class_name ShaderManagerClass extends RefCounted const param_province_shape_tex : StringName = &"province_shape_tex" const param_province_shape_subdivisions : StringName = &"province_shape_subdivisions" const param_province_colour_tex : StringName = &"province_colour_tex" const param_hover_index : StringName = &"hover_index" const param_selected_index : StringName = &"selected_index" const param_parchment_mix : StringName = &"parchment_mix" const param_terrain_tex : StringName = &"terrain_tex" const param_terrain_tile_factor : StringName = &"terrain_tile_factor" const param_stripe_tex : StringName = &"stripe_tex" const param_stripe_tile_factor : StringName = &"stripe_tile_factor" const param_overlay_tex : StringName = &"overlay_tex" const param_overlay_tile_factor : StringName = &"overlay_tile_factor" const param_colormap_land_tex : StringName = &"colormap_land_tex" const param_colormap_water_tex : StringName = &"colormap_water_tex" const param_colormap_overlay_tex : StringName = &"colormap_overlay_tex" func _set_shader_texture( shader_material : ShaderMaterial, texture_param : StringName, texture : Texture, tile_factor_param : StringName = &"", pixels_per_tile : float = 0.0 ) -> Error: var err : Error = OK if texture != null: shader_material.set_shader_parameter(texture_param, texture) else: push_error("Invalid texture for shader parameter ", texture_param, " - null!") err = FAILED if tile_factor_param: # Set to 1.0 / pixels_per_tile as the shader can multiply faster than it can divide, and it will not automatically # optimise to multiplication by a reciprocal for fear of losing precision. As pixels_per_tile is often a power of two, # this doesn't actually lose any precision, and even if it did it would be insignificant. shader_material.set_shader_parameter(tile_factor_param, 1.0 / pixels_per_tile) return err func _set_shader_asset_texture( shader_material : ShaderMaterial, texture_param : StringName, texture_path : StringName, tile_factor_param : StringName = &"", pixels_per_tile : float = 0.0 ) -> Error: return _set_shader_texture( shader_material, texture_param, AssetManager.get_texture(texture_path), tile_factor_param, pixels_per_tile ) func set_up_shader(material : Material, add_cosmetic_textures : bool) -> Error: # Shader Material if material == null: push_error("material is null!") return FAILED if not material is ShaderMaterial: push_error("Invalid map mesh material class: ", material.get_class()) return FAILED var shader_material : ShaderMaterial = material var ret : Error = OK # Province shape texture if _set_shader_texture(shader_material, param_province_shape_tex, GameSingleton.get_province_shape_texture()) != OK: push_error("Failed to set province shape shader texture array!") ret = FAILED var subdivisions : Vector2i = GameSingleton.get_province_shape_image_subdivisions() if subdivisions.x >= 1 and subdivisions.y >= 1: shader_material.set_shader_parameter(param_province_shape_subdivisions, Vector2(subdivisions)) else: push_error("Invalid province shape image subdivision: ", subdivisions.x, "x", subdivisions.y) ret = FAILED if add_cosmetic_textures: # Province colour texture if _set_shader_texture(shader_material, param_province_colour_tex, GameSingleton.get_province_colour_texture()) != OK: push_error("Failed to set province colour shader texture!") ret = FAILED # Terrain texture const pixels_per_terrain_tile : float = 16.0 if _set_shader_texture( shader_material, param_terrain_tex, GameSingleton.get_terrain_texture(), param_terrain_tile_factor, pixels_per_terrain_tile ) != OK: push_error("Failed to set terrain shader texture array!") ret = FAILED # Stripe texture const pixels_per_stripe_tile : float = 8.0 if _set_shader_asset_texture( shader_material, param_stripe_tex, &"map/terrain/", param_stripe_tile_factor, pixels_per_stripe_tile ) != OK: push_error("Failed to set stripe shader texture!") ret = FAILED # Overlay texture const pixels_per_overlay_tile : float = 512.0 if _set_shader_asset_texture( shader_material, param_overlay_tex, &"map/terrain/", param_overlay_tile_factor, pixels_per_overlay_tile ) != OK: push_error("Failed to set overlay shader texture!") ret = FAILED # Land colormap if _set_shader_asset_texture(shader_material, param_colormap_land_tex, &"map/terrain/") != OK: push_error("Failed to set land colormap shader texture!") ret = FAILED # Water colormap if _set_shader_asset_texture(shader_material, param_colormap_water_tex, &"map/terrain/") != OK: push_error("Failed to set water colormap shader texture!") ret = FAILED # Overlay colormap if _set_shader_asset_texture(shader_material, param_colormap_overlay_tex, &"map/terrain/") != OK: push_error("Failed to set overlay colormap shader texture!") ret = FAILED return ret