package foo.zaaarf.routecartographer; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import java.util.Arrays; /** * Representation of a REST route. */ public class Route { /** * The paths of the endpoint. */ public final String[] paths; /** * The supported {@link RequestMethod}s, as strings. */ public final String[] methods; /** * The media types produced by the endpoint. * May be null if not specified. */ public final String[] produces; /** * The media types consumed by the endpoint. * May be null if not specified. */ public final String[] consumes; /** * Whether the endpoint is deprecated. */ public final boolean deprecated; /** * A {@link DTO} representing the response body. */ public final DTO returnType; /** * A {@link DTO} representing the request body. */ public final DTO inputType; /** * An array of {@link Param}s, representing parameters accepted by the endpoint. */ public final Param[] params; /** * The one and only constructor. * @param paths the paths of the endpoint * @param methods the {@link RequestMethod}s accepted by the endpoint * @param consumes the media types consumed by the endpoint, may be null * @param produces the media types produced by the endpoint, may be null * @param deprecated whether the endpoint is deprecated * @param returnType the DTO for the response type, may be null * @param inputType the DTO for the request type, may be null * @param params {@link Param}s of the endpoint, may be null */ public Route(String[] paths, RequestMethod[] methods, String[] consumes, String[] produces, boolean deprecated, DTO returnType, DTO inputType, Param... params) { this.paths = paths; this.methods =[]::new); if(produces != null) this.produces = produces; else this.produces = new String[0]; if(consumes != null) this.consumes = consumes; else this.consumes = new String[0]; this.deprecated = deprecated; this.returnType = returnType; this.inputType = inputType; if(params != null) this.params = params; else this.params = new Param[0]; //just in case } /** * Representation of a parameter of a REST route. */ public static class Param { /** * The fully-qualified name of the expected type of the parameter. */ public final String typeFQN; /** * The name of the parameter. */ public final String name; /** * The default value of the parameter. * May be null, in which case the parameter is required. */ public final String defaultValue; /** * The one and only constructor. * @param typeFQN the FQN of the expected type of the parameter * @param name the name of the parameter * @param defaultValue the default value of the parameter, may be null if the parameter is required */ public Param(String typeFQN, String name, String defaultValue) { this.typeFQN = typeFQN; = name; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; } } /** * Representation of a DTO type. */ public static class DTO { /** * Fully-qualified name of the type. */ public final String FQN; /** * An array of {@link Param} representing the type's fields. */ public final Route.Param[] fields; /** * The one and only constructor. * @param FQN the fully-qualified name * @param fields the {@link Param}s representing the fields */ public DTO(String FQN, Route.Param ... fields) { this.FQN = FQN; if(fields == null) this.fields = new Route.Param[0]; else this.fields = fields; } } }