diff options
18 files changed, 628 insertions, 196 deletions
diff --git a/.astylesrc b/.astylesrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7891dcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.astylesrc
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+# @file Astyle code automatic formatting settings
+# @see http://astyle.sourceforge.net/astyle.html#_General_Information
+# Java style uses attached braces.
+# int Foo(bool isBar) {
+# if (isBar) {
+# bar();
+# return 1;
+# } else
+# return 0;
+# }
+# Indent using all tab characters, if possible. If a continuation line is not an even number of tabs,
+# spaces will be added at the end. Treat each tab as # spaces (e.g. -T6 / --indent=force-tab=6).
+# # must be between 2 and 20. If no # is set, treats tabs as 4 spaces.
+# Add extra indentation to namespace blocks. This option has no effect on Java files.
+# Indent multi-line preprocessor definitions ending with a backslash. Should be used with --convert-tabs for proper results.
+# Does a pretty good job, but cannot perform miracles in obfuscated preprocessor definitions.
+# Without this option the preprocessor statements remain unchanged.
+# Indent C++ comments beginning in column one. By default C++ comments beginning in column one are assumed to be
+# commented-out code and not indented. This option will allow the comments to be indented with the code.
+# Indent, instead of align, continuation lines following lines that contain an opening paren '(' or an assignment '='.
+# This includes function definitions and declarations and return statements.
+# The indentation can be modified by using the following indent-continuation option.
+# This option may be preferred for editors displaying proportional fonts.
+# Set the continuation indent for a line that ends with an opening paren '(' or an assignment '='.
+# This includes function definitions and declarations. It will also modify the previous indent-after-paren option.
+# The value for # indicates a number of indents. The valid values are the integer values from 0 thru 4.
+# If this option is not used, the default value of 1 is used.
+# Set the minimal indent that is added when a header is built of multiple lines.
+# This indent helps to easily separate the header from the command statements that follow.
+# The value for # indicates a number of indents and is a minimum value.
+# The indent may be greater to align with the data on the previous line.
+# The valid values are:
+# 0 - no minimal indent. The lines will be aligned with the paren on the preceding line.
+# 1 - indent at least one additional indent.
+# 2 - indent at least two additional indents.
+# 3 - indent at least one-half an additional indent. This is intended for large indents (e.g. 8).
+# The default value is 2, two additional indents.
+# Set the maximum of # spaces to indent a continuation line. The # indicates a number of columns and
+# must not be less than 40 or greater than 120. If no value is set, the default value of 40 will be used.
+# This option will prevent continuation lines from extending too far to the right.
+# Setting a larger value will allow the code to be extended further to the right.
+# Indent labels so that they appear one indent less than
+# the current indentation level, rather than being
+# flushed completely to the left (which is the default).
+# This option improves indentation of C++ lambda functions. As it currently does not work well with
+# complex lambda function bodies, this feature is not enabled by default.
+# Attach a pointer or reference operator (*, &, or ^) to either the variable type (left) or variable name (right), or place it between the type and name (middle).
+# This option will align references separate from pointers. Pointers are not changed by this option.
+# If pointers and references are to be aligned the same, use the previous align-pointer option.
+# Add brackets to unbracketed one line conditional statements (e.g. 'if', 'for', 'while'...).
+# The statement must be on a single line. The brackets will be added according to the currently requested predefined style or bracket type.
+# If no style or bracket type is requested the brackets will be attached.
+# If --add-one-line-brackets is also used the result will be one line brackets.
+# Don't break complex statements and multiple statements residing on a single line.
+# The option max?code?length will break a line if the code exceeds # characters.
+# The valid values are 50 thru 200. Lines without logical conditionals will break on a logical conditional (||, &&, ...), comma, paren, semicolon, or space.
+# Some code will not be broken, such as comments, quotes, and arrays. If used with keep?one?line?blocks or add-one-line-brackets the blocks will NOT be broken.
+# If used with keep?one?line?statements the statements will be broken at a semicolon if the line goes over the maximum length.
+# If there is no available break point within the max code length, the line will be broken at the first available break point after the max code length.
+# By default logical conditionals will be placed first on the new line.
+# The option break?after?logical will cause the logical conditionals to be placed last on the previous line. This option has no effect without max?code?length.
+# Indent a C type, C#, or Java file. C type files are C, C++, C++/CLI, and Objective-C. The option is usually set from the file extension for each file.
+# Verbose display mode. Display optional information, such as release number, date, option file locations, and statistical data.
+# Formatted files display mode. Display only the files that have been formatted. Do not display files that are unchanged.
+# Force use of the specified line end style. Valid options are windows (CRLF), linux (LF), and macold (CR).
+# MacOld style is the format for Mac OS 9 and earlier. OS X uses the Linux style.
+# If one of these options is not used the line ends will be determined automatically from the input file.
+# When redirection is used on Windows the output will always have Windows line ends. This option will be ignored.
+# Insert space padding around operators. This will also pad commas. Any end of line comments will remain
+# in the original column, if possible. Note that there is no option to unpad. Once padded, they stay padded.
+# Insert space padding between a header (e.g. 'if', 'for', 'while'...) and the following paren.
+# Any end of line comments will remain in the original column, if possible.
+# This can be used with unpad-paren to remove unwanted spaces.
+# Remove extra space padding around parens on the inside and outside. Any end of line comments will remain in the original
+# column, if possible. This option can be used in combination with the paren padding options pad-paren, pad-paren-out,
+# pad-paren-in, and pad-header above. Only padding that has not been requested by other options will be removed.
+# For example, if a source has parens padded on both the inside and outside, and you want inside only.
+# You need to use unpad-paren to remove the outside padding, and pad-paren-in to retain the inside padding.
+# Using only pad-paren-in> would not remove the outside padding.
+# Remove padding around square brackets on both the outside and the inside.
+# Remove superfluous empty lines exceeding the given number.
+# Remove superfluous whitespace
+# Attach the return type to the function name. The two options are for the function definitions (-xf),
+# and the function declarations or signatures (-xh). They are intended to undo the --break-return-type options.
+# If used with --break-return-type, the result will be to break the return type.
+# This option has no effect on Objective-C functions.
+# Closes whitespace between the ending angle brackets of template definitions.
+# Closing the ending angle brackets is now allowed by the C++11 standard.
+# Be sure your compiler supports this before making the changes.
+# Do not retain a backup of the original file. The original file is purged after it is formatted.
+# Preserve the original file's date and time modified.
+# The time modified will be changed a few microseconds to force the changed files to compile.
+# This option is not effective if redirection is used to rename the input file.
diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format
index e94fe0a..dea31ab 100644
--- a/.clang-format
+++ b/.clang-format
@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ Standard: c++20
UseTab: Always
TabWidth: 4
IndentWidth: 4
-ColumnLimit: 0
+ColumnLimit: 128
+PointerAlignment: Left
+DerivePointerAlignment: false
SpacesInSquareBrackets: false
SpacesInParentheses: false
SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false
@@ -14,6 +16,7 @@ SpacesInConditionalStatement: false
SpacesInAngles: false
SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false
SpaceInEmptyBlock: false
+SpacesInParens: Never
SpaceBeforeSquareBrackets: false
SpaceBeforeRangeBasedForLoopColon: true
SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements
@@ -23,13 +26,14 @@ SpaceBeforeCpp11BracedList: true
SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true
SpaceAfterTemplateKeyword: false
SpaceAfterLogicalNot: false
-PointerAlignment: Left
PackConstructorInitializers: BinPack
NamespaceIndentation: All
-LambdaBodyIndentation: Signature
+#LambdaBodyIndentation: Signature
IndentExternBlock: Indent
-IndentCaseLabels: true
+IndentCaseBlocks: false
+IndentCaseLabels: false
IndentAccessModifiers: false
+IndentRequiresClause: false
IncludeBlocks: Regroup
FixNamespaceComments: false
EmptyLineBeforeAccessModifier: LogicalBlock
@@ -38,17 +42,35 @@ CompactNamespaces: false
BreakConstructorInitializers: BeforeColon
BreakBeforeBraces: Attach
AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: Yes
-AllowShortLambdasOnASingleLine: All
-AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: AllIfsAndElse
+AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: None
+PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 10
+BreakBeforeConceptDeclarations: Always
+AllowShortLambdasOnASingleLine: Empty
+AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: Never
AllowShortEnumsOnASingleLine: true
AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: true
-AlignTrailingComments: true
+AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: Empty
+AllowShortCompoundRequirementOnASingleLine: true
+AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: Empty
+AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false
+ Kind: Never
+ OverEmptyLines: 0
AlignEscapedNewlines: DontAlign
AlignAfterOpenBracket: BlockIndent
+AlignOperands: DontAlign
+ Enabled: true
+ AcrossEmptyLines: true
+ AcrossComments: true
+ AlignCaseColons: false
BinPackArguments: true
BinPackParameters: true
-IndentRequiresClause: false
AccessModifierOffset: -4
+InsertNewlineAtEOF: true
+InsertBraces: true
+MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 2
+RequiresClausePosition: OwnLine
- Regex: <[[:alnum:]_]+>
Priority: 1
diff --git a/astyle.sh b/astyle.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4500290
--- /dev/null
+++ b/astyle.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+echo "\n\nFormatting openvic-extension with astyle:\n"
+astyle --options=.astylesrc --recursive ./extension/src/*.?pp
+if [ -d ./extension/deps/openvic-simulation ]; then
+ cd ./extension/deps/openvic-simulation
+ if [ -f ./astyle.sh ]; then
+ ./astyle.sh
+ fi
+exit 0
diff --git a/clang-format.sh b/clang-format.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b45543
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang-format.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#/usr/bin/env bash
+echo "\n\nFormatting openvic-extension with clang-format:\n"
+find ./extension/src/ -iname *.hpp -o -iname *.cpp | xargs clang-format --verbose -i
+if [ -d ./extension/deps/openvic-simulation ]; then
+ cd ./extension/deps/openvic-simulation
+ if [ -f ./clang-format.sh ]; then
+ ./clang-format.sh
+ fi
+exit 0
diff --git a/extension/deps/openvic-simulation b/extension/deps/openvic-simulation
-Subproject 04795924456062db1631686a90f13d963791ad3
+Subproject ae2742113ec7283a2a5afa62f8bfd98a865c420
diff --git a/extension/src/openvic-extension/Checksum.hpp b/extension/src/openvic-extension/Checksum.hpp
index b12a9cd..c5d8daf 100644
--- a/extension/src/openvic-extension/Checksum.hpp
+++ b/extension/src/openvic-extension/Checksum.hpp
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ namespace OpenVic {
GDCLASS(Checksum, godot::Object)
- inline static Checksum* _checksum = nullptr;
+ static inline Checksum* _checksum = nullptr;
static void _bind_methods() {
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ namespace OpenVic {
- inline static Checksum* get_singleton() { return _checksum; }
+ static inline Checksum* get_singleton() {
+ return _checksum;
+ }
inline Checksum() {
ERR_FAIL_COND(_checksum != nullptr);
diff --git a/extension/src/openvic-extension/GameSingleton.cpp b/extension/src/openvic-extension/GameSingleton.cpp
index ade6ec9..311b602 100644
--- a/extension/src/openvic-extension/GameSingleton.cpp
+++ b/extension/src/openvic-extension/GameSingleton.cpp
@@ -10,86 +10,113 @@
using namespace godot;
using namespace OpenVic;
+using OpenVic::Utilities::godot_to_std_string;
+using OpenVic::Utilities::std_to_godot_string;
+using OpenVic::Utilities::std_view_to_godot_string;
GameSingleton* GameSingleton::singleton = nullptr;
+#define BM ClassDB::bind_method
+#define BSM ClassDB::bind_static_method
void GameSingleton::_bind_methods() {
- ClassDB::bind_static_method("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("setup_logger"), &GameSingleton::setup_logger);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("load_defines_compatibility_mode", "file_paths"), &GameSingleton::load_defines_compatibility_mode);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("lookup_file", "path"), &GameSingleton::lookup_file);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("setup_game"), &GameSingleton::setup_game);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_province_index_from_uv_coords", "coords"), &GameSingleton::get_province_index_from_uv_coords);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_province_info_from_index", "index"), &GameSingleton::get_province_info_from_index);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_width"), &GameSingleton::get_width);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_height"), &GameSingleton::get_height);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_aspect_ratio"), &GameSingleton::get_aspect_ratio);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_terrain_texture"), &GameSingleton::get_terrain_texture);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_province_shape_image_subdivisions"), &GameSingleton::get_province_shape_image_subdivisions);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_province_shape_texture"), &GameSingleton::get_province_shape_texture);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_province_colour_texture"), &GameSingleton::get_province_colour_texture);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_mapmode_count"), &GameSingleton::get_mapmode_count);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_mapmode_identifier", "index"), &GameSingleton::get_mapmode_identifier);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_mapmode", "identifier"), &GameSingleton::set_mapmode);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_selected_province_index"), &GameSingleton::get_selected_province_index);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_selected_province", "index"), &GameSingleton::set_selected_province);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("expand_building", "province_index", "building_type_identifier"), &GameSingleton::expand_building);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_paused", "paused"), &GameSingleton::set_paused);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("toggle_paused"), &GameSingleton::toggle_paused);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_paused"), &GameSingleton::is_paused);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("increase_speed"), &GameSingleton::increase_speed);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("decrease_speed"), &GameSingleton::decrease_speed);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("can_increase_speed"), &GameSingleton::can_increase_speed);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("can_decrease_speed"), &GameSingleton::can_decrease_speed);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_longform_date"), &GameSingleton::get_longform_date);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("try_tick"), &GameSingleton::try_tick);
+ BSM("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("setup_logger"), &GameSingleton::setup_logger);
+ BM(D_METHOD("load_defines_compatibility_mode", "file_paths"), &GameSingleton::load_defines_compatibility_mode);
+ BSM(
+ "GameSingleton", D_METHOD("search_for_game_path", "hint_path"), &GameSingleton::search_for_game_path, DEFVAL(String {})
+ );
+ BM(D_METHOD("lookup_file", "path"), &GameSingleton::lookup_file);
+ BM(D_METHOD("setup_game"), &GameSingleton::setup_game);
+ BM(D_METHOD("get_province_index_from_uv_coords", "coords"), &GameSingleton::get_province_index_from_uv_coords);
+ BM(D_METHOD("get_province_info_from_index", "index"), &GameSingleton::get_province_info_from_index);
+ BM(D_METHOD("get_width"), &GameSingleton::get_width);
+ BM(D_METHOD("get_height"), &GameSingleton::get_height);
+ BM(D_METHOD("get_aspect_ratio"), &GameSingleton::get_aspect_ratio);
+ BM(D_METHOD("get_terrain_texture"), &GameSingleton::get_terrain_texture);
+ BM(D_METHOD("get_province_shape_image_subdivisions"), &GameSingleton::get_province_shape_image_subdivisions);
+ BM(D_METHOD("get_province_shape_texture"), &GameSingleton::get_province_shape_texture);
+ BM(D_METHOD("get_province_colour_texture"), &GameSingleton::get_province_colour_texture);
+ BM(D_METHOD("get_mapmode_count"), &GameSingleton::get_mapmode_count);
+ BM(D_METHOD("get_mapmode_identifier", "index"), &GameSingleton::get_mapmode_identifier);
+ BM(D_METHOD("set_mapmode", "identifier"), &GameSingleton::set_mapmode);
+ BM(D_METHOD("get_selected_province_index"), &GameSingleton::get_selected_province_index);
+ BM(D_METHOD("set_selected_province", "index"), &GameSingleton::set_selected_province);
+ BM(D_METHOD("expand_building", "province_index", "building_type_identifier"), &GameSingleton::expand_building);
+ BM(D_METHOD("set_paused", "paused"), &GameSingleton::set_paused);
+ BM(D_METHOD("toggle_paused"), &GameSingleton::toggle_paused);
+ BM(D_METHOD("is_paused"), &GameSingleton::is_paused);
+ BM(D_METHOD("increase_speed"), &GameSingleton::increase_speed);
+ BM(D_METHOD("decrease_speed"), &GameSingleton::decrease_speed);
+ BM(D_METHOD("can_increase_speed"), &GameSingleton::can_increase_speed);
+ BM(D_METHOD("can_decrease_speed"), &GameSingleton::can_decrease_speed);
+ BM(D_METHOD("get_longform_date"), &GameSingleton::get_longform_date);
+ BM(D_METHOD("try_tick"), &GameSingleton::try_tick);
ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("province_selected", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "index")));
- ClassDB::bind_static_method("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_province_info_province_key"), &GameSingleton::get_province_info_province_key);
- ClassDB::bind_static_method("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_province_info_region_key"), &GameSingleton::get_province_info_region_key);
- ClassDB::bind_static_method("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_province_info_life_rating_key"), &GameSingleton::get_province_info_life_rating_key);
- ClassDB::bind_static_method("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_province_info_terrain_type_key"), &GameSingleton::get_province_info_terrain_type_key);
- ClassDB::bind_static_method("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_province_info_total_population_key"), &GameSingleton::get_province_info_total_population_key);
- ClassDB::bind_static_method("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_province_info_pop_types_key"), &GameSingleton::get_province_info_pop_types_key);
- ClassDB::bind_static_method("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_province_info_pop_ideologies_key"), &GameSingleton::get_province_info_pop_ideologies_key);
- ClassDB::bind_static_method("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_province_info_pop_cultures_key"), &GameSingleton::get_province_info_pop_cultures_key);
- ClassDB::bind_static_method("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_province_info_rgo_key"), &GameSingleton::get_province_info_rgo_key);
- ClassDB::bind_static_method("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_province_info_buildings_key"), &GameSingleton::get_province_info_buildings_key);
- ClassDB::bind_static_method("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_building_info_building_key"), &GameSingleton::get_building_info_building_key);
- ClassDB::bind_static_method("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_building_info_level_key"), &GameSingleton::get_building_info_level_key);
- ClassDB::bind_static_method("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_building_info_expansion_state_key"), &GameSingleton::get_building_info_expansion_state_key);
- ClassDB::bind_static_method("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_building_info_start_date_key"), &GameSingleton::get_building_info_start_date_key);
- ClassDB::bind_static_method("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_building_info_end_date_key"), &GameSingleton::get_building_info_end_date_key);
- ClassDB::bind_static_method("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_building_info_expansion_progress_key"), &GameSingleton::get_building_info_expansion_progress_key);
- ClassDB::bind_static_method("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_piechart_info_size_key"), &GameSingleton::get_piechart_info_size_key);
- ClassDB::bind_static_method("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_piechart_info_colour_key"), &GameSingleton::get_piechart_info_colour_key);
- ClassDB::bind_static_method("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("draw_pie_chart", "image", "stopAngles", "colours", "radius",
- "shadow_displacement", "shadow_tightness", "shadow_radius", "shadow_thickness",
- "trim_colour", "trim_size", "gradient_falloff", "gradient_base",
- "donut", "donut_inner_trim", "donut_inner_radius"), &GameSingleton::draw_pie_chart);
- ClassDB::bind_static_method("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("load_image", "path"), &GameSingleton::load_image);
-void GameSingleton::draw_pie_chart(Ref<Image> image,
- Array const& stopAngles, Array const& colours, float radius,
- Vector2 shadow_displacement, float shadow_tightness, float shadow_radius, float shadow_thickness,
- Color trim_colour, float trim_size, float gradient_falloff, float gradient_base,
- bool donut, bool donut_inner_trim, float donut_inner_radius) {
- OpenVic::draw_pie_chart(image, stopAngles, colours, radius, shadow_displacement, shadow_tightness, shadow_radius, shadow_thickness,
- trim_colour, trim_size, gradient_falloff, gradient_base,
- donut, donut_inner_trim, donut_inner_radius);
+ BSM("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_province_info_province_key"), &GameSingleton::get_province_info_province_key);
+ BSM("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_province_info_region_key"), &GameSingleton::get_province_info_region_key);
+ BSM("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_province_info_life_rating_key"), &GameSingleton::get_province_info_life_rating_key);
+ BSM("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_province_info_terrain_type_key"), &GameSingleton::get_province_info_terrain_type_key);
+ BSM(
+ "GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_province_info_total_population_key"),
+ &GameSingleton::get_province_info_total_population_key
+ );
+ BSM("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_province_info_pop_types_key"), &GameSingleton::get_province_info_pop_types_key);
+ BSM(
+ "GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_province_info_pop_ideologies_key"),
+ &GameSingleton::get_province_info_pop_ideologies_key
+ );
+ BSM("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_province_info_pop_cultures_key"), &GameSingleton::get_province_info_pop_cultures_key);
+ BSM("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_province_info_rgo_key"), &GameSingleton::get_province_info_rgo_key);
+ BSM("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_province_info_buildings_key"), &GameSingleton::get_province_info_buildings_key);
+ BSM("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_building_info_building_key"), &GameSingleton::get_building_info_building_key);
+ BSM("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_building_info_level_key"), &GameSingleton::get_building_info_level_key);
+ BSM(
+ "GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_building_info_expansion_state_key"),
+ &GameSingleton::get_building_info_expansion_state_key
+ );
+ BSM("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_building_info_start_date_key"), &GameSingleton::get_building_info_start_date_key);
+ BSM("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_building_info_end_date_key"), &GameSingleton::get_building_info_end_date_key);
+ BSM(
+ "GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_building_info_expansion_progress_key"),
+ &GameSingleton::get_building_info_expansion_progress_key
+ );
+ BSM("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_piechart_info_size_key"), &GameSingleton::get_piechart_info_size_key);
+ BSM("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("get_piechart_info_colour_key"), &GameSingleton::get_piechart_info_colour_key);
+ BSM(
+ "GameSingleton",
+ "draw_pie_chart", "image", "stopAngles", "colours", "radius", "shadow_displacement", "shadow_tightness",
+ "shadow_radius", "shadow_thickness", "trim_colour", "trim_size", "gradient_falloff", "gradient_base", "donut",
+ "donut_inner_trim", "donut_inner_radius"
+ ),
+ &GameSingleton::draw_pie_chart
+ );
+ BSM("GameSingleton", D_METHOD("load_image", "path"), &GameSingleton::load_image);
+void GameSingleton::draw_pie_chart(
+ Ref<Image> image, Array const& stopAngles, Array const& colours, float radius, Vector2 shadow_displacement,
+ float shadow_tightness, float shadow_radius, float shadow_thickness, Color trim_colour, float trim_size,
+ float gradient_falloff, float gradient_base, bool donut, bool donut_inner_trim, float donut_inner_radius
+) {
+ Utilities::draw_pie_chart(
+ image, stopAngles, colours, radius, shadow_displacement, shadow_tightness, shadow_radius, shadow_thickness,
+ trim_colour, trim_size, gradient_falloff, gradient_base, donut, donut_inner_trim, donut_inner_radius
+ );
Ref<Image> GameSingleton::load_image(String const& path) {
- return load_godot_image(path);
+ return Utilities::load_godot_image(path);
GameSingleton* GameSingleton::get_singleton() {
@@ -104,15 +131,22 @@ void GameSingleton::_on_state_updated() {
* MAP-21, MAP-23, MAP-25, MAP-32, MAP-33, MAP-34
-GameSingleton::GameSingleton() : game_manager { [this]() { _on_state_updated(); } } {
+ : game_manager { std::bind(&GameSingleton::_on_state_updated, this) } {
ERR_FAIL_COND(singleton != nullptr);
singleton = this;
void GameSingleton::setup_logger() {
- Logger::set_info_func([](std::string&& str) { UtilityFunctions::print(std_to_godot_string(str)); });
- Logger::set_warning_func([](std::string&& str) { UtilityFunctions::push_warning(std_to_godot_string(str)); });
- Logger::set_error_func([](std::string&& str) { UtilityFunctions::push_error(std_to_godot_string(str)); });
+ Logger::set_info_func([](std::string&& str) {
+ UtilityFunctions::print(std_to_godot_string(str));
+ });
+ Logger::set_warning_func([](std::string&& str) {
+ UtilityFunctions::push_warning(std_to_godot_string(str));
+ });
+ Logger::set_error_func([](std::string&& str) {
+ UtilityFunctions::push_error(std_to_godot_string(str));
+ });
GameSingleton::~GameSingleton() {
@@ -207,42 +241,61 @@ StringName const& GameSingleton::get_piechart_info_colour_key() {
return key;
-Dictionary GameSingleton::_distribution_to_dictionary(distribution_t const& dist) const {
+template<std::derived_from<HasIdentifierAndColour> T>
+static Dictionary _distribution_to_dictionary(decimal_map_t<T const*> const& dist) {
Dictionary dict;
- for (distribution_t::value_type const& p : dist) {
- Dictionary sub_dict;
- sub_dict[get_piechart_info_size_key()] = p.second;
- sub_dict[get_piechart_info_colour_key()] = to_godot_color(p.first->get_colour());
- dict[std_to_godot_string(p.first->get_identifier())] = sub_dict;
+ for (auto const& [key, val] : dist) {
+ if (key != nullptr) {
+ Dictionary sub_dict;
+ sub_dict[GameSingleton::get_piechart_info_size_key()] = val.to_float();
+ sub_dict[GameSingleton::get_piechart_info_colour_key()] = Utilities::to_godot_color(key->get_colour());
+ dict[std_view_to_godot_string(key->get_identifier())] = std::move(sub_dict);
+ } else {
+ UtilityFunctions::push_error("Null distribution key with value ", val.to_float());
+ }
return dict;
Dictionary GameSingleton::get_province_info_from_index(int32_t index) const {
Province const* province = game_manager.get_map().get_province_by_index(index);
- if (province == nullptr) return {};
+ if (province == nullptr) {
+ return {};
+ }
Dictionary ret;
- ret[get_province_info_province_key()] = std_to_godot_string(province->get_identifier());
+ ret[get_province_info_province_key()] = std_view_to_godot_string(province->get_identifier());
Region const* region = province->get_region();
- if (region != nullptr) ret[get_province_info_region_key()] = std_to_godot_string(region->get_identifier());
+ if (region != nullptr) {
+ ret[get_province_info_region_key()] = std_view_to_godot_string(region->get_identifier());
+ }
Good const* rgo = province->get_rgo();
- if (rgo != nullptr) ret[get_province_info_rgo_key()] = std_to_godot_string(rgo->get_identifier());
+ if (rgo != nullptr) {
+ ret[get_province_info_rgo_key()] = std_view_to_godot_string(rgo->get_identifier());
+ }
ret[get_province_info_life_rating_key()] = province->get_life_rating();
TerrainType const* terrain_type = province->get_terrain_type();
- if (terrain_type != nullptr) ret[get_province_info_terrain_type_key()] = std_to_godot_string(terrain_type->get_identifier());
+ if (terrain_type != nullptr) {
+ ret[get_province_info_terrain_type_key()] = std_view_to_godot_string(terrain_type->get_identifier());
+ }
ret[get_province_info_total_population_key()] = province->get_total_population();
- distribution_t const& pop_types = province->get_pop_type_distribution();
- if (!pop_types.empty()) ret[get_province_info_pop_types_key()] = _distribution_to_dictionary(pop_types);
- //distribution_t const& ideologies = province->get_ideology_distribution();
- //if (!ideologies.empty()) ret[get_province_info_pop_ideologies_key()] = _distribution_to_dictionary(ideologies);
- distribution_t const& cultures = province->get_culture_distribution();
- if (!cultures.empty()) ret[get_province_info_pop_cultures_key()] = _distribution_to_dictionary(cultures);
+ decimal_map_t<PopType const*> const& pop_types = province->get_pop_type_distribution();
+ if (!pop_types.empty()) {
+ ret[get_province_info_pop_types_key()] = _distribution_to_dictionary(pop_types);
+ }
+ decimal_map_t<Ideology const*> const& ideologies = province->get_ideology_distribution();
+ if (!ideologies.empty()) {
+ ret[get_province_info_pop_ideologies_key()] = _distribution_to_dictionary(ideologies);
+ }
+ decimal_map_t<Culture const*> const& cultures = province->get_culture_distribution();
+ if (!cultures.empty()) {
+ ret[get_province_info_pop_cultures_key()] = _distribution_to_dictionary(cultures);
+ }
std::vector<BuildingInstance> const& buildings = province->get_buildings();
if (!buildings.empty()) {
@@ -252,7 +305,7 @@ Dictionary GameSingleton::get_province_info_from_index(int32_t index) const {
BuildingInstance const& building = buildings[idx];
Dictionary building_dict;
- building_dict[get_building_info_building_key()] = std_to_godot_string(building.get_identifier());
+ building_dict[get_building_info_building_key()] = std_view_to_godot_string(building.get_identifier());
building_dict[get_building_info_level_key()] = static_cast<int32_t>(building.get_current_level());
building_dict[get_building_info_expansion_state_key()] = static_cast<int32_t>(building.get_expansion_state());
building_dict[get_building_info_start_date_key()] = std_to_godot_string(building.get_start_date().to_string());
@@ -296,26 +349,27 @@ Ref<Texture> GameSingleton::get_province_colour_texture() const {
Error GameSingleton::_update_colour_image() {
static PackedByteArray colour_data_array;
- static constexpr int64_t colour_data_array_size = (static_cast<int64_t>(Province::MAX_INDEX) + 1) * Map::MAPMODE_COLOUR_SIZE;
+ static constexpr int64_t colour_data_array_size =
+ (static_cast<int64_t>(Province::MAX_INDEX) + 1) * Map::MAPMODE_COLOUR_SIZE;
Error err = OK;
- if (!game_manager.get_map().generate_mapmode_colours(mapmode_index, colour_data_array.ptrw()))
+ if (!game_manager.get_map().generate_mapmode_colours(mapmode_index, colour_data_array.ptrw())) {
err = FAILED;
+ }
static constexpr int32_t PROVINCE_INDEX_SQRT = 1 << (sizeof(Province::index_t) * 4);
if (province_colour_image.is_null()) {
- ERR_FAIL_NULL_V_EDMSG(province_colour_image, FAILED,
- "Failed to create province colour image");
+ ERR_FAIL_NULL_V_EDMSG(province_colour_image, FAILED, "Failed to create province colour image");
- province_colour_image->set_data(PROVINCE_INDEX_SQRT, PROVINCE_INDEX_SQRT,
- false, Image::FORMAT_RGBA8, colour_data_array);
+ province_colour_image->set_data(PROVINCE_INDEX_SQRT, PROVINCE_INDEX_SQRT, false, Image::FORMAT_RGBA8, colour_data_array);
if (province_colour_texture.is_null()) {
province_colour_texture = ImageTexture::create_from_image(province_colour_image);
- ERR_FAIL_NULL_V_EDMSG(province_colour_texture, FAILED,
- "Failed to create province colour texture");
- } else province_colour_texture->update(province_colour_image);
+ ERR_FAIL_NULL_V_EDMSG(province_colour_texture, FAILED, "Failed to create province colour texture");
+ } else {
+ province_colour_texture->update(province_colour_image);
+ }
return err;
@@ -325,7 +379,9 @@ int32_t GameSingleton::get_mapmode_count() const {
String GameSingleton::get_mapmode_identifier(int32_t index) const {
Mapmode const* mapmode = game_manager.get_map().get_mapmode_by_index(index);
- if (mapmode != nullptr) return std_to_godot_string(mapmode->get_identifier());
+ if (mapmode != nullptr) {
+ return std_view_to_godot_string(mapmode->get_identifier());
+ }
return String {};
@@ -404,13 +460,18 @@ Error GameSingleton::_load_map_images(bool flip_vertical) {
const Vector2i province_dims {
- static_cast<int32_t>(game_manager.get_map().get_height()) };
+ static_cast<int32_t>(game_manager.get_map().get_height())
+ };
static constexpr int32_t GPU_DIM_LIMIT = 0x3FFF;
- // For each dimension of the image, this finds the small number of equal subdivisions required get the individual texture dims under GPU_DIM_LIMIT
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
- for (image_subdivisions[i] = 1; province_dims[i] / image_subdivisions[i] > GPU_DIM_LIMIT ||
- province_dims[i] % image_subdivisions[i] != 0; ++image_subdivisions[i]);
+ // For each dimension of the image, this finds the small number of equal subdivisions
+ // required get the individual texture dims under GPU_DIM_LIMIT
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+ image_subdivisions[i] = 1;
+ while (province_dims[i] / image_subdivisions[i] > GPU_DIM_LIMIT || province_dims[i] % image_subdivisions[i] != 0) {
+ ++image_subdivisions[i];
+ }
+ }
Map::shape_pixel_t const* province_shape_data = game_manager.get_map().get_province_shape_image().data();
const Vector2i divided_dims = province_dims / image_subdivisions;
@@ -421,12 +482,16 @@ Error GameSingleton::_load_map_images(bool flip_vertical) {
PackedByteArray index_data_array;
index_data_array.resize(divided_dims.x * divided_dims.y * sizeof(Map::shape_pixel_t));
- for (int32_t y = 0; y < divided_dims.y; ++y)
- memcpy(index_data_array.ptrw() + y * divided_dims.x * sizeof(Map::shape_pixel_t),
+ for (int32_t y = 0; y < divided_dims.y; ++y) {
+ memcpy(
+ index_data_array.ptrw() + y * divided_dims.x * sizeof(Map::shape_pixel_t),
province_shape_data + (v * divided_dims.y + y) * province_dims.x + u * divided_dims.x,
- divided_dims.x * sizeof(Map::shape_pixel_t));
+ divided_dims.x * sizeof(Map::shape_pixel_t)
+ );
+ }
- const Ref<Image> province_shape_subimage = Image::create_from_data(divided_dims.x, divided_dims.y, false, Image::FORMAT_RGB8, index_data_array);
+ const Ref<Image> province_shape_subimage =
+ Image::create_from_data(divided_dims.x, divided_dims.y, false, Image::FORMAT_RGB8, index_data_array);
if (province_shape_subimage.is_null()) {
UtilityFunctions::push_error("Failed to create province shape image (", u, ", ", v, ")");
err = FAILED;
@@ -441,7 +506,9 @@ Error GameSingleton::_load_map_images(bool flip_vertical) {
err = FAILED;
- if (_update_colour_image() != OK) err = FAILED;
+ if (_update_colour_image() != OK) {
+ err = FAILED;
+ }
return err;
@@ -450,7 +517,7 @@ Error GameSingleton::_load_terrain_variants_compatibility_mode(String const& ter
static constexpr int32_t SHEET_DIMS = 8, SHEET_SIZE = SHEET_DIMS * SHEET_DIMS;
// Load the terrain texture sheet and prepare to slice it up
- Ref<Image> terrain_sheet = load_godot_image(terrain_texturesheet_path);
+ Ref<Image> terrain_sheet = Utilities::load_godot_image(terrain_texturesheet_path);
if (terrain_sheet.is_null()) {
UtilityFunctions::push_error("Failed to load terrain texture sheet: ", terrain_texturesheet_path);
return FAILED;
@@ -458,7 +525,10 @@ Error GameSingleton::_load_terrain_variants_compatibility_mode(String const& ter
const int32_t sheet_width = terrain_sheet->get_width(), sheet_height = terrain_sheet->get_height();
if (sheet_width < 1 || sheet_width % SHEET_DIMS != 0 || sheet_width != sheet_height) {
- UtilityFunctions::push_error("Invalid terrain texture sheet dims: ", sheet_width, "x", sheet_height, " (must be square with dims positive multiples of ", SHEET_DIMS, ")");
+ UtilityFunctions::push_error(
+ "Invalid terrain texture sheet dims: ", sheet_width, "x", sheet_height,
+ " (must be square with dims positive multiples of ", SHEET_DIMS, ")"
+ );
return FAILED;
const int32_t slice_size = sheet_width / SHEET_DIMS;
@@ -476,7 +546,9 @@ Error GameSingleton::_load_terrain_variants_compatibility_mode(String const& ter
const Rect2i slice { (idx % SHEET_DIMS) * slice_size, (7 - (idx / SHEET_DIMS)) * slice_size, slice_size, slice_size };
const Ref<Image> terrain_image = terrain_sheet->get_region(slice);
if (terrain_image.is_null() || terrain_image->is_empty()) {
- UtilityFunctions::push_error("Failed to extract terrain texture slice ", slice, " from ", terrain_texturesheet_path);
+ UtilityFunctions::push_error(
+ "Failed to extract terrain texture slice ", slice, " from ", terrain_texturesheet_path
+ );
err = FAILED;
@@ -491,7 +563,7 @@ Error GameSingleton::_load_terrain_variants_compatibility_mode(String const& ter
Error GameSingleton::load_defines_compatibility_mode(PackedStringArray const& file_paths) {
- static const fs::path terrain_texture_file = "map/terrain/texturesheet.tga";
+ static constexpr std::string_view terrain_texture_file = "map/terrain/texturesheet.tga";
Dataloader::path_vector_t roots;
for (String const& path : file_paths) {
@@ -508,9 +580,8 @@ Error GameSingleton::load_defines_compatibility_mode(PackedStringArray const& fi
UtilityFunctions::push_error("Failed to load defines!");
err = FAILED;
- if (_load_terrain_variants_compatibility_mode(
- std_to_godot_string(dataloader.lookup_file(terrain_texture_file).string())
- ) != OK) {
+ if (_load_terrain_variants_compatibility_mode(std_to_godot_string(
+ dataloader.lookup_file(terrain_texture_file).string())) != OK) {
UtilityFunctions::push_error("Failed to load terrain variants!");
err = FAILED;
@@ -530,6 +601,10 @@ Error GameSingleton::load_defines_compatibility_mode(PackedStringArray const& fi
return err;
+String GameSingleton::search_for_game_path(String hint_path) {
+ return std_to_godot_string(Dataloader::search_for_game_path(godot_to_std_string(hint_path)).string());
String GameSingleton::lookup_file(String const& path) const {
return std_to_godot_string(dataloader.lookup_file(godot_to_std_string(path)).string());
diff --git a/extension/src/openvic-extension/GameSingleton.hpp b/extension/src/openvic-extension/GameSingleton.hpp
index 56c9e88..1d92ef0 100644
--- a/extension/src/openvic-extension/GameSingleton.hpp
+++ b/extension/src/openvic-extension/GameSingleton.hpp
@@ -33,17 +33,17 @@ namespace OpenVic {
godot::Error _update_colour_image();
void _on_state_updated();
- godot::Dictionary _distribution_to_dictionary(distribution_t const& dist) const;
static void _bind_methods();
- static void draw_pie_chart(godot::Ref<godot::Image> image,
- godot::Array const& stopAngles, godot::Array const& colours, float radius,
+ static void draw_pie_chart(
+ godot::Ref<godot::Image> image, godot::Array const& stopAngles, godot::Array const& colours, float radius,
godot::Vector2 shadow_displacement, float shadow_tightness, float shadow_radius, float shadow_thickness,
- godot::Color trim_colour, float trim_size, float gradient_falloff, float gradient_base,
- bool donut, bool donut_inner_trim, float donut_inner_radius);
+ godot::Color trim_colour, float trim_size, float gradient_falloff, float gradient_base, bool donut,
+ bool donut_inner_trim, float donut_inner_radius
+ );
static godot::Ref<godot::Image> load_image(godot::String const& path);
static GameSingleton* get_singleton();
@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ namespace OpenVic {
godot::Error load_defines_compatibility_mode(godot::PackedStringArray const& file_paths);
+ static godot::String search_for_game_path(godot::String hint_path = {});
godot::String lookup_file(godot::String const& path) const;
/* Post-load/restart game setup - reset the game to post-load state
diff --git a/extension/src/openvic-extension/LoadLocalisation.cpp b/extension/src/openvic-extension/LoadLocalisation.cpp
index 9ab7298..ee90633 100644
--- a/extension/src/openvic-extension/LoadLocalisation.cpp
+++ b/extension/src/openvic-extension/LoadLocalisation.cpp
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ LoadLocalisation::~LoadLocalisation() {
singleton = nullptr;
-Error LoadLocalisation::_load_file_into_translation(String const& file_path, Ref<Translation> translation) const {
+Error LoadLocalisation::_load_file(String const& file_path, Ref<Translation> translation) const {
const Ref<FileAccess> file = FileAccess::open(file_path, FileAccess::ModeFlags::READ);
Error err = FileAccess::get_open_error();
if (err != OK || file.is_null()) {
@@ -46,10 +46,14 @@ Error LoadLocalisation::_load_file_into_translation(String const& file_path, Ref
if (line.size() < 2 || line[0].is_empty() || line[1].is_empty()) {
if (!line[0].is_empty()) {
- UtilityFunctions::push_warning("Key \"", line[0], "\" missing value on line ", line_number, " in file: ", file_path);
+ UtilityFunctions::push_warning(
+ "Key \"", line[0], "\" missing value on line ", line_number, " in file: ", file_path
+ );
err = FAILED;
} else if (line.size() >= 2 && !line[1].is_empty()) {
- UtilityFunctions::push_warning("Value \"", line[1], "\" missing key on line ", line_number, " in file: ", file_path);
+ UtilityFunctions::push_warning(
+ "Value \"", line[1], "\" missing key on line ", line_number, " in file: ", file_path
+ );
err = FAILED;
@@ -75,7 +79,7 @@ Ref<Translation> LoadLocalisation::_get_translation(String const& locale) const
Error LoadLocalisation::load_file(String const& file_path, String const& locale) const {
- return _load_file_into_translation(file_path, _get_translation(locale));
+ return _load_file(file_path, _get_translation(locale));
@@ -101,8 +105,9 @@ Error LoadLocalisation::load_locale_dir(String const& dir_path, String const& lo
Error err = OK;
for (String const& file_name : files) {
if (file_name.get_extension().to_lower() == "csv") {
- if (_load_file_into_translation(dir_path.path_join(file_name), translation) != OK)
+ if (_load_file(dir_path.path_join(file_name), translation) != OK) {
err = FAILED;
+ }
return err;
@@ -128,10 +133,11 @@ Error LoadLocalisation::load_localisation_dir(String const& dir_path) const {
Error err = OK;
for (String const& locale_name : dirs) {
- if (locale_name != server->standardize_locale(locale_name))
+ if (locale_name != server->standardize_locale(locale_name)) {
UtilityFunctions::push_error("Invalid locale directory name: ", locale_name);
- else if (load_locale_dir(dir_path.path_join(locale_name), locale_name) == OK)
+ } else if (load_locale_dir(dir_path.path_join(locale_name), locale_name) == OK) {
+ }
err = FAILED;
return err;
@@ -146,12 +152,15 @@ bool LoadLocalisation::add_message(std::string_view key, Dataloader::locale_t lo
return false;
- const StringName godot_key = std_to_godot_string(std::string { key });
- const StringName godot_localisation = std_to_godot_string(std::string { localisation });
+ const StringName godot_key = Utilities::std_view_to_godot_string(key);
+ const StringName godot_localisation = Utilities::std_view_to_godot_string(localisation);
if (0) {
const StringName old_localisation = translation->get_message(godot_key);
if (!old_localisation.is_empty()) {
- UtilityFunctions::push_warning("Changing translation ", godot_key, " (", Dataloader::locale_names[locale], ") from \"", old_localisation, "\" to \"", godot_localisation, "\"");
+ UtilityFunctions::push_warning(
+ "Changing translation ", godot_key, " (", Dataloader::locale_names[locale], ") from \"",
+ old_localisation, "\" to \"", godot_localisation, "\""
+ );
translation->add_message(godot_key, godot_localisation);
diff --git a/extension/src/openvic-extension/LoadLocalisation.hpp b/extension/src/openvic-extension/LoadLocalisation.hpp
index 4f09ef3..8f6423e 100644
--- a/extension/src/openvic-extension/LoadLocalisation.hpp
+++ b/extension/src/openvic-extension/LoadLocalisation.hpp
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ namespace OpenVic {
static LoadLocalisation* singleton;
- godot::Error _load_file_into_translation(godot::String const& file_path, godot::Ref<godot::Translation> translation) const;
+ godot::Error _load_file(godot::String const& file_path, godot::Ref<godot::Translation> translation) const;
godot::Ref<godot::Translation> _get_translation(godot::String const& locale) const;
diff --git a/extension/src/openvic-extension/MapMesh.cpp b/extension/src/openvic-extension/MapMesh.cpp
index 269360a..e407391 100644
--- a/extension/src/openvic-extension/MapMesh.cpp
+++ b/extension/src/openvic-extension/MapMesh.cpp
@@ -21,10 +21,21 @@ void MapMesh::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_core_aabb"), &MapMesh::get_core_aabb);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_valid_uv_coord"), &MapMesh::is_valid_uv_coord);
- ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "aspect_ratio", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "suffix:m"), "set_aspect_ratio", "get_aspect_ratio");
- ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "repeat_proportion", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "suffix:m"), "set_repeat_proportion", "get_repeat_proportion");
- ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "subdivide_width", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,100,1,or_greater"), "set_subdivide_width", "get_subdivide_width");
- ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "subdivide_depth", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,100,1,or_greater"), "set_subdivide_depth", "get_subdivide_depth");
+ PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "aspect_ratio", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "suffix:m"), "set_aspect_ratio", "get_aspect_ratio"
+ );
+ PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "repeat_proportion", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "suffix:m"), "set_repeat_proportion",
+ "get_repeat_proportion"
+ );
+ PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "subdivide_width", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,100,1,or_greater"), "set_subdivide_width",
+ "get_subdivide_width"
+ );
+ PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "subdivide_depth", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,100,1,or_greater"), "set_subdivide_depth",
+ "get_subdivide_depth"
+ );
void MapMesh::_request_update() {
diff --git a/extension/src/openvic-extension/Utilities.cpp b/extension/src/openvic-extension/Utilities.cpp
index 649550f..520f78e 100644
--- a/extension/src/openvic-extension/Utilities.cpp
+++ b/extension/src/openvic-extension/Utilities.cpp
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ using namespace godot;
using namespace OpenVic;
static Ref<Image> load_dds_image(String const& path) {
- gli::texture2d texture { gli::load_dds(godot_to_std_string(path)) };
+ gli::texture2d texture { gli::load_dds(Utilities::godot_to_std_string(path)) };
if (texture.empty()) {
UtilityFunctions::push_error("Failed to load DDS file: ", path);
- return {};
+ return nullptr;
static constexpr gli::format expected_format = gli::FORMAT_BGRA8_UNORM_PACK8;
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ static Ref<Image> load_dds_image(String const& path) {
texture = gli::convert(texture, expected_format);
if (texture.empty()) {
UtilityFunctions::push_error("Failed to convert DDS file: ", path);
- return {};
+ return nullptr;
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ static Ref<Image> load_dds_image(String const& path) {
UtilityFunctions::print("needs_bgr_to_rgb = ", needs_bgr_to_rgb);
if (needs_bgr_to_rgb) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < pixels.size(); i += 4) {
- std::swap(pixels[i], pixels[i+2]);
+ std::swap(pixels[i], pixels[i + 2]);
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ static Ref<Image> load_dds_image(String const& path) {
return Image::create_from_data(extent.x, extent.y, false, Image::FORMAT_RGBA8, pixels);
-Ref<Image> OpenVic::load_godot_image(String const& path) {
+Ref<Image> Utilities::load_godot_image(String const& path) {
if (path.begins_with("res://")) {
ResourceLoader* loader = ResourceLoader::get_singleton();
return loader ? loader->load(path) : nullptr;
@@ -60,7 +60,9 @@ static Vector2 getPolar(Vector2 UVin, Vector2 center) {
Vector2 relcoord = (UVin - center);
float dist = relcoord.length();
float theta = std::numbers::pi / 2 + atan2(relcoord.y, relcoord.x);
- if (theta < 0.0f) theta += std::numbers::pi * 2;
+ if (theta < 0.0f) {
+ theta += std::numbers::pi * 2;
+ }
return { dist, theta };
@@ -73,10 +75,11 @@ static inline float parabola_shadow(float base, float x) {
return base * x * x;
-static Color pie_chart_fragment(Vector2 UV, float radius, Array const& stopAngles, Array const& colours,
- Vector2 shadow_displacement, float shadow_tightness, float shadow_radius, float shadow_thickness,
- Color trim_colour, float trim_size, float gradient_falloff, float gradient_base,
- bool donut, bool donut_inner_trim, float donut_inner_radius) {
+static Color pie_chart_fragment(
+ Vector2 UV, float radius, Array const& stopAngles, Array const& colours, Vector2 shadow_displacement,
+ float shadow_tightness, float shadow_radius, float shadow_thickness, Color trim_colour, float trim_size,
+ float gradient_falloff, float gradient_base, bool donut, bool donut_inner_trim, float donut_inner_radius
+) {
Vector2 coords = getPolar(UV, { 0.5, 0.5 });
float dist = coords.x;
@@ -84,7 +87,8 @@ static Color pie_chart_fragment(Vector2 UV, float radius, Array const& stopAngle
Vector2 shadow_polar = getPolar(UV, shadow_displacement);
float shadow_peak = radius + (radius - donut_inner_radius) / 2.0;
- float shadow_gradient = shadow_thickness + parabola_shadow(shadow_tightness * -10.0, shadow_polar.x + shadow_peak - shadow_radius);
+ float shadow_gradient =
+ shadow_thickness + parabola_shadow(shadow_tightness * -10.0, shadow_polar.x + shadow_peak - shadow_radius);
// Inner hole of the donut => make it transparent
if (donut && dist <= donut_inner_radius) {
@@ -116,11 +120,11 @@ static Color pie_chart_fragment(Vector2 UV, float radius, Array const& stopAngle
-void OpenVic::draw_pie_chart(Ref<Image> image,
- Array const& stopAngles, Array const& colours, float radius,
- Vector2 shadow_displacement, float shadow_tightness, float shadow_radius, float shadow_thickness,
- Color trim_colour, float trim_size, float gradient_falloff, float gradient_base,
- bool donut, bool donut_inner_trim, float donut_inner_radius) {
+void Utilities::draw_pie_chart(
+ Ref<Image> image, Array const& stopAngles, Array const& colours, float radius, Vector2 shadow_displacement,
+ float shadow_tightness, float shadow_radius, float shadow_thickness, Color trim_colour, float trim_size,
+ float gradient_falloff, float gradient_base, bool donut, bool donut_inner_trim, float donut_inner_radius
+) {
ERR_FAIL_NULL_EDMSG(image, "Cannot draw pie chart to null image.");
const int32_t width = image->get_width();
@@ -132,13 +136,14 @@ void OpenVic::draw_pie_chart(Ref<Image> image,
const int32_t size = std::min(width, height);
for (int32_t y = 0; y < size; ++y) {
for (int32_t x = 0; x < size; ++x) {
- image->set_pixel(x, y, pie_chart_fragment(
- { static_cast<float>(x) / static_cast<float>(size),
- static_cast<float>(y) / static_cast<float>(size) },
- radius, stopAngles, colours,
- shadow_displacement, shadow_tightness, shadow_radius, shadow_thickness,
- trim_colour, trim_size, gradient_falloff, gradient_base,
- donut, donut_inner_trim, donut_inner_radius));
+ image->set_pixel(
+ x, y,
+ pie_chart_fragment(
+ Vector2 { static_cast<float>(x), static_cast<float>(y) } / size, radius, stopAngles, colours,
+ shadow_displacement, shadow_tightness, shadow_radius, shadow_thickness, trim_colour, trim_size,
+ gradient_falloff, gradient_base, donut, donut_inner_trim, donut_inner_radius
+ )
+ );
diff --git a/extension/src/openvic-extension/Utilities.hpp b/extension/src/openvic-extension/Utilities.hpp
index 32e7cb5..f789f84 100644
--- a/extension/src/openvic-extension/Utilities.hpp
+++ b/extension/src/openvic-extension/Utilities.hpp
@@ -3,10 +3,11 @@
#include <godot_cpp/classes/image.hpp>
#include <openvic-simulation/types/Colour.hpp>
+#include <openvic-simulation/types/Vector.hpp>
#define ERR(x) ((x) ? OK : FAILED)
-namespace OpenVic {
+namespace OpenVic::Utilities {
inline std::string godot_to_std_string(godot::String const& str) {
return str.ascii().get_data();
@@ -16,15 +17,28 @@ namespace OpenVic {
return str.c_str();
+ inline godot::String std_view_to_godot_string(std::string_view str) {
+ return std_to_godot_string(static_cast<std::string>(str));
+ }
inline godot::Color to_godot_color(colour_t colour) {
- return { colour_byte_to_float((colour >> 16) & 0xFF), colour_byte_to_float((colour >> 8) & 0xFF), colour_byte_to_float(colour & 0xFF) };
+ return {
+ colour_byte_to_float((colour >> 16) & 0xFF),
+ colour_byte_to_float((colour >> 8) & 0xFF),
+ colour_byte_to_float(colour & 0xFF)
+ };
+ }
+ inline godot::Vector2i to_godot_ivec2(ivec2_t vec) {
+ return { vec.x, vec.y };
godot::Ref<godot::Image> load_godot_image(godot::String const& path);
- void draw_pie_chart(godot::Ref<godot::Image> image,
- godot::Array const& stopAngles, godot::Array const& colours, float radius,
+ void draw_pie_chart(
+ godot::Ref<godot::Image> image, godot::Array const& stopAngles, godot::Array const& colours, float radius,
godot::Vector2 shadow_displacement, float shadow_tightness, float shadow_radius, float shadow_thickness,
- godot::Color trim_colour, float trim_size, float gradient_falloff, float gradient_base,
- bool donut, bool donut_inner_trim, float donut_inner_radius);
+ godot::Color trim_colour, float trim_size, float gradient_falloff, float gradient_base, bool donut,
+ bool donut_inner_trim, float donut_inner_radius
+ );
diff --git a/extension/src/openvic-extension/register_types.cpp b/extension/src/openvic-extension/register_types.cpp
index 273bb85..2739e2e 100644
--- a/extension/src/openvic-extension/register_types.cpp
+++ b/extension/src/openvic-extension/register_types.cpp
@@ -51,7 +51,10 @@ void uninitialize_openvic_types(ModuleInitializationLevel p_level) {
extern "C" {
// Initialization.
- GDExtensionBool GDE_EXPORT openvic_library_init(GDExtensionInterfaceGetProcAddress p_get_proc_address, GDExtensionClassLibraryPtr p_library, GDExtensionInitialization* r_initialization) {
+ GDExtensionBool GDE_EXPORT openvic_library_init(
+ GDExtensionInterfaceGetProcAddress p_get_proc_address, GDExtensionClassLibraryPtr p_library,
+ GDExtensionInitialization* r_initialization
+ ) {
GDExtensionBinding::InitObject init_obj(p_get_proc_address, p_library, r_initialization);
diff --git a/game/src/Game/Autoload/Argument/ArgumentParser.tscn b/game/src/Game/Autoload/Argument/ArgumentParser.tscn
index 84ebd50..32339ec 100644
--- a/game/src/Game/Autoload/Argument/ArgumentParser.tscn
+++ b/game/src/Game/Autoload/Argument/ArgumentParser.tscn
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[gd_scene load_steps=6 format=3 uid="uid://dayjmgc34tqo6"]
+[gd_scene load_steps=7 format=3 uid="uid://dayjmgc34tqo6"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://src/Game/Autoload/Argument/ArgumentParser.gd" id="1_pc7xr"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://src/Game/Autoload/Argument/ArgumentOption.gd" id="2_4hguj"]
@@ -21,13 +21,21 @@ default_value = false
[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_tiax1"]
script = ExtResource("2_4hguj")
-name = &"compatibility-mode"
-aliases = Array[StringName]([&"compat"])
+name = &"base-path"
+aliases = Array[StringName]([])
type = 4
-description = "Load Victoria 2 assets from this path."
+description = "Load Victoria 2 assets from this exact path."
+default_value = ""
+[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_sh3m3"]
+script = ExtResource("2_4hguj")
+name = &"search-path"
+aliases = Array[StringName]([])
+type = 4
+description = "Search for Victoria 2 assets at this path."
default_value = ""
[node name="ArgumentParser" type="Node"]
editor_description = "SS-56"
script = ExtResource("1_pc7xr")
-option_array = Array[ExtResource("2_4hguj")]([SubResource("Resource_tq3y4"), SubResource("Resource_j1to4"), SubResource("Resource_tiax1")])
+option_array = Array[ExtResource("2_4hguj")]([SubResource("Resource_tq3y4"), SubResource("Resource_j1to4"), SubResource("Resource_tiax1"), SubResource("Resource_sh3m3")])
diff --git a/game/src/Game/GameStart.gd b/game/src/Game/GameStart.gd
index 422a42a..1c230d1 100644
--- a/game/src/Game/GameStart.gd
+++ b/game/src/Game/GameStart.gd
@@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ const SoundTabScene = preload("res://src/Game/Menu/OptionMenu/SoundTab.tscn")
@export var loading_screen : LoadingScreen
+@export var section_name : String = "general"
+@export var setting_name : String = "base_defines_path"
+var _settings_base_path : String = ""
func _ready() -> void:
if ArgumentParser.get_argument(&"help"):
@@ -20,30 +24,64 @@ func _ready() -> void:
var sound_tab := SoundTabScene.instantiate()
sound_tab.visible = false
+ Events.Options.load_settings.connect(_load_setting)
+ Events.Options.save_settings.connect(_save_setting)
+func _load_setting(file : ConfigFile) -> void:
+ if file == null: return
+ _settings_base_path = file.get_value(section_name, setting_name, "")
+func _save_setting(file : ConfigFile) -> void:
+ if file == null: return
+ file.set_value(section_name, setting_name, _settings_base_path)
func _load_compatibility_mode():
# Set this to your Vic2 install dir or a mod's dir to enable compatibility mode
# (this won't work for mods which rely on vanilla map assets, copy missing assets
# into the mod's dir for a temporary fix)
# Usage: OpenVic --compatibility-mode <path>
- var compatibility_mode_path : String = ArgumentParser.get_argument(&"compatibility-mode", "")
- if not compatibility_mode_path:
- # TODO - non-Windows default paths
- const default_path : String = "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Victoria 2"
- compatibility_mode_path = default_path
- var compatibility_mode_paths : PackedStringArray = [compatibility_mode_path]
+ var arg_base_path : String = ArgumentParser.get_argument(&"base-path", "")
+ var arg_search_path : String = ArgumentParser.get_argument(&"search-path", "")
+ var actual_base_path : String = ""
+ if arg_base_path:
+ if arg_search_path:
+ push_warning("Exact base path and search base path arguments both used:\nBase: ", arg_base_path, "\nSearch: ", arg_search_path)
+ actual_base_path = arg_base_path
+ elif arg_search_path:
+ actual_base_path = GameSingleton.search_for_game_path(arg_search_path)
+ if not actual_base_path:
+ push_warning("Failed to find assets using search hint: ", arg_search_path)
+ if not actual_base_path:
+ if _settings_base_path:
+ actual_base_path = _settings_base_path
+ else:
+ actual_base_path = GameSingleton.search_for_game_path()
+ if not actual_base_path:
+ var title : String = "Failed to find game asset path!"
+ var msg : String = "The path can be specified with the \"base-path\" command line option."
+ OS.alert(msg, title)
+ get_tree().quit()
+ return
+ if not _settings_base_path:
+ _settings_base_path = actual_base_path
+ # Save the path found in the search
+ Events.Options.save_settings_to_file()
+ var paths : PackedStringArray = [actual_base_path]
# Example for adding mod paths
- #compatibility_mode_paths.push_back("C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Victoria 2/mod/TGC")
+ #paths.push_back(actual_base_path + "/mod/TGC")
- if GameSingleton.load_defines_compatibility_mode(compatibility_mode_paths) != OK:
+ if GameSingleton.load_defines_compatibility_mode(paths) != OK:
push_error("Errors loading game defines!")
diff --git a/game/src/Game/Menu/OptionMenu/ScreenModeSelector.gd b/game/src/Game/Menu/OptionMenu/ScreenModeSelector.gd
index cb7566f..0d1836c 100644
--- a/game/src/Game/Menu/OptionMenu/ScreenModeSelector.gd
+++ b/game/src/Game/Menu/OptionMenu/ScreenModeSelector.gd
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ func get_screen_mode_from_window_mode(window_mode : Window.Mode) -> ScreenMode:
return ScreenMode.Fullscreen
return ScreenMode.Borderless
return ScreenMode.Windowed
return ScreenMode.Unknown
diff --git a/scripts b/scripts
-Subproject 3060e56388ac00d90deb6693ec19d47bad52deb
+Subproject accb77a0af7d200818d4521b12492c078e4b7f4