.get_max_level();
+BuildingType const& Building::get_type() const {
+ return type;
+Building::level_t Building::get_level() const {
+ return level;
+Building::ExpansionState Building::get_expansion_state() const {
+ return expansion_state;
+Date const& Building::get_start_date() const {
+ return start;
+Date const& Building::get_end_date() const {
+ return end;
+float Building::get_expansion_progress() const {
+ return expansion_progress;
+bool Building::expand() {
+ if (expansion_state == ExpansionState::CanExpand) {
+ expansion_state = ExpansionState::Preparing;
+ expansion_progress = 0.0f;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ * MAP-71, MAP-74, MAP-77
+ */
+void Building::update_state(Date const& today) {
+ switch (expansion_state) {
+ case ExpansionState::Preparing:
+ start = today;
+ end = start + type.get_build_time();
+ break;
+ case ExpansionState::Expanding:
+ expansion_progress = static_cast<double>(today - start) / static_cast<double>(end - start);
+ break;
+ default: expansion_state = _can_expand() ? ExpansionState::CanExpand : ExpansionState::CannotExpand;
+ }
+void Building::tick(Date const& today) {
+ if (expansion_state == ExpansionState::Preparing) {
+ expansion_state = ExpansionState::Expanding;
+ }
+ if (expansion_state == ExpansionState::Expanding) {
+ if (end <= today) {
+ level++;
+ expansion_state = ExpansionState::CannotExpand;
+ }
+ }
+BuildingType::BuildingType(const std::string_view new_identifier, Building::level_t new_max_level, Timespan new_build_time)
+ : HasIdentifier { new_identifier },
+ max_level { new_max_level },
+ build_time { new_build_time } {
+ assert(max_level >= 0);
+ assert(build_time >= 0);
+Building::level_t BuildingType::get_max_level() const {
+ return max_level;
+Timespan BuildingType::get_build_time() const {
+ return build_time;
+BuildingManager::BuildingManager() : building_types { "building types" } {}
+bool BuildingManager::add_building_type(const std::string_view identifier, Building::level_t max_level, Timespan build_time) {
+ if (identifier.empty()) {
+ Logger::error("Invalid building type identifier - empty!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (max_level < 0) {
+ Logger::error("Invalid building type max level for ", identifier, ": ", max_level);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (build_time < 0) {
+ Logger::error("Invalid building type build time for ", identifier, ": ", build_time);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return building_types.add_item({ identifier, max_level, build_time });
+bool BuildingManager::generate_province_buildings(Province& province) const {
+ province.reset_buildings();
+ if (!building_types.is_locked()) {
+ Logger::error("Cannot generate buildings until building types are locked!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool ret = true;
+ if (!province.is_water()) {
+ for (BuildingType const& type : building_types.get_items()) {
+ ret &= province.add_building({ type });
+ }
+ }
+ province.lock_buildings();
+ return ret;
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/map/Building.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/map/Building.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d36dfd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/map/Building.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <vector>
+#include "openvic-simulation/types/Date.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/types/IdentifierRegistry.hpp"
+namespace OpenVic {
+ struct BuildingManager;
+ struct BuildingType;
+ * MAP-11, MAP-72, MAP-73
+ * MAP-12, MAP-75, MAP-76
+ * MAP-13, MAP-78, MAP-79
+ */
+ struct Building : HasIdentifier {
+ friend struct BuildingManager;
+ using level_t = int8_t;
+ enum class ExpansionState {
+ CannotExpand,
+ CanExpand,
+ Preparing,
+ Expanding
+ };
+ private:
+ BuildingType const& type;
+ level_t level = 0;
+ ExpansionState expansion_state = ExpansionState::CannotExpand;
+ Date start, end;
+ float expansion_progress;
+ Building(BuildingType const& new_type);
+ bool _can_expand() const;
+ public:
+ Building(Building&&) = default;
+ BuildingType const& get_type() const;
+ level_t get_level() const;
+ ExpansionState get_expansion_state() const;
+ Date const& get_start_date() const;
+ Date const& get_end_date() const;
+ float get_expansion_progress() const;
+ bool expand();
+ void update_state(Date const& today);
+ void tick(Date const& today);
+ };
+ struct BuildingType : HasIdentifier {
+ friend struct BuildingManager;
+ private:
+ const Building::level_t max_level;
+ const Timespan build_time;
+ BuildingType(const std::string_view new_identifier, Building::level_t new_max_level, Timespan new_build_time);
+ public:
+ BuildingType(BuildingType&&) = default;
+ Building::level_t get_max_level() const;
+ Timespan get_build_time() const;
+ };
+ struct Province;
+ struct BuildingManager {
+ private:
+ IdentifierRegistry<BuildingType> building_types;
+ public:
+ BuildingManager();
+ bool add_building_type(const std::string_view identifier, Building::level_t max_level, Timespan build_time);
+ IDENTIFIER_REGISTRY_ACCESSORS(BuildingType, building_type)
+ bool generate_province_buildings(Province& province) const;
+ };
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/map/Map.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/map/Map.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..728fc42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/map/Map.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+#include "Map.hpp"
+#include <cassert>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include "openvic-simulation/economy/Good.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/utility/Logger.hpp"
+using namespace OpenVic;
+Mapmode::Mapmode(const std::string_view new_identifier, index_t new_index, colour_func_t new_colour_func)
+ : HasIdentifier { new_identifier },
+ index { new_index },
+ colour_func { new_colour_func } {
+ assert(colour_func != nullptr);
+const Mapmode Mapmode::ERROR_MAPMODE { "mapmode_error", 0,
+ [](Map const& map, Province const& province) -> colour_t { return 0xFFFF0000; } };
+Mapmode::index_t Mapmode::get_index() const {
+ return index;
+colour_t Mapmode::get_colour(Map const& map, Province const& province) const {
+ return colour_func ? colour_func(map, province) : NULL_COLOUR;
+Map::Map() : provinces { "provinces" },
+ regions { "regions" },
+ mapmodes { "mapmodes" } {}
+bool Map::add_province(const std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour) {
+ if (provinces.size() >= max_provinces) {
+ Logger::error("The map's province list is full - maximum number of provinces is ", max_provinces, " (this can be at most ", Province::MAX_INDEX, ")");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (identifier.empty()) {
+ Logger::error("Invalid province identifier - empty!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (colour == NULL_COLOUR || colour > MAX_COLOUR_RGB) {
+ Logger::error("Invalid province colour for ", identifier, ": ", colour_to_hex_string(colour));
+ return false;
+ }
+ Province new_province { identifier, colour, static_cast<Province::index_t>(provinces.size() + 1) };
+ const Province::index_t index = get_index_from_colour(colour);
+ if (index != Province::NULL_INDEX) {
+ Logger::error("Duplicate province colours: ", get_province_by_index(index)->to_string(), " and ", new_province.to_string());
+ return false;
+ }
+ colour_index_map[new_province.get_colour()] = new_province.get_index();
+ return provinces.add_item(std::move(new_province));
+void Map::lock_provinces() {
+ provinces.lock();
+bool Map::set_water_province(const std::string_view identifier) {
+ if (water_provinces.is_locked()) {
+ Logger::error("The map's water provinces have already been locked!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ Province* province = get_province_by_identifier(identifier);
+ if (province == nullptr) {
+ Logger::error("Unrecognised water province identifier: ", identifier);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (province->is_water()) {
+ Logger::warning("Province ", identifier, " is already a water province!");
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!water_provinces.add_province(province)) {
+ Logger::error("Failed to add province ", identifier, " to water province set!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ province->water = true;
+ return true;
+bool Map::set_water_province_list(std::vector<std::string_view> const& list) {
+ bool ret = true;
+ water_provinces.reserve(water_provinces.size() + list.size());
+ for (std::string_view const& identifier : list) {
+ ret &= set_water_province(identifier);
+ }
+ return ret;
+void Map::lock_water_provinces() {
+ water_provinces.lock();
+ Logger::info("Locked water provinces after registering ", water_provinces.size());
+bool Map::add_region(const std::string_view identifier, std::vector<std::string_view> const& province_identifiers) {
+ if (identifier.empty()) {
+ Logger::error("Invalid region identifier - empty!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ Region new_region { identifier };
+ bool ret = true;
+ for (const std::string_view province_identifier : province_identifiers) {
+ Province* province = get_province_by_identifier(province_identifier);
+ if (province != nullptr) {
+ if (new_region.contains_province(province)) {
+ Logger::error("Duplicate province identifier ", province_identifier, " in region ", identifier);
+ ret = false;
+ } else {
+ size_t other_region_index = reinterpret_cast<size_t>(province->get_region());
+ if (other_region_index != 0) {
+ other_region_index--;
+ if (other_region_index < regions.size())
+ Logger::error("Cannot add province ", province_identifier, " to region ", identifier, " - it is already part of ", regions.get_item_by_index(other_region_index)->get_identifier());
+ else
+ Logger::error("Cannot add province ", province_identifier, " to region ", identifier, " - it is already part of an unknown region with index ", other_region_index);
+ ret = false;
+ } else if (!new_region.add_province(province)) {
+ Logger::error("Failed to add province ", province_identifier, " to region ", identifier);
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ Logger::error("Invalid province identifier ", province_identifier, " for region ", identifier);
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ }
+ new_region.lock();
+ if (new_region.empty()) {
+ Logger::error("No valid provinces in list for ", identifier);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Used to detect provinces listed in multiple regions, will
+ // be corrected once regions is stable (i.e. lock_regions).
+ Region* tmp_region_index = reinterpret_cast<Region*>(regions.size());
+ for (Province* province : new_region.get_provinces())
+ province->region = tmp_region_index;
+ ret &= regions.add_item(std::move(new_region));
+ return ret;
+void Map::lock_regions() {
+ regions.lock();
+ for (Region& region : regions.get_items())
+ for (Province* province : region.get_provinces())
+ province->region = &region;
+size_t Map::get_province_count() const {
+ return provinces.size();
+std::vector<Province> const& Map::get_provinces() const {
+ return provinces.get_items();
+Province* Map::get_province_by_index(Province::index_t index) {
+ return index != Province::NULL_INDEX ? provinces.get_item_by_index(index - 1) : nullptr;
+Province const* Map::get_province_by_index(Province::index_t index) const {
+ return index != Province::NULL_INDEX ? provinces.get_item_by_index(index - 1) : nullptr;
+Province* Map::get_province_by_identifier(const std::string_view identifier) {
+ return provinces.get_item_by_identifier(identifier);
+Province const* Map::get_province_by_identifier(const std::string_view identifier) const {
+ return provinces.get_item_by_identifier(identifier);
+Province::index_t Map::get_index_from_colour(colour_t colour) const {
+ const colour_index_map_t::const_iterator it = colour_index_map.find(colour);
+ if (it != colour_index_map.end()) return it->second;
+ return Province::NULL_INDEX;
+Province::index_t Map::get_province_index_at(size_t x, size_t y) const {
+ if (x < width && y < height) return province_shape_image[x + y * width].index;
+ return Province::NULL_INDEX;
+bool Map::set_max_provinces(Province::index_t new_max_provinces) {
+ if (new_max_provinces <= Province::NULL_INDEX) {
+ Logger::error("Trying to set max province count to an invalid value ", new_max_provinces, " (must be greater than ", Province::NULL_INDEX, ")");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!provinces.empty() || provinces.is_locked()) {
+ Logger::error("Trying to set max province count to ", new_max_provinces, " after provinces have already been added and/or locked");
+ return false;
+ }
+ max_provinces = new_max_provinces;
+ return true;
+Province::index_t Map::get_max_provinces() const {
+ return max_provinces;
+void Map::set_selected_province(Province::index_t index) {
+ if (index > get_province_count()) {
+ Logger::error("Trying to set selected province to an invalid index ", index, " (max index is ", get_province_count(), ")");
+ selected_province = Province::NULL_INDEX;
+ } else {
+ selected_province = index;
+ }
+Province::index_t Map::get_selected_province_index() const {
+ return selected_province;
+Province const* Map::get_selected_province() const {
+ return get_province_by_index(get_selected_province_index());
+Region* Map::get_region_by_identifier(const std::string_view identifier) {
+ return regions.get_item_by_identifier(identifier);
+Region const* Map::get_region_by_identifier(const std::string_view identifier) const {
+ return regions.get_item_by_identifier(identifier);
+size_t Map::get_region_count() const {
+ return regions.size();
+std::vector<Region> const& Map::get_regions() const {
+ return regions.get_items();
+static colour_t colour_at(uint8_t const* colour_data, int32_t idx) {
+ idx *= 3;
+ return (colour_data[idx] << 16) | (colour_data[idx + 1] << 8) | colour_data[idx + 2];
+bool Map::generate_province_shape_image(size_t new_width, size_t new_height, uint8_t const* colour_data,
+ uint8_t const* terrain_data, terrain_variant_map_t const& terrain_variant_map, bool detailed_errors) {
+ if (!province_shape_image.empty()) {
+ Logger::error("Province index image has already been generated!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!provinces.is_locked()) {
+ Logger::error("Province index image cannot be generated until after provinces are locked!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (new_width < 1 || new_height < 1) {
+ Logger::error("Invalid province image dimensions: ", new_width, "x", new_height);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (colour_data == nullptr) {
+ Logger::error("Province colour data pointer is null!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (terrain_data == nullptr) {
+ Logger::error("Province terrain data pointer is null!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ width = new_width;
+ height = new_height;
+ province_shape_image.resize(width * height);
+ std::vector<bool> province_checklist(provinces.size());
+ bool ret = true;
+ std::unordered_set<colour_t> unrecognised_province_colours, unrecognised_terrain_colours;
+ for (int32_t y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
+ for (int32_t x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
+ const int32_t idx = x + y * width;
+ const colour_t terrain_colour = colour_at(terrain_data, idx);
+ const terrain_variant_map_t::const_iterator it = terrain_variant_map.find(terrain_colour);
+ if (it != terrain_variant_map.end()) province_shape_image[idx].terrain = it->second;
+ else {
+ if (unrecognised_terrain_colours.find(terrain_colour) == unrecognised_terrain_colours.end()) {
+ unrecognised_terrain_colours.insert(terrain_colour);
+ if (detailed_errors) {
+ Logger::warning("Unrecognised terrain colour ", colour_to_hex_string(terrain_colour),
+ " at (", x, ", ", y, ")");
+ }
+ }
+ province_shape_image[idx].terrain = 0;
+ }
+ const colour_t province_colour = colour_at(colour_data, idx);
+ if (x > 0) {
+ const int32_t jdx = idx - 1;
+ if (colour_at(colour_data, jdx) == province_colour) {
+ province_shape_image[idx].index = province_shape_image[jdx].index;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (y > 0) {
+ const int32_t jdx = idx - width;
+ if (colour_at(colour_data, jdx) == province_colour) {
+ province_shape_image[idx].index = province_shape_image[jdx].index;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ const Province::index_t index = get_index_from_colour(province_colour);
+ if (index != Province::NULL_INDEX) {
+ province_checklist[index - 1] = true;
+ province_shape_image[idx].index = index;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (unrecognised_province_colours.find(province_colour) == unrecognised_province_colours.end()) {
+ unrecognised_province_colours.insert(province_colour);
+ if (detailed_errors) {
+ Logger::warning("Unrecognised province colour ", colour_to_hex_string(province_colour),
+ " at (", x, ", ", y, ")");
+ }
+ }
+ province_shape_image[idx].index = Province::NULL_INDEX;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!unrecognised_province_colours.empty()) {
+ Logger::warning("Province image contains ", unrecognised_province_colours.size(), " unrecognised province colours");
+ }
+ if (!unrecognised_terrain_colours.empty()) {
+ Logger::warning("Terrain image contains ", unrecognised_terrain_colours.size(), " unrecognised terrain colours");
+ }
+ size_t missing = 0;
+ for (size_t idx = 0; idx < province_checklist.size(); ++idx) {
+ if (!province_checklist[idx]) {
+ if (detailed_errors) {
+ Logger::error("Province missing from shape image: ", provinces.get_item_by_index(idx)->to_string());
+ }
+ missing++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (missing > 0) {
+ Logger::error("Province image is missing ", missing, " province colours");
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ return ret;
+size_t Map::get_width() const {
+ return width;
+size_t Map::get_height() const {
+ return height;
+std::vector<Map::shape_pixel_t> const& Map::get_province_shape_image() const {
+ return province_shape_image;
+bool Map::add_mapmode(const std::string_view identifier, Mapmode::colour_func_t colour_func) {
+ if (identifier.empty()) {
+ Logger::error("Invalid mapmode identifier - empty!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (colour_func == nullptr) {
+ Logger::error("Mapmode colour function is null for identifier: ", identifier);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return mapmodes.add_item({ identifier, mapmodes.size(), colour_func });
+bool Map::generate_mapmode_colours(Mapmode::index_t index, uint8_t* target) const {
+ if (target == nullptr) {
+ Logger::error("Mapmode colour target pointer is null!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool ret = true;
+ Mapmode const* mapmode = mapmodes.get_item_by_index(index);
+ if (mapmode == nullptr) {
+ // Not an error if mapmodes haven't yet been loaded,
+ // e.g. if we want to allocate the province colour
+ // texture before mapmodes are loaded.
+ if (!(mapmodes.empty() && index == 0)) {
+ Logger::error("Invalid mapmode index: ", index);
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ mapmode = &Mapmode::ERROR_MAPMODE;
+ }
+ // Skip past Province::NULL_INDEX
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < MAPMODE_COLOUR_SIZE; ++i)
+ *target++ = 0;
+ for (Province const& province : provinces.get_items()) {
+ const colour_t colour = mapmode->get_colour(*this, province);
+ *target++ = (colour >> 16) & FULL_COLOUR;
+ *target++ = (colour >> 8) & FULL_COLOUR;
+ *target++ = colour & FULL_COLOUR;
+ *target++ = (colour >> 24) & FULL_COLOUR;
+ }
+ return ret;
+void Map::update_highest_province_population() {
+ highest_province_population = 0;
+ for (Province const& province : provinces.get_items()) {
+ highest_province_population = std::max(highest_province_population, province.get_total_population());
+ }
+Pop::pop_size_t Map::get_highest_province_population() const {
+ return highest_province_population;
+void Map::update_total_map_population() {
+ total_map_population = 0;
+ for (Province const& province : provinces.get_items()) {
+ total_map_population += province.get_total_population();
+ }
+Pop::pop_size_t Map::get_total_map_population() const {
+ return total_map_population;
+bool Map::setup(GoodManager const& good_manager, BuildingManager const& building_manager, PopManager const& pop_manager) {
+ bool ret = true;
+ for (Province& province : provinces.get_items()) {
+ province.clear_pops();
+ // Set all land provinces to have an RGO based on their index to test them
+ if (!province.is_water() && good_manager.get_good_count() > 0)
+ province.rgo = good_manager.get_good_by_index(province.get_index() % good_manager.get_good_count());
+ ret &= building_manager.generate_province_buildings(province);
+ }
+ return ret;
+void Map::update_state(Date const& today) {
+ for (Province& province : provinces.get_items())
+ province.update_state(today);
+ update_highest_province_population();
+ update_total_map_population();
+void Map::tick(Date const& today) {
+ for (Province& province : provinces.get_items())
+ province.tick(today);
+using namespace ovdl::csv;
+static bool validate_province_definitions_header(LineObject const& header) {
+ static const std::vector<std::string> standard_header { "province", "red", "green", "blue" };
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < standard_header.size(); ++i) {
+ const std::string_view val = header.get_value_for(i);
+ if (i == 0 && val.empty()) break;
+ if (val != standard_header[i]) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+static bool parse_province_colour(colour_t& colour, std::array<std::string_view, 3> components) {
+ bool ret = true;
+ colour = NULL_COLOUR;
+ for (std::string_view& c : components) {
+ colour <<= 8;
+ if (c.ends_with('.')) c.remove_suffix(1);
+ bool successful = false;
+ uint64_t val = StringUtils::string_to_uint64(c, &successful, 10);
+ if (successful && val <= 255) {
+ colour |= val;
+ } else {
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+bool Map::load_province_definitions(std::vector<LineObject> const& lines) {
+ if (lines.empty()) {
+ Logger::error("No header or entries in province definition file!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ {
+ LineObject const& header = lines.front();
+ if (!validate_province_definitions_header(header)) {
+ Logger::error("Non-standard province definition file header - make sure this is not a province definition: ", header);
+ }
+ }
+ if (lines.size() <= 1) {
+ Logger::error("No entries in province definition file!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ provinces.reserve(lines.size() - 1);
+ bool ret = true;
+ std::for_each(lines.begin() + 1, lines.end(),
+ [this, &ret](LineObject const& line) -> void {
+ const std::string_view identifier = line.get_value_for(0);
+ if (!identifier.empty()) {
+ colour_t colour;
+ if (!parse_province_colour(colour,
+ { line.get_value_for(1), line.get_value_for(2), line.get_value_for(3) }
+ )) {
+ Logger::error("Error reading colour in province definition: ", line);
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ ret &= add_province(identifier, colour);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ lock_provinces();
+ return ret;
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/map/Map.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/map/Map.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71719e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/map/Map.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <functional>
+#include <openvic-dataloader/csv/LineObject.hpp>
+#include "openvic-simulation/map/Region.hpp"
+namespace OpenVic {
+ struct Mapmode : HasIdentifier {
+ friend struct Map;
+ using colour_func_t = std::function<colour_t(Map const&, Province const&)>;
+ using index_t = size_t;
+ private:
+ const index_t index;
+ const colour_func_t colour_func;
+ Mapmode(const std::string_view new_identifier, index_t new_index, colour_func_t new_colour_func);
+ public:
+ static const Mapmode ERROR_MAPMODE;
+ Mapmode(Mapmode&&) = default;
+ index_t get_index() const;
+ colour_t get_colour(Map const& map, Province const& province) const;
+ };
+ struct GoodManager;
+ * MAP-4
+ */
+ struct Map {
+ using terrain_t = uint8_t;
+ using terrain_variant_map_t = std::map<colour_t, terrain_t>;
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+ struct shape_pixel_t {
+ Province::index_t index;
+ terrain_t terrain;
+ };
+#pragma pack(pop)
+ private:
+ using colour_index_map_t = std::map<colour_t, Province::index_t>;
+ IdentifierRegistry<Province> provinces;
+ IdentifierRegistry<Region> regions;
+ IdentifierRegistry<Mapmode> mapmodes;
+ ProvinceSet water_provinces;
+ size_t width = 0, height = 0;
+ std::vector<shape_pixel_t> province_shape_image;
+ colour_index_map_t colour_index_map;
+ Province::index_t max_provinces = Province::MAX_INDEX;
+ Province::index_t selected_province = Province::NULL_INDEX;
+ Pop::pop_size_t highest_province_population, total_map_population;
+ Province::index_t get_index_from_colour(colour_t colour) const;
+ public:
+ Map();
+ bool add_province(const std::string_view identifier, colour_t colour);
+ void lock_provinces();
+ bool set_water_province(const std::string_view identifier);
+ bool set_water_province_list(std::vector<std::string_view> const& list);
+ void lock_water_provinces();
+ bool add_region(const std::string_view identifier, std::vector<std::string_view> const& province_identifiers);
+ void lock_regions();
+ size_t get_province_count() const;
+ std::vector<Province> const& get_provinces() const;
+ Province* get_province_by_index(Province::index_t index);
+ Province const* get_province_by_index(Province::index_t index) const;
+ Province* get_province_by_identifier(const std::string_view identifier);
+ Province const* get_province_by_identifier(const std::string_view identifier) const;
+ Province::index_t get_province_index_at(size_t x, size_t y) const;
+ bool set_max_provinces(Province::index_t new_max_provinces);
+ Province::index_t get_max_provinces() const;
+ void set_selected_province(Province::index_t index);
+ Province::index_t get_selected_province_index() const;
+ Province const* get_selected_province() const;
+ Region* get_region_by_identifier(const std::string_view identifier);
+ Region const* get_region_by_identifier(const std::string_view identifier) const;
+ size_t get_region_count() const;
+ std::vector<Region> const& get_regions() const;
+ bool generate_province_shape_image(size_t new_width, size_t new_height, uint8_t const* colour_data,
+ uint8_t const* terrain_data, terrain_variant_map_t const& terrain_variant_map, bool detailed_errors);
+ size_t get_width() const;
+ size_t get_height() const;
+ std::vector<shape_pixel_t> const& get_province_shape_image() const;
+ bool add_mapmode(const std::string_view identifier, Mapmode::colour_func_t colour_func);
+ static constexpr size_t MAPMODE_COLOUR_SIZE = 4;
+ bool generate_mapmode_colours(Mapmode::index_t index, uint8_t* target) const;
+ bool setup(GoodManager const& good_manager, BuildingManager const& building_manager, PopManager const& pop_manager);
+ void update_highest_province_population();
+ Pop::pop_size_t get_highest_province_population() const;
+ void update_total_map_population();
+ Pop::pop_size_t get_total_map_population() const;
+ void update_state(Date const& today);
+ void tick(Date const& today);
+ bool load_province_definitions(std::vector<ovdl::csv::LineObject> const& lines);
+ };
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/map/Province.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/map/Province.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f53de3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/map/Province.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+#include "Province.hpp"
+#include <cassert>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <sstream>
+using namespace OpenVic;
+using namespace OpenVic::NodeTools;
+Province::Province(const std::string_view new_identifier, colour_t new_colour, index_t new_index)
+ : HasIdentifierAndColour { new_identifier, new_colour, false },
+ index { new_index },
+ buildings { "buildings", false } {
+ assert(index != NULL_INDEX);
+Province::index_t Province::get_index() const {
+ return index;
+Region* Province::get_region() const {
+ return region;
+bool Province::is_water() const {
+ return water;
+Province::life_rating_t Province::get_life_rating() const {
+ return life_rating;
+bool Province::add_building(Building&& building) {
+ return buildings.add_item(std::move(building));
+void Province::reset_buildings() {
+ buildings.reset();
+bool Province::expand_building(const std::string_view building_type_identifier) {
+ Building* building = buildings.get_item_by_identifier(building_type_identifier);
+ if (building == nullptr) return false;
+ return building->expand();
+Good const* Province::get_rgo() const {
+ return rgo;
+std::string Province::to_string() const {
+ std::stringstream stream;
+ stream << "(#" << std::to_string(index) << ", " << get_identifier() << ", 0x" << colour_to_hex_string() << ")";
+ return stream.str();
+bool Province::load_pop_list(PopManager const& pop_manager, ast::NodeCPtr root) {
+ return expect_dictionary_reserve_length(
+ pops,
+ [this, &pop_manager](std::string_view pop_type_identifier, ast::NodeCPtr pop_node) -> bool {
+ return pop_manager.load_pop_into_province(*this, pop_type_identifier, pop_node);
+ }
+ )(root);
+bool Province::add_pop(Pop&& pop) {
+ if (!is_water()) {
+ pops.push_back(std::move(pop));
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ Logger::error("Trying to add pop to water province ", get_identifier());
+ return false;
+ }
+void Province::clear_pops() {
+ pops.clear();
+size_t Province::get_pop_count() const {
+ return pops.size();
+std::vector<Pop> const& Province::get_pops() const {
+ return pops;
+Pop::pop_size_t Province::get_total_population() const {
+ return total_population;
+distribution_t const& Province::get_pop_type_distribution() const {
+ return pop_types;
+distribution_t const& Province::get_culture_distribution() const {
+ return cultures;
+distribution_t const& Province::get_religion_distribution() const {
+ return religions;
+ * MAP-65, MAP-68, MAP-70, MAP-234
+ */
+void Province::update_pops() {
+ total_population = 0;
+ pop_types.clear();
+ cultures.clear();
+ religions.clear();
+ for (Pop const& pop : pops) {
+ total_population += pop.get_size();
+ pop_types[&pop.get_type()] += pop.get_size();
+ cultures[&pop.get_culture()] += pop.get_size();
+ religions[&pop.get_religion()] += pop.get_size();
+ }
+void Province::update_state(Date const& today) {
+ for (Building& building : buildings.get_items())
+ building.update_state(today);
+ update_pops();
+void Province::tick(Date const& today) {
+ for (Building& building : buildings.get_items())
+ building.tick(today);
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/map/Province.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/map/Province.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67816ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/map/Province.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "openvic-simulation/map/Building.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/pop/Pop.hpp"
+namespace OpenVic {
+ struct Map;
+ struct Region;
+ struct Good;
+ * MAP-5, MAP-7, MAP-8, MAP-43, MAP-47
+ * POP-22
+ */
+ struct Province : HasIdentifierAndColour {
+ friend struct Map;
+ using index_t = uint16_t;
+ using life_rating_t = int8_t;
+ static constexpr index_t NULL_INDEX = 0, MAX_INDEX = (1 << (8 * sizeof(index_t))) - 1;
+ private:
+ const index_t index;
+ Region* region = nullptr;
+ bool water = false;
+ life_rating_t life_rating = 0;
+ IdentifierRegistry<Building> buildings;
+ // TODO - change this into a factory-like structure
+ Good const* rgo = nullptr;
+ std::vector<Pop> pops;
+ Pop::pop_size_t total_population;
+ distribution_t pop_types, cultures, religions;
+ Province(const std::string_view new_identifier, colour_t new_colour, index_t new_index);
+ public:
+ Province(Province&&) = default;
+ index_t get_index() const;
+ Region* get_region() const;
+ bool is_water() const;
+ life_rating_t get_life_rating() const;
+ bool add_building(Building&& building);
+ void reset_buildings();
+ bool expand_building(const std::string_view building_type_identifier);
+ Good const* get_rgo() const;
+ std::string to_string() const;
+ bool load_pop_list(PopManager const& pop_manager, ast::NodeCPtr root);
+ bool add_pop(Pop&& pop);
+ void clear_pops();
+ size_t get_pop_count() const;
+ std::vector<Pop> const& get_pops() const;
+ Pop::pop_size_t get_total_population() const;
+ distribution_t const& get_pop_type_distribution() const;
+ distribution_t const& get_culture_distribution() const;
+ distribution_t const& get_religion_distribution() const;
+ void update_pops();
+ void update_state(Date const& today);
+ void tick(Date const& today);
+ };
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/map/Region.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/map/Region.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33092c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/map/Region.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#include "Region.hpp"
+using namespace OpenVic;
+bool ProvinceSet::add_province(Province* province) {
+ if (locked) {
+ Logger::error("Cannot add province to province set - locked!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (province == nullptr) {
+ Logger::error("Cannot add province to province set - null province!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (contains_province(province)) {
+ Logger::error("Cannot add province ", province->get_identifier(), " to province set - already in the set!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ provinces.push_back(province);
+ return true;
+void ProvinceSet::lock(bool log) {
+ if (locked) {
+ Logger::error("Failed to lock province set - already locked!");
+ } else {
+ locked = true;
+ if (log) Logger::info("Locked province set with ", size(), " provinces");
+ }
+bool ProvinceSet::is_locked() const {
+ return locked;
+void ProvinceSet::reset() {
+ provinces.clear();
+ locked = false;
+bool ProvinceSet::empty() const {
+ return provinces.empty();
+size_t ProvinceSet::size() const {
+ return provinces.size();
+void ProvinceSet::reserve(size_t size) {
+ if (locked) {
+ Logger::error("Failed to reserve space for ", size, " items in province set - already locked!");
+ } else {
+ provinces.reserve(size);
+ }
+bool ProvinceSet::contains_province(Province const* province) const {
+ return province && std::find(provinces.begin(), provinces.end(), province) != provinces.end();
+std::vector<Province*> const& ProvinceSet::get_provinces() const {
+ return provinces;
+Region::Region(const std::string_view new_identifier) : HasIdentifier { new_identifier } {}
+colour_t Region::get_colour() const {
+ if (provinces.empty()) return FULL_COLOUR << 16;
+ return provinces.front()->get_colour();
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/map/Region.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/map/Region.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fccf06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/map/Region.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "openvic-simulation/map/Province.hpp"
+namespace OpenVic {
+ struct ProvinceSet {
+ protected:
+ std::vector<Province*> provinces;
+ bool locked = false;
+ public:
+ bool add_province(Province* province);
+ void lock(bool log = false);
+ bool is_locked() const;
+ void reset();
+ bool empty() const;
+ size_t size() const;
+ void reserve(size_t size);
+ bool contains_province(Province const* province) const;
+ std::vector<Province*> const& get_provinces() const;
+ };
+ * MAP-6, MAP-44, MAP-48
+ */
+ struct Region : HasIdentifier, ProvinceSet {
+ friend struct Map;
+ private:
+ Region(const std::string_view new_identifier);
+ public:
+ Region(Region&&) = default;
+ colour_t get_colour() const;
+ };