path: root/game/src/Game/Theme/PieChart/PieChart.gd
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Diffstat (limited to 'game/src/Game/Theme/PieChart/PieChart.gd')
1 files changed, 235 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/game/src/Game/Theme/PieChart/PieChart.gd b/game/src/Game/Theme/PieChart/PieChart.gd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aba1f81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/src/Game/Theme/PieChart/PieChart.gd
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+extends TextureRect
+class_name PieChart
+@export var donut : bool = false
+@export_range(0.0,1.0) var donut_inner_radius : float = 0.5
+@export_range(0.0,0.5) var radius : float = 0.4
+@export var shadow_displacement : Vector2 = Vector2(0.6,0.6)
+@export var shadow_focus : float = 1.0
+@export var shadow_radius : float = 0.6
+@export var shadow_thickness : float = 1.0
+@export var trim_colour : Color = Color(0.0,0.0,0.0)
+@export_range(0.0,1.0) var trim_size : float = 0.02
+@export var donut_inner_trim : bool = true
+@export var slice_gradient_falloff : float = 3.6
+@export var slice_gradient_base : float = 3.1
+@export var RichTooltip : RichTextLabel# = $RichToolTip
+#a data class for the pie chart
+class SliceData:
+ #primary properties, change these to change
+ #the displayed piechart
+ var colour:Color = Color(1.0,0.0,0.0):
+ get:
+ return colour
+ set(value):
+ colour = value
+ var tooltip:String = "DEFAULT":
+ get:
+ return tooltip
+ set(value):
+ tooltip = value
+ var quantity:float = -1:
+ get:
+ return quantity
+ set(value):
+ quantity = value
+ #derived properties, don't set from an external script
+ var final_angle:float = -1:
+ get:
+ return final_angle
+ set(value):
+ final_angle = value
+ var percentage:float = 0:
+ get:
+ return percentage
+ set(value):
+ percentage = clampf(value,0,1)
+ func _init(quantityIn:float,tooltipIn:String,colourIn:Color):
+ colour = colourIn
+ tooltip = tooltipIn
+ quantity = quantityIn
+#The key of an entry of this dictionnary should be an easy to reference constant
+#The tooltip label is what the user will actually read
+var slices: Dictionary = {
+#example slices:
+ "label1":SliceData.new(5,"Conservative",Color(0.0,0.0,1.0)),
+ "label2":SliceData.new(3,"Liberal",Color(1.0,1.0,0.0)),
+ "label3":SliceData.new(2,"Reactionary",Color(0.4,0.0,0.6))
+#These functions are the interface a developer will use to update the piechart
+#The piechart will only redraw once one of these has been triggered
+func addOrReplaceLabel(labelName:String,quantity:float,tooltip:String,colour:Color=Color(0.0,0.0,0.0)) -> void:
+ slices[labelName] = SliceData.new(quantity,tooltip,colour)
+ _recalculate()
+func updateLabelQuantity(labelName:String,quantity:float) -> void:
+ if slices.has(labelName):
+ slices[labelName].quantity = quantity
+ _recalculate()
+func updateLabelColour(labelName:String,colour:Color) -> void:
+ if slices.has(labelName):
+ slices[labelName].colour = colour
+ _recalculate()
+func updateLabelTooltip(labelName:String,tooltip:String) -> void:
+ if slices.has(labelName):
+ slices[labelName].tooltip = tooltip
+func RemoveLabel(labelName:String) -> bool:
+ var out = slices.erase(labelName)
+ _recalculate()
+ return out
+#Perhaps in the future, a method to reorder the labels?
+#In editor only, force the shader parameters to update whenever _draw
+#is called so developers can see their changes
+#otherwise, for performance, reduce the number of material resets
+func _draw():
+ if Engine.is_editor_hint():
+ if not material:
+ _reset_material()
+ _setShaderParams()
+ _recalculate()
+func _ready():
+ _reset_material()
+ _setShaderParams()
+func _reset_material():
+ texture = CanvasTexture.new()
+ var mat_res = load("res://src/Game/Theme/PieChart/PieChartMat.tres")
+ material = mat_res.duplicate(true)
+ custom_minimum_size = Vector2(50.0,50.0)
+ size_flags_horizontal = Control.SIZE_SHRINK_CENTER
+ size_flags_vertical = Control.SIZE_SHRINK_CENTER
+ _recalculate()
+func _setShaderParams():
+ material.set_shader_parameter("donut",donut)
+ material.set_shader_parameter("donut_inner_trim",donut_inner_trim)
+ material.set_shader_parameter("radius",radius)
+ material.set_shader_parameter("donut_inner_radius",donut_inner_radius/2.0)
+ material.set_shader_parameter("trim_colour",Vector3(trim_colour.r,trim_colour.g,trim_colour.b))
+ material.set_shader_parameter("trim_size",trim_size)
+ material.set_shader_parameter("gradient_falloff",slice_gradient_falloff)
+ material.set_shader_parameter("gradient_base",slice_gradient_base)
+ material.set_shader_parameter("shadow_displacement",shadow_displacement)
+ material.set_shader_parameter("shadow_tightness",shadow_focus)
+ material.set_shader_parameter("shadow_radius",shadow_radius)
+ material.set_shader_parameter("shadow_thickness",shadow_thickness)
+#Update the slice angles based on the new slice data
+func _recalculate() -> void:
+ #where the slices are the public interface, these are the actual paramters
+ #which will be sent to the shader
+ var angles: Array = []
+ var colours: Array = []
+ var total:float = 0
+ for slice in slices.values():
+ total += slice.quantity
+ var current_arc_start:float = 0
+ var current_arc_finish:float = 0
+ for slice in slices.values():
+ slice.percentage = slice.quantity / total
+ var rads_to_cover:float = slice.percentage * 2.0*PI
+ current_arc_finish = current_arc_start + rads_to_cover
+ slice.final_angle = current_arc_finish
+ current_arc_start = current_arc_finish
+ angles.push_back(current_arc_finish)
+ colours.push_back(Vector3(slice.colour.r,slice.colour.g,slice.colour.b) )
+ material.set_shader_parameter("stopAngles",angles)
+ material.set_shader_parameter("colours",colours)
+#Process mouse to select the appropriate tooltip for the slice
+func _gui_input(event:InputEvent):
+ if event is InputEventMouse:
+ var pos = event.position
+ var _handled:bool = _handleTooltip(pos)
+func _on_mouse_exited():
+ RichTooltip.visible = false
+#takes a mouse position, and sets an appropriate tooltip for the slice the mouse
+#is hovered over. Returns a boolean on whether the tooltip was handled.
+func _handleTooltip(pos:Vector2) -> bool:
+ #is it within the circle?
+ var center = Vector2(size.x/2.0, size.x/2.0)
+ var radius = size.x/2.0
+ var distance = center.distance_to(pos)
+ #print(distance >= donut_inner_radius/2.0)
+ var real_donut_inner_radius:float = radius * donut_inner_radius
+ if distance <= radius and (not donut or distance >= real_donut_inner_radius):
+ var angle = _convertAngle(center.angle_to_point(pos))
+ for label in slices.keys():
+ var slice = slices.get(label)
+ if angle <= slice.final_angle:
+ RichTooltip.visible = true
+ RichTooltip.text = _createTooltip(label)
+ RichTooltip.position = pos + Vector2(5,5) + get_global_rect().position #get_global_rect().position +
+ RichTooltip.reset_size()
+ return true
+ else:
+ #Technically the corners of the bounding box
+ #are part of the chart, but we don't want a tooltip there
+ RichTooltip.visible = false
+ return false
+#create a list of all the values and percentages
+# but with the hovered one on top and highlighted
+func _createTooltip(labelHovered:String) -> String:
+ var tooltip:String = ""
+ var hoveredSlice = slices.get(labelHovered)
+ var formatted_percent = _formatpercent(hoveredSlice.percentage)
+ #TOOD: perhaps this is a bit much, but final feedback should determine this
+ tooltip += "[font_size=10][i][u][b]>> {name} {percentage}% <<[/b][/u][/i]".format(
+ {"name":hoveredSlice.tooltip,"percentage":formatted_percent})
+ for label in slices.keys():
+ if label == labelHovered: continue
+ var slice = slices.get(label)
+ var percent = _formatpercent(slice.percentage)
+ tooltip += "\n{name} {percentage}%".format(
+ {"name":slice.tooltip,"percentage":percent})
+ tooltip += "[/font_size]"
+ return tooltip
+#angle from center.angle_to_point is measured from the +x axis
+#, but the chart starts from +y
+#the input angle is also -180 to 180, where we want 0 to 360
+func _convertAngle(angleIn:float) -> float:
+ #make the angle start from +y, range is now -90 to 270
+ var angle = angleIn + PI/2.0
+ #adjust range to be 0 to 360
+ if angle < 0:
+ angle = 2.0*PI + angle
+ return angle
+func _formatpercent(percentIn:float) -> float:
+ return snappedf((percentIn * 100),0.1)