package ftbsc.lll.processor; import ftbsc.lll.IInjector; import ftbsc.lll.mapper.MapperProvider; import; import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * Class in charge of containing, parsing and processing all processor options, * from the simpler booleans to the more complicated mapper. */ public class ProcessorOptions { /** * A {@link Set} of options currently supported by the processor. */ public static final Set SUPPORTED = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList( "mappingsFile", "anonymousClassWarning", "obfuscateInjectorMetadata", "noServiceProvider" )); /** * The environment the processor is acting in. */ public final ProcessingEnvironment env; /** * The {@link Mapper} used to convert classes and variables * to their obfuscated equivalent. Will be null when no mapper is in use. */ public final Mapper mapper; /** * Whether the processor should issue warnings when compiling code anonymous * classes which can't be checked for validity. */ public final boolean anonymousClassWarning; /** * Whether injector metadata (what is returned by the functions of {@link IInjector}) * is to use obfuscated names instead of its normal names. */ public final boolean obfuscateInjectorMetadata; /** * Whether the processor should skip the generation of the service provider. */ public final boolean noServiceProvider; /** * The public constructor, parses and stores all given arguments. * @param env the environment the processor is working in */ public ProcessorOptions(ProcessingEnvironment env) { this.env = env; String location = env.getOptions().get("mappingsFile"); if(location != null) { List lines = MapperProvider.fetchFromLocalOrRemote(location); this.mapper = MapperProvider.getMapper(lines).getMapper(lines, true); } else this.mapper = null; this.anonymousClassWarning = parseBooleanArg(env.getOptions().get("anonymousClassWarning"), true); this.obfuscateInjectorMetadata = parseBooleanArg(env.getOptions().get("obfuscateInjectorMetadata"), true); this.noServiceProvider = parseBooleanArg(env.getOptions().get("noServiceProvider"), false); } /** * Parses a boolean arg from a String. * @param arg the arg to parse * @return the parsed boolean */ private static boolean parseBooleanArg(String arg, boolean defaultValue) { if(arg == null) return defaultValue; try { // 0 = false, any other integer = true int i = Integer.parseInt(arg); return i != 0; } catch(NumberFormatException ignored) { return Boolean.parseBoolean(arg); } } }