extends Control signal minimap_clicked(pos_clicked : Vector2) const _action_click : StringName = &"map_click" var _viewport_points : PackedVector2Array # REQUIREMENTS # * SS-80 # * UI-752 func _draw() -> void: if _viewport_points.size() > 1: draw_multiline(_viewport_points, Color.WHITE, -1) # REQUIREMENTS # * SS-81 # * UIFUN-127 func _unhandled_input(event : InputEvent): if event is InputEventMouse and Input.is_action_pressed(_action_click): var pos_clicked := get_local_mouse_position() / size - Vector2(0.5, 0.5) if abs(pos_clicked.x) < 0.5 and abs(pos_clicked.y) < 0.5: minimap_clicked.emit(pos_clicked) # Returns the point on the line going through p and q with the specific x coord func _intersect_x(p : Vector2, q : Vector2, x : float) -> Vector2: if p.x == q.x: return Vector2(x, 0.5 * (p.y + q.y)) var t := (x - q.x) / (p.x - q.x) return q + t * (p - q) # Returns the point on the line going through p and q with the specific y coord func _intersect_y(p : Vector2, q : Vector2, y : float) -> Vector2: if p.y == q.y: return Vector2(0.5 * (p.x + q.x), y) var t := (y - q.y) / (p.y - q.y) return q + t * (p - q) const _one_x := Vector2(1, 0) func _add_line_looped_over_x(left : Vector2, right : Vector2) -> void: if left.x < 0: if right.x < 0: _viewport_points.push_back(left + _one_x) _viewport_points.push_back(right + _one_x) else: var mid_point := _intersect_x(left, right, 0) _viewport_points.push_back(mid_point) _viewport_points.push_back(right) mid_point.x = 1 _viewport_points.push_back(left + _one_x) _viewport_points.push_back(mid_point) elif right.x > 1: if left.x > 1: _viewport_points.push_back(left - _one_x) _viewport_points.push_back(right - _one_x) else: var mid_point := _intersect_x(left, right, 1) _viewport_points.push_back(left) _viewport_points.push_back(mid_point) mid_point.x = 0 _viewport_points.push_back(mid_point) _viewport_points.push_back(right - _one_x) else: _viewport_points.push_back(left) _viewport_points.push_back(right) # This can break if the viewport is rotated too far! func _on_map_view_camera_changed(near_left : Vector2, far_left : Vector2, far_right : Vector2, near_right : Vector2) -> void: # Bound far y coords if far_left.y < 0: far_left = _intersect_y(near_left, far_left, 0) if far_right.y < 0: far_right = _intersect_y(near_right, far_right, 0) # Bound near y coords if near_left.y > 1: near_left = _intersect_y(near_left, far_left, 1) if near_right.y > 1: near_right = _intersect_y(near_right, far_right, 1) _viewport_points.clear() _add_line_looped_over_x(near_left, near_right) _add_line_looped_over_x(far_left, far_right) _add_line_looped_over_x(far_left, near_left) _add_line_looped_over_x(near_right, far_right) for i in _viewport_points.size(): _viewport_points[i] *= size queue_redraw()