path: root/game/src/Game/GameSession/Menubar.gd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'game/src/Game/GameSession/Menubar.gd')
1 files changed, 219 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/game/src/Game/GameSession/Menubar.gd b/game/src/Game/GameSession/Menubar.gd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61f8bbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/src/Game/GameSession/Menubar.gd
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+extends GUINode
+signal game_session_menu_button_pressed
+signal search_button_pressed
+signal zoom_in_button_pressed
+signal zoom_out_button_pressed
+signal minimap_clicked(pos_clicked : Vector2)
+var _mapmode_button_group : ButtonGroup
+# We use this instead of the ButtonGroup's get_buttons() as we can add null
+# entries for any missing buttons, ensuring each button is at the right index.
+var _mapmode_buttons : Array[GUIIconButton]
+var _minimap_icon : GUIIcon
+var _viewport_points : PackedVector2Array
+# * UI-550, UI-552, UI-554, UI-561, UI-562, UI-563
+func _add_mapmode_button() -> void:
+ var index : int = _mapmode_buttons.size()
+ var button : GUIIconButton = get_gui_icon_button_from_nodepath("./menubar/mapmode_%d" % (index + 1))
+ if button:
+ button.tooltip_string = GameSingleton.get_mapmode_localisation_key(index)
+ button.toggle_mode = true
+ button.button_group = _mapmode_button_group
+ button.pressed.connect(_mapmode_pressed.bind(index))
+ _mapmode_buttons.push_back(button)
+func _ready() -> void:
+ add_gui_element("menubar", "menubar")
+ hide_nodes([
+ ^"./menubar/messagelog_window", # TODO: implement
+ ^"./menubar/OPENbutton", # not quite sure what this is
+ ^"./menubar/menubar_plans_toggle", # TODO: implement, v low priority
+ ^"./menubar/menubar_plans_open", # TODO: implement, v low priority
+ ^"./menubar/menubar_mail_bg", # TODO: implement
+ ^"./menubar/menubar_msg_diplo", # TODO: implement
+ ^"./menubar/menubar_msg_settings", # TODO: implement
+ ^"./menubar/menubar_msg_combat", # TODO: implement
+ ^"./menubar/menubar_msg_diplo", # TODO: implement
+ ^"./menubar/menubar_msg_unit", # TODO: implement
+ ^"./menubar/menubar_msg_province", # TODO: implement
+ ^"./menubar/menubar_msg_event", # TODO: implement
+ ^"./menubar/menubar_msg_other", # TODO: implement
+ ^"./menubar/chat_window", # TODO: Multiplayer
+ ])
+ var menubar : Panel = get_panel_from_nodepath(^"./menubar")
+ if menubar:
+ menubar.mouse_filter = Control.MOUSE_FILTER_IGNORE
+ var minimap_bg : GUIIcon = get_gui_icon_from_nodepath(^"./menubar/minimap_bg")
+ if minimap_bg:
+ minimap_bg.mouse_filter = Control.MOUSE_FILTER_PASS
+ var menubar_bg : GUIIcon = get_gui_icon_from_nodepath(^"./menubar/menubar_bg")
+ if menubar_bg:
+ menubar_bg.mouse_filter = Control.MOUSE_FILTER_PASS
+ # TODO: add keyboard shortcuts (and shortcut tooltips) where vanilla does by default + use key bindings in settings
+ var menu_button : GUIIconButton = get_gui_icon_button_from_nodepath(^"./menubar/menu_button")
+ if menu_button:
+ menu_button.tooltip_string = "M_MENU_BUTTON"
+ menu_button.pressed.connect(_on_game_session_menu_button_pressed)
+ # TODO: implement ledger
+ var ledger_button : GUIIconButton = get_gui_icon_button_from_nodepath(^"./menubar/ledger_button")
+ if ledger_button:
+ ledger_button.tooltip_string = "M_LEDGER_BUTTON"
+ var search_button : GUIIconButton = get_gui_icon_button_from_nodepath(^"./menubar/button_goto")
+ if search_button:
+ search_button.tooltip_string = "M_GOTO_BUTTON"
+ search_button.pressed.connect(_on_search_button_pressed)
+ var zoom_in_button : GUIIconButton = get_gui_icon_button_from_nodepath(^"./menubar/map_zoom_in")
+ if zoom_in_button:
+ zoom_in_button.pressed.connect(_on_zoom_in_button_pressed)
+ var zoom_out_button : GUIIconButton = get_gui_icon_button_from_nodepath(^"./menubar/map_zoom_out")
+ if zoom_out_button:
+ zoom_out_button.pressed.connect(_on_zoom_out_button_pressed)
+ _minimap_icon = get_gui_icon_from_node(generate_gui_element("menubar", "minimap_pic"))
+ if _minimap_icon:
+ _minimap_icon.mouse_filter = Control.MOUSE_FILTER_PASS
+ _minimap_icon.gui_input.connect(_minimap_gui_input)
+ _minimap_icon.draw.connect(_minimap_draw)
+ add_child(_minimap_icon)
+ _mapmode_button_group = ButtonGroup.new()
+ for index : int in GameSingleton.get_mapmode_count():
+ _add_mapmode_button()
+ GameSingleton.mapmode_changed.connect(_on_mapmode_changed)
+ # This will set the mapmode in GameSingleton which in turn updates the buttons so that the right one is pressed
+ _mapmode_pressed(0)
+# * UIFUN-10
+func _on_game_session_menu_button_pressed() -> void:
+ game_session_menu_button_pressed.emit()
+func _on_search_button_pressed() -> void:
+ search_button_pressed.emit()
+# * SS-76
+# * UIFUN-129, UIFUN-131, UIFUN-133, UIFUN-140, UIFUN-141, UIFUN-142
+func _mapmode_pressed(index : int) -> void:
+ GameSingleton.set_mapmode(index)
+ print("Mapmode set to \"%s\" (index: %d, identifier: %s)" % [
+ tr(GameSingleton.get_mapmode_localisation_key(index)), index, GameSingleton.get_mapmode_identifier(index)
+ ])
+func _on_mapmode_changed(index : int) -> void:
+ var current_mapmode_button : GUIIconButton = _mapmode_button_group.get_pressed_button()
+ var new_mapmode_button : GUIIconButton = _mapmode_buttons[index] if 0 <= index and index < _mapmode_buttons.size() else null
+ if current_mapmode_button != new_mapmode_button:
+ if new_mapmode_button:
+ # This will also automatically unpress current_mapmode_button (if it isn't null)
+ new_mapmode_button.button_pressed = true
+ else:
+ # current_mapmode_button can't be null as it isn't equal to new_mapmode_button which is null
+ current_mapmode_button.button_pressed = false
+# * UIFUN-269
+func _on_zoom_in_button_pressed() -> void:
+ zoom_in_button_pressed.emit()
+# * UIFUN-270
+func _on_zoom_out_button_pressed() -> void:
+ zoom_out_button_pressed.emit()
+# * SS-80
+# * UI-752
+func _minimap_draw() -> void:
+ if _viewport_points.size() > 1:
+ _minimap_icon.draw_multiline(_viewport_points, Color.WHITE, -1)
+# * SS-81
+# * UIFUN-127
+func _minimap_gui_input(_event : InputEvent) -> void:
+ const _action_click : StringName = &"map_click"
+ if Input.is_action_pressed(_action_click):
+ var pos_clicked : Vector2 = _minimap_icon.get_local_mouse_position() / _minimap_icon.size - Vector2(0.5, 0.5)
+ if abs(pos_clicked.x) < 0.5 and abs(pos_clicked.y) < 0.5:
+ minimap_clicked.emit(pos_clicked)
+# Returns the point on the line going through p and q with the specific x coord
+func _intersect_x(p : Vector2, q : Vector2, x : float) -> Vector2:
+ if p.x == q.x:
+ return Vector2(x, 0.5 * (p.y + q.y))
+ var t : float = (x - q.x) / (p.x - q.x)
+ return q + t * (p - q)
+# Returns the point on the line going through p and q with the specific y coord
+func _intersect_y(p : Vector2, q : Vector2, y : float) -> Vector2:
+ if p.y == q.y:
+ return Vector2(0.5 * (p.x + q.x), y)
+ var t : float = (y - q.y) / (p.y - q.y)
+ return q + t * (p - q)
+func _add_line_looped_over_x(left : Vector2, right : Vector2) -> void:
+ const _one_x : Vector2 = Vector2(1, 0)
+ if left.x < 0:
+ if right.x < 0:
+ _viewport_points.push_back(left + _one_x)
+ _viewport_points.push_back(right + _one_x)
+ else:
+ var mid_point := _intersect_x(left, right, 0)
+ _viewport_points.push_back(mid_point)
+ _viewport_points.push_back(right)
+ mid_point.x = 1
+ _viewport_points.push_back(left + _one_x)
+ _viewport_points.push_back(mid_point)
+ elif right.x > 1:
+ if left.x > 1:
+ _viewport_points.push_back(left - _one_x)
+ _viewport_points.push_back(right - _one_x)
+ else:
+ var mid_point := _intersect_x(left, right, 1)
+ _viewport_points.push_back(left)
+ _viewport_points.push_back(mid_point)
+ mid_point.x = 0
+ _viewport_points.push_back(mid_point)
+ _viewport_points.push_back(right - _one_x)
+ else:
+ _viewport_points.push_back(left)
+ _viewport_points.push_back(right)
+# This can break if the viewport is rotated too far!
+func _on_map_view_camera_changed(near_left : Vector2, far_left : Vector2, far_right : Vector2, near_right : Vector2) -> void:
+ # Bound far y coords
+ if far_left.y < 0:
+ far_left = _intersect_y(near_left, far_left, 0)
+ if far_right.y < 0:
+ far_right = _intersect_y(near_right, far_right, 0)
+ # Bound near y coords
+ if near_left.y > 1:
+ near_left = _intersect_y(near_left, far_left, 1)
+ if near_right.y > 1:
+ near_right = _intersect_y(near_right, far_right, 1)
+ _viewport_points.clear()
+ _add_line_looped_over_x(near_left, near_right)
+ _add_line_looped_over_x(far_left, far_right)
+ _add_line_looped_over_x(far_left, near_left)
+ _add_line_looped_over_x(near_right, far_right)
+ if _minimap_icon:
+ for i : int in _viewport_points.size():
+ _viewport_points[i] *= _minimap_icon.size
+ _minimap_icon.queue_redraw()