package; import ftbsc.lll.exceptions.InstructionMismatchException; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.InsnList; import java.util.Objects; /** * Represents a sequence of instructions contained within two given nodes. * Extends {@link InsnList}, but provides additional flexibility and features. */ public class InsnSequence extends InsnList { /** * Public constructor. * This creates an empty sequence. */ public InsnSequence() { super(); } /** * Public constructor. * Must be given two non-null, connected nodes. * @param startNode the starting node of the pattern * @param endNode the first node of the pattern */ public InsnSequence(AbstractInsnNode startNode, AbstractInsnNode endNode) { Objects.requireNonNull(startNode); Objects.requireNonNull(endNode); for(; startNode != endNode && startNode != null; startNode = startNode.getNext()) super.add(startNode); if (startNode == null) throw new InstructionMismatchException("Nodes" + getFirst() + " and " + getLast() + " are not connected."); } /** * Extends the existing get function from InsnList to allow for negative indexes. * @param index the index of the instruction that must be returned * @return the instruction whose index is given */ @Override public AbstractInsnNode get(int index) { if(index >= 0) return super.get(index); index = Math.abs(index); if(index > size()) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); return this.toArray()[size() - index]; } /** * Adds an array of nodes to the list. * @param nodes the nodes to add */ public void add(AbstractInsnNode... nodes) { for(AbstractInsnNode node : nodes) this.add(node); } /** * Wraps InsnList's add() to ignore null values. * @param node to add */ @Override public void add(AbstractInsnNode node) { if(node != null) super.add(node); } /** * Replaces a node with another one. Mostly used internally. * @param oldNode node to replace * @param newNode new node */ public void replaceNode(AbstractInsnNode oldNode, AbstractInsnNode newNode) { super.insert(oldNode, newNode); super.remove(oldNode); } /** * Replaces n occurrences of said opcode with the given node. * @param opcode the opcode to replace * @param newNode the replacement node * @param amount how many occurrences to replace, set to 0 to replace all * @return true if anything was changed, false otherwise */ public boolean replace(int opcode, AbstractInsnNode newNode, int amount) { return replace(opcode, newNode, amount, false); } /** * Replaces n occurrences of said opcode with the given node. * @param opcode the opcode to replace * @param newNode the replacement node * @param reverse whether the search should be done from the end * @param amount how many occurrences to replace, set to 0 to replace all * @return true if anything was changed, false otherwise */ public boolean replace(int opcode, AbstractInsnNode newNode, int amount, boolean reverse) { boolean changed = false; for(AbstractInsnNode cur = this.getFirst(); cur != null && cur.getPrevious() != this.getLast() && cur.getNext() != this.getFirst(); cur = reverse ? cur.getPrevious() : cur.getNext()) { if(cur.getOpcode() == opcode) { this.replaceNode(cur, newNode); changed = true; amount--; // will go to negative if it was already 0, causing it to go on until for loop finishes if(amount == 0) return changed; } } return changed; } /** * Cut a number of nodes from the list. * @param amount how many nodes to cut * @param reverse true if should cut from the end, false otherwise */ public void cut(int amount, boolean reverse) { for(int i = 0; i < amount; i++) this.remove(reverse ? getLast() : getFirst()); } }