diff options
3 files changed, 677 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/Dataloader.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/Dataloader.cpp
index 1be040f..8a6042c 100644
--- a/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/Dataloader.cpp
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/dataloader/Dataloader.cpp
@@ -292,7 +292,10 @@ bool Dataloader::_load_interface_files(UIManager& ui_manager) const {
/* Nation management screens */
"country_production", "country_budget", "country_technology", "country_politics", "country_pops", "country_trade",
- "country_diplomacy", "country_military"
+ "country_diplomacy", "country_military",
+ /* News */
+ "news" //news_window_default
static constexpr std::string_view gui_file_extension = ".gui";
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/misc/NewsArticle.cpp b/src/openvic-simulation/misc/NewsArticle.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3030b9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/misc/NewsArticle.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+#include "NewsArticle.hpp"
+#include <openvic-dataloader/v2script/Parser.hpp>
+#include "openvic-simulation/dataloader/NodeTools.hpp"
+using namespace OpenVic;
+using namespace OpenVic::NodeTools;
+node_callback_t Typed::expect_typed_objects(length_callback_t length_callback, callback_t<std::unique_ptr<Typed>&&> callback) {
+ return expect_dictionary_keys_and_length(
+ length_callback,
+ //_expect_instance<Typed, Actor>(callback)
+ /*"news_priority", ZERO_OR_MORE, expect_dictionary_keys(
+ "case", ZERO_OR_MORE, success_callback
+ ),*/
+ "news_priority", ZERO_OR_MORE, _expect_instance<Typed, NewsPriority>(callback),
+ "generator_selector", ZERO_OR_MORE, expect_dictionary_keys(
+ "case", ZERO_OR_MORE, success_callback,
+ "@2@", ZERO_OR_MORE, success_callback//expect_identifier_or_string()
+ ),
+ "generate_article", ZERO_OR_MORE, expect_dictionary_keys(
+ "size", ZERO_OR_MORE, success_callback,
+ "picture_case", ZERO_OR_MORE, success_callback,
+ "title_case", ZERO_OR_MORE, success_callback,
+ "description_case", ZERO_OR_MORE, success_callback
+ ),
+ "on_printing", ZERO_OR_MORE, expect_dictionary_keys(
+ "effect", ZERO_OR_MORE, success_callback
+ )
+ );
+ Case(size_t new_index, fixed_point_t new_value, fixed_point_t priority_add,
+ std::string_view picture_path, ConditionScript&& new_trigger);
+Case::Case( size_t new_index, fixed_point_t new_value,
+fixed_point_t new_priority_add, std::string_view picture_path, ConditionScript&& new_trigger)
+ : HasIdentifier { std::to_string(new_index) }, value { 0 }, priority_add { 0 },
+ picture { }, trigger { std::move(new_trigger) } {}
+bool Case::parse_scripts(DefinitionManager const& definition_manager) {
+ return trigger.parse_script(true, definition_manager);
+bool Case::_fill_key_map(NodeTools::case_insensitive_key_map_t& key_map) {
+ return add_key_map_entries(key_map,
+ "trigger", ZERO_OR_ONE, trigger.expect_script(),
+ "value", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(value)),
+ "picture", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_string(assign_variable_callback_string(picture)),
+ "priority_add", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(priority_add))
+ );
+//NewsPriority::NewsPriority() : priority_case { } {}
+bool NewsPriority::_fill_key_map(NodeTools::case_insensitive_key_map_t &key_map){
+ return true;
+ EffectScript effect;
+ bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys(
+ "alert", ZERO_OR_ONE, expect_bool(assign_variable_callback(alert)),
+ "effect", ONE_EXACTLY, effect.expect_script(),
+ 0+ generator_selector
+ 1 string type
+ 1 string name = "default"
+ 0+ case = { value = int }
+ case = {trigger = { news_printing_count = 1 value = -999}}
+ can have '@2@' ?? if generator_selector is in a pattern
+node_callback_t Object::expect_objects(length_callback_t length_callback, callback_t<std::unique_ptr<Object>&&> callback) {
+ return expect_dictionary_keys_and_length(
+ length_callback,
+ "EMFXActorType", ZERO_OR_MORE, _expect_instance<Object, Actor>(callback),
+"actorfile", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_string(assign_variable_callback_string(model_file)),
+ "scale", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(scale)),
+ "attach", ZERO_OR_MORE, [this](ast::NodeCPtr node) -> bool {
+ std::string_view actor_name {}, attach_node {};
+ Attachment::attach_id_t attach_id = 0;
+ if (!expect_dictionary_keys<StringMapCaseInsensitive>(
+ "name", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_string(assign_variable_callback(actor_name)),
+ "node", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_string(assign_variable_callback(attach_node)),
+ "attachId", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_uint(assign_variable_callback(attach_id))
+ )(node)) {
+ Logger::error("Failed to load attachment for actor ", get_name());
+ return false;
+ }
+ attachments.push_back({ actor_name, attach_node, attach_id });
+ return true;
+ },
+bool Actor::_fill_key_map(NodeTools::case_insensitive_key_map_t& key_map) {
+ bool ret = Object::_fill_key_map(key_map);
+ ret &= add_key_map_entries(key_map,
+ "actorfile", ONE_EXACTLY,
+/*bool SongChanceManager::load_songs_file(ast::NodeCPtr root) {
+ bool ret = true;
+ ret &= expect_dictionary_reserve_length(
+ song_chances,
+ [this](std::string_view key, ast::NodeCPtr value) -> bool {
+ if (key != "song") {
+ Logger::error("Invalid song declaration ", key);
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::string_view name {};
+ ConditionalWeight chance { scope_t::COUNTRY, scope_t::COUNTRY, scope_t::NO_SCOPE };
+ bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys(
+ "name", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_string(assign_variable_callback(name)),
+ "chance", ONE_EXACTLY, chance.expect_conditional_weight(ConditionalWeight::FACTOR)
+ )(value);
+ ret &= song_chances.add_item({ song_chances.size(), name, std::move(chance) });
+ return ret;
+ }
+ )(root);
+ if (song_chances.size() == 0) {
+ Logger::error("No songs found in Songs.txt");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return ret;
+bool SongChanceManager::parse_scripts(DefinitionManager const& definition_manager) {
+ bool ret = true;
+ for (SongChance& songChance : song_chances.get_items()) {
+ ret &= songChance.parse_scripts(definition_manager);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ "bonus", ZERO_OR_MORE, [&bonuses](ast::NodeCPtr bonus_node) -> bool {
+ ConditionScript trigger { scope_t::STATE, scope_t::NO_SCOPE, scope_t::NO_SCOPE };
+ fixed_point_t bonus_value {};
+ const bool ret = expect_dictionary_keys(
+ "trigger", ONE_EXACTLY, trigger.expect_script(),
+ "value", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_fixed_point(assign_variable_callback(bonus_value))
+ )(bonus_node);
+ bonuses.emplace_back(std::move(trigger), bonus_value);
+ return ret;
+ },
+*/ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/openvic-simulation/misc/NewsArticle.hpp b/src/openvic-simulation/misc/NewsArticle.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..628ce40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/openvic-simulation/misc/NewsArticle.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <vector>
+#include "openvic-simulation/scripts/ConditionScript.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/scripts/EffectScript.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/types/IdentifierRegistry.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/scripts/ConditionalWeight.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/types/OrderedContainers.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/types/fixed_point/FixedPoint.hpp"
+#include "openvic-simulation/interface/LoadBase.hpp"
+namespace OpenVic {
+ /*
+ All from the /news folder
+ For the @2@ syntax
+ Consider AILoves
+ AILoves = {
+ "default"
+ "case = { value = 10 } case = { trigger = { news_printing_count = 1 } value = -999 }"
+ }
+ @2@ in generator_selector pulls the case
+ @3@ pulls the titles
+ @4@ pulls the long description
+ and so on...
+ %1% seems to do the same buts allows for when we want the paste inside string quotes in addition to outside??
+ The corresponding pattern has the name "AILoves", which seems to indicate it'll draw
+ from an identifier with name "AILoves" as seen above
+ EventGrammar handles a lot of this (esp. trigger and picture)
+ */
+ enum class article_size_t { small, medium, large };
+ static const string_map_t<article_size_t> article_size = {
+ { "small", article_size_t::small },
+ { "medium", article_size_t::medium },
+ { "large", article_size_t::large }
+ };
+ using identifier_int_map = deque_ordered_map<std::string,int32_t>;
+ using identifier_str_collection_map = deque_ordered_map<std::string,std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>>;
+ struct NewsManager;
+ class Typed : public Named<> {
+ protected:
+ Typed() = default;
+ public:
+ Typed(Typed&&) = default;
+ virtual ~Typed() = default;
+ static NodeTools::node_callback_t expect_typed_objects(
+ NodeTools::length_callback_t length_callback, NodeTools::callback_t<std::unique_ptr<Typed>&&> callback
+ );
+ };
+ /*
+ case can have
+ 0+ trigger = {}
+ 0+ value = int
+ 0+ priority_add = int
+ 0/1 picture
+ more specifically, value, priority_add and picture can be thought of as effects, of which there must be one
+ having a trigger is optional though
+ */
+ struct Case : HasIdentifier {
+ //friend struct NewsManager;
+ private:
+ ConditionScript PROPERTY(trigger);
+ //these always appear to be ints, but for consistency with other defines files...
+ fixed_point_t PROPERTY(value);
+ fixed_point_t PROPERTY(priority_add);
+ std::string PROPERTY(picture);
+ Case(size_t new_index, fixed_point_t new_value, fixed_point_t new_priority_add,
+ std::string_view picture_path, ConditionScript&& new_trigger);
+ bool parse_scripts(DefinitionManager const& definition_manager);
+ bool _fill_key_map(NodeTools::case_insensitive_key_map_t& key_map);
+ //bool load_case(ast::NodeCPtr root);
+ public:
+ Case(Case&&) = default;
+ };
+ /*
+ ==== for these 3 (4?), the name and type properties will match ===
+ 0+ generator_selector
+ 1 string type
+ 1 string name = "default"
+ 0+ case = { value = int }
+ case = {trigger = { news_printing_count = 1 value = -999}}
+ can have '@2@' ?? if generator_selector is in a pattern
+ */
+ class GeneratorSelector final : public Typed {
+ friend std::unique_ptr<GeneratorSelector> std::make_unique<GeneratorSelector>();
+ //public:
+ private:
+ Case PROPERTY(generator_case);
+ protected:
+ GeneratorSelector();
+ bool _fill_key_map(NodeTools::case_insensitive_key_map_t& key_map) override;
+ public:
+ GeneratorSelector(GeneratorSelector&&) = default;
+ virtual ~GeneratorSelector() = default;
+ };
+ /*
+ 0+ news_priority
+ 1 string type
+ 1 string name = "default"
+ 0+ case = { 0/1 trigger = {...} priority_add = int }
+ */
+ class NewsPriority final : public Typed {
+ friend std::unique_ptr<NewsPriority> std::make_unique<NewsPriority>();
+ //public:
+ private:
+ Case PROPERTY(priority_case);
+ protected:
+ NewsPriority();
+ bool _fill_key_map(NodeTools::case_insensitive_key_map_t& key_map) override;
+ public:
+ NewsPriority(NewsPriority&&) = default;
+ virtual ~NewsPriority() = default;
+ };
+ /*
+ 0+ generate_article
+ 1 string type
+ 1 string name = "default"
+ 1 size = "small"|"medium"|"large"
+ 0+ picture_case = {...}
+ 1+ picture = "news/pic.dds"
+ 0/1? trigger = { or = { strings_eq = {...} string_eq = ... }}
+ 1+ title_case (guessing multiple of these means just pick one at random)
+ 0/1 trigger
+ 1+ text_add = { 1+ localization_str_identifier? }
+ 1+ description_case
+ 0/1 trigger
+ 1+ text_add = { 1+ localization_str_identifier? }
+ */
+ class GenerateArticle final : public Typed {
+ friend std::unique_ptr<GenerateArticle> std::make_unique<GenerateArticle>();
+ public:
+ class PictureCase {
+ friend class GenerateArticle;
+ std::vector<std::string> PROPERTY(pictures);
+ ConditionScript PROPERTY(trigger);
+ PictureCase(ConditionScript&& trigger_new, std::vector<std::string> pictures_new);
+ public:
+ PictureCase(PictureCase&&) = default;
+ };
+ class TextCase {
+ friend class GenerateArticle;
+ ConditionScript PROPERTY(trigger);
+ std::vector<std::string> PROPERTY(text);
+ TextCase(ConditionScript&& trigger_new, std::vector<std::string> text_new);
+ public:
+ TextCase(TextCase&&) = default;
+ };
+ private:
+ article_size_t PROPERTY(size);
+ PictureCase PROPERTY(picture_case);
+ TextCase PROPERTY(title_case);
+ TextCase PROPERTY(description_case);
+ protected:
+ GenerateArticle();
+ bool _fill_key_map(NodeTools::case_insensitive_key_map_t& key_map) override;
+ public:
+ GenerateArticle(GenerateArticle&&) = default;
+ virtual ~GenerateArticle() = default;
+ };
+ /*
+ 0+ pattern
+ 1 string name **** not the same as the generator/priority/article name
+ 1 generator_selector
+ 1 news_priority
+ 1+ generate_article
+ A Pattern object is not necessarily obtained from finding one in the defines,
+ the generator selector, news_priority, and article generators can be on their own in the
+ file, but are of course linked by sharing the type and name
+ */
+ class Pattern final : public Named<> {
+ friend std::unique_ptr<Pattern> std::make_unique<Pattern>();
+ private:
+ GeneratorSelector PROPERTY(selector);
+ NewsPriority PROPERTY(priority);
+ std::vector<GenerateArticle> PROPERTY(article_formats);
+ protected:
+ Pattern();
+ bool _fill_key_map(NodeTools::case_insensitive_key_map_t& key_map) override;
+ public:
+ Pattern(Pattern&&) = default;
+ virtual ~Pattern() = default;
+ };
+ /*
+ ===== scope things ====
+ 0/1? on_printing
+ 1 string type
+ 1 string name = "default"
+ 1 effect
+ 0+ clear_news_scopes = {type = string limit = {...}}
+ 0/1+? set_news_flag = string >>> trigger can have has_news_flag = string
+ */
+ class OnPrinting final : public Typed {
+ friend std::unique_ptr<OnPrinting> std::make_unique<OnPrinting>();
+ //public:
+ private:
+ EffectScript PROPERTY(effect);
+ protected:
+ OnPrinting();
+ bool _fill_key_map(NodeTools::case_insensitive_key_map_t& key_map) override;
+ public:
+ OnPrinting(OnPrinting&&) = default;
+ virtual ~OnPrinting() = default;
+ };
+ /*
+ the difference of on_collection might be that the player is involved?
+ 0/1 on_collection. desc says "what happens when scope is collected"
+ 1 string type
+ 1 effect
+ 0?+ clear_news_scopes = {type = string limit = { ... }}
+ */
+ class OnCollection {
+ friend std::unique_ptr<OnCollection> std::make_unique<OnCollection>();
+ //public:
+ private:
+ std::string PROPERTY(type);
+ EffectScript PROPERTY(effect);
+ protected:
+ OnCollection();
+ bool _fill_key_map(NodeTools::case_insensitive_key_map_t& key_map);
+ public:
+ OnCollection(OnCollection&&) = default;
+ virtual ~OnCollection() = default;
+ };
+ /*
+ 1 style = {...}
+ 1 name = "default_style"
+ 1 trigger = {}
+ 1 gui_windows = "news_window_default"
+ 1+ article = { size = large|medium|small gui_window = "article_SIZE_INT"}
+ 1 article_limits = { IDENTIFIER = INT IDENTIFIER= INT ... }
+ 1 title_image = { ... }
+ 0?+ case
+ 0/1 trigger
+ 1 picture = "news/bla.dds"
+ */
+ class Style final : public Named<> {
+ friend std::unique_ptr<Style> std::make_unique<Style>();
+ public:
+ class Article {
+ friend class Style;
+ std::string PROPERTY(gui_window);
+ article_size_t PROPERTY(size);
+ Article(std::string_view new_gui_window, article_size_t new_size = article_size_t::small);
+ public:
+ Article(Article&&) = default;
+ };
+ class TitleImage {
+ friend class Style;
+ std::vector<Case> PROPERTY(cases);
+ TitleImage(std::vector<Case> new_cases);
+ public:
+ TitleImage(TitleImage&&) = default;
+ };
+ private:
+ ConditionScript PROPERTY(trigger);
+ std::string PROPERTY(gui_window);
+ std::vector<Article> PROPERTY(articles);
+ TitleImage PROPERTY(title_image);
+ //using sfx_asset_map_t = deque_ordered_map<godot::StringName, godot::Ref<godot::AudioStreamWAV>>;
+ identifier_int_map PROPERTY(article_limits_map);
+ // map < IDENTIFIER, INT >
+ protected:
+ Style();
+ bool _fill_key_map(NodeTools::case_insensitive_key_map_t& key_map) override;
+ public:
+ Style(Style&&) = default;
+ virtual ~Style() = default;
+ };
+ struct NewsManager {
+ private:
+ //IdentifierRegistry<Pattern> IDENTIFIER_REGISTRY(patterns);
+ /*
+ New GP has "default", "player_is_gp", "player_loss_gp" as identifier, fake names has "int", AI ones have "default" or "player"
+ 0+ identifier_for_pattern (ie. this could be any random name)
+ ex. dino_news_pattern1 or AiAfraidOf
+ these correspond to a pattern identifier (the ..._news_pattern will correspond to the name of pattern)
+ 1 unlabelled string identifier
+ 0/1 unlabelled string "case string"
+ 1 unlabelled string "TITLE_IDENTIFIER1 TITLE_IDENTIFIER2 ...."
+ 0/1? unlabelled string "LONG_DESC1 LONG_DESC2 ..."
+ 0/1? unlabelled string "MEDIUM_DESC ..."
+ 1? unlabelled string "SHORT_DESC ...."
+ */
+ //>>>>>>> map < identifier, std::vector< std::vector<std::string> > >
+ identifier_str_collection_map news_str_collection;//PROPERTY(limits_map);
+ /*
+ news_layout.txt
+ 1 article_tensions = { IDENTIFIER = int IDENTIFIER = INT ... }, comments say default int is 1
+ We should find the identifiers in the various components of a pattern (type property)
+ */
+ // map < IDENTIFIER, INT >
+ identifier_int_map article_tensions;//PROPERTY(limits_map);
+ //Songs.txt
+ public:
+ bool load_songs_file(ast::NodeCPtr root);
+ bool parse_scripts(DefinitionManager const& definition_manager);
+ };
+ template<typename... Context>
+ class Named : public LoadBase<Context...> {
+ std::string PROPERTY(name);
+ protected:
+ Named() = default;
+ virtual bool _fill_key_map(NodeTools::case_insensitive_key_map_t& key_map, Context...) override {
+ using namespace OpenVic::NodeTools;
+ return add_key_map_entries(key_map, "name", ONE_EXACTLY, expect_string(assign_variable_callback_string(name)));
+ }
+ void _set_name(std::string_view new_name) {
+ if (!name.empty()) {
+ Logger::warning("Overriding scene name ", name, " with ", new_name);
+ }
+ name = new_name;
+ }
+ public:
+ Named(Named&&) = default;
+ virtual ~Named() = default;
+ };
+ /*struct NewsManager {
+ private:
+ IdentifierRegistry<Case> IDENTIFIER_REGISTRY(case);
+ //Songs.txt
+ public:
+ bool load_songs_file(ast::NodeCPtr root);
+ bool parse_scripts(DefinitionManager const& definition_manager);
+ };*/
+ class Actor final : public Object {
+ friend std::unique_ptr<Actor> std::make_unique<Actor>();
+ public:
+ struct attachment....
+ private:
+ fixed_point_t PROPERTY(scale);
+ std::string PROPERTY(model_file);
+ std::optional<Animation> PROPERTY(idle_animation);
+ std::vector<Attachment> PROPERTY(attachments);
+ bool _set_animation(std::string_view name, std::string_view file, fixed_point_t scroll_time);
+ protected:
+ Actor();
+ bool _fill_key_map(NodeTools::case_insensitive_key_map_t& key_map) override;
+ public:
+ Actor(Actor&&) = default;
+ virtual ~Actor() = default;
+ };