path: root/game/addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/texture_editor/texture_editor.gd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'game/addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/texture_editor/texture_editor.gd')
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/game/addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/texture_editor/texture_editor.gd b/game/addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/texture_editor/texture_editor.gd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3e337f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/texture_editor/texture_editor.gd
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+extends Control
+const HTerrain = preload("../../hterrain.gd")
+const HTerrainTextureSet = preload("../../hterrain_texture_set.gd")
+const HT_TextureList = preload("./texture_list.gd")
+const HT_Logger = preload("../../util/logger.gd")
+# TODO Can't preload because it causes the plugin to fail loading if assets aren't imported
+const EMPTY_ICON_TEXTURE_PATH = "res://addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/icons/empty.png"
+signal texture_selected(index)
+signal edit_pressed(index)
+signal import_pressed
+@onready var _textures_list: HT_TextureList = $TextureList
+@onready var _buttons_container : HBoxContainer = $HBoxContainer
+var _terrain : HTerrain = null
+var _texture_set : HTerrainTextureSet = null
+var _texture_list_need_update := false
+var _empty_icon : Texture2D
+var _logger = HT_Logger.get_for(self)
+func _ready():
+ _empty_icon = load(EMPTY_ICON_TEXTURE_PATH)
+ if _empty_icon == null:
+ _logger.error(str("Failed to load empty icon ", EMPTY_ICON_TEXTURE_PATH))
+ # Default amount, will be updated when a terrain is assigned
+ _textures_list.clear()
+ for i in range(4):
+ _textures_list.add_item(str(i), _empty_icon)
+func set_terrain(terrain: HTerrain):
+ _terrain = terrain
+static func _get_slot_count(terrain: HTerrain) -> int:
+ var texture_set = terrain.get_texture_set()
+ if texture_set == null:
+ return 0
+ return texture_set.get_slots_count()
+func _process(delta: float):
+ var texture_set = null
+ if _terrain != null:
+ texture_set = _terrain.get_texture_set()
+ if _texture_set != texture_set:
+ if _texture_set != null:
+ _texture_set.changed.disconnect(_on_texture_set_changed)
+ _texture_set = texture_set
+ if _texture_set != null:
+ _texture_set.changed.connect(_on_texture_set_changed)
+ _update_texture_list()
+ if _texture_list_need_update:
+ _update_texture_list()
+ _texture_list_need_update = false
+func _on_texture_set_changed():
+ _texture_list_need_update = true
+func _update_texture_list():
+ _textures_list.clear()
+ if _terrain == null:
+ _set_buttons_active(false)
+ return
+ var texture_set := _terrain.get_texture_set()
+ if texture_set == null:
+ _set_buttons_active(false)
+ return
+ _set_buttons_active(true)
+ var slots_count := texture_set.get_slots_count()
+ match texture_set.get_mode():
+ HTerrainTextureSet.MODE_TEXTURES:
+ for slot_index in slots_count:
+ var texture := texture_set.get_texture(
+ slot_index, HTerrainTextureSet.TYPE_ALBEDO_BUMP)
+ var hint := _get_slot_hint_name(slot_index, _terrain.get_shader_type())
+ if texture == null:
+ texture = _empty_icon
+ _textures_list.add_item(hint, texture)
+ var texture_array = texture_set.get_texture_array(HTerrainTextureSet.TYPE_ALBEDO_BUMP)
+ for slot_index in slots_count:
+ var hint := _get_slot_hint_name(slot_index, _terrain.get_shader_type())
+ _textures_list.add_item(hint, texture_array, slot_index)
+func _set_buttons_active(active: bool):
+ for i in _buttons_container.get_child_count():
+ var child = _buttons_container.get_child(i)
+ if child is Button:
+ child.disabled = not active
+static func _get_slot_hint_name(i: int, stype: String) -> String:
+ if i == 3 and (stype == HTerrain.SHADER_CLASSIC4 or stype == HTerrain.SHADER_CLASSIC4_LITE):
+ return "cliff"
+ return str(i)
+func _on_TextureList_item_selected(index: int):
+ texture_selected.emit(index)
+func _on_TextureList_item_activated(index: int):
+ edit_pressed.emit(index)
+func _on_EditButton_pressed():
+ var selected_slot := _textures_list.get_selected_item()
+ if selected_slot == -1:
+ selected_slot = 0
+ edit_pressed.emit(selected_slot)
+func _on_ImportButton_pressed():
+ import_pressed.emit()