package; import com.squareup.javapoet.*; import; import ftbsc.lll.proxies.MethodProxy; import ftbsc.lll.proxies.FieldProxy; import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement; import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror; import javax.lang.model.util.Elements; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Function; import static; /** * Collection of static utils that rely on JavaPoet to function. */ public class JavaPoetUtils { /** * Builds a {@link MethodSpec} for a public method whose body simply returns a {@link String}. * @param name the name of the method * @param returnString the {@link String} to return * @return the built {@link MethodSpec} */ public static MethodSpec buildStringReturnMethod(String name, String returnString) { return MethodSpec.methodBuilder(name) .addModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC) .addAnnotation(Override.class) .returns(String.class) .addStatement("return $S", returnString) .build(); } /** * Builds a type descriptor from the given {@link TypeName}. * @param type the {@link TypeName} representing the desired type * @return a {@link String} containing the relevant descriptor */ public static String descriptorFromType(TypeName type) { StringBuilder desc = new StringBuilder(); //add array brackets while(type instanceof ArrayTypeName) { desc.append("["); type = ((ArrayTypeName) type).componentType; } if(type instanceof ClassName || type instanceof ParameterizedTypeName) { ClassName var = type instanceof ParameterizedTypeName ? ((ParameterizedTypeName) type).rawType : (ClassName) type; desc.append(DescriptorBuilder.nameToDescriptor(var.canonicalName(), 0)); } else { if(TypeName.BOOLEAN.equals(type)) desc.append("Z"); else if(TypeName.CHAR.equals(type)) desc.append("C"); else if(TypeName.BYTE.equals(type)) desc.append("B"); else if(TypeName.SHORT.equals(type)) desc.append("S"); else if(TypeName.INT.equals(type)) desc.append("I"); else if(TypeName.FLOAT.equals(type)) desc.append("F"); else if(TypeName.LONG.equals(type)) desc.append("J"); else if(TypeName.DOUBLE.equals(type)) desc.append("D"); else if(TypeName.VOID.equals(type)) desc.append("V"); } return desc.toString(); } /** * Builds a type descriptor from the given {@link TypeMirror}. * @param t the {@link TypeMirror} representing the desired type * @return a {@link String} containing the relevant descriptor */ public static String descriptorFromType(TypeMirror t) { return descriptorFromType(TypeName.get(t)); } /** * Builds a method descriptor from the given {@link ExecutableElement}. * @param m the {@link ExecutableElement} for the method * @return a {@link String} containing the relevant descriptor */ public static String descriptorFromExecutableElement(ExecutableElement m) { StringBuilder methodSignature = new StringBuilder(); methodSignature.append("("); m.getParameters().forEach(p -> methodSignature.append(descriptorFromType(p.asType()))); methodSignature.append(")"); methodSignature.append(descriptorFromType(m.getReturnType())); return methodSignature.toString(); } /** * Builds a (partial, not including the return type) method descriptor from its parameters * @param ann the annotation containing the class * @param fun the annotation function returning the class * @param elementUtils the {@link Elements} containing utils for the current processing environment * @param the type of the annotation carrying the information * @return the method descriptor */ public static String methodDescriptorFromParams(T ann, Function[]> fun, Elements elementUtils) { List mirrors = classArrayFromAnnotation(ann, fun, elementUtils); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("("); for(TypeMirror t : mirrors) sb.append(descriptorFromType(t)); sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Adds to the given {@link MethodSpec.Builder} the given line of code, * containing a call to a method of a {@link MethodProxy.Builder} or a * {@link FieldProxy.Builder}. * @param b the {@link MethodSpec.Builder} * @param proxyBuilderName the name of the proxy builder * @param proxyBuilderMethod the method to call * @param t the {@link TypeMirror} to add * @since 0.4.0 */ public static void addTypeToProxyGenerator(MethodSpec.Builder b, String proxyBuilderName, String proxyBuilderMethod, TypeMirror t) { String insn = String.format("%s.%s", proxyBuilderName, proxyBuilderMethod); if(t.getKind().isPrimitive()) b.addStatement(insn + "($T.class)", t); else { ArrayContainer arr = new ArrayContainer(t); b.addStatement( insn + "($S, $L)", arr.innermostComponent, arr.arrayLevel ); } } }