extends OptionButton class_name SettingOptionButton signal option_selected(index : int, by_user : bool) @export var section_name : String = "setting" @export var setting_name : String = "setting_optionbutton" @export var default_selected : int = -1: get: return default_selected set(v): if v < 0 or item_count == 0: default_selected = -1 return default_selected = v % item_count func _valid_index(index : int) -> bool: return 0 <= index and index < item_count func _get_value_for_file(select_value : int) -> Variant: if _valid_index(select_value): return select_value else: return null func _set_value_from_file(load_value : Variant) -> void: match typeof(load_value): TYPE_INT: if _valid_index(load_value): selected = load_value return TYPE_STRING, TYPE_STRING_NAME: var load_string := load_value as String if load_string.is_valid_int(): var load_int := load_string.to_int() if _valid_index(load_int): selected = load_int return for item_index in item_count: if load_string == get_item_text(item_index): selected = item_index return push_error("Setting value '%s' invalid for setting [%s] \"%s\"" % [load_value, section_name, setting_name]) selected = default_selected func _setup_button() -> void: pass func _ready() -> void: Events.Options.load_settings.connect(load_setting) Events.Options.save_settings.connect(save_setting) Events.Options.reset_settings.connect(reset_setting) item_selected.connect(func(index : int) -> void: option_selected.emit(index, true)) _setup_button() if not _valid_index(default_selected) or selected == -1: var msg := "Failed to generate any valid %s %s options." % [setting_name, section_name] push_error(msg) OS.alert(msg, "Options Error: %s / %s" % [section_name, setting_name]) get_tree().quit() func load_setting(file : ConfigFile) -> void: if file == null: return _set_value_from_file(file.get_value(section_name, setting_name, _get_value_for_file(default_selected))) option_selected.emit(selected, false) func save_setting(file : ConfigFile) -> void: if file == null: return file.set_value(section_name, setting_name, _get_value_for_file(selected)) func reset_setting(no_emit : bool = false) -> void: selected = default_selected if not no_emit: option_selected.emit(selected, false)