#include "MenuSingleton.hpp" #include #include #include "openvic-extension/classes/GFXPieChartTexture.hpp" #include "openvic-extension/utility/Utilities.hpp" using namespace godot; using namespace OpenVic; using OpenVic::Utilities::std_view_to_godot_string; /* POPULATION MENU */ void MenuSingleton::_population_menu_update_provinces() { ERR_FAIL_NULL(game_manager); population_menu.province_list_entries.clear(); population_menu.visible_province_list_entries = 0; for (Country const* country : { // Example country game_manager->get_country_manager().get_country_by_identifier("ENG") }) { ERR_CONTINUE(country == nullptr); population_menu.province_list_entries.emplace_back(population_menu_t::country_entry_t { *country }); population_menu.visible_province_list_entries++; // TODO - change to State for (Region const& state : game_manager->get_map().get_regions()) { population_menu.province_list_entries.emplace_back(population_menu_t::state_entry_t { state }); population_menu.visible_province_list_entries++; for (Province const* province : state.get_provinces()) { population_menu.province_list_entries.emplace_back(population_menu_t::province_entry_t { *province }); } } } population_menu.sort_key = population_menu_t::NONE; emit_signal(_signal_population_menu_province_list_changed()); // TODO - may need to emit population_menu_province_list_selected_changed if _update_info cannot be guaranteed _population_menu_update_pops(); } int32_t MenuSingleton::get_population_menu_province_list_row_count() const { return population_menu.visible_province_list_entries; } TypedArray MenuSingleton::get_population_menu_province_list_rows(int32_t start, int32_t count) const { // TODO - remove when country population is used instead of total map population ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(game_manager, {}); if (population_menu.province_list_entries.empty()) { return {}; } ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG( start, population_menu.visible_province_list_entries, {}, vformat("Invalid start for population menu province list rows: %d", start) ); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(count <= 0, {}, vformat("Invalid count for population menu province list rows: %d", count)); static const StringName type_key = "type"; static const StringName index_key = "index"; static const StringName name_key = "name"; static const StringName size_key = "size"; static const StringName change_key = "change"; static const StringName selected_key = "selected"; /* State-only keys */ static const StringName expanded_key = "expanded"; static const StringName colonial_status_key = "colony"; // TODO - national focus struct entry_visitor_t { int32_t& start_counter; int32_t& count_counter; // TODO - remove when country population is used instead of total map population const Pop::pop_size_t total_map_population; /* This is the index among all entries, not just visible ones unlike start and count. */ int32_t index = 0; bool is_expanded = true; TypedArray array {}; /* Overloads return false if count_counter reaches 0 and the function should return, * otherwise true indicating the province list loop should continue. */ bool operator()(population_menu_t::country_entry_t const& country_entry) { if (start_counter-- <= 0) { Dictionary country_dict; country_dict[type_key] = population_menu_t::LIST_ENTRY_COUNTRY; country_dict[index_key] = index; country_dict[name_key] = std_view_to_godot_string(country_entry.country.get_identifier()); country_dict[size_key] = total_map_population; country_dict[change_key] = 0; country_dict[selected_key] = country_entry.selected; array.push_back(country_dict); return --count_counter > 0; } return true; } bool operator()(population_menu_t::state_entry_t const& state_entry) { is_expanded = state_entry.expanded; if (start_counter-- <= 0) { Dictionary state_dict; state_dict[type_key] = population_menu_t::LIST_ENTRY_STATE; state_dict[index_key] = index; state_dict[name_key] = std_view_to_godot_string(state_entry.state.get_identifier()); state_dict[size_key] = state_entry.state.calculate_total_population(); state_dict[change_key] = 0; state_dict[selected_key] = state_entry.selected; state_dict[expanded_key] = state_entry.expanded; state_dict[colonial_status_key] = false; array.push_back(state_dict); return --count_counter > 0; } return true; } bool operator()(population_menu_t::province_entry_t const& province_entry) { if (is_expanded && start_counter-- <= 0) { Dictionary province_dict; province_dict[type_key] = population_menu_t::LIST_ENTRY_PROVINCE; province_dict[index_key] = index; province_dict[name_key] = std_view_to_godot_string(province_entry.province.get_identifier()); province_dict[size_key] = province_entry.province.get_total_population(); province_dict[change_key] = 0; province_dict[selected_key] = province_entry.selected; array.push_back(province_dict); return --count_counter > 0; } return true; } } entry_visitor { start, count, game_manager->get_map().get_total_map_population() }; while (entry_visitor.index < population_menu.province_list_entries.size() && std::visit(entry_visitor, population_menu.province_list_entries[entry_visitor.index])) { entry_visitor.index++; } return entry_visitor.array; } Error MenuSingleton::population_menu_select_province_list_entry(int32_t select_index, bool set_scroll_index) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(select_index, population_menu.province_list_entries.size(), FAILED); struct entry_visitor { const int32_t _select_index; int32_t index = 0, visible_index = 0; bool is_expanded = true; int32_t selected_visible_index = -1; using enum population_menu_t::ProvinceListEntry; population_menu_t::ProvinceListEntry select_level = LIST_ENTRY_NONE; void operator()(population_menu_t::country_entry_t& country_entry) { if (index == _select_index) { select_level = LIST_ENTRY_COUNTRY; country_entry.selected = true; selected_visible_index = visible_index; } else { select_level = LIST_ENTRY_NONE; country_entry.selected = false; } visible_index++; } void operator()(population_menu_t::state_entry_t& state_entry) { if (select_level == LIST_ENTRY_COUNTRY) { state_entry.selected = true; } else if (index == _select_index) { select_level = LIST_ENTRY_STATE; state_entry.selected = true; selected_visible_index = visible_index; } else { select_level = LIST_ENTRY_NONE; state_entry.selected = false; } visible_index++; is_expanded = state_entry.expanded; } void operator()(population_menu_t::province_entry_t& province_entry) { if (select_level == LIST_ENTRY_COUNTRY || select_level == LIST_ENTRY_STATE) { province_entry.selected = true; } else if (index == _select_index) { province_entry.selected = true; selected_visible_index = visible_index; } else { province_entry.selected = false; } if (is_expanded) { visible_index++; } } } entry_visitor { select_index }; while (entry_visitor.index < population_menu.province_list_entries.size()) { std::visit(entry_visitor, population_menu.province_list_entries[entry_visitor.index]); entry_visitor.index++; } emit_signal( _signal_population_menu_province_list_selected_changed(), set_scroll_index ? entry_visitor.selected_visible_index : -1 ); _population_menu_update_pops(); return OK; } Error MenuSingleton::population_menu_select_province(int32_t province_index) { ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(game_manager, FAILED); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(province_index <= 0 || province_index > game_manager->get_map().get_province_count(), FAILED); struct entry_visitor_t { MenuSingleton& menu_singleton; const int32_t _province_index; int32_t index = 0; int32_t state_entry_to_expand = -1; bool ret = true; /* Overloads return false if the province entry is found and the loop can stop, true otherwise. */ bool operator()(population_menu_t::country_entry_t& country_entry) { return true; } bool operator()(population_menu_t::state_entry_t& state_entry) { if (state_entry.expanded) { state_entry_to_expand = -1; } else { state_entry_to_expand = index; } return true; } bool operator()(population_menu_t::province_entry_t& province_entry) { if (province_entry.province.get_index() == _province_index) { if (state_entry_to_expand >= 0) { ret &= menu_singleton.population_menu_toggle_expanded(state_entry_to_expand, false) == OK; } ret &= menu_singleton.population_menu_select_province_list_entry(index, true) == OK; return false; } return true; } } entry_visitor { *this, province_index }; while (entry_visitor.index < population_menu.province_list_entries.size() && std::visit(entry_visitor, population_menu.province_list_entries[entry_visitor.index])) { entry_visitor.index++; } ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG( entry_visitor.index >= population_menu.province_list_entries.size(), FAILED, vformat("Cannot select province index %d - not found in population menu province list!", province_index) ); return ERR(entry_visitor.ret); } Error MenuSingleton::population_menu_toggle_expanded(int32_t toggle_index, bool emit_selected_changed) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(toggle_index, population_menu.province_list_entries.size(), FAILED); population_menu_t::state_entry_t* state_entry = std::get_if(&population_menu.province_list_entries[toggle_index]); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V_MSG(state_entry, FAILED, vformat("Cannot toggle expansion of a non-state entry! (%d)", toggle_index)); int32_t provinces = 0; while (++toggle_index < population_menu.province_list_entries.size() && std::holds_alternative(population_menu.province_list_entries[toggle_index])) { provinces++; } if (state_entry->expanded) { state_entry->expanded = false; population_menu.visible_province_list_entries -= provinces; } else { state_entry->expanded = true; population_menu.visible_province_list_entries += provinces; } emit_signal(_signal_population_menu_province_list_changed()); if (emit_selected_changed) { emit_signal(_signal_population_menu_province_list_selected_changed(), -1); } return OK; } void MenuSingleton::_population_menu_update_pops() { for (auto [pop_type, filter] : mutable_iterator(population_menu.pop_filters)) { filter.count = 0; filter.promotion_demotion_change = 0; } population_menu.pops.clear(); for (int32_t index = 0; index < population_menu.province_list_entries.size(); index++) { population_menu_t::province_entry_t const* province_entry = std::get_if(&population_menu.province_list_entries[index]); if (province_entry != nullptr && province_entry->selected) { for (Pop const& pop : province_entry->province.get_pops()) { population_menu.pops.push_back(&pop); population_menu_t::pop_filter_t& filter = population_menu.pop_filters[&pop.get_type()]; filter.count += pop.get_size(); // TODO - set filter.promotion_demotion_change } } } _population_menu_update_filtered_pops(); } void MenuSingleton::_population_menu_update_filtered_pops() { population_menu.filtered_pops.clear(); for (fixed_point_map_t& distribution : population_menu.distributions) { distribution.clear(); } for (Pop const* pop : population_menu.pops) { if (population_menu.pop_filters[&pop->get_type()].selected) { population_menu.filtered_pops.push_back(pop); } } for (Pop const* pop : population_menu.filtered_pops) { population_menu.distributions[0][&pop->get_type()] += pop->get_size(); population_menu.distributions[1][&pop->get_religion()] += pop->get_size(); population_menu.distributions[2] += cast_map(pop->get_ideologies() * static_cast(pop->get_size())); population_menu.distributions[3][&pop->get_culture()] += pop->get_size(); population_menu.distributions[4] += cast_map(pop->get_issues() * static_cast(pop->get_size())); population_menu.distributions[5] += cast_map(pop->get_votes() * static_cast(pop->get_size())); } for (fixed_point_map_t& distribution : population_menu.distributions) { normalise_fixed_point_map(distribution); } _population_menu_sort_pops(); } MenuSingleton::sort_func_t MenuSingleton::_get_population_menu_sort_func(population_menu_t::PopSortKey sort_key) const { using enum population_menu_t::PopSortKey; switch (sort_key) { case SORT_SIZE: return [](Pop const* a, Pop const* b) -> bool { return a->get_size() < b->get_size(); }; case SORT_TYPE: return [this](Pop const* a, Pop const* b) -> bool { return tr(std_view_to_godot_string(a->get_type().get_identifier())) < tr(std_view_to_godot_string(b->get_type().get_identifier())); }; case SORT_CULTURE: return [this](Pop const* a, Pop const* b) -> bool { return tr(std_view_to_godot_string(a->get_culture().get_identifier())) < tr(std_view_to_godot_string(b->get_culture().get_identifier())); }; case SORT_RELIGION: return [this](Pop const* a, Pop const* b) -> bool { return tr(std_view_to_godot_string(a->get_religion().get_identifier())) < tr(std_view_to_godot_string(b->get_religion().get_identifier())); }; case SORT_LOCATION: return [this](Pop const* a, Pop const* b) -> bool { return tr(a->get_location() != nullptr ? std_view_to_godot_string(a->get_location()->get_identifier()) : String {}) < tr(b->get_location() != nullptr ? std_view_to_godot_string(b->get_location()->get_identifier()) : String {}); }; case SORT_MILITANCY: return [](Pop const* a, Pop const* b) -> bool { return a->get_militancy() < b->get_militancy(); }; case SORT_CONSCIOUSNESS: return [](Pop const* a, Pop const* b) -> bool { return a->get_consciousness() < b->get_consciousness(); }; case SORT_IDEOLOGY: return [](Pop const* a, Pop const* b) -> bool { return sorted_fixed_map_less_than(a->get_ideologies(), b->get_ideologies()); }; case SORT_ISSUES: return [](Pop const* a, Pop const* b) -> bool { return sorted_fixed_map_less_than(a->get_issues(), b->get_issues()); }; case SORT_UNEMPLOYMENT: return [](Pop const* a, Pop const* b) -> bool { return a->get_unemployment() < b->get_unemployment(); }; case SORT_CASH: return [](Pop const* a, Pop const* b) -> bool { return a->get_cash() < b->get_cash(); }; case SORT_LIFE_NEEDS: return [](Pop const* a, Pop const* b) -> bool { return a->get_life_needs_fulfilled() < b->get_life_needs_fulfilled(); }; case SORT_EVERYDAY_NEEDS: return [](Pop const* a, Pop const* b) -> bool { return a->get_everyday_needs_fulfilled() < b->get_everyday_needs_fulfilled(); }; case SORT_LUXURY_NEEDS: return [](Pop const* a, Pop const* b) -> bool { return a->get_luxury_needs_fulfilled() < b->get_luxury_needs_fulfilled(); }; case SORT_REBEL_FACTION: return [](Pop const* a, Pop const* b) -> bool { return false; }; // TODO - implement case SORT_SIZE_CHANGE: return [](Pop const* a, Pop const* b) -> bool { return a->get_total_change() < b->get_total_change(); }; case SORT_LITERACY: return [](Pop const* a, Pop const* b) -> bool { return a->get_literacy() < b->get_literacy(); }; default: UtilityFunctions::push_error("Invalid population menu sort key: ", sort_key); return [](Pop const* a, Pop const* b) -> bool { return false; }; } } void MenuSingleton::_population_menu_sort_pops() { if (population_menu.sort_key != population_menu_t::NONE) { const sort_func_t base_sort_func = _get_population_menu_sort_func(population_menu.sort_key); const sort_func_t sort_func = population_menu.sort_descending ? base_sort_func : [base_sort_func](Pop const* a, Pop const* b) { return base_sort_func(b, a); }; std::sort(population_menu.filtered_pops.begin(), population_menu.filtered_pops.end(), sort_func); } emit_signal(_signal_population_menu_pops_changed()); } Error MenuSingleton::population_menu_select_sort_key(population_menu_t::PopSortKey sort_key) { using enum population_menu_t::PopSortKey; /* sort_key must be cast here to avoid causing clang to segfault during compilation. */ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG( static_cast(sort_key), static_cast(MAX_SORT_KEY), FAILED, vformat("Invalid population menu sort key: %d (must be under %d)", sort_key, MAX_SORT_KEY) ); if (sort_key == population_menu.sort_key) { /* Re-selecting the current sort key reverses sort order. */ population_menu.sort_descending = !population_menu.sort_descending; } else { /* Selecting a new sort key switches sorting to that key, preserving the existing sort order. */ population_menu.sort_key = sort_key; } _population_menu_sort_pops(); return OK; } TypedArray MenuSingleton::get_population_menu_pop_rows(int32_t start, int32_t count) const { if (population_menu.filtered_pops.empty()) { return {}; } ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG( start, population_menu.filtered_pops.size(), {}, vformat("Invalid start for population menu pop rows: %d", start) ); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(count <= 0, {}, vformat("Invalid count for population menu pop rows: %d", count)); if (start + count > population_menu.filtered_pops.size()) { count = population_menu.filtered_pops.size() - start; } static const StringName pop_size_key = "size"; static const StringName pop_type_icon_key = "pop_type_icon"; // TODO - pop type name // TODO - promotions (target pop type and count) // TODO - demotions (target pop type and count) // TODO - good being produced (artisans, farmers, labourers, slaves) // TODO - military unit and army (soldiers) static const StringName pop_culture_key = "culture"; // TODO - cultural assimilation (primary/accepted, or number, target culture, and conditional weights breakdown) static const StringName pop_religion_icon_key = "religion_icon"; // TODO - religion name // TODO - religious conversion (accepted, or number, target religion, and conditional weights breakdown) static const StringName pop_location_key = "location"; // TODO - internal, external and colonial migration static const StringName pop_militancy_key = "militancy"; // TODO - monthly militancy change and modifier breakdown static const StringName pop_consciousness_key = "consciousness"; // TODO - monthly consciousness change and modifier breakdown static const StringName pop_ideology_key = "ideology"; static const StringName pop_issues_key = "issues"; static const StringName pop_unemployment_key = "unemployment"; static const StringName pop_cash_key = "cash"; // TODO - daily income, needs, salary and savings static const StringName pop_life_needs_key = "life_needs"; static const StringName pop_everyday_needs_key = "everyday_needs"; static const StringName pop_luxury_needs_key = "luxury_needs"; // TODO - goods not available on market or goods not affordale + price (for all 3 needs types) // TODO - rebel faction icon and name/description static const StringName pop_size_change_key = "size_change"; // TODO - size change breakdown static const StringName pop_literacy_key = "literacy"; // TODO - monthly change TypedArray array; for (int32_t idx = start; idx < start + count; ++idx) { Pop const* pop = population_menu.filtered_pops[idx]; Dictionary pop_dict; pop_dict[pop_size_key] = pop->get_size(); pop_dict[pop_type_icon_key] = pop->get_type().get_sprite(); pop_dict[pop_culture_key] = std_view_to_godot_string(pop->get_culture().get_identifier()); pop_dict[pop_religion_icon_key] = pop->get_religion().get_icon(); pop_dict[pop_location_key] = pop->get_location() != nullptr ? std_view_to_godot_string(pop->get_location()->get_identifier()) : String {}; pop_dict[pop_militancy_key] = pop->get_militancy().to_float(); pop_dict[pop_consciousness_key] = pop->get_consciousness().to_float(); pop_dict[pop_ideology_key] = GFXPieChartTexture::distribution_to_slices_array(pop->get_ideologies()); pop_dict[pop_issues_key] = GFXPieChartTexture::distribution_to_slices_array(pop->get_issues()); pop_dict[pop_unemployment_key] = pop->get_unemployment().to_float(); pop_dict[pop_cash_key] = pop->get_cash().to_float(); pop_dict[pop_life_needs_key] = pop->get_life_needs_fulfilled().to_float(); pop_dict[pop_everyday_needs_key] = pop->get_everyday_needs_fulfilled().to_float(); pop_dict[pop_luxury_needs_key] = pop->get_luxury_needs_fulfilled().to_float(); pop_dict[pop_size_change_key] = pop->get_total_change(); pop_dict[pop_literacy_key] = pop->get_literacy().to_float(); array.push_back(pop_dict); } return array; } int32_t MenuSingleton::get_population_menu_pop_row_count() const { return population_menu.filtered_pops.size(); } PackedInt32Array MenuSingleton::get_population_menu_pop_filter_setup_info() { ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(game_manager, {}); if (population_menu.pop_filters.empty()) { for (PopType const& pop_type : game_manager->get_pop_manager().get_pop_types()) { population_menu.pop_filters.emplace(&pop_type, population_menu_t::pop_filter_t { 0, 0, true }); } } ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(population_menu.pop_filters.empty(), {}, "Failed to generate population menu pop filters!"); PackedInt32Array array; for (auto const& [pop_type, filter] : population_menu.pop_filters) { array.push_back(pop_type->get_sprite()); } return array; } TypedArray MenuSingleton::get_population_menu_pop_filter_info() const { static const StringName pop_filter_count_key = "count"; static const StringName pop_filter_change_key = "change"; static const StringName pop_filter_selected_key = "selected"; TypedArray array; for (auto const& [pop_type, filter] : population_menu.pop_filters) { Dictionary filter_dict; filter_dict[pop_filter_count_key] = filter.count; filter_dict[pop_filter_change_key] = filter.promotion_demotion_change; filter_dict[pop_filter_selected_key] = filter.selected; array.push_back(filter_dict); } return array; } Error MenuSingleton::population_menu_toggle_pop_filter(int32_t index) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG( index < 0 || index >= population_menu.pop_filters.size(), FAILED, vformat("Invalid pop filter index: %d", index) ); population_menu_t::pop_filter_t& filter = mutable_iterator(population_menu.pop_filters).begin()[index].second; filter.selected = !filter.selected; _population_menu_update_filtered_pops(); return OK; } void MenuSingleton::population_menu_select_all_pop_filters() { bool changed = false; for (auto [pop_type, filter] : mutable_iterator(population_menu.pop_filters)) { if (!filter.selected) { filter.selected = true; changed = true; } } if (changed) { _population_menu_update_filtered_pops(); } } void MenuSingleton::population_menu_deselect_all_pop_filters() { bool changed = false; for (auto [pop_type, filter] : mutable_iterator(population_menu.pop_filters)) { if (filter.selected) { filter.selected = false; changed = true; } } if (changed) { _population_menu_update_filtered_pops(); } } PackedStringArray MenuSingleton::get_population_menu_distribution_setup_info() const { static const PackedStringArray distribution_names = []() -> PackedStringArray { PackedStringArray array; for (char const* name : std::array { /* Workforce (PopType) */ "WORKFORCE_DISTTITLE", /* Religion */ "RELIGION_DISTTITLE", /* Ideology */ "IDEOLOGY_DISTTITLE", /* Nationality (Culture) */ "NATIONALITY_DISTTITLE", /* Issues */ "DOMINANT_ISSUES_DISTTITLE", /* Vote */ "ELECTORATE_DISTTITLE" }) { array.push_back(name); } return array; }(); return distribution_names; } TypedArray MenuSingleton::get_population_menu_distribution_info() const { TypedArray array; for (fixed_point_map_t const& distribution : population_menu.distributions) { array.push_back(GFXPieChartTexture::distribution_to_slices_array(distribution)); } return array; }