package ftbsc.lll.processor.containers; import ftbsc.lll.exceptions.AmbiguousDefinitionException; import ftbsc.lll.mapper.utils.MappingUtils; import; import ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations.Find; import ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations.Patch; import ftbsc.lll.processor.ProcessorOptions; import org.objectweb.asm.Type; import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement; import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror; import static ftbsc.lll.processor.utils.ASTUtils.*; /** * Container for information about a field. * Used internally for efficiency reasons. * @since 0.5.0 */ public class FieldContainer { /** * The {@link FieldData} for the field represented by this container. */ public final FieldData data; /** * The descriptor of the field. */ public final String descriptor; /** * The obfuscated descriptor of the field. * If the mapper passed is null, then this will be identical to {@link #descriptor}. */ public final String descriptorObf; /** * The {@link ClassContainer} representing the parent of this field. */ public final ClassContainer parent; /** * The {@link VariableElement} corresponding to the field. * May only be null intentionally i.e. when the field is * a child of an anonymous class. */ public final VariableElement elem; /** * Private constructor, called from {@link #from(VariableElement, ProcessorOptions)}. * @param parent the {@link ClassContainer} representing the parent * @param name the fully-qualified name of the target field * @param descriptor the descriptor of the target field, may be null for verifiable fields * @param options the {@link ProcessorOptions} to be used */ private FieldContainer(ClassContainer parent, String name, String descriptor, ProcessorOptions options) { this.parent = parent; if(parent.elem == null) { // unverified if(descriptor == null) throw new AmbiguousDefinitionException("Cannot use name-based lookups for fields of unverifiable classes!"); this.elem = null; this.descriptor = descriptor; } else { this.elem = (VariableElement) findMember(parent, name, descriptor, descriptor != null, true, options.env); this.descriptor = descriptorFromType(this.elem.asType(), options.env); name = this.elem.getSimpleName().toString(); } = getFieldData(, name, options.mapper); this.descriptorObf = options.mapper == null ? this.descriptor : MappingUtils.mapType(Type.getType(this.descriptor), options.mapper, false).getDescriptor(); } /** * Finds a {@link FieldContainer} from a finder. * @param finder the {@link VariableElement} annotated with {@link Find} for this field * @param options the {@link ProcessorOptions} to be used * @return the built {@link FieldContainer} * @since 0.5.0 */ public static FieldContainer from(VariableElement finder, ProcessorOptions options) { // the parent always has a @Patch annotation Patch patchAnn = finder.getEnclosingElement().getAnnotation(Patch.class); // the finder always has a @Find annotation Find f = finder.getAnnotation(Find.class); ClassContainer parent = ClassContainer.findOrFallback( ClassContainer.from((TypeElement) finder.getEnclosingElement(), options), patchAnn, f, options ); String name = ? finder.getSimpleName().toString() :; String descriptor; TypeMirror fieldType = getTypeFromAnnotation(f, Find::type, options.env); if(fieldType.toString().equals("java.lang.Object")) { descriptor = null; } else { if(fieldType.getKind() != TypeKind.VOID && !fieldType.getKind().isPrimitive()) { descriptor = String.format("L%s;", ClassContainer.from( f, Find::type, f.typeInner(), options ).data.nameMapped); } else descriptor = descriptorFromType(fieldType, options.env); } return new FieldContainer(parent, name, descriptor, options); } }