class_name XSMLoader # Keys: source_file (String) # Values: loaded animation (Animation) or LOAD_FAILED_MARKER (StringName) static var xsm_cache : Dictionary const LOAD_FAILED_MARKER : StringName = &"XSM LOAD FAILED" static func get_xsm_animation(source_file : String) -> Animation: var cached : Variant = xsm_cache.get(source_file) if not cached: cached = _load_xsm_animation(source_file) if cached: xsm_cache[source_file] = cached else: xsm_cache[source_file] = LOAD_FAILED_MARKER push_error("Failed to get XSM model \"", source_file, "\" (current load failed)") return null if not cached is Animation: push_error("Failed to get XSM model \"", source_file, "\" (previous load failed)") return null return cached const SKELETON_PATH : String = "./skeleton:%s" static func _load_xsm_animation(source_file : String) -> Animation: var source_path : String = GameSingleton.lookup_file_path(source_file) var file : FileAccess =, FileAccess.READ) if file == null: push_error("Failed to load XSM ", source_file, " from looked up path ", source_path) return null readHeader(file) var metadataChunk : MetadataChunk = null var boneAnimationChunks : Array[BoneAnimationChunk] = [] while file.get_position() < file.get_length(): var type : int = FileAccessUtils.read_int32(file) var length : int = FileAccessUtils.read_int32(file) var version : int = FileAccessUtils.read_int32(file) match type: 0xC9: #Metadata metadataChunk = readMetadataChunk(file) 0xCA: #Bone Animation boneAnimationChunks.push_back(readBoneAnimationChunk(file, metadataChunk.use_quat_16())) _: push_error(">> INVALID XSM CHUNK TYPE %X" % type) break var animLength : float = 0.0 var anim : Animation = for anim_Chunk : BoneAnimationChunk in boneAnimationChunks: for submotion : SkeletalSubMotion in anim_Chunk.SkeletalSubMotions: # NOTE: godot uses ':' to specify properties, so we replace such characters with '_' var skeleton_path : String = SKELETON_PATH % FileAccessUtils.replace_chars(submotion.nodeName) if submotion.numPosKeys > 0: var id : int = anim.add_track(Animation.TYPE_POSITION_3D) anim.track_set_path(id, skeleton_path) for key : PosKey in submotion.PosKeys: anim.position_track_insert_key(id, key.fTime, key.pos) if key.fTime > animLength: animLength = key.fTime else: # EXPERIMENTAL: see if setting posePos fixes idle3 var id : int = anim.add_track(Animation.TYPE_POSITION_3D) anim.track_set_path(id, skeleton_path) anim.position_track_insert_key(id, 0, submotion.posePos) if submotion.numRotKeys > 0: var id : int = anim.add_track(Animation.TYPE_ROTATION_3D) anim.track_set_path(id, skeleton_path) for key : RotKey in submotion.RotKeys: anim.rotation_track_insert_key(id, key.fTime, key.rot) if key.fTime > animLength: animLength = key.fTime else: # EXPERIMENTAL: see if setting posePos fixes idle3 var id : int = anim.add_track(Animation.TYPE_ROTATION_3D) anim.track_set_path(id, skeleton_path) anim.rotation_track_insert_key(id, 0, submotion.poseRot) if submotion.numScaleKeys > 0: var id : int = anim.add_track(Animation.TYPE_SCALE_3D) anim.track_set_path(id, skeleton_path) for key : ScaleKey in submotion.ScaleKeys: anim.scale_track_insert_key(id, key.fTime, key.scale) if key.fTime > animLength: animLength = key.fTime # TODO: submotion.numScaleRotKeys anim.length = animLength anim.loop_mode = Animation.LOOP_LINEAR xsm_cache[source_file] = anim return anim static func readHeader(file : FileAccess) -> void: var magic_bytes : PackedByteArray = [file.get_8(), file.get_8(), file.get_8(), file.get_8()] var magic : String = magic_bytes.get_string_from_ascii() var version : String = "%d.%d" % [file.get_8(), file.get_8()] var bBigEndian : bool = file.get_8() var pad : int = file.get_8() #print(magic, ", version: ", version, ", bigEndian: ", bBigEndian, " pad: ", pad) # NOTE: the "pad" variable is actually very important! # It seems to have something to do with whether paradox uses int16 or int32 # for quaternions (it's "pad" or version number, can't tell) static func readMetadataChunk(file : FileAccess) -> MetadataChunk: return file.get_float(), file.get_float(), FileAccessUtils.read_int32(file), file.get_8(), file.get_8(), file.get_16(), FileAccessUtils.read_xac_str(file), FileAccessUtils.read_xac_str(file), FileAccessUtils.read_xac_str(file), FileAccessUtils.read_xac_str(file) ) class MetadataChunk: var unused : float var fMaxAcceptableError : float var fps : int # int32 var exporterMajorVersion : int # byte var exporterMinorVersion : int # byte var pad : int # 2x byte var sourceApp : String var origFileName : String var exportDate : String var motionName : String func _init( unused : float, fMaxAcceptableError : float, fps : int, exporterMajorVersion : int, exporterMinorVersion : int, pad : int, sourceApp : String, origFileName : String, exportDate : String, motionName : String ) -> void: self.unused = unused self.fMaxAcceptableError = fMaxAcceptableError self.fps = fps self.exporterMajorVersion = exporterMajorVersion self.exporterMinorVersion = exporterMinorVersion self.pad = pad self.sourceApp = sourceApp self.origFileName = origFileName self.exportDate = exportDate self.motionName = motionName func debugPrint() -> void: print("FileName: %s, sourceApp: %s, exportDate: %s, ExporterV:%d.%d" % [origFileName, sourceApp, exportDate, exporterMajorVersion, exporterMinorVersion]) print("MotionName: %s, fps: %d, MaxError: %s, Use 16-bit int Quaternions?:%s" % [motionName, fps, fMaxAcceptableError, use_quat_16()]) func use_quat_16() -> bool: return pad == 0x0 static func readPosKey(file : FileAccess) -> PosKey: return, file.get_float()) class PosKey: var pos : Vector3 var fTime : float func _init(pos : Vector3, fTime : float) -> void: self.pos = pos self.fTime = fTime func debugPrint() -> void: print("\t\tPos:%s, time:%s" % [pos, fTime]) static func readRotKey(file : FileAccess, use_quat16 : bool) -> RotKey: return, use_quat16), file.get_float()) class RotKey: var rot : Quaternion var fTime : float func _init(rot : Quaternion, fTime : float) -> void: self.rot = rot self.fTime = fTime func debugPrint() -> void: print("\t\tRot:%s, time:%s" % [rot, fTime]) static func readScaleKey(file : FileAccess) -> ScaleKey: return, file.get_float()) class ScaleKey: var scale : Vector3 var fTime : float func _init(scale : Vector3, fTime : float) -> void: self.scale = scale self.fTime = fTime func debugPrint() -> void: print("\t\tScale:%s, time:%s" % [scale, fTime]) static func readScaleRotKey(file : FileAccess, use_quat16 : bool) -> ScaleRotKey: return, use_quat16), file.get_float()) class ScaleRotKey: var rot : Quaternion var fTime : float func _init(rot : Quaternion, fTime : float) -> void: self.rot = rot self.fTime = fTime func debugPrint() -> void: print("\t\tScaleRot:%s, time:%s" % [rot, fTime]) static func readSkeletalSubMotion(file : FileAccess, use_quat16 : bool) -> SkeletalSubMotion: var a : Quaternion = FileAccessUtils.read_quat(file, use_quat16) var b : Quaternion = FileAccessUtils.read_quat(file, use_quat16) var c : Quaternion = FileAccessUtils.read_quat(file, use_quat16) var d : Quaternion = FileAccessUtils.read_quat(file, use_quat16) var e : Vector3 = FileAccessUtils.read_pos(file) var f : Vector3 = FileAccessUtils.read_vec3(file) var g : Vector3 = FileAccessUtils.read_pos(file) var h : Vector3 = FileAccessUtils.read_vec3(file) var p : int = FileAccessUtils.read_int32(file) var j : int = FileAccessUtils.read_int32(file) var k : int = FileAccessUtils.read_int32(file) var l : int = FileAccessUtils.read_int32(file) var m : float = file.get_float() var n : String = FileAccessUtils.read_xac_str(file) var submotion : SkeletalSubMotion = a, b, c, d, # quats e, f, g, h, # vec3 p, j, k, l, # ints m, n ) var poskeys : Array[PosKey] = [] var rotkeys : Array[RotKey] = [] var scalekeys : Array[ScaleKey] = [] var scalerotkeys : Array[ScaleRotKey] = [] #FIXME: Did paradox store the number of pos keys as a float instead of int? for i : int in submotion.numPosKeys: poskeys.push_back(readPosKey(file)) for i : int in submotion.numRotKeys: rotkeys.push_back(readRotKey(file, use_quat16)) for i : int in submotion.numScaleKeys: scalekeys.push_back(readScaleKey(file)) for i : int in submotion.numScaleRotKeys: scalerotkeys.push_back(readScaleRotKey(file, use_quat16)) submotion.setPosKeys(poskeys) submotion.setRotKeys(rotkeys) submotion.setScaleKeys(scalekeys) submotion.setScaleRotKeys(scalerotkeys) return submotion class SkeletalSubMotion: var poseRot : Quaternion var bindPoseRot : Quaternion var poseScaleRot : Quaternion var bindPoseScaleRot : Quaternion var posePos : Vector3 var poseScale : Vector3 var bindPosePos : Vector3 var bindPoseScale : Vector3 var numPosKeys : int # int32 var numRotKeys : int # int32 var numScaleKeys : int # int32 var numScaleRotKeys : int # int32 var fMaxError : float var nodeName : String var PosKeys : Array[PosKey] var RotKeys : Array[RotKey] var ScaleKeys : Array[ScaleKey] var ScaleRotKeys : Array[ScaleRotKey] func _init( poseRot : Quaternion, bindPoseRot : Quaternion, poseScaleRot : Quaternion, bindPoseScaleRot : Quaternion, posePos : Vector3, poseScale : Vector3, bindPosePos : Vector3, bindPoseScale : Vector3, numPosKeys : int, numRotKeys : int, numScaleKeys : int, numScaleRotKeys : int, fMaxError : float, nodeName : String ) -> void: self.poseRot = poseRot self.bindPoseRot = bindPoseRot self.poseScaleRot = poseScaleRot self.bindPoseScaleRot = bindPoseScaleRot self.posePos = posePos self.poseScale = poseScale self.bindPosePos = bindPosePos self.bindPoseScale = bindPoseScale self.numPosKeys = numPosKeys self.numRotKeys = numRotKeys self.numScaleKeys = numScaleKeys self.numScaleRotKeys = numScaleRotKeys self.fMaxError = fMaxError self.nodeName = nodeName func setPosKeys(PosKeys : Array[PosKey]) -> void: self.PosKeys = PosKeys func setRotKeys(RotKeys : Array[RotKey]) -> void: self.RotKeys = RotKeys func setScaleKeys(ScaleKeys : Array[ScaleKey]) -> void: self.ScaleKeys = ScaleKeys func setScaleRotKeys(ScaleRotKeys : Array[ScaleRotKey]) -> void: self.ScaleRotKeys = ScaleRotKeys func debugPrint() -> void: print("Node: %s, #PosKeys %d, #RotKeys %d, #ScaleKeys %d, #ScaleRotKeys %d" % [nodeName, numPosKeys, numRotKeys, numScaleKeys, numScaleRotKeys]) print("\tposeScaleRot %s,\tbindPoseScaleRot %s,\tposeScale %s,\tbindPoseScale %s" % [poseScaleRot, bindPoseScaleRot, poseScale, bindPoseScale]) for key : PosKey in PosKeys: key.debugPrint() for key : RotKey in RotKeys: key.debugPrint() for key : ScaleKey in ScaleKeys: key.debugPrint() for key : ScaleRotKey in ScaleRotKeys: key.debugPrint() static func readBoneAnimationChunk(file : FileAccess, use_quat16 : bool) -> BoneAnimationChunk: var numSubMotions : int = FileAccessUtils.read_int32(file) var animChunk : BoneAnimationChunk = var submotions : Array[SkeletalSubMotion] = [] for i : int in animChunk.numSubMotions: submotions.push_back(readSkeletalSubMotion(file, use_quat16)) animChunk.setSkeletalSubMotions(submotions) return animChunk class BoneAnimationChunk: var numSubMotions : int # int32 var SkeletalSubMotions : Array[SkeletalSubMotion] func _init(numSubMotions : int) -> void: self.numSubMotions = numSubMotions func setSkeletalSubMotions(SkeletalSubMotions : Array[SkeletalSubMotion]) -> void: self.SkeletalSubMotions = SkeletalSubMotions func debugPrint() -> void: print("Number of Submotions: %d" % numSubMotions) for submotion : SkeletalSubMotion in SkeletalSubMotions: submotion.debugPrint()