package; import com.squareup.javapoet.*; import ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations.Find; import ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations.Target; import; import; import; import; import; import ftbsc.lll.proxies.ProxyType; import ftbsc.lll.proxies.impl.FieldProxy; import ftbsc.lll.proxies.impl.MethodProxy; import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment; import javax.lang.model.element.*; import java.util.HashSet; import static; import static; /** * Collection of static utils that rely on JavaPoet to function. */ public class JavaPoetUtils { /** * Builds a {@link MethodSpec} for a public method whose body simply returns a {@link String}. * @param name the name of the method * @param returnString the {@link String} to return * @return the built {@link MethodSpec} */ public static MethodSpec buildStringReturnMethod(String name, String returnString) { return MethodSpec.methodBuilder(name) .addModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC) .addAnnotation(Override.class) .returns(String.class) .addStatement("return $S", returnString) .build(); } /** * Appends to a given {@link MethodSpec.Builder} definitions for a proxy. * @param var the {@link VariableElement} representing the proxy * @param stub the stub {@link ExecutableElement} if present or relevant, null otherwise * @param t the {@link Target} relevant to this finder if present or relevant, null otherwise * @param con the {@link MethodSpec.Builder} to append to * @param env the {@link ProcessingEnvironment} to perform the operation in * @param mapper the {@link ObfuscationMapper} to use, may be null * @since 0.5.0 */ public static void appendMemberFinderDefinition( VariableElement var, ExecutableElement stub, Target t, MethodSpec.Builder con, ProcessingEnvironment env, ObfuscationMapper mapper) { ProxyType type = getProxyType(var); if(type != ProxyType.METHOD && type != ProxyType.FIELD) return; //this method is irrelevant to everyone else //we need this stuff Find f = var.getAnnotation(Find.class); final boolean isMethod = type == ProxyType.METHOD; final String builderName = var.getSimpleName().toString() + "Builder"; String descriptorObf, nameObf; ClassContainer parent; Element target; if(isMethod) { MethodContainer mc = MethodContainer.from(stub, t, f, env, mapper); descriptorObf = mc.descriptorObf; nameObf = mc.nameObf; parent = mc.parent; target = mc.elem; } else { FieldContainer fc = FieldContainer.from(var, env, mapper); descriptorObf = fc.descriptorObf; nameObf = fc.nameObf; parent = fc.parent; target = fc.elem; } //initialize builder con.addStatement("$T $L = $T.builder($S)", isMethod ? MethodProxy.Builder.class : FieldProxy.Builder.class, builderName, //variable name is always unique by definition isMethod ? MethodProxy.class : FieldProxy.class, nameObf ); //set parent con.addStatement( "$L.setParent($S, $L)", builderName, parent.fqnObf, parent.elem == null ? 0 : mapModifiers(parent.elem.getModifiers()) ); //set modifiers con.addStatement( "$L.setModifiers($L)", builderName, target == null ? 0 : mapModifiers(target.getModifiers()) ); //set type(s) con.addStatement( "$L.setDescriptor($S)", builderName, descriptorObf ); //build and set con.addStatement( "super.$L = $", var.getSimpleName().toString(), builderName ); } /** * Generates a {@link HashSet} of dummy overrides for every abstract method in a given class, * represented as a {@link TypeElement}. * @param clazz the given class * @return a {@link HashSet} containing the generated {@link MethodSpec}s * @since 0.5.0 */ public static HashSet generateDummies(TypeElement clazz) { HashSet specs = new HashSet<>(); clazz .getEnclosedElements() .stream() .filter(e -> e instanceof ExecutableElement) .map(e -> (ExecutableElement) e) .forEach(e -> { if(e.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.ABSTRACT)) specs.add(MethodSpec.overriding(e) .addStatement("throw new $T($S)", RuntimeException.class, "This is a stub and should not have been called") .build() ); }); return specs; } /** * Generates the wrapper around a certain injector. * @param inj the {@link InjectorInfo} carrying the information about the target injector * @param env the {@link ProcessingEnvironment} to perform the operation in * @return the generated {@link MethodSpec} for the injector * @since 0.6.0 */ public static MethodSpec generateInjector(InjectorInfo inj, ProcessingEnvironment env) { MethodSpec.Builder injectBuilder = MethodSpec.methodBuilder("inject") .addModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC) .returns(void.class) .addAnnotation(Override.class) .addParameter(ParameterSpec.builder( TypeName.get(env .getElementUtils() .getTypeElement("org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode").asType()), "clazz") .build()) .addParameter(ParameterSpec.builder( TypeName.get(env .getElementUtils() .getTypeElement("org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode").asType()), "main") .build()); if(inj.injector.getParameters().size() == 2) injectBuilder.addStatement("super.$L(clazz, main)", inj.injector.getSimpleName()); else injectBuilder.addStatement("super.$L(main)", inj.injector.getSimpleName()); return; } }