#include "ProvinceHistory.hpp" #include "openvic-simulation/DefinitionManager.hpp" #include "openvic-simulation/map/ProvinceDefinition.hpp" using namespace OpenVic; using namespace OpenVic::NodeTools; ProvinceHistoryEntry::ProvinceHistoryEntry(ProvinceDefinition const& new_province, Date new_date) : HistoryEntry { new_date }, province { new_province } {} ProvinceHistoryMap::ProvinceHistoryMap(ProvinceDefinition const& new_province) : province { new_province } {} std::unique_ptr ProvinceHistoryMap::_make_entry(Date date) const { return std::unique_ptr { new ProvinceHistoryEntry { province, date } }; } bool ProvinceHistoryMap::_load_history_entry( DefinitionManager const& definition_manager, ProvinceHistoryEntry& entry, ast::NodeCPtr root ) { BuildingTypeManager const& building_type_manager = definition_manager.get_economy_manager().get_building_type_manager(); CountryDefinitionManager const& country_definition_manager = definition_manager.get_country_definition_manager(); GoodDefinitionManager const& good_definition_manager = definition_manager.get_economy_manager().get_good_definition_manager(); IdeologyManager const& ideology_manager = definition_manager.get_politics_manager().get_ideology_manager(); TerrainTypeManager const& terrain_type_manager = definition_manager.get_map_definition().get_terrain_type_manager(); using enum ProvinceInstance::colony_status_t; static const string_map_t colony_status_map { { "0", STATE }, { "1", PROTECTORATE }, { "2", COLONY } }; const auto set_core_instruction = [&entry](bool add) { return [&entry, add](CountryDefinition const& country) -> bool { const auto it = entry.cores.find(&country); if (it == entry.cores.end()) { // No current core instruction entry.cores.emplace(&country, add); return true; } else if (it->second == add) { // Desired core instruction already exists Logger::warning( "Duplicate attempt to ", add ? "add" : "remove", " core of country ", country.get_identifier(), " ", add ? "to" : "from", " province history of ", entry.get_province() ); return true; } else { // Opposite core instruction exists entry.cores.erase(it); Logger::warning( "Attempted to ", add ? "add" : "remove", " core of country ", country.get_identifier(), " ", add ? "to" : "from", " province history of ", entry.get_province(), " after previously ", add ? "removing" : "adding", " it" ); return true; } }; }; return expect_dictionary_keys_and_default( [this, &definition_manager, &building_type_manager, &entry]( std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool { // used for province buildings like forts or railroads BuildingType const* building_type = building_type_manager.get_building_type_by_identifier(key); if (building_type != nullptr) { if (building_type->is_in_province()) { return expect_uint( /* This is set to warn to prevent vanilla from always having errors because * of a duplicate railroad entry in the 1861.1.1 history of Manchester (278). */ map_callback(entry.province_buildings, building_type, true) )(value); } else { Logger::error( "Attempted to add state building \"", building_type, "\" at top scope of province history for ", entry.get_province() ); return false; } } return _load_history_sub_entry_callback(definition_manager, entry.get_date(), value, key, value); }, "owner", ZERO_OR_ONE, country_definition_manager.expect_country_definition_identifier( assign_variable_callback_pointer_opt(entry.owner, true) ), "controller", ZERO_OR_ONE, country_definition_manager.expect_country_definition_identifier( assign_variable_callback_pointer_opt(entry.controller, true) ), "add_core", ZERO_OR_MORE, country_definition_manager.expect_country_definition_identifier( set_core_instruction(true) ), "remove_core", ZERO_OR_MORE, country_definition_manager.expect_country_definition_identifier( set_core_instruction(false) ), "colonial", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_identifier(expect_mapped_string(colony_status_map, assign_variable_callback(entry.colonial))), "colony", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_identifier(expect_mapped_string(colony_status_map, assign_variable_callback(entry.colonial))), "is_slave", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(entry.slave)), "trade_goods", ZERO_OR_ONE, good_definition_manager.expect_good_definition_identifier(assign_variable_callback_pointer_opt(entry.rgo)), "life_rating", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_uint(assign_variable_callback(entry.life_rating)), "terrain", ZERO_OR_ONE, terrain_type_manager.expect_terrain_type_identifier( assign_variable_callback_pointer_opt(entry.terrain_type) ), "party_loyalty", ZERO_OR_MORE, [&ideology_manager, &entry](ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool { Ideology const* ideology = nullptr; fixed_point_t amount = 0; /* PERCENTAGE_DECIMAL */ bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys( "ideology", ONE_EXACTLY, ideology_manager.expect_ideology_identifier( assign_variable_callback_pointer(ideology) ), "loyalty_value", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(amount)) )(node); if (ideology != nullptr) { ret &= map_callback(entry.party_loyalties, ideology)(amount); } return ret; }, "state_building", ZERO_OR_MORE, [&building_type_manager, &entry](ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool { BuildingType const* building_type = nullptr; uint8_t level = 0; bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys( "level", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_uint(assign_variable_callback(level)), "building", ONE_EXACTLY, building_type_manager.expect_building_type_identifier( assign_variable_callback_pointer(building_type) ), "upgrade", ZERO_OR_ONE, success_callback /* Doesn't appear to have an effect */ )(node); if (building_type != nullptr) { if (!building_type->is_in_province()) { ret &= map_callback(entry.state_buildings, building_type)(level); } else { Logger::error( "Attempted to add province building \"", building_type, "\" to state building list of province history for ", entry.get_province() ); ret = false; } } return ret; } )(root); } void ProvinceHistoryManager::reserve_more_province_histories(size_t size) { if (locked) { Logger::error("Failed to reserve space for ", size, " provinces in ProvinceHistoryManager - already locked!"); } else { reserve_more(province_histories, size); } } void ProvinceHistoryManager::lock_province_histories(MapDefinition const& map_definition, bool detailed_errors) { std::vector const& provinces = map_definition.get_province_definitions(); std::vector province_checklist(provinces.size()); for (auto [province, history_map] : mutable_iterator(province_histories)) { province_checklist[province->get_index() - 1] = true; history_map.sort_entries(); } size_t missing = 0; for (size_t idx = 0; idx < province_checklist.size(); ++idx) { if (!province_checklist[idx]) { ProvinceDefinition const& province = provinces[idx]; if (!province.is_water()) { if (detailed_errors) { Logger::warning("Province history missing for province: ", province.get_identifier()); } missing++; } } } if (missing > 0) { Logger::warning("Province history is missing for ", missing, " provinces"); } Logger::info("Locked province history registry after registering ", province_histories.size(), " items"); locked = true; } bool ProvinceHistoryManager::is_locked() const { return locked; } ProvinceHistoryMap const* ProvinceHistoryManager::get_province_history(ProvinceDefinition const* province) const { if (province == nullptr) { Logger::error("Attempted to access history of null province"); return nullptr; } decltype(province_histories)::const_iterator province_registry = province_histories.find(province); if (province_registry != province_histories.end()) { return &province_registry->second; } else { Logger::error("Attempted to access history of province ", province->get_identifier(), " but none has been defined!"); return nullptr; } } ProvinceHistoryMap* ProvinceHistoryManager::_get_or_make_province_history(ProvinceDefinition const& province) { decltype(province_histories)::iterator it = province_histories.find(&province); if (it == province_histories.end()) { const std::pair result = province_histories.emplace(&province, ProvinceHistoryMap { province }); if (result.second) { it = result.first; } else { Logger::error("Failed to create province history map for province ", province.get_identifier()); return nullptr; } } return &it.value(); } bool ProvinceHistoryManager::load_province_history_file( DefinitionManager const& definition_manager, ProvinceDefinition const& province, ast::NodeCPtr root ) { if (locked) { Logger::error( "Attempted to load province history file for ", province.get_identifier(), " after province history registry was locked!" ); return false; } ProvinceHistoryMap* province_history = _get_or_make_province_history(province); if (province_history != nullptr) { return province_history->_load_history_file(definition_manager, root); } else { return false; } } bool ProvinceHistoryEntry::_load_province_pop_history( DefinitionManager const& definition_manager, ast::NodeCPtr root, bool *non_integer_size ) { PopManager const& pop_manager = definition_manager.get_pop_manager(); RebelManager const& rebel_manager = definition_manager.get_politics_manager().get_rebel_manager(); return pop_manager.expect_pop_type_dictionary_reserve_length( pops, [this, &pop_manager, &rebel_manager, non_integer_size](PopType const& pop_type, ast::NodeCPtr pop_node) -> bool { return pop_manager.load_pop_bases_into_vector(rebel_manager, pops, pop_type, pop_node, non_integer_size); } )(root); } bool ProvinceHistoryMap::_load_province_pop_history( DefinitionManager const& definition_manager, Date date, ast::NodeCPtr root, bool *non_integer_size ) { ProvinceHistoryEntry* entry = _get_or_make_entry(definition_manager, date); if (entry != nullptr) { return entry->_load_province_pop_history(definition_manager, root, non_integer_size); } else { return false; } } bool ProvinceHistoryManager::load_pop_history_file( DefinitionManager const& definition_manager, Date date, ast::NodeCPtr root, bool *non_integer_size ) { if (locked) { Logger::error("Attempted to load pop history file after province history registry was locked!"); return false; } return definition_manager.get_map_definition().expect_province_definition_dictionary( [this, &definition_manager, date, non_integer_size](ProvinceDefinition const& province, ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool { ProvinceHistoryMap* province_history = _get_or_make_province_history(province); if (province_history != nullptr) { return province_history->_load_province_pop_history(definition_manager, date, node, non_integer_size); } else { return false; } } )(root); }