extends Node3D signal province_selected(index : int) signal map_view_camera_changed(near_left : Vector2, far_left : Vector2, far_right : Vector2, near_right : Vector2) const _action_north : StringName = &"map_north" const _action_east : StringName = &"map_east" const _action_south : StringName = &"map_south" const _action_west : StringName = &"map_west" const _action_zoom_in : StringName = &"map_zoom_in" const _action_zoom_out : StringName = &"map_zoom_out" const _action_drag : StringName = &"map_drag" const _action_click : StringName = &"map_click" @export var _camera : Camera3D @export var _cardinal_move_speed : float = 1.0 @export var _edge_move_threshold: float = 0.01 @export var _edge_move_speed: float = 2.5 var _drag_anchor : Vector2 var _drag_active : bool = false var _mouse_over_viewport : bool = true @export var _zoom_target_min : float = 0.05 @export var _zoom_target_max : float = 5.0 @export var _zoom_target_step : float = 0.1 @export var _zoom_epsilon : float = _zoom_target_step * 0.1 @export var _zoom_speed : float = 5.0 @export var _zoom_target : float = 1.0: get: return _zoom_target set(v): _zoom_target = clamp(v, _zoom_target_min, _zoom_target_max) @export var _map_mesh_instance : MeshInstance3D var _map_mesh : MapMesh var _map_shader_material : ShaderMaterial var _map_mesh_corner : Vector2 var _map_mesh_dims : Vector2 var _mouse_pos_viewport : Vector2 = Vector2(0.5, 0.5) var _mouse_pos_map : Vector2 = Vector2(0.5, 0.5) var _viewport_dims : Vector2 = Vector2(1, 1) # ??? Strange Godot/GDExtension Bug ??? # Upon first opening a clone of this repo with the Godot Editor, # if GameSingleton.get_province_index_image is called before MapMesh # is referenced in the script below, then the editor will crash due # to a failed HashMap lookup. I'm not sure if this is a bug in the # editor, GDExtension, my own extension, or a combination of them. # This was an absolute pain to track down. --- hop311 func _ready(): if _camera == null: push_error("MapView's _camera variable hasn't been set!") return _zoom_target = _camera.position.y if _map_mesh_instance == null: push_error("MapView's _map_mesh variable hasn't been set!") return # Shader Material var map_material := _map_mesh_instance.get_active_material(0) if Events.ShaderManager.set_up_shader(map_material, true) != OK: push_error("Failed to set up map shader") return _map_shader_material = map_material if not _map_mesh_instance.mesh is MapMesh: push_error("Invalid map mesh class: ", _map_mesh_instance.mesh.get_class(), "(expected MapMesh)") return _map_mesh = _map_mesh_instance.mesh # Set map mesh size and get bounds _map_mesh.aspect_ratio = GameSingleton.get_aspect_ratio() _map_shader_material.set_shader_parameter(Events.ShaderManager.param_terrain_tile_factor, float(GameSingleton.get_height()) / 64.0) var map_mesh_aabb := _map_mesh.get_core_aabb() * _map_mesh_instance.transform _map_mesh_corner = Vector2( min(map_mesh_aabb.position.x, map_mesh_aabb.end.x), min(map_mesh_aabb.position.z, map_mesh_aabb.end.z) ) _map_mesh_dims = abs(Vector2( map_mesh_aabb.position.x - map_mesh_aabb.end.x, map_mesh_aabb.position.z - map_mesh_aabb.end.z )) func _notification(what : int): match what: NOTIFICATION_WM_MOUSE_ENTER: # Mouse inside window _on_mouse_entered_viewport() NOTIFICATION_WM_MOUSE_EXIT: # Mouse out of window _on_mouse_exited_viewport() func _world_to_map_coords(pos : Vector3) -> Vector2: return (Vector2(pos.x, pos.z) - _map_mesh_corner) / _map_mesh_dims func _viewport_to_map_coords(pos_viewport : Vector2) -> Vector2: var ray_origin := _camera.project_ray_origin(pos_viewport) var ray_normal := _camera.project_ray_normal(pos_viewport) # Plane with normal (0,1,0) facing upwards, at a distance 0 from the origin var intersection = Plane(0, 1, 0, 0).intersects_ray(ray_origin, ray_normal) if typeof(intersection) == TYPE_VECTOR3: return _world_to_map_coords(intersection as Vector3) else: # Normals parallel to the xz-plane could cause null intersections, # but the camera's orientation should prevent such normals push_error("Invalid intersection: ", intersection) return Vector2(0.5, 0.5) func zoom_in() -> void: _zoom_target -= _zoom_target_step func zoom_out() -> void: _zoom_target += _zoom_target_step # REQUIREMENTS # * SS-31 func _unhandled_input(event : InputEvent): if _mouse_over_viewport and event.is_action_pressed(_action_click): # Check if the mouse is outside of bounds if _map_mesh.is_valid_uv_coord(_mouse_pos_map): var selected_index := GameSingleton.get_province_index_from_uv_coords(_mouse_pos_map) _map_shader_material.set_shader_parameter(Events.ShaderManager.param_selected_index, selected_index) province_selected.emit(selected_index) else: print("Clicked outside the map!") elif event.is_action_pressed(_action_drag): if _drag_active: push_warning("Drag being activated while already active!") _drag_active = true _drag_anchor = _mouse_pos_map elif event.is_action_released(_action_drag): if not _drag_active: push_warning("Drag being deactivated while already not active!") _drag_active = false elif event.is_action_pressed(_action_zoom_in, true): zoom_in() elif event.is_action_pressed(_action_zoom_out, true): zoom_out() func _physics_process(delta : float): _mouse_pos_viewport = get_viewport().get_mouse_position() _viewport_dims = Vector2(Resolution.get_current_resolution()) # Process movement _movement_process(delta) # Keep within map bounds _clamp_over_map() # Process zooming _zoom_process(delta) # Orient based on height _update_orientation() # Update viewport on minimap _update_minimap_viewport() # Calculate where the mouse lies on the map _update_mouse_map_position() # REQUIREMENTS # * UIFUN-124 func _movement_process(delta : float) -> void: var direction : Vector2 if _drag_active: direction = (_drag_anchor - _mouse_pos_map) * _map_mesh_dims else: direction = _edge_scrolling_vector() + _cardinal_movement_vector() # Scale movement speed with height direction *= _camera.position.y * delta _camera.position += Vector3(direction.x, 0, direction.y) # REQUIREMENTS # * UIFUN-125 func _edge_scrolling_vector() -> Vector2: if not _mouse_over_viewport: return Vector2() var mouse_vector := _mouse_pos_viewport / _viewport_dims - Vector2(0.5, 0.5) if abs(mouse_vector.x) < 0.5 - _edge_move_threshold and abs(mouse_vector.y) < 0.5 - _edge_move_threshold: mouse_vector *= 0 return mouse_vector * _edge_move_speed # REQUIREMENTS # * SS-75 func _cardinal_movement_vector() -> Vector2: var move := Vector2( float(Input.is_action_pressed(_action_east)) - float(Input.is_action_pressed(_action_west)), float(Input.is_action_pressed(_action_south)) - float(Input.is_action_pressed(_action_north)) ) return move * _cardinal_move_speed func _clamp_over_map() -> void: _camera.position.x = _map_mesh_corner.x + fposmod(_camera.position.x - _map_mesh_corner.x, _map_mesh_dims.x) _camera.position.z = clamp(_camera.position.z, _map_mesh_corner.y, _map_mesh_corner.y + _map_mesh_dims.y) # REQUIREMENTS # * SS-74 # * UIFUN-123 func _zoom_process(delta : float) -> void: var height := _camera.position.y var zoom := _zoom_target - height height += zoom * _zoom_speed * delta var new_zoom := _zoom_target - height # Set to target if height is within _zoom_epsilon of it or has overshot past it if abs(new_zoom) < _zoom_epsilon or sign(zoom) != sign(new_zoom): height = _zoom_target _camera.position.y = height func _update_orientation() -> void: var dir := Vector3(0, -1, -exp(-_camera.position.y - 1)) _camera.look_at(_camera.position + dir) func _update_minimap_viewport() -> void: var near_left := _viewport_to_map_coords(Vector2(0, _viewport_dims.y)) var far_left := _viewport_to_map_coords(Vector2(0, 0)) var far_right := _viewport_to_map_coords(Vector2(_viewport_dims.x, 0)) var near_right := _viewport_to_map_coords(_viewport_dims) map_view_camera_changed.emit(near_left, far_left, far_right, near_right) func _update_mouse_map_position() -> void: _mouse_pos_map = _viewport_to_map_coords(_mouse_pos_viewport) var hover_index := GameSingleton.get_province_index_from_uv_coords(_mouse_pos_map) if _mouse_over_viewport: _map_shader_material.set_shader_parameter(Events.ShaderManager.param_hover_index, hover_index) func _on_mouse_entered_viewport(): _mouse_over_viewport = true func _on_mouse_exited_viewport(): _mouse_over_viewport = false func _on_minimap_clicked(pos_clicked : Vector2): pos_clicked *= _map_mesh_dims _camera.position.x = pos_clicked.x _camera.position.z = pos_clicked.y _clamp_over_map() func enable_processing() -> void: set_process_unhandled_input(true) set_physics_process(true) func disable_processing() -> void: set_process_unhandled_input(false) set_physics_process(false)