path: root/game/addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/importer/importer_dialog.gd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'game/addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/importer/importer_dialog.gd')
1 files changed, 312 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/game/addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/importer/importer_dialog.gd b/game/addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/importer/importer_dialog.gd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f57bb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/importer/importer_dialog.gd
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+extends AcceptDialog
+const HT_Util = preload("../../util/util.gd")
+const HTerrain = preload("../../hterrain.gd")
+const HTerrainData = preload("../../hterrain_data.gd")
+const HT_Errors = preload("../../util/errors.gd")
+const HT_Logger = preload("../../util/logger.gd")
+const HT_XYZFormat = preload("../../util/xyz_format.gd")
+const HT_Inspector = preload("../inspector/inspector.gd")
+signal permanent_change_performed(message)
+@onready var _inspector : HT_Inspector = $VBoxContainer/Inspector
+@onready var _errors_label : Label = $VBoxContainer/ColorRect/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer/Errors
+@onready var _warnings_label : Label = \
+ $VBoxContainer/ColorRect/ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer/Warnings
+const RAW_BIG_ENDIAN = 1
+var _terrain : HTerrain = null
+var _logger = HT_Logger.get_for(self)
+func _init():
+ get_ok_button().hide()
+func _ready():
+ _inspector.set_prototype({
+ "heightmap": {
+ "type": TYPE_STRING,
+ "usage": "file",
+ "exts": ["raw", "png", "exr", "xyz"]
+ },
+ "raw_endianess": {
+ "type": TYPE_INT,
+ "usage": "enum",
+ "enum_items": ["Little Endian", "Big Endian"],
+ "enabled": false
+ },
+ "min_height": {
+ "type": TYPE_FLOAT,
+ "range": {"min": -2000.0, "max": 2000.0, "step": 0.01},
+ "default_value": 0.0
+ },
+ "max_height": {
+ "type": TYPE_FLOAT,
+ "range": {"min": -2000.0, "max": 2000.0, "step": 0.01},
+ "default_value": 400.0
+ },
+ "splatmap": {
+ "type": TYPE_STRING,
+ "usage": "file",
+ "exts": ["png"]
+ },
+ "colormap": {
+ "type": TYPE_STRING,
+ "usage": "file",
+ "exts": ["png"]
+ }
+ })
+ # Testing
+# _errors_label.text = "- Hello World!"
+# _warnings_label.text = "- Yolo Jesus!"
+func set_terrain(terrain: HTerrain):
+ _terrain = terrain
+func _notification(what: int):
+ # Checking a node set in _ready,
+ # because visibility can also change between _enter_tree and _ready...
+ if visible and _inspector != null:
+ _clear_feedback()
+static func _format_feedbacks(feed):
+ var a := []
+ for s in feed:
+ a.append("- " + s)
+ return "\n".join(PackedStringArray(a))
+func _clear_feedback():
+ _errors_label.text = ""
+ _warnings_label.text = ""
+class HT_ErrorCheckReport:
+ var errors := []
+ var warnings := []
+func _show_feedback(res: HT_ErrorCheckReport):
+ for e in res.errors:
+ _logger.error(e)
+ for w in res.warnings:
+ _logger.warn(w)
+ _clear_feedback()
+ if len(res.errors) > 0:
+ _errors_label.text = _format_feedbacks(res.errors)
+ if len(res.warnings) > 0:
+ _warnings_label.text = _format_feedbacks(res.warnings)
+func _on_CheckButton_pressed():
+ var res := _validate_form()
+ _show_feedback(res)
+func _on_ImportButton_pressed():
+ assert(_terrain != null and _terrain.get_data() != null)
+ # Verify input to inform the user of potential issues
+ var res := _validate_form()
+ _show_feedback(res)
+ if len(res.errors) != 0:
+ _logger.debug("Cannot import due to errors, aborting")
+ return
+ var params := {}
+ var heightmap_path = _inspector.get_value("heightmap")
+ if heightmap_path != "":
+ var endianess = _inspector.get_value("raw_endianess")
+ params[HTerrainData.CHANNEL_HEIGHT] = {
+ "path": heightmap_path,
+ "min_height": _inspector.get_value("min_height"),
+ "max_height": _inspector.get_value("max_height"),
+ "big_endian": endianess == RAW_BIG_ENDIAN
+ }
+ var colormap_path = _inspector.get_value("colormap")
+ if colormap_path != "":
+ params[HTerrainData.CHANNEL_COLOR] = {
+ "path": colormap_path
+ }
+ var splatmap_path = _inspector.get_value("splatmap")
+ if splatmap_path != "":
+ params[HTerrainData.CHANNEL_SPLAT] = {
+ "path": splatmap_path
+ }
+ var data = _terrain.get_data()
+ data._edit_import_maps(params)
+ emit_signal("permanent_change_performed", "Import maps")
+ _logger.debug("Terrain import finished")
+ hide()
+func _on_CancelButton_pressed():
+ hide()
+func _on_Inspector_property_changed(key: String, value):
+ if key == "heightmap":
+ var is_raw = value.get_extension().to_lower() == "raw"
+ _inspector.set_property_enabled("raw_endianess", is_raw)
+func _validate_form() -> HT_ErrorCheckReport:
+ var res := HT_ErrorCheckReport.new()
+ var heightmap_path : String = _inspector.get_value("heightmap")
+ var splatmap_path : String = _inspector.get_value("splatmap")
+ var colormap_path : String = _inspector.get_value("colormap")
+ if colormap_path == "" and heightmap_path == "" and splatmap_path == "":
+ res.errors.append("No maps specified.")
+ return res
+ # If a heightmap is specified, it will override the size of the existing terrain.
+ # If not specified, maps will have to match the resolution of the existing terrain.
+ var heightmap_size := _terrain.get_data().get_resolution()
+ if heightmap_path != "":
+ var min_height = _inspector.get_value("min_height")
+ var max_height = _inspector.get_value("max_height")
+ if min_height >= max_height:
+ res.errors.append("Minimum height must be lower than maximum height")
+ # Returning early because min and max can be slided,
+ # so we avoid loading other maps every time to do further checks.
+ return res
+ var image_size_result = _load_image_size(heightmap_path, _logger)
+ if image_size_result.error_code != OK:
+ res.errors.append(str("Cannot open heightmap file: ", image_size_result.to_string()))
+ return res
+ var adjusted_size = HTerrainData.get_adjusted_map_size(
+ image_size_result.width, image_size_result.height)
+ if adjusted_size != image_size_result.width:
+ res.warnings.append(
+ "The square resolution deduced from heightmap file size is not power of two + 1.\n" + \
+ "The heightmap will be cropped.")
+ heightmap_size = adjusted_size
+ if splatmap_path != "":
+ _check_map_size(splatmap_path, "splatmap", heightmap_size, res, _logger)
+ if colormap_path != "":
+ _check_map_size(colormap_path, "colormap", heightmap_size, res, _logger)
+ return res
+static func _check_map_size(path: String, map_name: String, heightmap_size: int,
+ res: HT_ErrorCheckReport, logger):
+ var size_result := _load_image_size(path, logger)
+ if size_result.error_code != OK:
+ res.errors.append(str("Cannot open splatmap file: ", size_result.to_string()))
+ return
+ var adjusted_size := HTerrainData.get_adjusted_map_size(size_result.width, size_result.height)
+ if adjusted_size != heightmap_size:
+ res.errors.append(str(
+ "The ", map_name,
+ " must have the same resolution as the heightmap (", heightmap_size, ")"))
+ else:
+ if adjusted_size != size_result.width:
+ res.warnings.append(str(
+ "The square resolution deduced from ", map_name,
+ " file size is not power of two + 1.\nThe ",
+ map_name, " will be cropped."))
+class HT_ImageSizeResult:
+ var width := 0
+ var height := 0
+ var error_code := OK
+ var error_message := ""
+ func to_string() -> String:
+ if error_message != "":
+ return error_message
+ return HT_Errors.get_message(error_code)
+static func _load_image_size(path: String, logger) -> HT_ImageSizeResult:
+ var ext := path.get_extension().to_lower()
+ var result := HT_ImageSizeResult.new()
+ if ext == "png" or ext == "exr":
+ # Godot can load these formats natively
+ var im := Image.new()
+ var err := im.load(path)
+ if err != OK:
+ logger.error("An error occurred loading image '{0}', code {1}".format([path, err]))
+ result.error_code = err
+ return result
+ result.width = im.get_width()
+ result.height = im.get_height()
+ return result
+ elif ext == "raw":
+ var f := FileAccess.open(path, FileAccess.READ)
+ if f == null:
+ var err := FileAccess.get_open_error()
+ logger.error("Error opening file {0}".format([path]))
+ result.error_code = err
+ return result
+ # Assume the raw data is square in 16-bit format,
+ # so its size is function of file length
+ var flen := f.get_length()
+ f = null
+ var size_px = HT_Util.integer_square_root(flen / 2)
+ if size_px == -1:
+ result.error_code = ERR_INVALID_DATA
+ result.error_message = "RAW image is not square"
+ return result
+ logger.debug("Deduced RAW heightmap resolution: {0}*{1}, for a length of {2}" \
+ .format([size_px, size_px, flen]))
+ result.width = size_px
+ result.height = size_px
+ return result
+ elif ext == "xyz":
+ var f := FileAccess.open(path, FileAccess.READ)
+ if f == null:
+ var err := FileAccess.get_open_error()
+ logger.error("Error opening file {0}".format([path]))
+ result.error_code = err
+ return result
+ var bounds := HT_XYZFormat.load_bounds(f)
+ result.width = bounds.image_width
+ result.height = bounds.image_height
+ return result
+ else:
+ result.error_code = ERR_FILE_UNRECOGNIZED
+ return result