path: root/game/addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/brush/settings_dialog/brush_settings_dialog.gd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'game/addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/brush/settings_dialog/brush_settings_dialog.gd')
1 files changed, 280 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/game/addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/brush/settings_dialog/brush_settings_dialog.gd b/game/addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/brush/settings_dialog/brush_settings_dialog.gd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71f81d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/brush/settings_dialog/brush_settings_dialog.gd
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+extends AcceptDialog
+const HT_Util = preload("../../../util/util.gd")
+const HT_Brush = preload("../brush.gd")
+const HT_Logger = preload("../../../util/logger.gd")
+const HT_EditorUtil = preload("../../util/editor_util.gd")
+const HT_SpinSlider = preload("../../util/spin_slider.gd")
+const HT_Scratchpad = preload("./preview_scratchpad.gd")
+@onready var _scratchpad : HT_Scratchpad = $VB/HB/VB3/PreviewScratchpad
+@onready var _shape_list : ItemList = $VB/HB/VB/ShapeList
+@onready var _remove_shape_button : Button = $VB/HB/VB/HBoxContainer/RemoveShape
+@onready var _change_shape_button : Button = $VB/HB/VB/ChangeShape
+@onready var _size_slider : HT_SpinSlider = $VB/HB/VB2/Settings/Size
+@onready var _opacity_slider : HT_SpinSlider = $VB/HB/VB2/Settings/Opacity
+@onready var _pressure_enabled_checkbox : CheckBox = $VB/HB/VB2/Settings/PressureEnabled
+@onready var _pressure_over_size_slider : HT_SpinSlider = $VB/HB/VB2/Settings/PressureOverSize
+@onready var _pressure_over_opacity_slider : HT_SpinSlider = $VB/HB/VB2/Settings/PressureOverOpacity
+@onready var _frequency_distance_slider : HT_SpinSlider = $VB/HB/VB2/Settings/FrequencyDistance
+@onready var _frequency_time_slider : HT_SpinSlider = $VB/HB/VB2/Settings/FrequencyTime
+@onready var _random_rotation_checkbox : CheckBox = $VB/HB/VB2/Settings/RandomRotation
+@onready var _shape_cycling_checkbox : CheckBox = $VB/HB/VB2/Settings/ShapeCycling
+var _brush : HT_Brush
+# This is a `EditorFileDialog`,
+# but cannot type it because I want to be able to test it by running the scene.
+# And when I run it, Godot does not allow to use `EditorFileDialog`.
+var _load_image_dialog
+# -1 means add, otherwise replace
+var _load_image_index := -1
+var _logger = HT_Logger.get_for(self)
+func _ready():
+ if HT_Util.is_in_edited_scene(self):
+ return
+ _size_slider.set_max_value(HT_Brush.MAX_SIZE_FOR_SLIDERS)
+ _size_slider.set_greater_max_value(HT_Brush.MAX_SIZE)
+ if not Engine.is_editor_hint():
+ setup_dialogs(self)
+ call_deferred("popup")
+func set_brush(brush : HT_Brush):
+ assert(brush != null)
+ _brush = brush
+ _update_controls_from_brush()
+# `base_control` can no longer be hinted as a `Control` because in Godot 4 it could be a
+# window or dialog, which are no longer controls...
+func setup_dialogs(base_control: Node):
+ assert(_load_image_dialog == null)
+ _load_image_dialog = HT_EditorUtil.create_open_file_dialog()
+ _load_image_dialog.file_mode = EditorFileDialog.FILE_MODE_OPEN_FILE
+ _load_image_dialog.add_filter("*.exr ; EXR files")
+ _load_image_dialog.unresizable = false
+ _load_image_dialog.access = EditorFileDialog.ACCESS_FILESYSTEM
+ _load_image_dialog.current_dir = HT_Brush.SHAPES_DIR
+ _load_image_dialog.file_selected.connect(_on_LoadImageDialog_file_selected)
+ _load_image_dialog.files_selected.connect(_on_LoadImageDialog_files_selected)
+ #base_control.add_child(_load_image_dialog)
+ # When a dialog opens another dialog, we get this error:
+ # "Transient parent has another exclusive child."
+ # Which is worked around by making the other dialog a child of the first one (I don't know why)
+ add_child(_load_image_dialog)
+func _exit_tree():
+ if _load_image_dialog != null:
+ _load_image_dialog.queue_free()
+ _load_image_dialog = null
+func _get_shapes_from_gui() -> Array[Texture2D]:
+ var shapes : Array[Texture2D] = []
+ for i in _shape_list.get_item_count():
+ var icon : Texture2D = _shape_list.get_item_icon(i)
+ assert(icon != null)
+ shapes.append(icon)
+ return shapes
+func _update_shapes_gui(shapes: Array[Texture2D]):
+ _shape_list.clear()
+ for shape in shapes:
+ assert(shape != null)
+ assert(shape is Texture2D)
+ _shape_list.add_icon_item(shape)
+ _update_shape_list_buttons()
+func _on_AddShape_pressed():
+ _load_image_index = -1
+ _load_image_dialog.file_mode = EditorFileDialog.FILE_MODE_OPEN_FILES
+ _load_image_dialog.popup_centered_ratio(0.7)
+func _on_RemoveShape_pressed():
+ var selected_indices := _shape_list.get_selected_items()
+ if len(selected_indices) == 0:
+ return
+ var index : int = selected_indices[0]
+ _shape_list.remove_item(index)
+ var shapes := _get_shapes_from_gui()
+ for brush in _get_brushes():
+ brush.set_shapes(shapes)
+ _update_shape_list_buttons()
+func _on_ShapeList_item_activated(index: int):
+ _request_modify_shape(index)
+func _on_ChangeShape_pressed():
+ var selected = _shape_list.get_selected_items()
+ if len(selected) == 0:
+ return
+ _request_modify_shape(selected[0])
+func _request_modify_shape(index: int):
+ _load_image_index = index
+ _load_image_dialog.file_mode = EditorFileDialog.FILE_MODE_OPEN_FILE
+ _load_image_dialog.popup_centered_ratio(0.7)
+func _on_LoadImageDialog_files_selected(fpaths: PackedStringArray):
+ var shapes := _get_shapes_from_gui()
+ for fpath in fpaths:
+ var tex := HT_Brush.load_shape_from_image_file(fpath, _logger)
+ if tex == null:
+ # Failed
+ continue
+ shapes.append(tex)
+ for brush in _get_brushes():
+ brush.set_shapes(shapes)
+ _update_shapes_gui(shapes)
+func _on_LoadImageDialog_file_selected(fpath: String):
+ var tex := HT_Brush.load_shape_from_image_file(fpath, _logger)
+ if tex == null:
+ # Failed
+ return
+ var shapes := _get_shapes_from_gui()
+ if _load_image_index == -1 or _load_image_index >= len(shapes):
+ # Add
+ shapes.append(tex)
+ else:
+ # Replace
+ assert(_load_image_index >= 0)
+ shapes[_load_image_index] = tex
+ for brush in _get_brushes():
+ brush.set_shapes(shapes)
+ _update_shapes_gui(shapes)
+func _notification(what: int):
+ # Testing the scratchpad because visibility can not only change before entering the tree
+ # since Godot 4 port, it can also change between entering the tree and being _ready...
+ if visible and _scratchpad != null:
+ _update_controls_from_brush()
+func _update_controls_from_brush():
+ var brush := _brush
+ if brush == null:
+ # To allow testing
+ brush = _scratchpad.get_painter().get_brush()
+ _update_shapes_gui(brush.get_shapes())
+ _size_slider.set_value(brush.get_size(), false)
+ _opacity_slider.set_value(brush.get_opacity() * 100.0, false)
+ _pressure_enabled_checkbox.button_pressed = brush.is_pressure_enabled()
+ _pressure_over_size_slider.set_value(brush.get_pressure_over_scale() * 100.0, false)
+ _pressure_over_opacity_slider.set_value(brush.get_pressure_over_opacity() * 100.0, false)
+ _frequency_distance_slider.set_value(brush.get_frequency_distance(), false)
+ _frequency_time_slider.set_value(
+ 1000.0 / maxf(0.1, float(brush.get_frequency_time_ms())), false)
+ _random_rotation_checkbox.button_pressed = brush.is_random_rotation_enabled()
+ _shape_cycling_checkbox.button_pressed = brush.is_shape_cycling_enabled()
+func _on_ClearScratchpad_pressed():
+ _scratchpad.reset_image()
+func _on_Size_value_changed(value: float):
+ for brush in _get_brushes():
+ brush.set_size(value)
+func _on_Opacity_value_changed(value):
+ for brush in _get_brushes():
+ brush.set_opacity(value / 100.0)
+func _on_PressureEnabled_toggled(button_pressed):
+ for brush in _get_brushes():
+ brush.set_pressure_enabled(button_pressed)
+func _on_PressureOverSize_value_changed(value):
+ for brush in _get_brushes():
+ brush.set_pressure_over_scale(value / 100.0)
+func _on_PressureOverOpacity_value_changed(value):
+ for brush in _get_brushes():
+ brush.set_pressure_over_opacity(value / 100.0)
+func _on_FrequencyDistance_value_changed(value):
+ for brush in _get_brushes():
+ brush.set_frequency_distance(value)
+func _on_FrequencyTime_value_changed(fps):
+ fps = max(1.0, fps)
+ var ms = 1000.0 / fps
+ if is_equal_approx(fps, 60.0):
+ ms = 0
+ for brush in _get_brushes():
+ brush.set_frequency_time_ms(ms)
+func _on_RandomRotation_toggled(button_pressed: bool):
+ for brush in _get_brushes():
+ brush.set_random_rotation_enabled(button_pressed)
+func _on_shape_cycling_toggled(button_pressed: bool):
+ for brush in _get_brushes():
+ brush.set_shape_cycling_enabled(button_pressed)
+func _get_brushes() -> Array[HT_Brush]:
+ if _brush != null:
+ # We edit both the preview brush and the terrain brush
+ # TODO Could we simply share the brush?
+ return [_brush, _scratchpad.get_painter().get_brush()]
+ # When testing the dialog in isolation, the edited brush might be null
+ return [_scratchpad.get_painter().get_brush()]
+func _on_ShapeList_item_selected(index):
+ _update_shape_list_buttons()
+ for brush in _get_brushes():
+ brush.set_shape_index(index)
+func _update_shape_list_buttons():
+ var selected_count := len(_shape_list.get_selected_items())
+ # There must be at least one shape
+ _remove_shape_button.disabled = _shape_list.get_item_count() == 1 or selected_count == 0
+ _change_shape_button.disabled = selected_count == 0
+func _on_shape_list_empty_clicked(at_position, mouse_button_index):
+ _update_shape_list_buttons()