path: root/game/src/Game/Model/FileAccessUtils.gd
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Diffstat (limited to 'game/src/Game/Model/FileAccessUtils.gd')
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/game/src/Game/Model/FileAccessUtils.gd b/game/src/Game/Model/FileAccessUtils.gd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5e02e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/src/Game/Model/FileAccessUtils.gd
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+class_name FileAccessUtils
+static func read_vec2(file : FileAccess) -> Vector2:
+ return Vector2(file.get_float(), file.get_float())
+static func read_vec3(file : FileAccess) -> Vector3:
+ return Vector3(file.get_float(), file.get_float(), file.get_float())
+static func read_pos(file : FileAccess) -> Vector3:
+ var pos : Vector3 = read_vec3(file)
+ pos.x = -pos.x
+ return pos
+static func read_vec4(file : FileAccess) -> Vector4:
+ return Vector4(file.get_float(), file.get_float(), file.get_float(), file.get_float())
+# Because paradox may or may not be consistent with the xsm spec depending on if its Tuesday or not
+static func read_quat(file : FileAccess, int16 : bool = false) -> Quaternion:
+ if int16:
+ return Quaternion(read_f16(file), -read_f16(file), -read_f16(file), read_f16(file))
+ else:
+ return Quaternion(file.get_float(), -file.get_float(), -file.get_float(), file.get_float())
+static func read_f16(file : FileAccess) -> float:
+ # 32767 or 0x7FFF is the max magnitude of a signed int16
+ return float(read_int16(file)) / 32767.0
+static func replace_chars(string : String) -> String:
+ return string.replace(":", "_").replace("\\", "_").replace("/", "_")
+static func read_xac_str(file : FileAccess) -> String:
+ var length : int = file.get_32()
+ var buffer : PackedByteArray = file.get_buffer(length)
+ return buffer.get_string_from_ascii()
+static func read_int32(file : FileAccess) -> int:
+ var bytes : int = file.get_32()
+ var negative : bool = bytes >> 31
+ var val : int = bytes & 0x7FFFFFFF
+ if negative:
+ val = -((val ^ 0x7FFFFFFF) + 1)
+ return val
+static func read_int16(file : FileAccess) -> int:
+ var bytes : int = file.get_16()
+ var negative : bool = bytes >> 15
+ var val : int = bytes & 0x7FFF
+ if negative:
+ val = -((val ^ 0x7FFF) + 1)
+ return val
+static func read_Color32(file : FileAccess) -> Color:
+ return Color8(file.get_8(), file.get_8(), file.get_8(), file.get_8())
+static func read_Color128(file : FileAccess) -> Color:
+ return Color(
+ file.get_32() / 0xFFFFFFFF,
+ file.get_32() / 0xFFFFFFFF,
+ file.get_32() / 0xFFFFFFFF,
+ file.get_32() / 0xFFFFFFFF
+ )
+static func read_mat4x4(file : FileAccess) -> xac_mat4x4:
+ return xac_mat4x4.new(read_vec4(file), read_vec4(file), read_vec4(file), read_vec4(file))
+# This datatype is only ever used to hold a transform for nodes (bones)
+class xac_mat4x4:
+ var col1 : Vector4
+ var col2 : Vector4
+ var col3 : Vector4
+ var col4 : Vector4
+ func _init(col1 : Vector4, col2 : Vector4, col3 : Vector4, col4 : Vector4) -> void:
+ self.col1 = col1
+ self.col2 = col2
+ self.col3 = col3
+ self.col4 = col4
+ func debugPrint() -> void:
+ print("\t\tMat4x4 col1:", col1, " col2:", col2, " col3:", col3, " col4:", col4)
+ func getAsTransform() -> Transform3D: # godot wants 3x4 matrix
+ return Transform3D(
+ Vector3(col1.x, col1.y, col1.z),
+ Vector3(col2.x, col2.y, col2.z),
+ Vector3(col3.x, col3.y, col3.z),
+ Vector3(col4.x, col4.y, col4.z)
+ )