#include "ModifierValue.hpp" #include "openvic-simulation/utility/TslHelper.hpp" using namespace OpenVic; ModifierValue::ModifierValue() = default; ModifierValue::ModifierValue(effect_map_t&& new_values) : values { std::move(new_values) } {} ModifierValue::ModifierValue(ModifierValue const&) = default; ModifierValue::ModifierValue(ModifierValue&&) = default; ModifierValue& ModifierValue::operator=(ModifierValue const&) = default; ModifierValue& ModifierValue::operator=(ModifierValue&&) = default; void ModifierValue::trim() { erase_if(values, [](effect_map_t::value_type const& value) -> bool { return value.second == fixed_point_t::_0(); }); } size_t ModifierValue::get_effect_count() const { return values.size(); } void ModifierValue::clear() { values.clear(); } bool ModifierValue::empty() const { return values.empty(); } fixed_point_t ModifierValue::get_effect(ModifierEffect const& effect, bool* effect_found) const { const effect_map_t::const_iterator it = values.find(&effect); if (it != values.end()) { if (effect_found != nullptr) { *effect_found = true; } return it->second; } if (effect_found != nullptr) { *effect_found = false; } return fixed_point_t::_0(); } fixed_point_t ModifierValue::get_effect_nullcheck(ModifierEffect const* effect, bool* effect_found) const { if (effect != nullptr) { return get_effect(*effect, effect_found); } if (effect_found != nullptr) { *effect_found = false; } return fixed_point_t::_0(); } bool ModifierValue::has_effect(ModifierEffect const& effect) const { return values.contains(&effect); } void ModifierValue::set_effect(ModifierEffect const& effect, fixed_point_t value) { values[&effect] = value; } ModifierValue& ModifierValue::operator+=(ModifierValue const& right) { for (effect_map_t::value_type const& value : right.values) { values[value.first] += value.second; } return *this; } ModifierValue ModifierValue::operator+(ModifierValue const& right) const { ModifierValue copy = *this; return copy += right; } ModifierValue ModifierValue::operator-() const { ModifierValue copy = *this; for (auto value : mutable_iterator(copy.values)) { value.second = -value.second; } return copy; } ModifierValue& ModifierValue::operator-=(ModifierValue const& right) { for (effect_map_t::value_type const& value : right.values) { values[value.first] -= value.second; } return *this; } ModifierValue ModifierValue::operator-(ModifierValue const& right) const { ModifierValue copy = *this; return copy -= right; } ModifierValue& ModifierValue::operator*=(fixed_point_t const& right) { for (auto value : mutable_iterator(values)) { value.second *= right; } return *this; } ModifierValue ModifierValue::operator*(fixed_point_t const& right) const { ModifierValue copy = *this; return copy *= right; } void ModifierValue::apply_exclude_targets(ModifierEffect::target_t excluded_targets) { using enum ModifierEffect::target_t; // We could test if excluded_targets is NO_TARGETS (and so we do nothing) or ALL_TARGETS (and so we clear everything), // but so long as this is always called with an explicit/hardcoded value then we'll never have either of those cases. erase_if( values, [excluded_targets](effect_map_t::value_type const& value) -> bool { return !ModifierEffect::excludes_targets(value.first->get_targets(), excluded_targets); } ); } void ModifierValue::multiply_add_exclude_targets( ModifierValue const& other, fixed_point_t multiplier, ModifierEffect::target_t excluded_targets ) { using enum ModifierEffect::target_t; if (multiplier == fixed_point_t::_1() && excluded_targets == NO_TARGETS) { *this += other; } else if (multiplier != fixed_point_t::_0()) { // We could test that excluded_targets != ALL_TARGETS, but in practice it's always // called with an explcit/hardcoded value and so won't ever exclude everything. for (effect_map_t::value_type const& value : other.values) { if (ModifierEffect::excludes_targets(value.first->get_targets(), excluded_targets)) { values[value.first] += value.second * multiplier; } } } } namespace OpenVic { // so the compiler shuts up std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, ModifierValue const& value) { for (ModifierValue::effect_map_t::value_type const& effect : value.values) { stream << effect.first << ": " << effect.second << "\n"; } return stream; } }