path: root/game/addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/exporter/export_image_dialog.gd
diff options
author Gone2Daly <71726742+Gone2Daly@users.noreply.github.com>2023-07-22 21:05:42 +0200
committer Gone2Daly <71726742+Gone2Daly@users.noreply.github.com>2023-07-22 21:05:42 +0200
commit71b3cd829f80de4c2cd3972d8bfd5ee470a5d180 (patch)
treeb4280fde6eef2ae6987648bc7bf8e00e9011bb7f /game/addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/exporter/export_image_dialog.gd
parentce9022d0df74d6c33db3686622be2050d873ab0b (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'game/addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/exporter/export_image_dialog.gd')
1 files changed, 221 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/game/addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/exporter/export_image_dialog.gd b/game/addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/exporter/export_image_dialog.gd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b989099
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/exporter/export_image_dialog.gd
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+extends AcceptDialog
+const HTerrain = preload("../../hterrain.gd")
+const HTerrainData = preload("../../hterrain_data.gd")
+const HT_Errors = preload("../../util/errors.gd")
+const HT_Util = preload("../../util/util.gd")
+const HT_Logger = preload("../../util/logger.gd")
+const FORMAT_RH = 0
+const FORMAT_RF = 1
+const FORMAT_R16 = 2
+const FORMAT_PNG8 = 3
+const FORMAT_EXRH = 4
+const FORMAT_EXRF = 5
+const FORMAT_COUNT = 6
+@onready var _output_path_line_edit := $VB/Grid/OutputPath/HeightmapPathLineEdit as LineEdit
+@onready var _format_selector := $VB/Grid/FormatSelector as OptionButton
+@onready var _height_range_min_spinbox := $VB/Grid/HeightRange/HeightRangeMin as SpinBox
+@onready var _height_range_max_spinbox := $VB/Grid/HeightRange/HeightRangeMax as SpinBox
+@onready var _export_button := $VB/Buttons/ExportButton as Button
+@onready var _show_in_explorer_checkbox := $VB/ShowInExplorerCheckbox as CheckBox
+var _terrain : HTerrain = null
+var _file_dialog : EditorFileDialog = null
+var _format_names := []
+var _format_extensions := []
+var _logger = HT_Logger.get_for(self)
+func _init():
+ # Godot 4 decided to not have a plain WindowDialog class...
+ # there is Window but it's way too unfriendly...
+ get_ok_button().hide()
+func _ready():
+ _format_names.resize(FORMAT_COUNT)
+ _format_extensions.resize(FORMAT_COUNT)
+ _format_names[FORMAT_RH] = "16-bit RAW float"
+ _format_names[FORMAT_RF] = "32-bit RAW float"
+ _format_names[FORMAT_R16] = "16-bit RAW unsigned"
+ _format_names[FORMAT_PNG8] = "8-bit PNG greyscale"
+ _format_names[FORMAT_EXRH] = "16-bit float greyscale EXR"
+ _format_names[FORMAT_EXRF] = "32-bit float greyscale EXR"
+ _format_extensions[FORMAT_RH] = "raw"
+ _format_extensions[FORMAT_RF] = "raw"
+ _format_extensions[FORMAT_R16] = "raw"
+ _format_extensions[FORMAT_PNG8] = "png"
+ _format_extensions[FORMAT_EXRH] = "exr"
+ _format_extensions[FORMAT_EXRF] = "exr"
+ if not HT_Util.is_in_edited_scene(self):
+ for i in len(_format_names):
+ _format_selector.get_popup().add_item(_format_names[i], i)
+func setup_dialogs(base_control: Control):
+ assert(_file_dialog == null)
+ var fd := EditorFileDialog.new()
+ fd.file_mode = EditorFileDialog.FILE_MODE_SAVE_FILE
+ fd.unresizable = false
+ fd.access = EditorFileDialog.ACCESS_FILESYSTEM
+ fd.file_selected.connect(_on_FileDialog_file_selected)
+ add_child(fd)
+ _file_dialog = fd
+ _update_file_extension()
+func set_terrain(terrain: HTerrain):
+ _terrain = terrain
+func _exit_tree():
+ if _file_dialog != null:
+ _file_dialog.queue_free()
+ _file_dialog = null
+func _on_FileDialog_file_selected(fpath: String):
+ _output_path_line_edit.text = fpath
+func _auto_adjust_height_range():
+ assert(_terrain != null)
+ assert(_terrain.get_data() != null)
+ var aabb := _terrain.get_data().get_aabb()
+ _height_range_min_spinbox.value = aabb.position.y
+ _height_range_max_spinbox.value = aabb.position.y + aabb.size.y
+func _export() -> bool:
+ assert(_terrain != null)
+ assert(_terrain.get_data() != null)
+ var src_heightmap: Image = _terrain.get_data().get_image(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_HEIGHT)
+ var fpath := _output_path_line_edit.text.strip_edges()
+ # TODO Is `selected` an ID or an index? I need an ID, it works by chance for now.
+ var format := _format_selector.selected
+ var height_min := _height_range_min_spinbox.value
+ var height_max := _height_range_max_spinbox.value
+ if height_min == height_max:
+ _logger.error("Cannot export, height range is zero")
+ return false
+ if height_min > height_max:
+ _logger.error("Cannot export, height min is greater than max")
+ return false
+ var save_error := OK
+ var float_heightmap := HTerrainData.convert_heightmap_to_float(src_heightmap, _logger)
+ if format == FORMAT_PNG8:
+ var hscale := 1.0 / (height_max - height_min)
+ var im := Image.create(
+ src_heightmap.get_width(), src_heightmap.get_height(), false, Image.FORMAT_R8)
+ for y in src_heightmap.get_height():
+ for x in src_heightmap.get_width():
+ var h := clampf((float_heightmap.get_pixel(x, y).r - height_min) * hscale, 0.0, 1.0)
+ im.set_pixel(x, y, Color(h, h, h))
+ save_error = im.save_png(fpath)
+ elif format == FORMAT_EXRH:
+ float_heightmap.convert(Image.FORMAT_RH)
+ save_error = float_heightmap.save_exr(fpath, true)
+ elif format == FORMAT_EXRF:
+ save_error = float_heightmap.save_exr(fpath, true)
+ else: # RAW
+ var f := FileAccess.open(fpath, FileAccess.WRITE)
+ if f == null:
+ var err := FileAccess.get_open_error()
+ _print_file_error(fpath, err)
+ return false
+ if format == FORMAT_RH:
+ float_heightmap.convert(Image.FORMAT_RH)
+ f.store_buffer(float_heightmap.get_data())
+ elif format == FORMAT_RF:
+ f.store_buffer(float_heightmap.get_data())
+ elif format == FORMAT_R16:
+ var hscale := 65535.0 / (height_max - height_min)
+ for y in float_heightmap.get_height():
+ for x in float_heightmap.get_width():
+ var h := int((float_heightmap.get_pixel(x, y).r - height_min) * hscale)
+ if h < 0:
+ h = 0
+ elif h > 65535:
+ h = 65535
+ if x % 50 == 0:
+ _logger.debug(str(h))
+ f.store_16(h)
+ if save_error == OK:
+ _logger.debug("Exported heightmap as \"{0}\"".format([fpath]))
+ return true
+ else:
+ _print_file_error(fpath, save_error)
+ return false
+func _update_file_extension():
+ if _format_selector.selected == -1:
+ _format_selector.selected = 0
+ # This recursively calls the current function
+ return
+ # TODO Is `selected` an ID or an index? I need an ID, it works by chance for now.
+ var format = _format_selector.selected
+ var ext : String = _format_extensions[format]
+ _file_dialog.clear_filters()
+ _file_dialog.add_filter(str("*.", ext, " ; ", ext.to_upper(), " files"))
+ var fpath := _output_path_line_edit.text.strip_edges()
+ if fpath != "":
+ _output_path_line_edit.text = str(fpath.get_basename(), ".", ext)
+func _print_file_error(fpath: String, err: int):
+ _logger.error("Could not save path {0}, error: {1}" \
+ .format([fpath, HT_Errors.get_message(err)]))
+func _on_CancelButton_pressed():
+ hide()
+func _on_ExportButton_pressed():
+ if _export():
+ hide()
+ if _show_in_explorer_checkbox.button_pressed:
+ OS.shell_open(_output_path_line_edit.text.strip_edges().get_base_dir())
+func _on_HeightmapPathLineEdit_text_changed(new_text: String):
+ _export_button.disabled = (new_text.strip_edges() == "")
+func _on_HeightmapPathBrowseButton_pressed():
+ _file_dialog.popup_centered_ratio()
+func _on_FormatSelector_item_selected(id):
+ _update_file_extension()
+func _on_HeightRangeAutoButton_pressed():
+ _auto_adjust_height_range()