extends Node var _resolutions : Array[Dictionary]= [ { "name": &"", "value": Vector2i(3840,2160) }, { "name": &"", "value": Vector2i(2560,1080) }, { "name": &"", "value": Vector2i(1920,1080) }, { "name": &"", "value": Vector2i(1366,768) }, { "name": &"", "value": Vector2i(1536,864) }, { "name": &"", "value": Vector2i(1280,720) }, { "name": &"", "value": Vector2i(1440,900) }, { "name": &"", "value": Vector2i(1600,900) }, { "name": &"", "value": Vector2i(1024,600) }, { "name": &"", "value": Vector2i(800,600) } ] func _ready(): for resolution in _resolutions: resolution["tag"] = _get_name_of_resolution(resolution["name"], resolution["value"]) func has_resolution(resolution_name : StringName) -> bool: return resolution_name in _resolutions func get_resolution(resolution_name : StringName, default : Vector2i = Vector2i(1920, 1080)) -> Vector2i: var resolution := _get_resolution_by_name(resolution_name) if resolution.x < 0 and resolution.y < 0: return default return resolution func get_resolution_name_list() -> Array[StringName]: var result : Array[StringName] = [] for resolution in _resolutions: result.append(resolution["tag"]) return result func get_current_resolution() -> Vector2i: var window := get_viewport().get_window() match window.mode: Window.MODE_EXCLUSIVE_FULLSCREEN, Window.MODE_FULLSCREEN: return window.content_scale_size _: return window.size func set_resolution(resolution : Vector2i) -> void: var window := get_viewport().get_window() match window.mode: Window.MODE_EXCLUSIVE_FULLSCREEN, Window.MODE_FULLSCREEN: window.content_scale_size = resolution _: window.size = resolution window.content_scale_size = Vector2i(0,0) func reset_resolution() -> void: set_resolution(get_current_resolution()) func _get_name_of_resolution(resolution_name : StringName, resolution_value : Vector2i) -> StringName: if resolution_name != null and not resolution_name.is_empty(): return "%s (%sx%s)" % [resolution_name, resolution_value.x, resolution_value.y] return "%sx%s" % [resolution_value.x, resolution_value.y] func _get_resolution_by_name(resolution_name : StringName) -> Vector2i: for resolution in _resolutions: if resolution["name"] == resolution_name or resolution["tag"] == resolution_name: return resolution["value"] return Vector2i(-1, -1)