path: root/game/addons/openvic2-plugin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'game/addons/openvic2-plugin')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 124 deletions
diff --git a/game/addons/openvic2-plugin/ReleaseExportEditorPlugin.gd b/game/addons/openvic2-plugin/ReleaseExportEditorPlugin.gd
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e03788..0000000
--- a/game/addons/openvic2-plugin/ReleaseExportEditorPlugin.gd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-extends EditorExportPlugin
-var _repo_hash : StringName = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
-var _repo_short_hash : StringName = "0000000"
-var _repo_tag : StringName = "<tag missing>"
-var _repo_release_name : StringName = "<release name missing>"
-func _get_name():
- return "OpenVic2-ReleaseExportEditorPlugin"
-func _export_file(path: String, type: String, features: PackedStringArray) -> void:
- if path != "res://src/Utility/GIT_INFO.gd": return
- var GitInfoScript : String = ""
- _get_commit_long()
- _get_commit_short()
- _get_tag()
- _get_release_name()
- GitInfoScript = "class_name _GIT_INFO_\nextends RefCounted\n\n"
- GitInfoScript += "const commit_hash : StringName = &\""+ _repo_hash +"\"\n"
- GitInfoScript += "const short_hash : StringName = &\""+ _repo_short_hash +"\"\n"
- GitInfoScript += "const tag : StringName = &\""+ _repo_tag +"\"\n"
- GitInfoScript += "const release_name : StringName = &\""+ _repo_release_name +"\"\n"
- add_file(path, GitInfoScript.to_ascii_buffer(), false)
- skip()
-# Based on
-# https://github.com/godotengine/godot/blob/6ef2f358c741c993b5cdc9680489e2c4f5da25cc/methods.py#L102-L133
-var _cached_hash : StringName = &""
-func _get_commit_hash() -> StringName:
- if not _cached_hash.is_empty(): return _cached_hash
- var git_hash := OS.get_environment("OPENVIC2_COMMIT")
- if not git_hash.is_empty():
- _cached_hash = git_hash
- return git_hash
- var git_folder := "../.git"
- if FileAccess.file_exists(git_folder):
- var module_folder := FileAccess.open(git_folder, FileAccess.READ).get_line().strip_edges()
- if module_folder.begins_with("gitdir: "):
- git_folder = module_folder.substr(8)
- if FileAccess.file_exists(git_folder.path_join("HEAD")):
- var head := FileAccess.open(git_folder.path_join("HEAD"), FileAccess.READ).get_line().strip_edges()
- if head.begins_with("ref: "):
- var ref := head.substr(5)
- var parts := git_folder.split("/")
- if len(parts) > 2 and parts[len(parts) - 2] == "worktrees":
- git_folder = "/".join(parts.slice(0, len(parts) - 2))
- head = git_folder.path_join(ref)
- var packedrefs := git_folder.path_join("packed-refs")
- if FileAccess.file_exists(head):
- git_hash = FileAccess.open(head, FileAccess.READ).get_line().strip_edges()
- elif FileAccess.file_exists(packedrefs):
- for line in FileAccess.open(packedrefs, FileAccess.READ).get_as_text().split("\n", false):
- if line.begins_with("#"): continue
- var line_split := line.split(" ")
- var line_hash := line_split[0]
- var line_ref = line_split[1]
- if ref == line_ref:
- git_hash = line_hash
- break
- else:
- git_hash = head
- _cached_hash = git_hash
- return git_hash
-func _try_get_tag() -> StringName:
- var result : StringName = OS.get_environment("OPENVIC2_TAG")
- if result.is_empty():
- var git_output := []
- if OS.execute("git", ["describe", "--tags", "--abbrev=0"], git_output) == -1:
- push_warning("Could not retrieve repository tag.")
- return &""
- result = git_output[0].trim_suffix("\n")
- return result
-func _get_commit_long():
- var result := _get_commit_hash()
- if not result.is_empty():
- _repo_hash = result
- print("Hash: " + _repo_hash)
-func _get_commit_short():
- var result := _get_commit_hash().substr(0,7)
- if not result.is_empty():
- _repo_short_hash = result
- print("Short Hash: " + _repo_short_hash)
-func _get_tag():
- var result := _try_get_tag()
- if not result.is_empty():
- _repo_tag = result
- print("Tag: " + _repo_tag)
-func _get_release_name():
- var result : StringName = OS.get_environment("OPENVIC2_RELEASE")
- if result.is_empty():
- result = _try_get_tag()
- if not result.is_empty():
- _repo_release_name = result
- print("Release Name: " + _repo_release_name)
diff --git a/game/addons/openvic2-plugin/openvic2-plugin.gd b/game/addons/openvic2-plugin/openvic2-plugin.gd
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cfa4e8..0000000
--- a/game/addons/openvic2-plugin/openvic2-plugin.gd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-extends EditorPlugin
-const ReleaseExportEditorPlugin := preload("res://addons/openvic2-plugin/ReleaseExportEditorPlugin.gd")
-var release_export_editor_plugin := ReleaseExportEditorPlugin.new()
-func _enter_tree() -> void:
- add_export_plugin(release_export_editor_plugin)
-func _exit_tree() -> void:
- remove_export_plugin(release_export_editor_plugin)
diff --git a/game/addons/openvic2-plugin/plugin.cfg b/game/addons/openvic2-plugin/plugin.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index b3e5611..0000000
--- a/game/addons/openvic2-plugin/plugin.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@