#include "Map.hpp" #include #include #include using namespace OpenVic2; Province::Province(index_t new_index, std::string const& new_identifier, colour_t new_colour) : index(new_index), identifier(new_identifier), colour(new_colour) { assert(index != NULL_INDEX); assert(!identifier.empty()); assert(colour != NULL_COLOUR); } std::string Province::colour_to_hex_string(colour_t colour) { std::ostringstream stream; stream << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(6) << colour; return stream.str(); } Province::index_t Province::get_index() const { return index; } std::string const& Province::get_identifier() const { return identifier; } Province::colour_t Province::get_colour() const { return colour; } Region* Province::get_region() const { return region; } std::string Province::to_string() const { return "(#" + std::to_string(index) + ", " + identifier + ", 0x" + colour_to_hex_string(colour) + ")"; } Region::Region(std::string const& new_identifier) : identifier(new_identifier) { assert(!identifier.empty()); } std::string const& Region::get_identifier() const { return identifier; } size_t Region::get_province_count() const { return provinces.size(); } bool Region::contains_province(Province const* province) const { return province && std::find(provinces.begin(), provinces.end(), province) != provinces.end(); } std::vector const& Region::get_provinces() const { return provinces; } bool Map::add_province(std::string const& identifier, Province::colour_t colour, std::string& error_message) { if (provinces_locked) { error_message = "The map's province list has already been locked!"; return false; } if (provinces.size() >= Province::MAX_INDEX) { error_message = "The map's province list is full - there can be at most " + std::to_string(Province::MAX_INDEX) + " provinces"; return false; } if (identifier.empty()) { error_message = "Empty province identifier for colour " + Province::colour_to_hex_string(colour); return false; } if (colour == Province::NULL_COLOUR || colour > Province::MAX_COLOUR) { error_message = "Invalid province colour: " + Province::colour_to_hex_string(colour); return false; } Province new_province{ static_cast(provinces.size() + 1), identifier, colour }; for (Province const& province : provinces) { if (province.identifier == identifier) { error_message = "Duplicate province identifiers: " + province.to_string() + " and " + new_province.to_string(); return false; } if (province.colour == colour) { error_message = "Duplicate province colours: " + province.to_string() + " and " + new_province.to_string(); return false; } } provinces.push_back(new_province); error_message = "Added province: " + new_province.to_string(); return true; } void Map::lock_provinces() { provinces_locked = true; } bool Map::add_region(std::string const& identifier, std::vector const& province_identifiers, std::string& error_message) { if (regions_locked) { error_message = "The map's region list has already been locked!"; return false; } if (identifier.empty()) { error_message = "Empty region identifier!"; return false; } if (provinces.empty()) { error_message = "Empty province list for region " + identifier; return false; } Region new_region{ identifier }; error_message = "Error message for region: " + identifier; static const std::string SEPARATOR = "\n - "; for (std::string const& province_identifier : province_identifiers) { Province* province = get_province_by_identifier(province_identifier); if (province) { if (new_region.contains_province(province)) error_message += SEPARATOR + "Duplicate province identifier " + province_identifier; else { if (province->region) { error_message += SEPARATOR + "Province " + province_identifier + " is already part of "; const size_t other_region_index = reinterpret_cast(province->region) - 1; if (other_region_index < regions.size()) error_message += regions[other_region_index].get_identifier(); else error_message += "an unknown region with index " + std::to_string(other_region_index); } else new_region.provinces.push_back(province); } } else error_message += SEPARATOR + "Invalid province identifier " + province_identifier; } if (!new_region.get_province_count()) { error_message += SEPARATOR + "No valid provinces in region's list"; return false; } for (Region const& region : regions) { if (region.identifier == identifier) { error_message += SEPARATOR + "Duplicate region identifiers: " + region.get_identifier() + " and " + identifier; return false; } } regions.push_back(new_region); error_message += SEPARATOR + "Added region: " + identifier; // Used to detect provinces listed in multiple regions, will // be corrected once regions is stable (i.e. lock_regions). Region* tmp_region_index = reinterpret_cast(regions.size()); for (Province* province : new_region.provinces) province->region = tmp_region_index; return true; } void Map::lock_regions() { regions_locked = true; for (Region& region : regions) for (Province* province : region.provinces) province->region = ®ion; } size_t Map::get_province_count() const { return provinces.size(); } Province* Map::get_province_by_index(Province::index_t index) { return index != Province::NULL_INDEX && index <= provinces.size() ? &provinces[index - 1] : nullptr; } Province const* Map::get_province_by_index(Province::index_t index) const { return index != Province::NULL_INDEX && index <= provinces.size() ? &provinces[index - 1] : nullptr; } Province* Map::get_province_by_identifier(std::string const& identifier) { if (!identifier.empty()) for (Province& province : provinces) if (province.identifier == identifier) return &province; return nullptr; } Province const* Map::get_province_by_identifier(std::string const& identifier) const { if (!identifier.empty()) for (Province const& province : provinces) if (province.identifier == identifier) return &province; return nullptr; } Province* Map::get_province_by_colour(Province::colour_t colour) { if (colour != Province::NULL_COLOUR) for (Province& province : provinces) if (province.colour == colour) return &province; return nullptr; } Province const* Map::get_province_by_colour(Province::colour_t colour) const { if (colour != Province::NULL_COLOUR) for (Province const& province : provinces) if (province.colour == colour) return &province; return nullptr; }