path: root/game/addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/util/interval_slider.gd
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Diffstat (limited to 'game/addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/util/interval_slider.gd')
1 files changed, 197 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/game/addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/util/interval_slider.gd b/game/addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/util/interval_slider.gd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..481d08b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/util/interval_slider.gd
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+# Slider with two handles representing an interval.
+extends Control
+const VALUE_LOW = 0
+const VALUE_HIGH = 1
+const VALUE_COUNT = 2
+const FG_MARGIN = 1
+signal changed
+var _min_value := 0.0
+var _max_value := 1.0
+var _values = [0.2, 0.6]
+var _grabbing := false
+func _get_property_list():
+ return [
+ {
+ "name": "min_value",
+ "type": TYPE_FLOAT,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "max_value",
+ "type": TYPE_FLOAT,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "range",
+ "type": TYPE_VECTOR2,
+ }
+ ]
+func _get(key: StringName):
+ match key:
+ &"min_value":
+ return _min_value
+ &"max_value":
+ return _max_value
+ &"range":
+ return Vector2(_min_value, _max_value)
+func _set(key: StringName, value):
+ match key:
+ &"min_value":
+ _min_value = min(value, _max_value)
+ queue_redraw()
+ &"max_value":
+ _max_value = max(value, _min_value)
+ queue_redraw()
+ &"range":
+ _min_value = value.x
+ _max_value = value.y
+func set_values(low: float, high: float):
+ if low > high:
+ low = high
+ if high < low:
+ high = low
+ _values[VALUE_LOW] = low
+ _values[VALUE_HIGH] = high
+ queue_redraw()
+func set_value(i: int, v: float, notify_change: bool):
+ var min_value = _min_value
+ var max_value = _max_value
+ match i:
+ max_value = _values[VALUE_HIGH]
+ min_value = _values[VALUE_LOW]
+ _:
+ assert(false)
+ v = clampf(v, min_value, max_value)
+ if v != _values[i]:
+ _values[i] = v
+ queue_redraw()
+ if notify_change:
+ changed.emit()
+func get_value(i: int) -> float:
+ return _values[i]
+func get_low_value() -> float:
+ return _values[VALUE_LOW]
+func get_high_value() -> float:
+ return _values[VALUE_HIGH]
+func get_ratio(i: int) -> float:
+ return _value_to_ratio(_values[i])
+func get_low_ratio() -> float:
+ return get_ratio(VALUE_LOW)
+func get_high_ratio() -> float:
+ return get_ratio(VALUE_HIGH)
+func _ratio_to_value(r: float) -> float:
+ return r * (_max_value - _min_value) + _min_value
+func _value_to_ratio(v: float) -> float:
+ if absf(_max_value - _min_value) < 0.001:
+ return 0.0
+ return (v - _min_value) / (_max_value - _min_value)
+func _get_closest_index(ratio: float) -> int:
+ var distance_low := absf(ratio - get_low_ratio())
+ var distance_high := absf(ratio - get_high_ratio())
+ if distance_low < distance_high:
+ return VALUE_LOW
+ return VALUE_HIGH
+func _set_from_pixel(px: float):
+ var r := (px - FG_MARGIN) / (size.x - FG_MARGIN * 2.0)
+ var i := _get_closest_index(r)
+ var v := _ratio_to_value(r)
+ set_value(i, v, true)
+func _gui_input(event: InputEvent):
+ if event is InputEventMouseButton:
+ if event.pressed:
+ if event.button_index == MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT:
+ _grabbing = true
+ _set_from_pixel(event.position.x)
+ else:
+ if event.button_index == MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT:
+ _grabbing = false
+ elif event is InputEventMouseMotion:
+ if _grabbing:
+ _set_from_pixel(event.position.x)
+func _draw():
+ var grabber_width := 3
+ var background_v_margin := 0
+ var foreground_margin := FG_MARGIN
+ var grabber_color := Color(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
+ var interval_color := Color(0.4,0.4,0.4)
+ var background_color := Color(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
+ var control_rect := Rect2(Vector2(), size)
+ var bg_rect := Rect2(
+ control_rect.position.x,
+ control_rect.position.y + background_v_margin,
+ control_rect.size.x,
+ control_rect.size.y - 2 * background_v_margin)
+ draw_rect(bg_rect, background_color)
+ var fg_rect := control_rect.grow(-foreground_margin)
+ var low_ratio := get_low_ratio()
+ var high_ratio := get_high_ratio()
+ var low_x := fg_rect.position.x + low_ratio * fg_rect.size.x
+ var high_x := fg_rect.position.x + high_ratio * fg_rect.size.x
+ var interval_rect := Rect2(
+ low_x, fg_rect.position.y, high_x - low_x, fg_rect.size.y)
+ draw_rect(interval_rect, interval_color)
+ low_x = fg_rect.position.x + low_ratio * (fg_rect.size.x - grabber_width)
+ high_x = fg_rect.position.x + high_ratio * (fg_rect.size.x - grabber_width)
+ for x in [low_x, high_x]:
+ var grabber_rect := Rect2(
+ x,
+ fg_rect.position.y,
+ grabber_width,
+ fg_rect.size.y)
+ draw_rect(grabber_rect, grabber_color)