path: root/game/addons/keychain/ShortcutEdit.gd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'game/addons/keychain/ShortcutEdit.gd')
1 files changed, 416 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/game/addons/keychain/ShortcutEdit.gd b/game/addons/keychain/ShortcutEdit.gd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe4e69f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/addons/keychain/ShortcutEdit.gd
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+extends Control
+ "Left Button",
+ "Right Button",
+ "Middle Button",
+ "Wheel Up Button",
+ "Wheel Down Button",
+ "Wheel Left Button",
+ "Wheel Right Button",
+ "X Button 1",
+ "X Button 2",
+const JOY_BUTTON_NAMES := [
+ "DualShock Cross, Xbox A, Nintendo B",
+ "DualShock Circle, Xbox B, Nintendo A",
+ "DualShock Square, Xbox X, Nintendo Y",
+ "DualShock Triangle, Xbox Y, Nintendo X",
+ "L, L1",
+ "R, R1",
+ "L2",
+ "R2",
+ "L3",
+ "R3",
+ "Select, DualShock Share, Nintendo -",
+ "Start, DualShock Options, Nintendo +",
+ "D-Pad Up",
+ "D-Pad Down",
+ "D-Pad Left",
+ "D-Pad Right",
+ "Home, DualShock PS, Guide",
+ "Xbox Share, PS5 Microphone, Nintendo Capture",
+ "Xbox Paddle 1",
+ "Xbox Paddle 2",
+ "Xbox Paddle 3",
+ "Xbox Paddle 4",
+ "PS4/5 Touchpad",
+const JOY_AXIS_NAMES := [
+ "(Left Stick Left)",
+ "(Left Stick Right)",
+ "(Left Stick Up)",
+ "(Left Stick Down)",
+ "(Right Stick Left)",
+ "(Right Stick Right)",
+ "(Right Stick Up)",
+ "(Right Stick Down)",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "(L2)",
+ "",
+ "(R2)",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+var currently_editing_tree_item: TreeItem
+var is_editing := false
+# Textures taken from Godot https://github.com/godotengine/godot/tree/master/editor/icons
+var add_tex: Texture2D = preload("assets/add.svg")
+var edit_tex: Texture2D = preload("assets/edit.svg")
+var delete_tex: Texture2D = preload("assets/close.svg")
+var joy_axis_tex: Texture2D = preload("assets/joy_axis.svg")
+var joy_button_tex: Texture2D = preload("assets/joy_button.svg")
+var key_tex: Texture2D = preload("assets/keyboard.svg")
+var key_phys_tex: Texture2D = preload("assets/keyboard_physical.svg")
+var mouse_tex: Texture2D = preload("assets/mouse.svg")
+var shortcut_tex: Texture2D = preload("assets/shortcut.svg")
+var folder_tex: Texture2D = preload("assets/folder.svg")
+@onready var tree: Tree = $VBoxContainer/ShortcutTree
+@onready var profile_option_button: OptionButton = find_child("ProfileOptionButton")
+@onready var rename_profile_button: Button = find_child("RenameProfile")
+@onready var delete_profile_button: Button = find_child("DeleteProfile")
+@onready var shortcut_type_menu: PopupMenu = $ShortcutTypeMenu
+@onready var keyboard_shortcut_selector: ConfirmationDialog = $KeyboardShortcutSelectorDialog
+@onready var mouse_shortcut_selector: ConfirmationDialog = $MouseShortcutSelectorDialog
+@onready var joy_key_shortcut_selector: ConfirmationDialog = $JoyKeyShortcutSelectorDialog
+@onready var joy_axis_shortcut_selector: ConfirmationDialog = $JoyAxisShortcutSelectorDialog
+@onready var profile_settings: ConfirmationDialog = $ProfileSettings
+@onready var profile_name: LineEdit = $ProfileSettings/ProfileName
+@onready var delete_confirmation: ConfirmationDialog = $DeleteConfirmation
+func _ready() -> void:
+ for profile in Keychain.profiles:
+ profile_option_button.add_item(profile.name)
+ _fill_selector_options()
+ # Remove input types that are not changeable
+ var i := 0
+ for type in Keychain.changeable_types:
+ if !type:
+ shortcut_type_menu.remove_item(i)
+ else:
+ i += 1
+ profile_option_button.select(Keychain.profile_index)
+ _on_ProfileOptionButton_item_selected(Keychain.profile_index)
+ if OS.get_name() == "HTML5":
+ $VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/OpenProfileFolder.queue_free()
+func _construct_tree() -> void:
+ var buttons_disabled := false if Keychain.selected_profile.customizable else true
+ var tree_root: TreeItem = tree.create_item()
+ for group in Keychain.groups: # Create groups
+ var input_group: Keychain.InputGroup = Keychain.groups[group]
+ _create_group_tree_item(input_group, group)
+ for action in InputMap.get_actions(): # Fill the tree with actions and their events
+ if action in Keychain.ignore_actions:
+ continue
+ if Keychain.ignore_ui_actions and (action as String).begins_with("ui_"):
+ continue
+ var display_name := get_action_name(action)
+ var group_name := ""
+ if action in Keychain.actions:
+ var input_action: Keychain.InputAction = Keychain.actions[action]
+ group_name = input_action.group
+ var tree_item: TreeItem
+ if not group_name.is_empty() and group_name in Keychain.groups:
+ var input_group: Keychain.InputGroup = Keychain.groups[group_name]
+ var group_root: TreeItem = input_group.tree_item
+ tree_item = tree.create_item(group_root)
+ else:
+ tree_item = tree.create_item(tree_root)
+ tree_item.set_text(0, display_name)
+ tree_item.set_metadata(0, action)
+ tree_item.set_icon(0, shortcut_tex)
+ for event in InputMap.action_get_events(action):
+ add_event_tree_item(event, tree_item)
+ tree_item.add_button(0, add_tex, 0, buttons_disabled, "Add")
+ tree_item.add_button(0, delete_tex, 1, buttons_disabled, "Delete")
+ tree_item.collapsed = true
+func _fill_selector_options() -> void:
+ keyboard_shortcut_selector.entered_shortcut.visible = true
+ keyboard_shortcut_selector.option_button.visible = false
+ mouse_shortcut_selector.input_type_l.text = "Mouse Button Index:"
+ joy_key_shortcut_selector.input_type_l.text = "Joypad Button Index:"
+ joy_axis_shortcut_selector.input_type_l.text = "Joypad Axis Index:"
+ var mouse_option_button: OptionButton = mouse_shortcut_selector.option_button
+ for option in MOUSE_BUTTON_NAMES:
+ mouse_option_button.add_item(option)
+ var joy_key_option_button: OptionButton = joy_key_shortcut_selector.option_button
+ for i in JOY_BUTTON_MAX:
+ var text: String = tr("Button") + " %s" % i
+ if i < JOY_BUTTON_NAMES.size():
+ text += " (%s)" % tr(JOY_BUTTON_NAMES[i])
+ joy_key_option_button.add_item(text)
+ var joy_axis_option_button: OptionButton = joy_axis_shortcut_selector.option_button
+ var i := 0.0
+ for option in JOY_AXIS_NAMES:
+ var sign_symbol = "+" if floor(i) != i else "-"
+ var text: String = tr("Axis") + " %s %s %s" % [floor(i), sign_symbol, tr(option)]
+ joy_axis_option_button.add_item(text)
+ i += 0.5
+func _create_group_tree_item(group: Keychain.InputGroup, group_name: String) -> void:
+ if group.tree_item:
+ return
+ var group_root: TreeItem
+ if group.parent_group:
+ var parent_group: Keychain.InputGroup = Keychain.groups[group.parent_group]
+ _create_group_tree_item(parent_group, group.parent_group)
+ group_root = tree.create_item(parent_group.tree_item)
+ else:
+ group_root = tree.create_item(tree.get_root())
+ group_root.set_text(0, group_name)
+ group_root.set_icon(0, folder_tex)
+ group.tree_item = group_root
+ if group.folded:
+ group_root.collapsed = true
+func get_action_name(action: String) -> String:
+ var display_name := ""
+ if action in Keychain.actions:
+ display_name = Keychain.actions[action].display_name
+ if display_name.is_empty():
+ display_name = _humanize_snake_case(action)
+ return display_name
+func _humanize_snake_case(text: String) -> String:
+ text = text.replace("_", " ")
+ var first_letter := text.left(1)
+ first_letter = first_letter.capitalize()
+ text = text.right(-1)
+ text = text.insert(0, first_letter)
+ return text
+func add_event_tree_item(event: InputEvent, action_tree_item: TreeItem) -> void:
+ var event_class := event.get_class()
+ match event_class:
+ "InputEventKey":
+ if !Keychain.changeable_types[0]:
+ return
+ "InputEventMouseButton":
+ if !Keychain.changeable_types[1]:
+ return
+ "InputEventJoypadButton":
+ if !Keychain.changeable_types[2]:
+ return
+ "InputEventJoypadMotion":
+ if !Keychain.changeable_types[3]:
+ return
+ var buttons_disabled := false if Keychain.selected_profile.customizable else true
+ var event_tree_item: TreeItem = tree.create_item(action_tree_item)
+ event_tree_item.set_text(0, event_to_str(event))
+ event_tree_item.set_metadata(0, event)
+ match event_class:
+ "InputEventKey":
+ var scancode: int = event.get_keycode_with_modifiers()
+ if scancode > 0:
+ event_tree_item.set_icon(0, key_tex)
+ else:
+ event_tree_item.set_icon(0, key_phys_tex)
+ "InputEventMouseButton":
+ event_tree_item.set_icon(0, mouse_tex)
+ "InputEventJoypadButton":
+ event_tree_item.set_icon(0, joy_button_tex)
+ "InputEventJoypadMotion":
+ event_tree_item.set_icon(0, joy_axis_tex)
+ event_tree_item.add_button(0, edit_tex, 0, buttons_disabled, "Edit")
+ event_tree_item.add_button(0, delete_tex, 1, buttons_disabled, "Delete")
+func event_to_str(event: InputEvent) -> String:
+ var output := ""
+ if event is InputEventKey:
+ var scancode: int = 0
+ if event.keycode != 0:
+ scancode = event.get_keycode_with_modifiers()
+ var physical_str := ""
+ if scancode == 0:
+ scancode = event.get_physical_keycode_with_modifiers()
+ physical_str = " " + tr("(Physical)")
+ output = OS.get_keycode_string(scancode) + physical_str
+ elif event is InputEventMouseButton:
+ output = tr(MOUSE_BUTTON_NAMES[event.button_index - 1])
+ elif event is InputEventJoypadButton:
+ var button_index: int = event.button_index
+ output = tr("Button")
+ if button_index >= JOY_BUTTON_NAMES.size():
+ output += " %s" % button_index
+ else:
+ output += " %s (%s)" % [button_index, tr(JOY_BUTTON_NAMES[button_index])]
+ elif event is InputEventJoypadMotion:
+ var positive_axis: bool = event.axis_value > 0
+ var axis_value: int = event.axis * 2 + int(positive_axis)
+ var sign_symbol = "+" if positive_axis else "-"
+ output = tr("Axis")
+ output += " %s %s %s" % [event.axis, sign_symbol, tr(JOY_AXIS_NAMES[axis_value])]
+ return output
+func _on_shortcut_tree_button_clicked(item: TreeItem, _column: int, id: int, _mbi: int) -> void:
+ var action = item.get_metadata(0)
+ currently_editing_tree_item = item
+ if action is StringName:
+ if id == 0: # Add
+ var rect: Rect2 = tree.get_item_area_rect(item, 0)
+ rect.position.x = rect.end.x - 42
+ rect.position.y += 42 - tree.get_scroll().y
+ rect.position += global_position
+ rect.size = Vector2(110, 23 * shortcut_type_menu.get_item_count())
+ shortcut_type_menu.popup(rect)
+ elif id == 1: # Delete
+ Keychain.action_erase_events(action)
+ Keychain.selected_profile.change_action(action)
+ for child in item.get_children():
+ child.free()
+ elif action is InputEvent:
+ var parent_action = item.get_parent().get_metadata(0)
+ if id == 0: # Edit
+ if action is InputEventKey:
+ keyboard_shortcut_selector.popup_centered()
+ elif action is InputEventMouseButton:
+ mouse_shortcut_selector.popup_centered()
+ elif action is InputEventJoypadButton:
+ joy_key_shortcut_selector.popup_centered()
+ elif action is InputEventJoypadMotion:
+ joy_axis_shortcut_selector.popup_centered()
+ elif id == 1: # Delete
+ if not parent_action is StringName:
+ return
+ Keychain.action_erase_event(parent_action, action)
+ Keychain.selected_profile.change_action(parent_action)
+ item.free()
+func _on_ShortcutTree_item_activated() -> void:
+ var selected_item: TreeItem = tree.get_selected()
+ if selected_item.get_button_count(0) > 0 and !selected_item.is_button_disabled(0, 0):
+ _on_shortcut_tree_button_clicked(tree.get_selected(), 0, 0, 0)
+func _on_ShortcutTypeMenu_id_pressed(id: int) -> void:
+ if id == KEYBOARD:
+ keyboard_shortcut_selector.popup_centered()
+ elif id == MOUSE:
+ mouse_shortcut_selector.popup_centered()
+ elif id == JOY_BUTTON:
+ joy_key_shortcut_selector.popup_centered()
+ elif id == JOY_AXIS:
+ joy_axis_shortcut_selector.popup_centered()
+func _on_ProfileOptionButton_item_selected(index: int) -> void:
+ Keychain.change_profile(index)
+ rename_profile_button.disabled = false if Keychain.selected_profile.customizable else true
+ delete_profile_button.disabled = false if Keychain.selected_profile.customizable else true
+ # Re-construct the tree
+ for group in Keychain.groups:
+ Keychain.groups[group].tree_item = null
+ tree.clear()
+ _construct_tree()
+ Keychain.config_file.set_value("shortcuts", "shortcuts_profile", index)
+ Keychain.config_file.save(Keychain.config_path)
+func _on_NewProfile_pressed() -> void:
+ is_editing = false
+ profile_name.text = "New Shortcut Profile"
+ profile_settings.title = "New Shortcut Profile"
+ profile_settings.popup_centered()
+func _on_RenameProfile_pressed() -> void:
+ is_editing = true
+ profile_name.text = Keychain.selected_profile.name
+ profile_settings.title = "Rename Shortcut Profile"
+ profile_settings.popup_centered()
+func _on_DeleteProfile_pressed() -> void:
+ delete_confirmation.popup_centered()
+func _on_OpenProfileFolder_pressed() -> void:
+ OS.shell_open(ProjectSettings.globalize_path(Keychain.PROFILES_PATH))
+func _on_ProfileSettings_confirmed() -> void:
+ var file_name := profile_name.text + ".tres"
+ var profile := ShortcutProfile.new()
+ profile.name = profile_name.text
+ profile.resource_path = Keychain.PROFILES_PATH.path_join(file_name)
+ profile.fill_bindings()
+ var saved := profile.save()
+ if not saved:
+ return
+ if is_editing:
+ var old_file_name: String = Keychain.selected_profile.resource_path
+ if old_file_name != file_name:
+ _delete_profile_file(old_file_name)
+ Keychain.profiles[Keychain.profile_index] = profile
+ profile_option_button.set_item_text(Keychain.profile_index, profile.name)
+ else: # Add new shortcut profile
+ Keychain.profiles.append(profile)
+ profile_option_button.add_item(profile.name)
+ Keychain.profile_index = Keychain.profiles.size() - 1
+ profile_option_button.select(Keychain.profile_index)
+ _on_ProfileOptionButton_item_selected(Keychain.profile_index)
+func _delete_profile_file(file_name: String) -> void:
+ var dir := DirAccess.open(file_name.get_base_dir())
+ var err := dir.get_open_error()
+ if err != OK:
+ print("Error deleting shortcut profile %s. Error code: %s" % [file_name, err])
+ return
+ dir.remove(file_name)
+func _on_DeleteConfirmation_confirmed() -> void:
+ _delete_profile_file(Keychain.selected_profile.resource_path)
+ profile_option_button.remove_item(Keychain.profile_index)
+ Keychain.profiles.remove_at(Keychain.profile_index)
+ Keychain.profile_index -= 1
+ if Keychain.profile_index < 0:
+ Keychain.profile_index = 0
+ profile_option_button.select(Keychain.profile_index)
+ _on_ProfileOptionButton_item_selected(Keychain.profile_index)