path: root/game/addons/keychain/Keychain.gd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'game/addons/keychain/Keychain.gd')
1 files changed, 212 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/game/addons/keychain/Keychain.gd b/game/addons/keychain/Keychain.gd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff939f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/addons/keychain/Keychain.gd
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+extends Node
+const TRANSLATIONS_PATH := "res://addons/keychain/translations"
+const PROFILES_PATH := "user://shortcut_profiles"
+# Change these settings
+var profiles := [preload("profiles/default.tres")]
+var selected_profile: ShortcutProfile = profiles[0]
+var profile_index := 0
+# Syntax: "action_name": InputAction.new("Action Display Name", "Group", true)
+# Note that "action_name" must already exist in the Project's Input Map.
+var actions := {}
+# Syntax: "Group Name": InputGroup.new("Parent Group Name")
+var groups := {}
+var ignore_actions := []
+var ignore_ui_actions := true
+var changeable_types := [true, true, true, true]
+var multiple_menu_accelerators := false
+var config_path := "user://cache.ini"
+var config_file: ConfigFile
+class InputAction:
+ var display_name := ""
+ var group := ""
+ var global := true
+ func _init(_display_name := "",_group := "",_global := true):
+ display_name = _display_name
+ group = _group
+ global = _global
+ func update_node(_action: String) -> void:
+ pass
+ func handle_input(_event: InputEvent, _action: String) -> bool:
+ return false
+# This class is useful for the accelerators of PopupMenu items
+# It's possible for PopupMenu items to have multiple shortcuts by using
+# set_item_shortcut(), but we have no control over the accelerator text that appears.
+# Thus, we are stuck with using accelerators instead of shortcuts.
+# If Godot ever receives the ability to change the accelerator text of the items,
+# we could in theory remove this class.
+# If you don't care about PopupMenus in the same scene as ShortcutEdit
+# such as projects like Pixelorama where everything is in the same scene,
+# then you can ignore this class.
+class MenuInputAction:
+ extends InputAction
+ var node_path := ""
+ var node: PopupMenu
+ var menu_item_id := 0
+ var echo := false
+ func _init(
+ _display_name := "",
+ _group := "",
+ _global := true,
+ _node_path := "",
+ _menu_item_id := 0,
+ _echo := false
+ ) -> void:
+ super._init(_display_name, _group, _global)
+ node_path = _node_path
+ menu_item_id = _menu_item_id
+ echo = _echo
+ func get_node(root: Node) -> void:
+ var temp_node = root.get_node(node_path)
+ if temp_node is PopupMenu:
+ node = node
+ elif temp_node is MenuButton:
+ node = temp_node.get_popup()
+ func update_node(action: String) -> void:
+ if !node:
+ return
+ var first_key: InputEventKey = Keychain.action_get_first_key(action)
+ var accel := first_key.get_keycode_with_modifiers() if first_key else 0
+ node.set_item_accelerator(menu_item_id, accel)
+ func handle_input(event: InputEvent, action: String) -> bool:
+ if not node:
+ return false
+ if event.is_action_pressed(action, false, true):
+ if event is InputEventKey:
+ var acc: int = node.get_item_accelerator(menu_item_id)
+ # If the event is the same as the menu item's accelerator, skip
+ if acc == event.get_keycode_with_modifiers():
+ return true
+ node.emit_signal("id_pressed", menu_item_id)
+ return true
+ if event.is_action(action, true) and echo:
+ if event.is_echo():
+ node.emit_signal("id_pressed", menu_item_id)
+ return true
+ return false
+class InputGroup:
+ var parent_group := ""
+ var folded := true
+ var tree_item: TreeItem
+ func _init(_parent_group := "", _folded := true) -> void:
+ parent_group = _parent_group
+ folded = _folded
+func _ready() -> void:
+ if !config_file:
+ config_file = ConfigFile.new()
+ if !config_path.is_empty():
+ config_file.load(config_path)
+ set_process_input(multiple_menu_accelerators)
+ # Load shortcut profiles
+ DirAccess.make_dir_recursive_absolute(PROFILES_PATH)
+ var profile_dir := DirAccess.open(PROFILES_PATH)
+ profile_dir.make_dir(PROFILES_PATH)
+ profile_dir.list_dir_begin() # TODOGODOT4 fill missing arguments https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/40547
+ var file_name = profile_dir.get_next()
+ while file_name != "":
+ if !profile_dir.current_is_dir():
+ if file_name.get_extension() == "tres":
+ var file = load(PROFILES_PATH.path_join(file_name))
+ if file is ShortcutProfile:
+ profiles.append(file)
+ file_name = profile_dir.get_next()
+ # If there are no profiles besides the default, create one custom
+ if profiles.size() == 1:
+ var profile := ShortcutProfile.new()
+ profile.name = "Custom"
+ profile.resource_path = PROFILES_PATH.path_join("custom.tres")
+ var saved := profile.save()
+ if saved:
+ profiles.append(profile)
+ for profile in profiles:
+ profile.fill_bindings()
+ var l18n_dir := DirAccess.open(TRANSLATIONS_PATH)
+ l18n_dir.list_dir_begin() # TODOGODOT4 fill missing arguments https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/40547
+ file_name = l18n_dir.get_next()
+ while file_name != "":
+ if !l18n_dir.current_is_dir():
+ if file_name.get_extension() == "po":
+ var t: Translation = load(TRANSLATIONS_PATH.path_join(file_name))
+ TranslationServer.add_translation(t)
+ file_name = l18n_dir.get_next()
+ profile_index = config_file.get_value("shortcuts", "shortcuts_profile", 0)
+ change_profile(profile_index)
+ for action in actions:
+ var input_action: InputAction = actions[action]
+ if input_action is MenuInputAction:
+ input_action.get_node(get_tree().current_scene)
+func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
+ if event is InputEventMouseMotion:
+ return
+ for action in actions:
+ var input_action: InputAction = actions[action]
+ var done: bool = input_action.handle_input(event, action)
+ if done:
+ return
+func change_profile(index: int) -> void:
+ if index >= profiles.size():
+ index = profiles.size() - 1
+ profile_index = index
+ selected_profile = profiles[index]
+ for action in selected_profile.bindings:
+ action_erase_events(action)
+ for event in selected_profile.bindings[action]:
+ action_add_event(action, event)
+func action_add_event(action: String, event: InputEvent) -> void:
+ InputMap.action_add_event(action, event)
+ if action in actions:
+ actions[action].update_node(action)
+func action_erase_event(action: String, event: InputEvent) -> void:
+ InputMap.action_erase_event(action, event)
+ if action in actions:
+ actions[action].update_node(action)
+func action_erase_events(action: String) -> void:
+ InputMap.action_erase_events(action)
+ if action in actions:
+ actions[action].update_node(action)
+func action_get_first_key(action: String) -> InputEventKey:
+ var first_key: InputEventKey = null
+ var events := InputMap.action_get_events(action)
+ for event in events:
+ if event is InputEventKey:
+ first_key = event
+ break
+ return first_key