#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "openvic-simulation/utility/Getters.hpp" #include "openvic-simulation/utility/Utility.hpp" namespace OpenVic { template struct colour_traits { using value_type = ValueT; using integer_type = IntT; static_assert(sizeof(value_type) * 4 <= sizeof(integer_type), "value_type must be 4x smaller then colour_integer_type"); /* When colour_t is used as an identifier, NULL_COLOUR is disallowed * and should be reserved as an error value. * When colour_t is used in a purely graphical context, NULL_COLOUR * should be allowed. */ static constexpr integer_type null = 0; static constexpr integer_type component = std::numeric_limits::max(); static constexpr integer_type component_bit_size = sizeof(ValueT) * CHAR_BIT; static constexpr integer_type blue_shift = 0; static constexpr integer_type green_shift = component_bit_size; static constexpr integer_type red_shift = component_bit_size * 2; static constexpr integer_type alpha_shift = component_bit_size * 3; static constexpr bool has_alpha = true; static constexpr integer_type make_rgb_integer(value_type red, value_type green, value_type blue) { return (red << red_shift) | (green << green_shift) | (blue << blue_shift); } static constexpr integer_type make_argb_integer(value_type red, value_type green, value_type blue, value_type alpha) { return make_rgb_integer(red, green, blue) | (alpha << alpha_shift); } static constexpr value_type red_from_integer(integer_type colour) { return (colour >> red_shift) & component; } static constexpr value_type blue_from_integer(integer_type colour) { return (colour >> blue_shift) & component; } static constexpr value_type green_from_integer(integer_type colour) { return (colour >> green_shift) & component; } static constexpr value_type alpha_from_integer(integer_type colour) { return (colour >> alpha_shift) & component; } static constexpr float component_to_float(value_type value) { return static_cast(value) / static_cast(component); } static constexpr value_type component_from_float(float f, float min = 0.0f, float max = 1.0f) { constexpr auto floor = [](float f) { const std::int64_t i = static_cast(f); return f < i ? i - 1 : i; }; return floor(std::clamp(min + f * (max - min), min, max) * static_cast(component)); } static constexpr value_type component_from_fraction(int n, int d, float min = 0.0f, float max = 1.0f) { return component_from_float(static_cast(n) / static_cast(d), min, max); } static constexpr float red_to_float(value_type red) { return component_to_float(red); } static constexpr float green_to_float(value_type green) { return component_to_float(green); } static constexpr float blue_to_float(value_type blue) { return component_to_float(blue); } static constexpr float alpha_to_float(value_type alpha) { return component_to_float(alpha); } static constexpr value_type red_from_float(float red) { return component_from_float(red); } static constexpr value_type green_from_float(float green) { return component_from_float(green); } static constexpr value_type blue_from_float(float blue) { return component_from_float(blue); } static constexpr value_type alpha_from_float(float alpha) { return component_from_float(alpha); } static constexpr integer_type max_rgb = make_rgb_integer(component, component, component); static constexpr integer_type max_argb = make_argb_integer(component, component, component, component); }; /* Colour represented by an unsigned integer, either 24-bit RGB or 32-bit ARGB. */ template> struct basic_colour_t : ReturnByValueProperty { using colour_traits = ColourTraits; using value_type = typename colour_traits::value_type; using integer_type = typename colour_traits::integer_type; static_assert(std::same_as && std::same_as); static constexpr auto max_value = colour_traits::component; struct empty_value { constexpr empty_value() {} constexpr empty_value(value_type) {} constexpr operator value_type() const { return max_value; } }; private: using _alpha_t = std::conditional_t; public: value_type red; value_type green; value_type blue; [[no_unique_address]] _alpha_t alpha; static constexpr std::integral_constant ? 4 : 3> size = {}; static constexpr basic_colour_t fill_as(value_type value) { if constexpr (colour_traits::has_alpha) { return { value, value, value, value }; } else { return { value, value, value }; } } static constexpr basic_colour_t null() { return fill_as(colour_traits::null); } static constexpr basic_colour_t from_integer(integer_type integer) { if constexpr (colour_traits::has_alpha) { return { colour_traits::red_from_integer(integer), colour_traits::green_from_integer(integer), colour_traits::blue_from_integer(integer), colour_traits::alpha_from_integer(integer) }; } else { assert( colour_traits::alpha_from_integer(integer) == colour_traits::null || colour_traits::alpha_from_integer(integer) == max_value ); return { colour_traits::red_from_integer(integer), colour_traits::green_from_integer(integer), colour_traits::blue_from_integer(integer) }; } } static constexpr basic_colour_t from_floats(float r, float g, float b, float a = colour_traits::alpha_to_float(max_value)) requires(colour_traits::has_alpha) { return { colour_traits::red_from_float(r), colour_traits::green_from_float(g), colour_traits::blue_from_float(b), colour_traits::alpha_from_float(a) }; } static constexpr basic_colour_t from_floats(float r, float g, float b) requires(!colour_traits::has_alpha) { return { colour_traits::red_from_float(r), colour_traits::green_from_float(g), colour_traits::blue_from_float(b) }; } constexpr integer_type as_rgb() const { return colour_traits::make_rgb_integer(red, green, blue); } constexpr integer_type as_argb() const { return colour_traits::make_argb_integer(red, green, blue, alpha); } constexpr basic_colour_t() : basic_colour_t { null() } {} constexpr basic_colour_t(value_type r, value_type g, value_type b, value_type a = max_value) requires(colour_traits::has_alpha) : red(r), green(g), blue(b), alpha(a) {} constexpr basic_colour_t(value_type r, value_type g, value_type b) requires(!colour_traits::has_alpha) : red(r), green(g), blue(b) {} template requires( _ColourTraits::has_alpha && std::same_as && std::same_as ) explicit constexpr basic_colour_t(basic_colour_t const& colour) requires(colour_traits::has_alpha) : basic_colour_t { colour.red, colour.green, colour.blue, colour.alpha } {} template requires( !_ColourTraits::has_alpha && std::same_as && std::same_as ) explicit constexpr basic_colour_t( basic_colour_t const& colour, value_type a = max_value ) requires(colour_traits::has_alpha) : basic_colour_t { colour.red, colour.green, colour.blue, a } {} template requires( std::same_as && std::same_as ) explicit constexpr basic_colour_t(basic_colour_t const& colour) requires(!colour_traits::has_alpha) : basic_colour_t { colour.red, colour.green, colour.blue } {} constexpr explicit operator integer_type() const { if constexpr (colour_traits::has_alpha) { return as_argb(); } else { return as_rgb(); } } constexpr basic_colour_t with_red(value_type r) const { if constexpr (colour_traits::has_alpha) { return { r, green, blue, alpha }; } else { return { r, green, blue }; } } constexpr basic_colour_t with_green(value_type g) const { if constexpr (colour_traits::has_alpha) { return { red, g, blue, alpha }; } else { return { red, g, blue }; } } constexpr basic_colour_t with_blue(value_type b) const { if constexpr (colour_traits::has_alpha) { return { red, green, b, alpha }; } else { return { red, green, b }; } } constexpr basic_colour_t with_alpha(value_type a) const requires(colour_traits::has_alpha) { return { red, green, blue, a }; } constexpr float redf() const { return colour_traits::red_to_float(red); } constexpr float greenf() const { return colour_traits::green_to_float(green); } constexpr float bluef() const { return colour_traits::blue_to_float(blue); } constexpr float alphaf() const { return colour_traits::alpha_to_float(alpha); } inline std::string to_hex_string(bool alpha = false) const { using namespace std::string_view_literals; static constexpr std::string_view digits = "0123456789ABCDEF"sv; static constexpr std::size_t bits_per_digit = 4; static constexpr std::size_t digit_mask = (1 << bits_per_digit) - 1; static constexpr std::size_t argb_length = colour_traits::component_bit_size / bits_per_digit * 4; static constexpr std::size_t rgb_length = colour_traits::component_bit_size / bits_per_digit * 3; const std::size_t length = alpha ? argb_length : rgb_length; std::array address; const integer_type value = alpha ? as_argb() : as_rgb(); for (std::size_t index = 0, j = (length - 1) * bits_per_digit; index < length; ++index, j -= bits_per_digit) { address[index] = digits[(value >> j) & digit_mask]; } return { address.data(), length }; } explicit operator std::string() const { return to_hex_string(colour_traits::has_alpha); } friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, basic_colour_t const& colour) { return stream << colour.operator std::string(); } constexpr bool is_null() const { return *this == null(); } constexpr auto operator<=>(basic_colour_t const& rhs) const = default; constexpr auto operator<=>(integer_type rhs) const { return operator integer_type() <=> rhs; } constexpr value_type& operator[](std::size_t index) { return _array_access_helper(*this, index); } constexpr const value_type& operator[](std::size_t index) const { return _array_access_helper(*this, index); } private: template static constexpr V& _array_access_helper(T& t, std::size_t index) { switch (index) { case 0: return t.red; case 1: return t.green; case 2: return t.blue; } if constexpr (size() == 4) { if (index == 3) { return t.alpha; } assert(index < 4); } else { assert(index < 3); } /* Segfault if index is out of bounds and NDEBUG is defined! */ OpenVic::utility::unreachable(); } public: template auto&& get() & { return get_helper(*this); } template auto&& get() && { return get_helper(*this); } template auto&& get() const& { return get_helper(*this); } template auto&& get() const&& { return get_helper(*this); } private: template static auto&& get_helper(T&& t) { static_assert(Index < size(), "Index out of bounds for OpenVic::basic_colour_t"); if constexpr (Index == 0) { return std::forward(t).red; } if constexpr (Index == 1) { return std::forward(t).green; } if constexpr (Index == 2) { return std::forward(t).blue; } if constexpr (Index == 3) { return std::forward(t).alpha; } } }; template concept IsColour = OpenVic::utility::is_specialization_of_v; template struct rgb_colour_traits : colour_traits { static constexpr bool has_alpha = false; }; using colour_argb_t = basic_colour_t; using colour_rgb_t = basic_colour_t>; using colour_t = colour_rgb_t; namespace colour_literals { constexpr colour_t operator""_colour(unsigned long long value) { return colour_t::from_integer(value); } constexpr colour_argb_t operator""_argb(unsigned long long value) { return colour_argb_t::from_integer(value); } } } namespace std { template struct tuple_size<::OpenVic::basic_colour_t> : integral_constant::size()> {}; template struct tuple_element> { using type = decltype(::OpenVic::basic_colour_t::red); }; template struct tuple_element<1, ::OpenVic::basic_colour_t> { using type = decltype(::OpenVic::basic_colour_t::green); }; template struct tuple_element<2, ::OpenVic::basic_colour_t> { using type = decltype(::OpenVic::basic_colour_t::blue); }; template struct tuple_element<3, ::OpenVic::basic_colour_t> { using type = decltype(::OpenVic::basic_colour_t::alpha); }; template struct hash> { size_t operator()(OpenVic::basic_colour_t const& s) const noexcept { return hash {}(s.as_argb()); } }; }