


Lillero-mixin is a Mixin plugin capable of applying Lillero ASM patches without
needing to inject itself as a JAR library. While slightly dirtier code-wise, this has the key advantage over the older
Lillero-loader of being compatible with both Forge and Fabric - and, barring
major API changes, with any other future mod loader that will try to force Mixin on you.

To use this, write a class extending LilleroMixinPlugin. Then, register it as a Mixin plugin; it usually involves editing
or writing your mod's configuration, but the exact steps vary depending on your mod loader.
Specific instructions for Fabric and Forge coming as soon as I have time for this.


This time there's one other project that must be mentioned. I would've never thought of this had I not stumbled on
Manningham Mills. So, thanks to Chocohead for showing that it was indeed
possible to work on mixin-centric systems (Fabric especially) without writing a separate loader!