#include "SoundSingleton.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "openvic-simulation/utility/StringUtils.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include using OpenVic::Utilities::godot_to_std_string; using OpenVic::Utilities::std_to_godot_string; using namespace godot; using namespace OpenVic; using namespace OpenVic::NodeTools; //ov_bind_method is used to make a method visible to godot void SoundSingleton::_bind_methods() { OV_BIND_METHOD(SoundSingleton::load_music); OV_BIND_METHOD(SoundSingleton::get_song, {"song_name"}); OV_BIND_METHOD(SoundSingleton::get_song_list); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo( Variant::ARRAY, "song_list", PROPERTY_HINT_ARRAY_TYPE, "AudioStreamMP3"), "", "get_song_list"); OV_BIND_METHOD(SoundSingleton::load_sounds); OV_BIND_METHOD(SoundSingleton::get_sound_stream, {"sound_name"}); OV_BIND_METHOD(SoundSingleton::get_sound_base_volume, {"sound_name"}); OV_BIND_METHOD(SoundSingleton::get_sound_list); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo( Variant::ARRAY, "sound_list", PROPERTY_HINT_ARRAY_TYPE, "AudioStreamWAV"), "", "get_sound_list"); OV_BIND_METHOD(SoundSingleton::load_title_theme); OV_BIND_METHOD(SoundSingleton::get_title_theme); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo( Variant::STRING, "title_theme"), "", "get_title_theme"); } SoundSingleton* SoundSingleton::get_singleton() { return _singleton; } SoundSingleton::SoundSingleton() { ERR_FAIL_COND(_singleton != nullptr); _singleton = this; } SoundSingleton::~SoundSingleton() { ERR_FAIL_COND(_singleton != this); _singleton = nullptr; } //Load a sound from the path Ref SoundSingleton::_load_godot_mp3(String const& path) const { const Ref file = FileAccess::open(path, FileAccess::ModeFlags::READ); Error err = FileAccess::get_open_error(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG( err != OK || file.is_null(), nullptr, vformat("Failed to open mp3 file %s", path) //named %s, path, ); const PackedByteArray data = file->get_buffer(file->get_length()); Ref sound = Ref(); sound.instantiate(); sound->set_data(data); return sound; } //slices a path down to after the base_folder, keeps the extension //this is because the defines refer to audio files using this format, //so we might as well use this form as the key for the "name"->audiostream map String SoundSingleton::to_define_file_name(String const& path, std::string_view const& base_folder) const { String name = path.replace("\\","/"); return name.get_slice(base_folder.data(),1); //get file name with extension } //Load a sound from the cache, or directly if its not in the cache //take in a path, extract just the file name for the cache (and defines) Ref SoundSingleton::get_song(String const& path){ String name = to_define_file_name(path, music_folder); const song_asset_map_t::const_iterator it = tracks.find(name); if (it != tracks.end()) { //it->first = key, it->second = value return it->second; } const Ref song = _load_godot_mp3(path); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V_MSG( song, nullptr, vformat("Failed to load music file: %s", path) ); tracks.emplace(std::move(name), song); return song; } //loading music is actually one of the slower things to do, and we want the title theme //playing the whole time. Solution: load it first and separately bool SoundSingleton::load_title_theme(){ GameSingleton const* game_singleton = GameSingleton::get_singleton(); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V_MSG(game_singleton, false, vformat("Error retrieving GameSingleton")); static constexpr std::string_view music_directory = "music"; bool ret = false; Dataloader::path_vector_t music_files = game_singleton->get_dataloader() .lookup_files_in_dir_recursive(music_directory, ".mp3"); if(music_files.size() < 1){ Logger::error("failed to load title theme: no files in music directory"); } for(std::filesystem::path const& file_name : music_files) { //the path String file = std_to_godot_string(file_name.string()); //file name String file_stem = to_define_file_name(file,music_folder); if(file_stem == title_theme_name.data()){ if(!get_song(file).is_valid()){ Logger::error("failed to load title theme song at path ",file_name); break; //don't try to append a null pointer to the list } else{ String name = to_define_file_name(file,music_folder); title_theme = name; ret = true; break; } } } if(!ret) Logger::error("Failed to load title theme!"); return ret; } bool SoundSingleton::load_music() { GameSingleton const* game_singleton = GameSingleton::get_singleton(); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V_MSG(game_singleton, false, vformat("Error retrieving GameSingleton")); static constexpr std::string_view music_directory = "music"; bool ret = true; Dataloader::path_vector_t music_files = game_singleton->get_dataloader() .lookup_files_in_dir_recursive(music_directory, ".mp3"); if(music_files.size() < 1){ Logger::error("failed to load music: no files in music directory"); ret = false; } for(std::filesystem::path const& file_name : music_files) { String file = std_to_godot_string(file_name.string()); String name = to_define_file_name(file,music_folder); if(name == title_theme_name.data()) continue; if(!get_song(file).is_valid()){ Logger::error("failed to load song at path ",file_name); ret = false; continue; //don't try to append a null pointer to the list } song_list.append(name); } return ret; } //Load a sound into the sound cache, accessed via its file path Ref SoundSingleton::get_sound(String const& path){ String name = to_define_file_name(path, sound_folder); const sfx_asset_map_t::const_iterator it = sfx.find(name); if (it != sfx.end()) { //it->first = key, it->second = value return it->second; } const Ref sound = _load_godot_wav(path); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V_MSG( sound, nullptr, vformat("Failed to load sound file %s", path) //named %s, path, ); sfx.emplace(std::move(name), sound); return sound; } //Get a sound by its define name Ref SoundSingleton::get_sound_stream(String const& path) { if(sfx_define[path].audioStream.has_value()){ return sfx_define[path].audioStream.value(); } ERR_FAIL_V_MSG( nullptr, vformat("Attempted to retrieve sound stream at invalid index ", path) ); } //get the base volume of a sound from its define name float SoundSingleton::get_sound_base_volume(String const& path) { if(sfx_define[path].volume.has_value()){ return sfx_define[path].volume.value().to_float(); } return 1.0; } //Requires the sound defines to already be loaded by the dataloader //then build the define map (define_identifier->{audiostream,volume}) bool SoundSingleton::load_sounds() { static constexpr std::string_view sound_directory = "sound"; bool ret = true; GameSingleton const* game_singleton = GameSingleton::get_singleton(); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V_MSG(game_singleton, false, vformat("Error retrieving GameSingleton")); SoundEffectManager const& sound_manager = game_singleton->get_definition_manager().get_sound_effect_manager(); if(sound_manager.sound_effects_empty()){ Logger::error("failed to load music: no identifiers in sounds.sfx"); ret = false; } for(SoundEffect const& sound_inst : sound_manager.get_sound_effects()){ std::string folder_path = StringUtils::append_string_views(sound_directory, "/", sound_inst.get_file()); fs::path full_path = game_singleton->get_dataloader().lookup_file(folder_path, false); //UI_Cavalry_Selected.wav doesn't exist (paradox mistake, UI_Cavalry_Select.wav does), just keep going //the define its associated with also isn't used in game if(full_path.empty()){ Logger::warning("The sound define ",sound_inst.get_identifier()," points to an non-existing file ", folder_path); continue; } Ref stream = get_sound(std_to_godot_string(full_path.string())); if(stream.is_null()){ Logger::error("failed to load sound ",sound_inst.get_identifier()," at path ",full_path); ret = false; continue; //don't try to append a null pointer to the list } String name = to_define_file_name(std_to_godot_string(full_path.string()), sound_folder); StringName define_gd_name = std_to_godot_string(sound_inst.get_identifier()); sfx_define[define_gd_name].audioStream = get_sound(name); sfx_define[define_gd_name].volume = sound_inst.get_volume(); sound_list.append(define_gd_name); } return ret; } Ref SoundSingleton::_load_godot_wav(String const& path) const { const Ref file = FileAccess::open(path, FileAccess::ModeFlags::READ); Error err = FileAccess::get_open_error(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG( err != OK || file.is_null(), nullptr, vformat("Failed to open wav file %s", path) ); Ref sound = Ref(); sound.instantiate(); //RIFF file header String riff_id = read_riff_str(file); //RIFF int riff_size = std::min(static_cast(file->get_32()), file->get_length()); String form_type = read_riff_str(file); //WAVE //ie. 16, 24, 32 bit audio int bits_per_sample = 0; //godot audiostreamwav has: data,format,loop_begin,loop_end,loop_mode,mix_rate,stereo //RIFF reader while(file->get_position() < riff_size){ String id = read_riff_str(file); int size = file->get_32(); if(id=="LIST"){ String list_type = read_riff_str(file); } else if(id=="JUNK"){ const PackedByteArray junk = file->get_buffer(size); } else if(id=="fmt "){ //what fields to read depends on the fmt chunk variant (can be 16, 18, or 40 bytes long) //basic fields //2bytes: type of format can be 1=PCM, 3=IEEE float, 6=8bit Alaw, 7=8bit mu-law, FFFE=go by subformat int formatTag = file->get_16(); int channels = file->get_16(); int samplesPerSec = file->get_32(); int avgBytesPerSec = file->get_32(); int blockAlign = file->get_16(); bits_per_sample = file->get_16(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG( bits_per_sample == 24 || bits_per_sample == 32, nullptr, vformat("Unsupported wav file sample rate %s", bits_per_sample) ); if(size > 16){ int extensionSize = file->get_16(); } if(size > 18){ //extensible format int validBitsPerSample = file->get_16(); int channelMask = file->get_32(); //16 byte subformat int subFormat = file->get_16(); String subFormatString = read_riff_str(file,14); } //set godot properties sound->set_stereo(channels==2); switch(formatTag){ //TODO: verify, looks from 1 doc like these should be 0x0101, 0x102, ... case 0:{ sound->set_format(sound->FORMAT_8_BITS); break; } case 1:{ sound->set_format(sound->FORMAT_16_BITS); break; } case 2:{ sound->set_format(sound->FORMAT_IMA_ADPCM); break; } default:{ Logger::warning("unknown WAV format tag %x",formatTag); sound->set_format(sound->FORMAT_16_BITS); break; } } sound->set_mix_rate(samplesPerSec); } else if(id=="data"){ PackedByteArray audio_data = file->get_buffer(size); if(bits_per_sample == 24 || bits_per_sample == 32){ //sound->set_data(to_16bit_wav_data(audio_data,bits_per_sample)); Logger::error("WAV file ",godot_to_std_string(path), " uses an unsupported sample rate ", bits_per_sample); } else{ sound->set_data(audio_data); } } else if(id=="fact"){ //for compressed formats that aren't PCM //TODO: Handle these other cases int sampleLen = file->get_32(); //# samples/channel Logger::warning("WAV fact header, indicates likely unhandled case"); } else{ //Logger::warning("skipping Unhandled RIFF chunk of id ",godot_to_std_string(id)); //known chunks that cause this: "smpl", "labl", "cue ", "ltxt", info chunks (IART, ICOP, IENG, ...) //these don't seem to be needed for our uses const PackedByteArray junk = file->get_buffer(size); //just try and skip this chunk } if(file->get_position() % 2 != 0){ //align to even bytes file->get_8(); } } sound->set_loop_end(file->get_length()/4); return sound; } //set size if its an info string, otherwise leaving String SoundSingleton::read_riff_str(Ref const& file, int size) const { return file->get_buffer(size).get_string_from_ascii(); }