path: root/game/src/CreditsMenu/CreditsMenu.gd
diff options
author Spartan322 <Megacake1234@gmail.com>2023-06-03 20:37:10 +0200
committer Spartan322 <Megacake1234@gmail.com>2023-06-03 20:37:10 +0200
commitcef940108fe15752c3ef66f43f5169403fa2f71d (patch)
treefe4de5a05830e3bddeae78f74f729503b7cee1e9 /game/src/CreditsMenu/CreditsMenu.gd
parent73e29d02e48739aba5ca5db1b9575c67e795400f (diff)
Reorganize the file structure of the files in `game/src`
Diffstat (limited to 'game/src/CreditsMenu/CreditsMenu.gd')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 200 deletions
diff --git a/game/src/CreditsMenu/CreditsMenu.gd b/game/src/CreditsMenu/CreditsMenu.gd
deleted file mode 100644
index 0db4d7d..0000000
--- a/game/src/CreditsMenu/CreditsMenu.gd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-extends Control
-signal back_button_pressed
-# Credits CSV format
-# The project title row is the only requirement within the csv file, however
-# it can be on any row, so long as it exists.
-# ----------------------
-# title,project-title
-# role-name,person-name
-# role-name,person-name
-# role-name,person-name
-# ...
-var core_credits_path : String
-var godot_engine_scene : PackedScene
-@export_group("Label Variants", "label_variants_")
-var label_variants_project : StringName
-var label_variants_role : StringName
-var label_variants_person : StringName
-var credits_list: VBoxContainer
-const title_key : String = "TITLE"
-# * 1.5 Credits Menu
-# * SS-17
-# * FS-4
-func _load_credit_file(path : String) -> Dictionary:
- var roles := {}
- var core_credits = FileAccess.open(path, FileAccess.READ)
- if core_credits == null:
- push_error("Failed to open credits file %s (error code %d)" % [path, FileAccess.get_open_error()])
- return roles
- while not core_credits.eof_reached():
- var line := core_credits.get_csv_line()
- var role := line[0].strip_edges().to_upper()
- # If the line does not have an identifiable role or is empty then skip it
- if role.is_empty() or line.size() < 2:
- if not (role.is_empty() and line.size() < 2):
- push_warning("Incorrectly formatted credit line %s in %s" % [line, path])
- continue
- var person := line[1].strip_edges()
- if person.is_empty():
- push_warning("Incorrectly formatted credit line %s in %s" % [line, path])
- continue
- if line.size() > 2:
- push_warning("Extra entries ignored in credit line %s in %s" % [line, path])
- if role not in roles:
- roles[role] = [person]
- else:
- if person in roles[role]:
- push_warning("Duplicate person %s for role %s in %s" % [person, role, path])
- else:
- roles[role].push_back(person)
- if title_key in roles:
- if roles[title_key].size() > 1:
- push_warning("More than one %s: %s in %s" % [title_key, roles[title_key], path])
- roles[title_key] = [roles[title_key][0]]
- else:
- push_warning("Credits file %s missing %s" % [path, title_key])
- for role_list in roles.values():
- role_list.sort_custom(func(a : String, b : String) -> bool: return a.naturalnocasecmp_to(b) < 0)
- return roles
-func _add_label(node : Node, text : String, type_variation : StringName) -> void:
- var label := Label.new()
- label.name = 'Label' + text
- label.text = text
- label.horizontal_alignment = HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER
- label.theme_type_variation = type_variation
- node.add_child(label)
-# * UI-34, UI-35
-func _add_project_credits(project : Dictionary) -> void:
- var project_credits_list = VBoxContainer.new()
- project_credits_list.name = 'Credits'
- if title_key in project:
- var title : String = project[title_key][0]
- project_credits_list.name += title
- _add_label(project_credits_list, title, label_variants_project)
- project_credits_list.add_child(HSeparator.new())
- for role in project:
- if role == title_key:
- continue
- var role_parent = VBoxContainer.new()
- for person in project[role]:
- _add_label(role_parent, person, label_variants_person)
- _add_label(project_credits_list, role, label_variants_role)
- project_credits_list.add_child(role_parent)
- project_credits_list.add_child(HSeparator.new())
- credits_list.add_child(project_credits_list)
-func _add_godot_credits() -> void:
- var godot_credits_list = VBoxContainer.new()
- godot_credits_list.name = 'CreditsGodot'
- var godot_engine = godot_engine_scene.instantiate()
- godot_credits_list.add_child(godot_engine)
- godot_credits_list.add_child(HSeparator.new())
- var author_dict := Engine.get_author_info()
- _add_label(godot_credits_list, "Contributors", label_variants_role)
- for role in author_dict:
- var role_parent = VBoxContainer.new()
- for person in author_dict[role]:
- _add_label(role_parent, person, label_variants_person)
- _add_label(godot_credits_list, role.replace("_", " ").capitalize(), label_variants_role)
- godot_credits_list.add_child(role_parent)
- godot_credits_list.add_child(HSeparator.new())
- var donor_dict := Engine.get_donor_info()
- _add_label(godot_credits_list, "Donors", label_variants_role)
- for role in donor_dict:
- if donor_dict[role].size() == 0 or donor_dict[role][0].begins_with("None"): continue
- var role_parent = VBoxContainer.new()
- for person in donor_dict[role]:
- _add_label(role_parent, person, label_variants_person)
- _add_label(godot_credits_list, role.replace("_", " ").capitalize(), label_variants_role)
- godot_credits_list.add_child(role_parent)
- godot_credits_list.add_child(HSeparator.new())
- credits_list.add_child(godot_credits_list)
-func _add_link_button(node : Node, text : String, url: String, type_variation : StringName) -> void:
- var button := LinkButton.new()
- button.name = 'LinkButton' + text
- button.text = text
- button.uri = url
- button.size_flags_horizontal = SIZE_SHRINK_CENTER
- button.theme_type_variation = type_variation
- node.add_child(button)
-func _add_licenses() -> void:
- var license_list = VBoxContainer.new()
- license_list.name = 'Licenses'
- _add_label(license_list, "Third-Party Licenses", label_variants_project)
- license_list.add_child(HSeparator.new())
- var license_info := {
- "OpenVic": ["GPLv3", "https://github.com/OpenVicProject/OpenVic/blob/main/LICENSE.md"],
- "Godot": ["MIT", "https://github.com/godotengine/godot/blob/master/LICENSE.txt"],
- "FreeType": ["FreeType License", "https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/blob/master/docs/FTL.TXT"],
- "ENet": ["MIT", "http://enet.bespin.org/License.html"],
- "mbed TLS": ["APLv2", "https://github.com/Mbed-TLS/mbedtls/blob/development/LICENSE"]
- }
- # Add additional licenses required for attribution here
- # These licenses should also either be displayed or exported alongside this project
- for project in license_info:
- _add_label(license_list, project, label_variants_role)
- _add_link_button(license_list, license_info[project][0], license_info[project][1], label_variants_person)
- license_list.add_child(HSeparator.new())
- credits_list.add_child(license_list)
-# * SS-17
-func _ready():
- _add_project_credits(_load_credit_file(core_credits_path))
- _add_godot_credits()
- _add_licenses()
-# * UI-38
-# * UIFUN-37
-func _on_back_button_pressed() -> void:
- back_button_pressed.emit()