# Run, Build, and Export If you have haven't read the quick intro to Git see [Cloning](cloning.md) and [System Requirements](system-requirements.md) first. ## Run With the project installed and system requirements ready: 1. Run `scons` in the project root. * Ensure a `game/bin/openvic/libopenvic` file is produced for your platform (windows, linux, macos) 2. Open Godot, click import, naivgate to the `game` directory and click `Import and Edit`. * Wait for the import to finish, close the editor without saving, then reopen the project in Godot. 3. Press the play button at the top right of the editor. ## Build * To build for debug run `scons` in the project root. * To build for debug with debug symbols and breakpoints run `scons dev_build=yes debug_symbols=yes` in the project root. * To build for release run `scons target=template_release` ## Export 1. Build `scons` with either debug or release: * For debug just run `scons` or `scons target=template_debug` * For release just run `scons target=template_release` 2. Open Godot and open the project. 3. Click `Project` at the top left and click `Export`. * If you do not have templates, download and install them, wait for them to complete. 4. Click `Export Project...` * If you built all binaries, you can click `Export All` and select debug or release there. 5. A file popup will appear, to export click `Save`: * If you built scons with debug, leave `Export With Debug` ticked. * Else untick `Export With Debug` for release.