Diplomacy: Monthly diplomatic points gain: defines.country.BASE_MONTHLY_DIPLOPOINTS * (1 + sum of diplomatic_points + sum of diplomatic_points_modifier) Influence: Total base daily influence gain: defines.country.BASE_GREATPOWER_DAILY_INFLUENCE * (1 + sum of influence) * (1 + sum of influence_modifier) Base daily influence gain per country: if total priority bars > 0: Total base influence gain * priority bars / total priority bars else: Total base influence gain / number of countries (excluding banned) Country influence gain modifier: note: 'our' and 'we' refers to the influencer. 'target' is the country being influenced. formula: 1 + score mod + relations mod + population mod + investment mod + puppet mod + neighbour mod + continent mod + discredit mod score mod: 1 - target score / our score relations mod: relations / defines.diplomacy.RELATION_INFLUENCE_MODIFIER population mod: if target population > LARGE_POPULATION_LIMIT: formula: floor((target population - LARGE_POPULATION_LIMIT) / LARGE_POPULATION_INFLUENCE_PENALTY_CHUNK) * LARGE_POPULATION_INFLUENCE_PENALTY target population: total of pop sizes LARGE_POPULATION_LIMIT: defines.pops.LARGE_POPULATION_LIMIT LARGE_POPULATION_INFLUENCE_PENALTY_CHUNK: defines.pops.LARGE_POPULATION_INFLUENCE_PENALTY_CHUNK LARGE_POPULATION_INFLUENCE_PENALTY: defines.diplomacy.LARGE_POPULATION_INFLUENCE_PENALTY else: 0 investment mod: if value of total investments in target > 0: (1 - value of our investment / value of total investments in target) * - defines.diplomacy.INVESTMENT_INFLUENCE_DEFENSE else: 0 puppet mod: if is our puppet: defines.diplomacy.PUPPET_BONUS_INFLUENCE_PERCENT else: 0 neighbour mod: if target is direct neighbour: defines.diplomacy.NEIGHBOUR_BONUS_INFLUENCE_PERCENT else if target has a sphereling as neighbour: defines.diplomacy.SPHERE_NEIGHBOUR_BONUS_INFLUENCE_PERCENT else: 0 continent mod: if target is on a different continent: defines.diplomacy.OTHER_CONTINENT_BONUS_INFLUENCE_PERCENT else: 0 discredit mod: if we are discredited: defines.diplomacy.DISCREDIT_INFLUENCE_GAIN_FACTOR else: 0 Daily influence gain per country: Base daily influence gain per country * Country influence gain modifier Colonisable life rating: defines.country.COLONIAL_LIFERATING + sum of colonial_life_rating Economy: Budget: Loan interest per day: formula: (NBD + FBD * (1 + FIM)) * max(0.01, LBI+BIM)/30 NBD: National bank debt = debt owed to your national bank. FBD: Foreign bank debt = debt owed to foreign national banks and private investors. 1+FIM: Foreign interest modifier = sum of loan_interest modifiers from non-tech max(0.01: Hardcoded value. Reasoning unknown. LBI: defines.economy.LOAN_BASE_INTEREST BIM: Base interest modifier = sum of loan_interest modifiers from technology. /30: Hardcoded value to represent days in a month. Gold income daily: formula: MGQ * GOLD_TO_CASH_RATE MGQ: Money good quanity = total production of goods with money = yes GOLD_TO_CASH_RATE: defines.country.GOLD_TO_CASH_RATE Overseas maintenance: See: https://github.com/schombert/Project-Alice/blob/b7889a9c302feed851c039f1a98d73b75be3215a/docs/rules.md#overseas-penalty Production: Resource gathering operation: base workforce: defined in common/production_types.txt as workforce rgo size: formula: floor(1.5 * ceil(n_workers_in_state / (base workforce * (1 + terrain rgo size modifier))) n_workers_in_state: Total size of POPs in state where POP type is in employees (common/production_types.txt). note: Calculated when starting a new game. Output: formula: base output * rgo size * (1 + overseas penalty) * throughput from workers * (1 + throughput modifier) * (1 + output from workers) * (1 + output modifier) base output: defined in common/production_types.txt overseas penalty: if province is 'overseas': overseas penalty (see economy > budget > overseas maintenance) else: 0 workforce: formula: base workforce * rgo size * (1 + rgo size modifier) base workforce: Defined in common/production_types.txt as workforce. rgo size modifier: sum of rgo size modifiers + sum of farm size modifiers (if farm=yes) + sum of mine size modifiers (if mine=yes) job portion of workforce: formula: employees with job / workforce employees with job: Number of POPs employed with the job. Job being an entry in employees in common/production_types.txt. effect from job: formula: if effect_multiplier == 1: effect_multiplier * employees with job / workforce else: effect_multiplier * min(employees with job / workforce, amount) effect_multiplier: defined in common/production_types.txt as part of employees (default 1) amount: defined in common/production_types.txt (default 1) throughput from workers: sum of effect from job for each job with `effect = throughput` output from workers: sum of effect from job for each job with `effect = output` throughput modifier: sum of throughput modifiers (including from owner job) output modifier: sum of output modifiers (including from owner job) modifier from owner job: formula: effect_multiplier * n_owners_in_state / n_pops_in_state effect_multiplier: defined in common/production_types.txt as part of owner (default 1) n_owners_in_state: total size of owner POPs in state n_pops_in_state: total size of all POPs in state note: included in throughput or output modifier Human resource management: Vacancies: max employees - employees count Maximum employees hired per day: formula: max(employees available, relative maximum) employees available: unemployed employee pops in state relative maximum: if employees count = 0 & max employees >= 6667: 0.2775 * Vacancies else: ceil(0.15 * Vacancies) - 1 0.15: Hardcoded value. 0.2775: 1 - (1 - 0.15)^2 note: Rounding is unknown for the 0.2775 case. See https://discord.com/channels/1063392556160909312/1063416834650554398/1204520366643347476 Minimum employees hired per day: formula: max(absolute minimum, relative minimum) absolute minimum: 50 (hardcoded value) relative minimum: floor(defines.economy.EMPLOYMENT_HIRE_LOWEST * employees count) Military: Maximum regiments per soldier POP: if POP size < defines.military.POP_MIN_SIZE_FOR_REGIMENT: 0 else: formula: 1 + trunc(POP size / (POP_SIZE_PER_REGIMENT * location factor)) POP_SIZE_PER_REGIMENT: defines.military.POP_SIZE_PER_REGIMENT location factor: if is protectorate: defines.military.POP_MIN_SIZE_FOR_REGIMENT_PROTECTORATE_MULTIPLIER else if is colony: defines.military.POP_MIN_SIZE_FOR_REGIMENT_COLONY_MULTIPLIER else if location is core: 1 else: defines.military.POP_MIN_SIZE_FOR_REGIMENT_NONCORE_MULTIPLIER Reinforcing: Regiment reinforcements fraction * 1000: formula: if regiment is full strength: 0 else: min(trunc(regiment reinforce rate * supply factor * reinforcements multiplier * 1000), 1000) unit type strength: as defined in /units/.txt 1000: strength is defined in thousands of soldiers. Reinforcements per army uses the number of soldiers. regiment reinforce rate: if regiment is mobilised: 0.5 else if pop is too small for a single regiment: 0.5 else if pop supports too many regiments: Maximum regiments per soldier POP / number of supported regiments else: 1 reinforcements multiplier: formula: REINFORCE_SPEED * local reinforce rate * (1 + reinforce_rate) * (1 + reinforce_speed) REINFORCE_SPEED: defines.military.REINFORCE_SPEED local reinforce rate: if location owner == army owner: 2 else if army is exiled: 0 else if location is uncolonised: 0 else if location controller is hostile: if location neighbours a province controlled by an ally in this war: 0.5 else if location is coastal & not blockaded: 0.25 else: 0.1 else: 1 reinforce_rate: sum of reinforce_rate modifiers from tech reinforce_speed: sum of reinforce_speed modifiers on country supply factor: if army received all its supplies: 1 else: formula: x^(1+i) x: received supply i: 0 based index of regiment in the army trunc(... * 1000): Truncated to 1/1000th. min(..., 1000): Capped at max strength. Regiment reinforcements: formula: trunc(unit type strength * Regiment reinforcements fraction * 1000) unit type strength: as defined in /units/.txt trunc(unit type strength * ...): Truncated to integers in the case unit type strength isn't an integer already. Reinforcements per army (tooltip): sum of Regiment reinforcements Regiment experience after reinforcing: formula: xp before reinforcing / (1 + trunc(Regiment reinforcements fraction * 1000 / 3) / 1000) trunc(... / 3): Hardcoded. / 1000: to counter * 1000. Regiment experience gain per day of combat: formula: d6 * defines.military.EXP_GAIN_DIV * (1 + sum of experience gain modifiers) + unexplained d6: random integer (inclusive) 1-6 unexplained: see https://discord.com/channels/1062018115275325480/1062021872545447936/1278664121323356190 or https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1062021872545447936/1278666211848228906/image.png?ex=66d1a235&is=66d050b5&hm=47bafd0f86451a25aebd7b728e96dda264bc0704a4e398ca59931390a902b968&=&format=webp&quality=lossless Politics: Westernisation: Upper house reform support: formula: sum of (Ideology support factor * Ideology upper house share) Ideology support factor: common/ideologies.txt add_economic_reform or add_military_reform Economic reform cost modifier: defines.country.ECONOMIC_REFORM_UH_FACTOR * Upper house reform support + self_unciv_economic_modifier Military reform cost modifier: defines.country.MILITARY_REFORM_UH_FACTOR * Upper house reform support + self_unciv_military_modifier POPs: Monthly pop growth: formula: BASE_POPGROWTH + (min(40, LR * (1 + LRM)) - MIN_LIFE_RATING_FOR_GROWTH) * LIFE_RATING_GROWTH_BONUS + population_growth + pop_growth + global_population_growth/10 BASE_POPGROWTH: defines.pops.BASE_POPGROWTH min(40,: Hardcoded limit to life rating.Reasoning unknown. LR: Province life rating 1+LRM: Life rating modifier = sum of life_rating modifiers MIN_LIFE_RATING_FOR_GROWTH: defines.pops.MIN_LIFE_RATING_FOR_GROWTH LIFE_RATING_GROWTH_BONUS: defines.pops.LIFE_RATING_GROWTH_BONUS population_growth: Sum of population_growth modifiers pop_growth: Sum of pop_growth modifiers global_population_growth/10: Sum of global_population_growth modifiers Attitudes: Consciousness from literacy: defines.pops.CON_LITERACY * Plurality * POP literacy * (1 + literacy_con_impact) Monthly literacy change: formula: defines.pops.LITERACY_CHANGE_SPEED * local clergy factor * (1 + education_efficiency) * (1 + education_efficiency_modifier) * educational spending slider local clergy factor: ((clergy POPs in province / total POPs in province) - defines.pops.BASE_CLERGY_FOR_LITERACY) / (defines.pops.MAX_CLERGY_FOR_LITERACY - defines.pops.BASE_CLERGY_FOR_LITERACY) note: clergy POPs are all pop types with can_reduce_consciousness = yes Needs: Base needs scalar: (1 + Plurality) * (1 + 2 * Consciousness / defines.pops.PDEF_BASE_CON) * (1 + sum of goods_demand) * defines.pop.BASE_GOODS_DEMAND * POP size / 200000 Life needs scalar: Base needs scalar * (1 + _life_needs modifier) Invention needs scalar: 1 + number of inventions * defines.pops.INVENTION_IMPACT_ON_DEMAND Everyday needs scalar: Base needs scalar * Invention needs scalar * (1 + _everyday_needs modifier) Luxury needs scalar: Base needs scalar * Invention needs scalar * (1 + _luxury_needs modifier) POP income: Base life needs costs: Base needs scalar * sum of (life need quantity * good price) Pensions: 2 * pension_level * administrative efficiency * social spending slider * Base life needs costs * (1 - effective tax) * POP size / 200000 Unemployment subsidies: 2 * unemployment_benefit * administrative efficiency * social spending slider * Base life needs costs * (1 - effective tax) * POP size / 200000 Wages: Minimum (worker) wage: 2 * minimum_wage * administrative efficiency * Base life needs costs * (1 - effective tax) * POP size / 200000 RGO wages: Owners: if minimum worker wages > normal worker wage: formula: (RGO income - total worker income) * owner POP size / n_owners_in_state * (1 - effective tax) else: formula: RGO income * min(0.5, 2 * n_owners_in_state / n_workers) * owner POP size / n_owners_in_state * (1 - effective tax) n_owners_in_state: total size of owner POPs in state n_workers: number of employed workers in RGO min(0.5: Hardcoded maximum of half the RGO income. 2 *: Hardcoded value. Workers: if is_slave: 0 else: if minimum wage > normal wage: formula: min(minimum wage, RGO income * employed workers in POP / total non-slave employed workers) * (1 - effective tax) else: formula: RGO income * max(0.5, 1 - 2 * n_owners_in_state / n_workers) * employed workers in POP / total non-slave employed workers * (1 - effective tax) n_owners_in_state: total size of owner POPs in state n_workers: number of employed workers in RGO max(0.5: Hardcoded minimum of half the RGO income. 2 *: Hardcoded value. Scores: Industrial power: formula: sum of investment scores + sum of state factory scores investment score: money_invested * defines.country.INVESTMENT_SCORE_FACTOR / 100 state factory score: if n_workers > 0: formula: sum_factory_levels_in_state * max(0.2, min(4, floor(n_workers_in_state / 100) * 400 / total_factory_jobs_in_state)) sum_factory_levels_in_state: sum of factory levels in the state max(0.2: Hardcoded minimum score per factory level. min(4: Hardcoded maximum score per factory level. floor(n_workers_in_state / 100): Hardcoded number step. 400: Hardcoded value. n_workers_in_state: Total size of POPs in state (employed or not) where POP type has `can_work_factory = yes`. total_factory_jobs_in_state: Sum of (factory level * workforce), defined in /common/production_types.txt. else: 0 Military power: formula: soldier & army score + capital ship score + leader score soldier & army score: formula: disarmed penalty * regular army size * supply consumption * sum unit stats / (7 * (1 + n_unit_types)) disarmed penalty: if is_disarmed: defines.diplomacy.DISARMAMENT_ARMY_HIT else: 1 regular army size: min(4 * number of deployed non-mobilised regiments, possible regiment count) supply consumption: From army tab, not unit types. sum unit stats: Sum of ((attack + defence + land_attack_modifier + land_defense_modifier) * discipline) for each land unit type (including locked). n_unit_types: Number of land unit types (including locked). 7*: Hardcoded value. capital ship score: formula: sum ship stats / 250 sum ship stats: Sum of ((hull + naval_defense_modifier) * (gun_power + naval_attack_modifier)) for each capital ship instance. /250: Hardcoded value. leader score: min(number of admirals + number of generals, number of deployed non-mobilised regiments)