#include #include #include #include #include using namespace OpenVic; static void print_help(std::ostream& stream, char const* program_name) { stream << "Usage: " << program_name << " [-h] [-t] [-b ] [path]+\n" << " -h : Print this help message and exit the program.\n" << " -t : Run tests after loading defines.\n" << " -b : Use the following path as the base directory (instead of searching for one).\n" << " -s : Use the following path as a hint to search for a base directory.\n" << "Any following paths are read as mod directories, with priority starting at one above the base directory.\n" << "(Paths with spaces need to be enclosed in \"quotes\").\n"; } static bool run_headless(Dataloader::path_vector_t const& roots, bool run_tests) { bool ret = true; GameManager game_manager { []() { Logger::info("State updated"); }, nullptr }; Logger::info("===== Loading definitions... ====="); ret &= game_manager.set_roots(roots); ret &= game_manager.load_definitions( [](std::string_view key, Dataloader::locale_t locale, std::string_view localisation) -> bool { return true; } ); if (run_tests) { Testing testing { game_manager.get_definition_manager() }; std::cout << std::endl << "Testing Loaded" << std::endl << std::endl; testing.execute_all_scripts(); testing.report_results(); std::cout << "Testing Executed" << std::endl << std::endl; } Logger::info("===== Setting up instance... ====="); ret &= game_manager.setup_instance( game_manager.get_definition_manager().get_history_manager().get_bookmark_manager().get_bookmark_by_index(0) ); Logger::info("===== Starting game session... ====="); ret &= game_manager.start_game_session(); // This triggers a gamestate update ret &= game_manager.update_clock(); // TODO - REMOVE TEST CODE Logger::info("===== Ranking system test... ====="); if (game_manager.get_instance_manager()) { const auto print_ranking_list = [](std::string_view title, std::vector const& countries) -> void { std::string text; for (CountryInstance const* country : countries) { text += StringUtils::append_string_views( "\n ", country->get_identifier(), " - Total #", std::to_string(country->get_total_rank()), " (", country->get_total_score().to_string(1), "), Prestige #", std::to_string(country->get_prestige_rank()), " (", country->get_prestige().to_string(1), "), Industry #", std::to_string(country->get_industrial_rank()), " (", country->get_industrial_power().to_string(1), "), Military #", std::to_string(country->get_military_rank()), " (", country->get_military_power().to_string(1), ")" ); } Logger::info(title, ":", text); }; CountryInstanceManager const& country_instance_manager = game_manager.get_instance_manager()->get_country_instance_manager(); print_ranking_list("Great Powers", country_instance_manager.get_great_powers()); print_ranking_list("Secondary Powers", country_instance_manager.get_secondary_powers()); print_ranking_list("All countries", country_instance_manager.get_total_ranking()); } else { Logger::error("Instance manager not available!"); ret = false; } return ret; } /* $ program [-h] [-t] [-b] [path]+ */ int main(int argc, char const* argv[]) { Logger::set_logger_funcs(); char const* program_name = StringUtils::get_filename(argc > 0 ? argv[0] : nullptr, ""); fs::path root; bool run_tests = false; int argn = 0; /* Reads the next argument and converts it to a path via path_transform. If reading or converting fails, an error * message and the help text are displayed, along with returning false to signify the program should exit. */ const auto _read = [&root, &argn, argc, argv, program_name]( std::string_view command, std::string_view path_use, auto path_transform) -> bool { if (root.empty()) { if (++argn < argc) { char const* path = argv[argn]; root = path_transform(path); if (!root.empty()) { return true; } else { std::cerr << "Empty path after giving \"" << path << "\" to " << path_use << " command line argument \"" << command << "\"." << std::endl; } } else { std::cerr << "Missing path after " << path_use << " command line argument \"" << command << "\"." << std::endl; } } else { std::cerr << "Duplicate " << path_use << " command line argument \"-b\"." << std::endl; } print_help(std::cerr, program_name); return false; }; while (++argn < argc) { char const* arg = argv[argn]; if (strcmp(arg, "-h") == 0) { print_help(std::cout, program_name); return 0; } else if (strcmp(arg, "-t") == 0) { run_tests = true; } else if (strcmp(arg, "-b") == 0) { if (!_read("-b", "base directory", std::identity {})) { return -1; } } else if (strcmp(arg, "-s") == 0) { if (!_read("-s", "search hint", Dataloader::search_for_game_path)) { return -1; } } else { break; } } if (root.empty()) { root = Dataloader::search_for_game_path(); if (root.empty()) { std::cerr << "Search for base directory path failed!" << std::endl; print_help(std::cerr, program_name); return -1; } } Dataloader::path_vector_t roots { root }; while (argn < argc) { static const fs::path mod_directory = "mod"; roots.emplace_back(root / mod_directory / argv[argn++]); } std::cout << "!!! HEADLESS SIMULATION START !!!" << std::endl; const bool ret = run_headless(roots, run_tests); std::cout << "!!! HEADLESS SIMULATION END !!!" << std::endl; std::cout << "\nLoad returned: " << (ret ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILURE") << std::endl; std::cout << "\nLogger Summary: Info = " << Logger::get_info_count() << ", Warning = " << Logger::get_warning_count() << ", Error = " << Logger::get_error_count() << std::endl; return ret ? 0 : -1; }