package ftbsc.lll.processor.containers; import ftbsc.lll.exceptions.TargetNotFoundException; import; import ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations.Find; import ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations.Patch; import ftbsc.lll.processor.ProcessorOptions; import javax.lang.model.element.Element; import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement; import; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.util.function.Function; import static ftbsc.lll.processor.utils.ASTUtils.*; /** * Container for information about a class. * Used internally for efficiency reasons. * @since 0.5.0 */ public class ClassContainer { /** * The {@link ClassData} for the class represented by this container. */ public final ClassData data; /** * The {@link Element} corresponding to the class. * May only be null intentionally i.e. when the associated element is * an anonymous class or a child of an anonymous class. */ public final Element elem; /** * Private constructor, called from {@link #from(Annotation, Function, String, ProcessorOptions)}. * @param fqn the fully-qualified name of the target class * @param innerNames an array of Strings containing the path to the inner class, may be null * @param options the {@link ProcessorOptions} to be used */ private ClassContainer(String fqn, String[] innerNames, ProcessorOptions options) { //find and validate Element elem = options.env.getElementUtils().getTypeElement(fqn); if(elem == null) throw new TargetNotFoundException("class", fqn); StringBuilder fqnBuilder = new StringBuilder( internalNameFromType(elem.asType(), options.env).replace('/', '.') ); if(innerNames != null) { for(String inner : innerNames) { if(inner == null) continue; fqnBuilder.append("$").append(inner); try { int anonClassCounter = Integer.parseInt(inner); //anonymous classes cannot be validated! if(options.anonymousClassWarning) options.env.getMessager().printMessage( Diagnostic.Kind.WARNING, String.format( "Anonymous classes cannot be verified by the processor. The existence of %s$%s is not guaranteed!", fqnBuilder, anonClassCounter ) ); elem = null; break; } catch(NumberFormatException exc) { elem = elem .getEnclosedElements() .stream() .filter(e -> e instanceof TypeElement) .filter(e -> e.getSimpleName().contentEquals(inner)) .findFirst() .orElse(null); } if(elem == null) throw new TargetNotFoundException("class", inner); } } = getClassData(fqnBuilder.toString(), options.mapper); this.elem = elem; } /** * Safely extracts a {@link Class} from an annotation and gets its fully qualified name. * @param ann the annotation containing the class * @param classFunction the annotation function returning the class * @param innerName a string containing the inner class name or nothing * @param options the {@link ProcessorOptions} to be used * @param the type of the annotation carrying the information * @return the fully qualified name of the given class * @since 0.5.0 */ public static ClassContainer from(T ann, Function> classFunction, String innerName, ProcessorOptions options) { String fqn; String[] inner; fqn = getTypeFromAnnotation(ann, classFunction, options.env).toString(); inner = innerName.equals("") ? null : innerName.split("//$"); return new ClassContainer(fqn, inner, options); } /** * Safely extracts a {@link Class} from an annotation and gets its fully qualified name. * @param cl the {@link TypeElement} representing the class * @param options the {@link ProcessorOptions} to be used * @return the fully qualified name of the given class * @since 0.6.0 */ public static ClassContainer from(TypeElement cl, ProcessorOptions options) { return new ClassContainer(cl.getQualifiedName().toString(), null, options); } /** * Finds and builds a {@link ClassContainer} based on information contained * within {@link Patch} or a {@link Find} annotations, else returns a fallback. * @param fallback the {@link ClassContainer} it falls back on * @param p the {@link Patch} annotation to get info from * @param f the {@link Find} annotation to get info from * @param options the {@link ProcessorOptions} to be used * @return the built {@link ClassContainer} or the fallback if not enough information was present * @since 0.5.0 */ public static ClassContainer findOrFallback(ClassContainer fallback, Patch p, Find f, ProcessorOptions options) { if(f == null) return ClassContainer.from(p, Patch::value, p.innerName(), options); ClassContainer cl = ClassContainer.from(f, Find::value, f.innerName(), options); return"java/lang/Object") ? fallback : cl; } }