path: root/game
diff options
author hop311 <hop3114@gmail.com>2023-12-04 01:12:16 +0100
committer hop311 <hop3114@gmail.com>2023-12-04 01:18:15 +0100
commit6e350a3dc0b596b1f76fab3b943b67b7713ea4fa (patch)
treeb963c671239ecd693d4162afe4b1b9d3b064554e /game
parent9165f5980c5cfe75b3bad4303a5822340f6adcfc (diff)
Sim submodule update + extension compatibility
Diffstat (limited to 'game')
8 files changed, 14 insertions, 264 deletions
diff --git a/game/src/GIT_INFO.gd b/game/src/GIT_INFO.gd
index eddb7a1..23f2e4f 100644
--- a/game/src/GIT_INFO.gd
+++ b/game/src/GIT_INFO.gd
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ extends RefCounted
const commit_hash : StringName = &"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
const short_hash : StringName = &"0000000"
const tag : StringName = &"<tag missing>"
-const release_name : StringName = &"<release name missing>"
+const release_name : StringName = &"<release name missing>"
diff --git a/game/src/Game/Autoload/Argument/ArgumentOption.gd b/game/src/Game/Autoload/Argument/ArgumentOption.gd
index f14cef0..f98b19c 100644
--- a/game/src/Game/Autoload/Argument/ArgumentOption.gd
+++ b/game/src/Game/Autoload/Argument/ArgumentOption.gd
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ extends Resource
var default_value
@export var description : String
-func _init(_name = "", _type = TYPE_NIL, _description = "", default = null):
+func _init(_name = "", _type = TYPE_NIL, _description = "", default = null):
name = _name
type = _type
if default != null and typeof(default) == type:
diff --git a/game/src/Game/GameSession/MapView.gd b/game/src/Game/GameSession/MapView.gd
index 7093c69..62bdd20 100644
--- a/game/src/Game/GameSession/MapView.gd
+++ b/game/src/Game/GameSession/MapView.gd
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ var _window_in_focus : bool = true
@export var _zoom_target : float = 1.0:
get: return _zoom_target
set(v): _zoom_target = clamp(v, _zoom_target_min, _zoom_target_max)
-const _zoom_position_multiplier = 3.14159 # Horizontal movement coefficient during zoom
+const _zoom_position_multiplier = 3.14159 # Horizontal movement coefficient during zoom
var _zoom_position : Vector2
@export var _map_mesh_instance : MeshInstance3D
diff --git a/game/src/Game/GameSession/TerrainMap.gdshader b/game/src/Game/GameSession/TerrainMap.gdshader
index 35a108b..97b20e4 100644
--- a/game/src/Game/GameSession/TerrainMap.gdshader
+++ b/game/src/Game/GameSession/TerrainMap.gdshader
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ vec3 get_terrain_colour(
vec3 tinted_terrain_colour = mix(terrain_colour, tint_colour, 0.3);
vec3 mixed_colour = mix(tinted_terrain_colour, province_colour.rgb, province_colour.a);
- float highlight_mix_val = 0.1 * (float(province_index == hover_index) + float(province_index == selected_index));
+ float highlight_mix_val = 0.4 * (float(province_index == hover_index) + float(province_index == selected_index));
return mix(mixed_colour, highlight_colour, highlight_mix_val);
diff --git a/game/src/Game/GlobalClass/ShaderManager.gd b/game/src/Game/GlobalClass/ShaderManager.gd
index ace3c3a..a6d555f 100644
--- a/game/src/Game/GlobalClass/ShaderManager.gd
+++ b/game/src/Game/GlobalClass/ShaderManager.gd
@@ -38,28 +38,32 @@ func set_up_shader(material : Material, add_cosmetic_textures : bool) -> Error:
if province_shape_texture == null:
push_error("Failed to get province shape texture!")
ret = FAILED
- shader_material.set_shader_parameter(param_province_shape_tex, province_shape_texture)
+ else:
+ shader_material.set_shader_parameter(param_province_shape_tex, province_shape_texture)
var subdivisions := GameSingleton.get_province_shape_image_subdivisions()
if subdivisions.x < 1 or subdivisions.y < 1:
push_error("Invalid province shape image subdivision: ", subdivisions.x, "x", subdivisions.y)
ret = FAILED
- shader_material.set_shader_parameter(param_province_shape_subdivisions, Vector2(subdivisions))
+ else:
+ shader_material.set_shader_parameter(param_province_shape_subdivisions, Vector2(subdivisions))
if add_cosmetic_textures:
# Province colour texture
var map_province_colour_texture := GameSingleton.get_province_colour_texture()
if map_province_colour_texture == null:
- push_error("Failed to get province colour image!")
+ push_error("Failed to get province colour texture!")
ret = FAILED
- shader_material.set_shader_parameter(param_province_colour_tex, map_province_colour_texture)
+ else:
+ shader_material.set_shader_parameter(param_province_colour_tex, map_province_colour_texture)
# Terrain texture
var terrain_texture := GameSingleton.get_terrain_texture()
if terrain_texture == null:
push_error("Failed to get terrain texture!")
ret = FAILED
- shader_material.set_shader_parameter(param_terrain_tex, terrain_texture)
+ else:
+ shader_material.set_shader_parameter(param_terrain_tex, terrain_texture)
# Stripe texture
if _set_shader_texture(shader_material, &"map/terrain/stripes.dds", param_stripe_tex) != OK:
diff --git a/game/src/Game/LoadingScreen.gd b/game/src/Game/LoadingScreen.gd
index ae04c85..c7dad9c 100644
--- a/game/src/Game/LoadingScreen.gd
+++ b/game/src/Game/LoadingScreen.gd
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ func _ready():
thread = Thread.new()
# FS-3, UI-30, UIFUN-35
var quotes_file := FileAccess.open(quote_file_path, FileAccess.READ).get_as_text()
- quotes = quotes_file.split("\n",false)
+ quotes = quotes_file.split("\n", false)
if quotes.is_empty():
quotes = [""]
diff --git a/game/src/Game/Theme/PieChart/PieChart.gd b/game/src/Game/Theme/PieChart/PieChart.gd
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b81b28..0000000
--- a/game/src/Game/Theme/PieChart/PieChart.gd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-extends TextureRect
-class_name PieChart
-@export var donut : bool = false
-@export_range(0.0, 1.0) var donut_inner_radius : float = 0.5
-@export_range(0.0, 0.5) var radius : float = 0.4
-@export var shadow_displacement : Vector2 = Vector2(0.55, 0.6)
-@export var shadow_tightness : float = 1.0
-@export var shadow_radius : float = 0.6
-@export var shadow_thickness : float = 1.0
-@export var trim_colour : Color = Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
-@export_range(0.0, 1.0) var trim_size : float = 0.02
-@export var donut_inner_trim : bool = true
-@export var slice_gradient_falloff : float = 3.6
-@export var slice_gradient_base : float = 3.1
-@export var _rich_tooltip : RichTextLabel
-var _pie_chart_image : Image
-# A data class for the pie chart
-class SliceData:
- extends RefCounted
- # Primary properties, change these to change
- # the displayed piechart
- var colour : Color = Color(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- var tooltip : String = ""
- var quantity : float = -1
- # Derived properties, don't set from an external script
- var final_angle : float = -1
- var percentage : float = 0:
- get:
- return percentage
- set(value):
- percentage = clampf(value, 0, 1)
- func _init(quantityIn : float, tooltipIn : String, colourIn : Color):
- colour = colourIn
- tooltip = tooltipIn
- quantity = quantityIn
-# The key of an entry of this dictionary should be an easy to reference constant
-# The tooltip label is what the user will actually read
-var _slices : Dictionary = {}
-# Slice keys/labels in the order they should be displayed
-var _slice_order : Array = []
-# Example slices:
- "label1": SliceData.new(5, "Conservative", Color(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
- "label2": SliceData.new(3, "Liberal", Color(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)),
- "label3": SliceData.new(2, "Reactionary", Color(0.4, 0.0, 0.6))
-# These functions are the interface a developer will use to update the piechart
-# The piechart will only redraw once one of these has been triggered
-func add_or_replace_label(labelName : String, quantity : float, tooltip : String, colour : Color = Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) -> void:
- _slices[labelName] = SliceData.new(quantity, tooltip, colour)
- if _slice_order.find(labelName) == -1:
- _slice_order.push_back(labelName)
- _recalculate()
-func update_label_quantity(labelName : String, quantity : float) -> void:
- if _slices.has(labelName):
- _slices[labelName].quantity = quantity
- _recalculate()
-func update_label_colour(labelName : String, colour : Color) -> void:
- if _slices.has(labelName):
- _slices[labelName].colour = colour
- _recalculate()
-func update_label_tooltip(labelName : String, tooltip : String) -> void:
- if _slices.has(labelName):
- _slices[labelName].tooltip = tooltip
-func remove_label(labelName : String) -> bool:
- if _slices.erase(labelName):
- var index := _slice_order.find(labelName)
- if index == -1:
- push_error("Slice in dictionary but not order list: ", labelName)
- else:
- _slice_order.remove_at(index)
- _recalculate()
- return true
- return false
-func clear_slices() -> void:
- _slices.clear()
- _slice_order.clear()
-# Distribution dictionary of the form:
-# { "<label>": { "size": <quantity>, "colour": <colour> } }
-func set_to_distribution(dist : Dictionary) -> void:
- clear_slices()
- for key in dist:
- var entry : Dictionary = dist[key]
- _slices[key] = SliceData.new(entry[GameSingleton.get_piechart_info_size_key()], key, entry[GameSingleton.get_piechart_info_colour_key()])
- _slice_order = _slices.keys()
- sort_slices()
-# Sorted by quantity, smallest to largest, so that the smallest slice
-# is to the left of a radial line straight upwards
-func sort_slices() -> void:
- _slice_order.sort_custom(func (a, b): return _slices[a].quantity < _slices[b].quantity)
- _recalculate()
-func _ready():
- if not Engine.is_editor_hint():
- const image_size : int = 256
- _pie_chart_image = Image.create(image_size, image_size, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8)
- texture = ImageTexture.create_from_image(_pie_chart_image)
- _recalculate()
-# Update the slice angles based on the new slice data
-func _recalculate() -> void:
- # Where the slices are the public interface, these are the actual paramters
- # which will be sent to the shader/draw function
- var angles : Array = []
- var colours : Array = []
- var total : float = 0
- for label in _slice_order:
- var quantity : float = _slices[label].quantity
- if quantity > 0:
- total += quantity
- var current_arc_start : float = 0
- var current_arc_finish : float = 0
- for label in _slice_order:
- var slice : SliceData = _slices[label]
- if slice.quantity > 0:
- slice.percentage = slice.quantity / total
- var rads_to_cover : float = slice.percentage * 2.0 * PI
- current_arc_finish = current_arc_start + rads_to_cover
- slice.final_angle = current_arc_finish
- current_arc_start = current_arc_finish
- angles.push_back(current_arc_finish)
- colours.push_back(slice.colour)
- GameSingleton.draw_pie_chart(_pie_chart_image, angles, colours, radius, shadow_displacement, shadow_tightness, shadow_radius, shadow_thickness,
- trim_colour, trim_size, slice_gradient_falloff, slice_gradient_base, donut, donut_inner_trim, donut_inner_radius / 2)
- texture.set_image(_pie_chart_image)
-# Process mouse to select the appropriate tooltip for the slice
-func _gui_input(event : InputEvent):
- if event is InputEventMouse:
- var pos : Vector2 = event.position
- var _handled : bool = _handle_tooltip(pos)
-func _on_mouse_exited():
- _rich_tooltip.visible = false
-# Takes a mouse position, and sets an appropriate tooltip for the slice the mouse
-# is hovered over. Returns a boolean on whether the tooltip was handled.
-func _handle_tooltip(pos : Vector2) -> bool:
- # Is it within the circle?
- var real_radius := size.x / 2.0
- var center := Vector2(real_radius, real_radius)
- var distance := center.distance_to(pos)
- var real_donut_inner_radius : float = real_radius * donut_inner_radius
- if distance <= real_radius and (not donut or distance >= real_donut_inner_radius):
- if _slice_order.is_empty():
- _rich_tooltip.text = "PIECHART_TOOLTIP_NO_DATA"
- else:
- var angle := _convert_angle(center.angle_to_point(pos))
- var selected_label : String = ""
- for label in _slice_order:
- if angle <= _slices[label].final_angle:
- if not selected_label or _slices[label].final_angle < _slices[selected_label].final_angle:
- selected_label = label
- if not selected_label:
- selected_label = _slice_order[0]
- _rich_tooltip.text = _create_tooltip(selected_label)
- _rich_tooltip.visible = true
- _rich_tooltip.position = pos + Vector2(5, 5) + get_global_rect().position
- _rich_tooltip.reset_size()
- else:
- # Technically the corners of the bounding box
- # are part of the chart, but we don't want a tooltip there
- _rich_tooltip.visible = false
- return _rich_tooltip.visible
-# Create a list of all the values and percentages
-# with the hovered one highlighted
-func _create_tooltip(labelHovered : String) -> String:
- var slice_tooltips : PackedStringArray = []
- for label in _slice_order:
- var slice : SliceData = _slices.get(label)
- var percent := _format_percent(slice.percentage)
- var entry : String = "%s %s%%" % [tr(label), percent]
- if label == labelHovered:
- entry = "[i][u][b]>>%s<<[/b][/u][/i]" % entry
- slice_tooltips.push_back(entry)
- # Slices are ordered smallest to largest, but here we want the opposite
- slice_tooltips.reverse()
- return "[font_size=14]%s[/font_size]" % "\n".join(slice_tooltips)
-# Angle from center.angle_to_point is measured from the +x axis,
-# but the chart starts from +y
-# The input angle is also -180 to 180, where we want 0 to 360
-func _convert_angle(angleIn : float) -> float:
- # Make the angle start from +y, range is now -90 to 270
- var angle := angleIn + PI / 2.0
- # Adjust range to be 0 to 360
- if angle < 0:
- angle += 2.0 * PI
- return angle
-func _format_percent(percentIn : float) -> float:
- return snappedf((percentIn * 100), 0.1)
diff --git a/game/src/Game/Theme/PieChart/PieChart.tscn b/game/src/Game/Theme/PieChart/PieChart.tscn
deleted file mode 100644
index a0e9992..0000000
--- a/game/src/Game/Theme/PieChart/PieChart.tscn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://cr7p1k2xm7mum"]
-[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://src/Game/Theme/PieChart/PieChart.gd" id="2_ub6u3"]
-[node name="PieChart" type="TextureRect" node_paths=PackedStringArray("_rich_tooltip")]
-custom_minimum_size = Vector2(50, 50)
-anchors_preset = -1
-anchor_right = 0.039
-anchor_bottom = 0.069
-offset_right = -32.92
-offset_bottom = -34.68
-size_flags_horizontal = 4
-size_flags_vertical = 4
-expand_mode = 3
-script = ExtResource("2_ub6u3")
-_rich_tooltip = NodePath("RichToolTip")
-[node name="RichToolTip" type="RichTextLabel" parent="."]
-visible = false
-top_level = true
-layout_mode = 2
-offset_right = 50.0
-offset_bottom = 50.0
-mouse_filter = 2
-bbcode_enabled = true
-fit_content = true
-autowrap_mode = 0
-[node name="Panel" type="Panel" parent="RichToolTip"]
-show_behind_parent = true
-layout_mode = 1
-anchors_preset = 15
-anchor_right = 1.0
-anchor_bottom = 1.0
-grow_horizontal = 2
-grow_vertical = 2
-[connection signal="mouse_exited" from="." to="." method="_on_mouse_exited"]