path: root/game/src/Game/LocaleButton.gd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'game/src/Game/LocaleButton.gd')
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/game/src/Game/LocaleButton.gd b/game/src/Game/LocaleButton.gd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b717a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/src/Game/LocaleButton.gd
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+extends OptionButton
+const section_name : String = "localisation"
+const setting_name : String = "locale"
+var _default_locale_index : int
+func _ready():
+ var locales_country_rename : Dictionary = ProjectSettings.get_setting("internationalization/locale/country_short_name", {})
+ var locales_list = TranslationServer.get_loaded_locales()
+ var default_locale := Events.Localisation.get_default_locale()
+ if default_locale not in locales_list:
+ locales_list.push_back(default_locale)
+ for locale in locales_list:
+ # locale_name consists of a compulsory language name and optional script
+ # and country names, in the format: "<language>[ (script)][, country]"
+ var locale_name := TranslationServer.get_locale_name(locale)
+ var comma_idx := locale_name.find(", ")
+ if comma_idx != -1:
+ var locale_country_name := locale_name.substr(comma_idx + 2)
+ locale_country_name = locales_country_rename.get(locale_country_name, "")
+ if not locale_country_name.is_empty():
+ locale_name = locale_name.left(comma_idx + 2) + locale_country_name
+ add_item(locale_name)
+ set_item_metadata(item_count - 1, locale)
+ if locale == default_locale:
+ _default_locale_index = item_count - 1
+ Events.Options.load_settings.connect(load_setting)
+ Events.Options.save_settings.connect(save_setting)
+func _notification(what : int):
+ match what:
+ _select_locale_by_string(TranslationServer.get_locale())
+func _valid_index(index : int) -> bool:
+ return 0 <= index and index < item_count
+func load_setting(file : ConfigFile) -> void:
+ if file == null: return
+ var load_value = file.get_value(section_name, setting_name, Events.Localisation.get_default_locale())
+ match typeof(load_value):
+ if _select_locale_by_string(load_value as String):
+ item_selected.emit(selected)
+ return
+ push_error("Setting value '%s' invalid for setting [%s] %s" % [load_value, section_name, setting_name])
+ reset_setting()
+func _select_locale_by_string(locale : String) -> bool:
+ for idx in item_count:
+ if get_item_metadata(idx) == locale:
+ selected = idx
+ return true
+ selected = _default_locale_index
+ return false
+# * UIFUN-74
+func save_setting(file : ConfigFile) -> void:
+ if file == null: return
+ file.set_value(section_name, setting_name, get_item_metadata(selected))
+func reset_setting() -> void:
+ _select_locale_by_string(TranslationServer.get_locale())
+# * SS-58
+func _on_item_selected(index : int) -> void:
+ if _valid_index(index):
+ TranslationServer.set_locale(get_item_metadata(index))
+ Events.Options.save_settings_to_file.call_deferred()
+ else:
+ push_error("Invalid LocaleButton index: %d" % index)
+ reset_setting()