package; import com.squareup.javapoet.*; import ftbsc.lll.exceptions.AmbiguousDefinitionException; import ftbsc.lll.exceptions.MappingNotFoundException; import ftbsc.lll.exceptions.TargetNotFoundException; import ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations.FindField; import ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations.FindMethod; import ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations.Patch; import ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations.Target; import; import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment; import javax.lang.model.element.*; import javax.lang.model.type.*; import javax.lang.model.util.Elements; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Function; import; import static; import static; /** * Collection of AST-related static utils that didn't really fit into the main class. */ public class ASTUtils { /** * Finds, among the methods of a class cl, the one annotated with ann, and tries to build * a {@link ExecutableElement} from it. * @param cl the {@link ExecutableElement} for the class containing the desired method * @param ann the {@link Class} corresponding to the desired annotation * @return a {@link List} of {@link MethodSpec}s annotated with the given annotation * @since 0.2.0 */ public static List findAnnotatedMethods(TypeElement cl, Class ann) { return cl.getEnclosedElements() .stream() .filter(e -> e.getAnnotationsByType(ann).length != 0) .map(e -> (ExecutableElement) e) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * Maps a {@link javax.lang.model.element.Modifier} to its reflective * {@link java.lang.reflect.Modifier} equivalent. * @param m the {@link Modifier} to map * @return an integer representing the modifier * @see java.lang.reflect.Modifier * @since 0.2.0 */ public static int mapModifier(Modifier m) { switch(m) { case PUBLIC: return java.lang.reflect.Modifier.PUBLIC; case PROTECTED: return java.lang.reflect.Modifier.PROTECTED; case PRIVATE: return java.lang.reflect.Modifier.PRIVATE; case ABSTRACT: return java.lang.reflect.Modifier.ABSTRACT; case STATIC: return java.lang.reflect.Modifier.STATIC; case FINAL: return java.lang.reflect.Modifier.FINAL; case TRANSIENT: return java.lang.reflect.Modifier.TRANSIENT; case VOLATILE: return java.lang.reflect.Modifier.VOLATILE; case SYNCHRONIZED: return java.lang.reflect.Modifier.SYNCHRONIZED; case NATIVE: return java.lang.reflect.Modifier.NATIVE; case STRICTFP: return java.lang.reflect.Modifier.STRICT; default: return 0; } } /** * Calculates the array nesting level for a {@link TypeMirror}. * @param t the type mirror to get it for * @return the array nesting level * @since 0.3.0 */ public static int getArrayLevel(TypeMirror t) { int arrayLevel = 0; while(t.getKind() == TypeKind.ARRAY) { t = ((ArrayType) t).getComponentType(); arrayLevel++; } return arrayLevel; } /** * Calculates the array nesting level for a {@link TypeMirror}. * @param t the type mirror to get it for * @return the array nesting level * @since 0.3.0 */ public static TypeMirror getInnermostComponentType(TypeMirror t) { while(t.getKind() == TypeKind.ARRAY) t = ((ArrayType) t).getComponentType(); return t; } /** * Safely extracts a {@link Class} from an annotation and gets its fully qualified name. * @param ann the annotation containing the class * @param fun the annotation function returning the class * @return the fully qualified name of the given class * @since 0.3.0 */ public static String getClassFullyQualifiedName(T ann, Function> fun) { try { return fun.apply(ann).getCanonicalName(); } catch(MirroredTypeException e) { return e.getTypeMirror().toString(); } } /** * Safely extracts a {@link Class} array from an annotation. * @param ann the annotation containing the class * @param fun the annotation function returning the class * @param elementUtils the element utils corresponding to the {@link ProcessingEnvironment} * @return a list of {@link TypeMirror}s representing the classes * @since 0.3.0 */ public static List classArrayFromAnnotation(T ann, Function[]> fun, Elements elementUtils) { List params = new ArrayList<>(); try { params.addAll( .map(Class::getCanonicalName) .map(fqn -> elementUtils.getTypeElement(fqn).asType()) .collect(Collectors.toList())); } catch(MirroredTypesException e) { params.addAll(e.getTypeMirrors()); } return params; } /** * Finds the class name and maps it to the correct format. * @param name the fully qualified name of the class to convert * @param mapper the {@link ObfuscationMapper} to use, may be null * @return the fully qualified class name * @since 0.3.0 */ public static String findClassName(String name, ObfuscationMapper mapper) { try { return mapper == null ? name : mapper.obfuscateClass(name).replace('/', '.'); } catch(MappingNotFoundException e) { return name; } } /** * Finds the class name and maps it to the correct format. * @param patchAnn the {@link Patch} annotation containing target class info * @param finderAnn an annotation containing metadata about the target, may be null * @param parentFun the function to get the parent from the finderAnn * @return the fully qualified class name * @since 0.3.0 */ private static String findClassName(Patch patchAnn, T finderAnn, Function> parentFun) { String fullyQualifiedName; if(finderAnn != null) { fullyQualifiedName = getClassFullyQualifiedName(finderAnn, parentFun); if(!fullyQualifiedName.equals("java.lang.Object")) return findClassName(fullyQualifiedName, null); } fullyQualifiedName = getClassFullyQualifiedName(patchAnn, Patch::value); return findClassName(fullyQualifiedName, null); } /** * Finds the member name and maps it to the correct format. * @param parentFQN the already mapped FQN of the parent class * @param memberName the name of the member * @param mapper the {@link ObfuscationMapper} to use, may be null * @return the internal class name * @since 0.3.0 */ public static String findMemberName(String parentFQN, String memberName, String methodDescriptor, ObfuscationMapper mapper) { try { return mapper == null ? memberName : mapper.obfuscateMember(parentFQN, memberName, methodDescriptor); } catch(MappingNotFoundException e) { return memberName; } } /** * Finds a method given name, container and descriptor. * @param parentFQN the fully qualified name of the parent class of the method * @param name the name to search for * @param descr the descriptor to search for * @param strict whether the search should be strict (see {@link Target#strict()} for more info) * @param env the {@link ProcessingEnvironment} to perform the operation in * @return the desired method, if it exists * @throws AmbiguousDefinitionException if it finds more than one candidate * @throws TargetNotFoundException if it finds no valid candidate * @since 0.3.0 */ private static ExecutableElement findMethod(String parentFQN, String name, String descr, boolean strict, ProcessingEnvironment env) { TypeElement parent = env.getElementUtils().getTypeElement(parentFQN); if(parent == null) throw new AmbiguousDefinitionException(String.format("Could not find parent class %s!", parentFQN)); //try to find by name List candidates = parent.getEnclosedElements() .stream() .filter(e -> e instanceof ExecutableElement) .map(e -> (ExecutableElement) e) .filter(e -> e.getSimpleName().contentEquals(name)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if(candidates.size() == 0) throw new TargetNotFoundException(String.format("%s %s", name, descr)); if(candidates.size() == 1 && !strict) return candidates.get(0); if(descr == null) { throw new AmbiguousDefinitionException( String.format("Found %d methods named %s in class %s!", candidates.size(), name, parentFQN) ); } else { candidates = .filter(strict ? c -> descr.equals(descriptorFromExecutableElement(c)) : c -> descr.split("\\)")[0].equalsIgnoreCase(descriptorFromExecutableElement(c).split("\\)")[0]) ).collect(Collectors.toList()); if(candidates.size() == 0) throw new TargetNotFoundException(String.format("%s %s", name, descr)); if(candidates.size() > 1) throw new AmbiguousDefinitionException( String.format("Found %d methods named %s in class %s!", candidates.size(), name, parentFQN) ); return candidates.get(0); } } /** * Finds the real class member (field or method) corresponding to a stub annotated with * {@link Target} or {@link FindMethod} or {@link FindField}. * @param stub the {@link ExecutableElement} for the stub * @param env the {@link ProcessingEnvironment} to perform the operation in * @return the {@link Element} corresponding to the method or field * @throws AmbiguousDefinitionException if it finds more than one candidate * @throws TargetNotFoundException if it finds no valid candidate * @since 0.3.0 */ public static Element findMemberFromStub(ExecutableElement stub, ProcessingEnvironment env) { //the parent always has a @Patch annotation Patch patchAnn = stub.getEnclosingElement().getAnnotation(Patch.class); //there should ever only be one of these Target targetAnn = stub.getAnnotation(Target.class); //if this is null strict mode is always disabled FindMethod findMethodAnn = stub.getAnnotation(FindMethod.class); //this may be null, it means no fallback info FindField findFieldAnn = stub.getAnnotation(FindField.class); String parentFQN, memberName; if(findFieldAnn == null) { //methods parentFQN = findClassName(patchAnn, findMethodAnn, FindMethod::parent); String methodDescriptor = findMethodAnn != null ? methodDescriptorFromParams(findMethodAnn, FindMethod::params, env.getElementUtils()) : descriptorFromExecutableElement(stub); memberName = findMethodAnn != null && !"") ? : stub.getSimpleName().toString(); return findMethod( parentFQN, memberName, methodDescriptor, targetAnn != null && targetAnn.strict(), env ); } else { //fields parentFQN = findClassName(patchAnn, findFieldAnn, FindField::parent); memberName ="") ? stub.getSimpleName().toString() :; TypeElement parent = env.getElementUtils().getTypeElement(parentFQN); List candidates = parent.getEnclosedElements() .stream() .filter(f -> f instanceof VariableElement) .filter(f -> f.getSimpleName().contentEquals(memberName)) .map(f -> (VariableElement) f) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if(candidates.size() == 0) throw new TargetNotFoundException(stub.getSimpleName().toString()); else return candidates.get(0); //there can only ever be one } } }